Visit the Companion Web Site for Business Law, Eleventh Edition at This text’s Web site has a wealth of supporting material for students: • Video clips from Business Law Digital Video Library tied to the in-text Video Questions • A sample answer for each Case Problem with Sample Answer • Interactive quizzes for every chapter • Internet research exercises for every chapter • Court case updates • Links to Web sites discussed in the text’s Law on the Web features • Links to CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System • Legal reference materials such as links to selected statutes • And much more!
The student Study Guide, prepared by the text author Roger LeRoy Miller and William Eric Hollowell, is a valuable study and review tool. It contains the following helpful chapter-by-chapter features: • A brief chapter introduction and chapter outline • True-false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice questions as well as short essay problems to help you test yourself and prepare for exams • Issue spotters • A separate appendix at the end of the Study Guide containing answers to all questions and issue spotters
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Kenneth W. Clarkson University of Miami
Roger LeRoy Miller Institute for University Studies Arlington, Texas
Gaylord A. Jentz Herbert D. Kelleher Emeritus Professor in Business Law University of Texas at Austin
Frank B. Cross Herbert D. Kelleher Centennial Professor in Business Law University of Texas at Austin
Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States
BUSINESS LAW, 11th Edition TEXT & CASES Legal, Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environments Kenneth W. Clarkson Roger LeRoy Miller Gaylord A. Jentz Frank B. Cross
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Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning 2 Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution 30 Court Procedures 53 Constitutional Authority to Regulate Business 77 Ethics and Business Decision Making 99
1 2 3 4 5
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Intentional Torts 122 Negligence and Strict Liability 144 Intellectual Property and Internet Law Criminal Law and Cyber Crime 184
6 7 8 9
U N I T T H R E E CONTRACTS AND E-CONTRACTS Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Nature and Terminology 216 Agreement 232 Consideration 250 Capacity and Legality 265 Mistakes, Fraud, and Voluntary Consent 286 The Statute of Frauds—Writing Requirement 303 Third Party Rights 321 Performance and Discharge 337 Breach of Contract and Remedies 353 E-Contracts and E-Signatures 370
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts 392 Title, Risk, and Insurable Interest 421 Performance and Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts Warranties and Product Liability 458
20 21 22 23
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
The Function and Creation of Negotiable Instruments Transferability and Holder in Due Course 504 Liability, Defenses, and Discharge 523 Checks and Banking in the Digital Age 544
24 25 26 27
Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30
Creditors’ Rights and Remedies Secured Transactions 586 Bankruptcy Law 611
U N I T S E V E N AGENCY AND EMPLOYMENT Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
31 32 33 34
Agency Formation and Duties 638 Liability to Third Parties and Termination 653 Employment and Labor Law 673 Employment Discrimination 696
U N I T E I G H T BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Sole Proprietorships and Franchises 724 Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships 737 Limited Liability Companies and Special Business Forms 759 CORPORATIONS—Formation and Financing 773 CORPORATIONS—Directors, Officers, and Shareholders 796 CORPORATIONS—Merger, Consolidation, and Termination 819 CORPORATIONS—Securities Law and Corporate Governance 836 Law for Small Businesses 862
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Administrative Law 886 Consumer Law 905 Environmental Law 921 Antitrust Law 938
43 44 45 46
Chapter 47 Chapter 48
Personal Property and Bailments 960 Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Relationships
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Insurance 1008 Wills and Trusts 1027 Professional Liability and Accountability 1048 International Law in a Global Economy 1068
49 50 51 52
959 980
How to Brief Cases and Analyze Case Problems A–1 The Constitution of the United States A–4 The Uniform Commercial Code A–12 The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Excerpts) A–176 The Uniform Partnership Act (Excerpts) A–180 The Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act (Excerpts) A–190 The Revised Model Business Corporation Act (Excerpts) A–200 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Excerpts and Explanatory Comments) A–210 Sample Answers for End-of-Chapter Questions with Sample Answer A–218
Chapter 3 Court Procedures 53
The Legal Environment of Business 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning
Schools of Jurisprudential Thought 2 Business Activities and the Legal Environment 4 Sources of American Law 6 The Common Law Tradition 7 The Common Law Today 13 Classifications of Law 14 How to Find Primary Sources of Law 15 How to Read and Understand Case Law 21 REVIEWING: INTRODUCTION TO LAW AND LEGAL REASONING 27 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 27 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 28 LAW ON THE WEB 29 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 29
Chapter 2 Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution 30 The Judiciary’s Role in American Government 30 Basic Judicial Requirements 31 C ASE 2.1 Mastondrea v. Occidental Hotels Management S.A. 32 The State and Federal Court Systems 37 Alternative Dispute Resolution 41 C ASE 2.2 Buckeye Check Cashing, Inc. v. Cardegna 44 E XTENDED C ASE 2.3 Morrison v. Circuit City Stores, Inc. 46 International Dispute Resolution 48 REVIEWING: COURTS AND ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION 49 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 49 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 50 LAW ON THE WEB 52 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 52
Procedural Rules 53 Pretrial Procedures 55 E XTENDED C ASE 3.1 Cruz v. Fagor America, Inc. 58 C ASE 3.2 Computer Task Group, Inc. v. Brotby 62 The Trial 66 C ASE 3.3 Novak v.Tucows, Inc. 68 Posttrial Motions 70 The Appeal 71 Enforcing the Judgment 72 REVIEWING: COURT PROCEDURES 73 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 73 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 74 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: CRUZ V. FAGOR AMERICA, INC. 75 LAW ON THE WEB 76 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 76
Chapter 4 Constitutional Authority to Regulate Business 77 The Constitutional Powers of Government 77 C ASE 4.1 Granholm v. Heald 80 Business and the Bill of Rights 83 C ASE 4.2 Bad Frog Brewery, Inc. v. New York State Liquor Authority 87 E XTENDED C ASE 4.3 Lott v. Levitt 88 Due Process and Equal Protection 92 Privacy Rights 94 REVIEWING: CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO REGULATE BUSINESS 95 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 95 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 96 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: LOTT V. LEVITT 97 LAW ON THE WEB 98 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 98
Chapter 5 Ethics and Business Decision Making 99 Business Ethics 99 v
Baum v. Blue Moon Ventures, LLC 101 Approaches to Ethical Reasoning 103 C ASE 5.2 Fog Cutter Capital Group, Inc. v. Securities and Exchange Commission 104 How the Law Influences Business Ethics 106 C ASE 5.3 Guin v. Brazos Higher Education Service Corp. 109 Making Ethical Business Decisions 110 Business Ethics on a Global Level 111 REVIEWING: ETHICS AND BUSINESS DECISION MAKING 113 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 113 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 114 LAW ON THE WEB 116 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 116 FOCUS ON ETHICS: ETHICS AND THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS 117
Torts and Crimes 121 Chapter 6 Intentional Torts 122 The Basis of Tort Law 122 Intentional Torts against Persons 123 C ASE 6.1 Anderson v. Mergenhagen 128 Business Torts 131 Intentional Torts against Property 133 E XTENDED C ASE 6.2, Inc. v. Verio, Inc. 134 Cyber Torts 136 C ASE 6.3 Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v., LLC 137 REVIEWING: INTENTIONAL TORTS 140 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 140 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 141 LAW ON THE WEB 143 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 143
Chapter 7 Negligence and Strict Liability 144 Negligence 144 C ASE 7.1 Izquierdo v. Gyroscope, Inc. 145 C ASE 7.2 Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. 148 Defenses to Negligence 149 E XTENDED C ASE 7.3 Sutton v.Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association,Inc. 150 Special Negligence Doctrines and Statutes 152
Chapter 8 Intellectual Property and Internet Law 157 Trademarks and Related Property 157 C ASE 8.1 The Coca-Cola Co. v.The Koke Co. of America 158 C ASE 8.2 Menashe v.V Secret Catalogue, Inc. 161 Cyber Marks 164 Patents 167 E XTENDED C ASE 8.3 KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc. 168 Copyrights 171 Copyrights in Digital Information 172 C ASE 8.4 Sony BMG Music Entertainment v. Villarreal 176 Trade Secrets 178 International Protection for Intellectual Property 179 REVIEWING: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND INTERNET LAW 180 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 180 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 181 LAW ON THE WEB 183 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 183
Chapter 9 Criminal Law and Cyber Crime 184 Civil Law and Criminal Law 184 Classification of Crimes 185 Criminal Liability 186 Types of Crimes 188 C ASE 9.1 United States v. Lyons 190 Defenses to Criminal Liability 193 Criminal Procedures 198 E XTENDED C ASE 9.2 Fellers v. United States 198 C ASE 9.3 Miranda v.Arizona 200 Cyber Crime 204 REVIEWING: CRIMINAL LAW AND CYBER CRIME 207 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 207 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 208 LAW ON THE WEB 210 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 210 FOCUS ON ETHICS: ETHICS AND TORTS AND CRIMES 211
E XTENDED C ASE 12.3 Blackmon v. Iverson 255 Settlement of Claims 257 Exceptions to the Consideration Requirement 259 REVIEWING: CONSIDERATION 261 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 262 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 262 LAW ON THE WEB 264 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 264
Contracts and E-Contracts 215 Chapter 10 Nature and Terminology 216 An Overview of Contract Law 216 Elements of a Contract 217 Types of Contracts 218 C ASE 10.1 Ardito v. City of Providence 219 C ASE 10.2 Gar y Porter Construction v. Fox Construction, Inc. 221 Quasi Contracts 224 Interpretation of Contracts 225 E XTENDED C ASE 10.3 Wagner v. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. 226 REVIEWING: NATURE AND TERMINOLOGY 228 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 229 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 229 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: WAGNER V. COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC. 231 LAW ON THE WEB 231 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 231
Chapter 13 Capacity and Legality 265 Contractual Capacity 265 E XTENDED C ASE 13.1 Yale Diagnostic Radiology v. Estate of Harun Fountain 267 Legality 271 C ASE 13.2 Stultz v. Safety and Compliance Management, Inc. 274 C ASE 13.3 Thibodeau v. Comcast Corp. 277 REVIEWING: CAPACITY AND LEGALITY 282 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 282 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 283 LAW ON THE WEB 285 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 285
Chapter 14 Mistakes, Fraud, and Voluntary Consent 286
Chapter 11 Agreement 232 Requirements of the Offer 232 C ASE 11.1 Lucy v. Zehmer 233 C ASE 11.2 Trell v. American Association of the Advancement of Science 235 E XTENDED C ASE 11.3 Baer v. Chase 237 Termination of the Offer 239 Acceptance 242 Technology and Acceptance Rules 246 REVIEWING: AGREEMENT 246 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 246 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 247 LAW ON THE WEB 249 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 249
Chapter 12 Consideration 250 Elements of Consideration 250 C ASE 12.1 Hamer v. Sidway 250 C ASE 12.2 Barfield v. Commerce Bank, N.A. Adequacy of Consideration 253 Agreements That Lack Consideration 254
Mistakes 286 E XTENDED C ASE 14.1
Roberts v. Centur y Contractors, Inc. 287 Fraudulent Misrepresentation 290 C ASE 14.2 Vokes v. Arthur Murray, Inc. 290 Undue Influence 295 Duress 296 Adhesion Contracts and Unconscionability 296 C ASE 14.3 Simpson v. MSA of Myrtle Beach, Inc. 297 REVIEWING: MISTAKES, FRAUD, AND VOLUNTARY CONSENT 299 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 300 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 300 LAW ON THE WEB 302 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 302
Chapter 15 The Statute of Frauds— Writing Requirement 303 252
The Origins of the Statute of Frauds 303 Contracts That Fall within the Statute of Frauds 303 E XTENDED C ASE 15.1 Sawyer v. Mills 305
C ASE 15.2 School-Link Technologies, Inc. v. Applied Resources, Inc. 309 Sufficiency of the Writing 310 The Parole Evidence Rule 312 C ASE 15.3 Yocca v. Pittsburgh Steelers Sports, Inc. 313 The Statute of Frauds in the International Context 316 REVIEWING: THE STATUTE OF FRAUDS—WRITING REQUIREMENT 317 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 318 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 318 LAW ON THE WEB 320 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 320
Chapter 16 Third Party Rights 321 Assignments and Delegations 321 C ASE 16.1 Martha Graham School and Dance Foundation, Inc. v. Martha Graham Center of Contemporar y Dance, Inc. 323 Third Party Beneficiaries 328 E XTENDED C ASE 16.2 Midwestern Indemnity Co. v. Systems Builders, Inc. 329 C ASE 16.3 Revels v. Miss America Organization 331 REVIEWING: THIRD PARTY RIGHTS 333 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 333 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 334 LAW ON THE WEB 336 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 336
Chapter 17 Performance and Discharge 337 Conditions 337 Discharge by Performance 338 E XTENDED C ASE 17.1 Jacob & Youngs v. Kent 339 C ASE 17.2 Shah v. Cover-It, Inc. 341 Discharge by Agreement 344 Discharge by Operation of Law 345 C ASE 17.3 Facto v. Pantagis 347 REVIEWING: PERFORMANCE AND DISCHARGE 349 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 350 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 350 LAW ON THE WEB 352 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 352
Chapter 18 Breach of Contract and Remedies 353 Damages 353 C ASE 18.1 Hadley v. Baxendale 355 E XTENDED C ASE 18.2 Hanson v. Boeder 357 Rescission and Restitution 359 Specific Performance 360 C ASE 18.3 Stainbrook v. Low 360 Reformation 362 Recovery Based on Quasi Contract 362 Election of Remedies 363 Waiver of Breach 364 Contract Provisions Limiting Remedies 365 REVIEWING: BREACH OF CONTRACT AND REMEDIES 366 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 366 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 366 LAW ON THE WEB 369 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 369
Chapter 19 E-Contracts and E-Signatures 370 Online Contract Formation 370 C ASE 19.1 Feldman v. Google, Inc. 371 C ASE 19.2 Mortgage Plus, Inc. v. DocMagic, Inc. 374 E-Signatures 376 E XTENDED C ASE 19.3 Amber Chemical, Inc. v. Reilly Industries, Inc. 378 The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act 381 REVIEWING: E-CONTRACTS AND E-SIGNATURES 383 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 383 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 384 LAW ON THE WEB 386 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 386 FOCUS ON ETHICS: CONTRACT LAW AND THE APPLICATION OF ETHICS 387
Domestic and International Sales and Lease Contracts 391 Chapter 20 The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts 392 The Uniform Commercial Code 392 The Scope of Article 2—The Sale of Goods 393
C ASE 20.1 Hammer v. Thompson 396 The Scope of Article 2A—Leases 398 The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts 398 C ASE 20.2 Sun Coast Merchandise Corp. v. Myron Corp. 402 E XTENDED C ASE 20.3 Jones v. Star Credit Corp. 408 Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 410 REVIEWING: THE FORMATION OF SALES AND LEASE CONTRACTS 413 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 413 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 414 LAW ON THE WEB 416 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 416 Appendix to Chapter 20: An Example of a Contract for the International Sale of Coffee 417
Chapter 21 Title, Risk, and Insurable Interest 421 Identification 421 When Title Passes 422 C ASE 21.1 Empire Fire and Marine Insurance Co. v. Banc Auto, Inc. 423 C ASE 21.2 Lindholm v. Brant 425 Risk of Loss 427 E XTENDED C ASE 21.3 Spray-Tek, Inc. v. Robbins Motor Transportation, Inc. 428 Insurable Interest 433 REVIEWING: TITLE, RISK, AND INSURABLE INTEREST 434 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 434 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 434 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: SPRAY-TEK, INC. V. ROBBINS MOTOR TRANSPORTATION, INC. 436 LAW ON THE WEB 436 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 436
Chapter 22 Performance and Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts 437 Performance Obligations 437 Obligations of the Seller or Lessor 438 C ASE 22.1 Maple Farms, Inc. v. City School District of Elmira 441 Obligations of the Buyer or Lessee 443 Anticipatory Repudiation 443 Remedies of the Seller or Lessor 445 Remedies of the Buyer or Lessee 447 C ASE 22.2 Jauregui v. Bobb’s Piano Sales & Service, Inc. 448
Chapter 23 Warranties and Product Liability 458 Types of Warranties 458 C ASE 23.1 Shoop v. DaimlerChrysler Corp. 461 C ASE 23.2 Webster v. Blue Ship Tea Room, Inc. 463 Overlapping Warranties 465 Warranty Disclaimers and Limitations on Liability 467 Product Liability 468 Strict Product Liability 469 E XTENDED C ASE 23.3 Crosswhite v. Jumpking, Inc. 472 Defenses to Product Liability 475 REVIEWING: WARRANTIES AND PRODUCT LIABILITY 477 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 477 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 477 LAW ON THE WEB 480 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 480 FOCUS ON ETHICS: DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL SALES AND LEASE CONTRACTS 481
Negotiable Instruments 485 Chapter 24 The Function and Creation of Negotiable Instruments 486 Articles 3 and 4 of the UCC 486 Types of Negotiable Instruments 487 Requirements for Negotiability 490 E XTENDED C ASE 24.1 Gowin v. Granite Depot, LLC 494 C ASE 24.2 Foundation Property Investments, LLC v. CTP, LLC 496 Factors Not Affecting Negotiability 500
Chapter 25 Transferability and Holder in Due Course 504 Negotiation 504 Indorsements 505 Miscellaneous Indorsement Problems 508 E XTENDED C ASE 25.1 Hyatt Corp. v. Palm Beach National Bank 509 C ASE 25.2 Graves v. Johnson 511 Holder versus Holder in Due Course 512 Requirements for HDC Status 513 C ASE 25.3 Mid Wisconsin Bank v. Forsgard Trading, Inc. 514 Holder through an HDC 518 REVIEWING: TRANSFERABILITY AND HOLDER IN DUE COURSE 519 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 520 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 520 LAW ON THE WEB 522 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 522
Chapter 26 Liability, Defenses, and Discharge 523 Signature Liability 523 Warranty Liability 530 C ASE 26.1 Wachovia Bank, N.A. v. Foster Bancshares, Inc. 532 Defenses 533 E XTENDED C ASE 26.2 Keesling v. T.E.K. Partners, LLC 535 Discharge 539 REVIEWING: LIABILITY, DEFENSES, AND DISCHARGE 540 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 541 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 541 LAW ON THE WEB 543 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 543
Chapter 27 Checks and Banking in the Digital Age 544 Checks 544 The Bank-Customer Relationship 546 Honoring Checks 546 C ASE 27.1 Nesper v. Bank of America Accepting Deposits 554
Creditors’ Rights and Bankruptcy 573 Chapter 28 Creditors’ Rights and Remedies 574 Laws Assisting Creditors 574 C ASE 28.1 Indiana Surgical Specialists v. Griffin 576 Suretyship and Guaranty 578 E XTENDED C ASE 28.2 JSV, Inc. v. Hene Meat Co., Inc. 580 Protection for Debtors 582 REVIEWING: CREDITORS’ RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 582 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 583 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 583 LAW ON THE WEB 585 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 585
Chapter 29 Secured Transactions 586 The Terminology of Secured Transactions 586 Creating a Security Interest 587 Perfecting a Security Interest 588 E XTENDED C ASE 29.1 Corona Fruits & Veggies, Inc. v. Frozsun Foods, Inc. 592 The Scope of a Security Interest 595 Priorities 597 C ASE 29.2 Heartland Bank v. National City Bank 598 Rights and Duties of Debtors and Creditors 602 Default 602
Chapter 30 Bankruptcy Law 611 Bankruptcy Proceedings 611 Liquidation Proceedings 612 E XTENDED C ASE 30.1 Hebbring v. U.S. Trustee 614 C ASE 30.2 In re Mosley 621 Reorganizations 624 Bankruptcy Relief under Chapter 13 and Chapter 12 626 C ASE 30.3 In re Buis 626 REVIEWING: BANKRUPTCY LAW 631 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 631 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 631 LAW ON THE WEB 634 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 634 FOCUS ON ETHICS: CREDITORS’ RIGHTS AND BANKRUPTCY 635
Agency and Employment 637 Chapter 31 Agency Formation and Duties 638 Agency Relationships 638 C ASE 31.1 Alberty-Vélez Corporación de Puerto Rico 640 Formation of the Agency Relationship 642 C ASE 31.2 Motorsport Marketing, Inc. v. Wiedmaier, Inc. 643 Duties of Agents and Principals 645 E XTENDED C ASE 31.3 Gossels v. Fleet National Bank 646 Rights and Remedies of Agents and Principals 648 REVIEWING: AGENCY FORMATION AND DUTIES 650 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 650 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 650
Chapter 32 Liability to Third Parties and Termination 653 Scope of Agent’s Authority 653 C ASE 32.1 Ermoian v. Desert Hospital 655 Liability for Contracts 657 Liability for Torts and Crimes 659 C ASE 32.2 In re Selheimer & Co. 660 E XTENDED C ASE 32.3 Galvao v. G. R. Robert Construction Co. 664 Termination of an Agency 666 REVIEWING: LIABILITY TO THIRD PARTIES AND TERMINATION 669 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 669 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 669 LAW ON THE WEB 672 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 672
Chapter 33 Employment and Labor Law 673 Employment at Will 673 C ASE 33.1 Wendeln v. The Beatrice Manor, Inc. 675 Wage and Hour Laws 676 C ASE 33.2 Mims v. Starbucks Corp. 678 Labor Unions 681 Worker Health and Safety 683 Income Security, Pension, and Health Plans 685 Family and Medical Leave 687 E XTENDED C ASE 33.3 Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs 688 Employee Privacy Rights 689 Employment-Related Immigration Laws 692 REVIEWING: EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR LAW 692 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 693 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 693 LAW ON THE WEB 695 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 695
Chapter 34 Employment Discrimination 696 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 696 C ASE 34.1 Arbaugh v.Y & H Corp. 697 E XTENDED C ASE 34.2 Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co. v. White 703
Discrimination Based on Age 705 C ASE 34.3 Cash Distributing Co. v. Neely 707 Discrimination Based on Disability 710 Defenses to Employment Discrimination 712 Affirmative Action 713 State Laws Prohibiting Discrimination 715 REVIEWING: EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION 715 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 716 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 716 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY CO. V. WHITE 718 LAW ON THE WEB 718 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 719 FOCUS ON ETHICS: AGENCY AND EMPLOYMENT 720
Business Organizations 723 Chapter 35 Sole Proprietorships and Franchises 724 Sole Proprietorships 724 C ASE 35.1 Garden City Boxing Club, Inc. v. Dominguez 725 Franchises 726 E XTENDED C ASE 35.2 Kerl v. Dennis Rasmussen, Inc. 729 Franchise Termination 731 C ASE 35.3 Chic Miller’s Chevrolet, Inc. v. General Motors Corp. 731 REVIEWING: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIPS AND FRANCHISES 733 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 733 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 734 LAW ON THE WEB 736 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 736
Chapter 36 Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships 737 Basic Partnership Concepts 737 Partnership Formation 739 Partnership Operation 740 C ASE 36.1 Moren v. Jax Restaurant 744 Dissociation of a Partner 746 C ASE 36.2 Warnick v. Warnick 747 Partnership Termination 748 Limited Liability Partnerships 750
Chapter 37 Limited Liability Companies and Special Business Forms 759 Limited Liability Companies 759 C ASE 37.1 McFarland v.Virginia Retirement Services of Chesterfield, L.L.C. 760 C ASE 37.2 Kuhn v. Tumminelli 763 Management of an LLC 764 Dissociation and Dissolution of an LLC 765 Special Business Forms 765 E XTENDED C ASE 37.3 SPW Associates, LLP v. Anderson 766 REVIEWING: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES AND SPECIAL BUSINESS FORMS 768 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 769 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 769 LAW ON THE WEB 772 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 772
Chapter 38 CORPORATIONS— Formation and Financing 773 The Nature and Classification of Corporations 773 C ASE 38.1 Commonwealth v. Angelo Todesca Corp. 775 E XTENDED C ASE 38.2 Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Co. v. AT&T Corp. 778 Corporate Formation 781 Defects in Formation and Corporate Status 785 Corporate Powers 786 Piercing the Corporate Veil 786 C ASE 38.3 In re Aqua Clear Technologies, Inc. 787 Corporate Financing 789 REVIEWING: CORPORATIONS— FORMATION AND FINANCING 792 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 792 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 793
Chapter 39 CORPORATIONS—Directors, Officers, and Shareholders 796 Roles of Directors and Officers 796 E XTENDED C ASE 39.1 Relational Investors, LLC v. Sovereign Bancorp, Inc. 797 Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Officers 801 C ASE 39.2 Guth v. Loft, Inc. 803 The Role of Shareholders 805 Rights of Shareholders 809 Liability of Shareholders 812 C ASE 39.3 Kaplan v. First Hartford Corp. 813 REVIEWING: CORPORATIONS—DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AND SHAREHOLDERS 815 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 815 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 816 LAW ON THE WEB 818 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 818
Chapter 40 CORPORATIONS—Merger, Consolidation, and Termination 819 Merger and Consolidation 819 C ASE 40.1 Rodriguez v. Tech Credit Union Corp. 820 Purchase of Assets 823 Purchase of Stock 824 Termination 827 E XTENDED C ASE 40.2 Parent v. Amity Autoworld, Ltd. 827 C ASE 40.3 Sartori v. S & S Trucking, Inc. 829 Major Business Forms Compared 830 REVIEWING: CORPORATIONS—MERGER, CONSOLIDATION, AND TERMINATION 833 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 833 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 833 LAW ON THE WEB 835 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 835
Chapter 41 CORPORATIONS—Securities Law and Corporate Governance 836 The Securities and Exchange Commission 836 The Securities Act of 1933 837 The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 845
C ASE 41.1 SEC v. Texas Gulf Sulphur Co. 846 E XTENDED C ASE 41.2 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. v. Dabit 847 C ASE 41.3 United States v. Berger 851 Corporate Governance 853 State Securities Laws 855 Online Securities Fraud 857 REVIEWING: CORPORATIONS—SECURITIES LAW AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 858 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 859 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 859 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH, INC. V. DOBIT 860 LAW ON THE WEB 861 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 861
Chapter 42 Law for Small Business 862 The Importance of Legal Counsel 862 Selecting an Appropriate Business Form 863 The Limited Liability Company 866 E XTENDED C ASE 42.1 Mixon v. Iberia Surgical, L.L.C. 867 Creating the Business Entity 868 Intellectual Property 869 Raising Financial Capital 871 C ASE 42.2 InfoSAGE, Inc. v. Mellon Ventures, L.P. 872 Buy-Sell Agreements and Key-Person Insurance 873 Contract Law and Small Businesses 874 C ASE 42.3 DBL Distributing, Inc. v. 1 Cache, L.L.C. 875 Employment Issues 876 REVIEWING: LAW FOR SMALL BUSINESS 878 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 878 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 879 LAW ON THE WEB 881 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 881 FOCUS ON ETHICS: BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS 882
Government Regulation 885 Chapter 43 Administrative Law 886
The Practical Significance of Administrative Law 886 Agency Creation and Powers 887 The Administrative Procedure Act 888 E XTENDED C ASE 43.1 Fox Television Stations, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission 888 C ASE 43.2 Hemp Industries Association v. Drug Enforcement Administration 892 Judicial Deference to Agency Decisions 894 C ASE 43.3 United States v. Mead Corporation 895 Agency Enforcement and Adjudication 896 Limitations on Agency Powers 898 Public Accountability 900 REVIEWING: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 901 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 901 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 902 LAW ON THE WEB 904 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 904
Chapter 44 Consumer Law 905 Deceptive Advertising 905 E XTENDED C ASE 44.1 Federal Trade Commission v.Verity International, Ltd. 907 Labeling and Packaging Laws 909 Sales 909 Credit Protection 910 C ASE 44.2 Saunders v. Equifax Information Services, L.L.C. 912 Consumer Health and Safety 914 C ASE 44.3 Abigail Alliance for Better Access to Developmental Drugs v. von Eschenbach 915 REVIEWING: CONSUMER LAW 917 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 918 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 918 LAW ON THE WEB 920 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 920
Chapter 45 Environmental Law
Common Law Actions 921 Federal, State, and Local Regulation 922 Air Pollution 923 E XTENDED C ASE 45.1 Environmental Defense v. Duke Energy Corp. 926
Water Pollution 928 C ASE 45.2 S. D. Warren Co. v. Maine Board of Environmental Protection 928 Toxic Chemicals 931 C ASE 45.3 Bates v. Dow Agrosciences, LLC 932 Hazardous Wastes 933 REVIEWING: ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 934 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 935 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 935 LAW ON THE WEB 937 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 937
Chapter 46 Antitrust Law 938 The Sherman Antitrust Act 938 Section 1 of the Sherman Act 939 C ASE 46.1 Continental T.V., Inc. v. GTE Sylvania, Inc. 941 E XTENDED C ASE 46.2 Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. 942 Section 2 of the Sherman Act 944 The Clayton Act 946 C ASE 46.3 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. v. Independent Ink, Inc. 948 Enforcement of Antitrust Laws 950 Exemptions from Antitrust Law 951 U.S.Antitrust Laws in the Global Context 952 REVIEWING: ANTITRUST LAW 953 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 953 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 954 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: LEEGIN CREATIVE LEATHER PRODUCTS, INC. V. PSKS, INC. 955 LAW ON THE WEB 956 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 956 FOCUS ON ETHICS: GOVERNMENT REGULATION 957
Property 959 Chapter 47 Personal Property and Bailments 960 Personal Property versus Real Property 960 Fixtures 961 Acquiring Ownership of Personal Property 962 C ASE 47.1 In re Estate of Piper 963 Mislaid, Lost, and Abandoned Property 965
United States v. One Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Eighty Dollars ($165,580) in U.S. Currency 967
Bailments 969 Ordinary Bailments 970 Special Types of Bailments 973 C ASE 47.3 Treiber & Straub, Inc. v. United Parcel Service, Inc. 974 REVIEWING: PERSONAL PROPERTY AND BAILMENTS 977 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 977 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 977 LAW ON THE WEB 979 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 979
Chapter 48 Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Relationships 980 The Nature of Real Property 980 Ownership and Other Interests in Real Property 981 C ASE 48.1 Biglane v. Under the Hill Corp. 982 Transfer of Ownership 986 C ASE 48.2 Whitehead v. Humphrey 989 C ASE 48.3 Otwell v. Diversified Timber Services, Inc. 993 Limitations on the Rights of Property Owners 994 E XTENDED C ASE 48.4 Kelo v. City of New London, Connecticut 995 Landlord-Tenant Relationships 997 REVIEWING: REAL PROPERTY AND LANDLORD-TENANT RELATIONSHIPS 1000 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 1000 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 1001 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: KELO V. CITY OF NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT 1002 LAW ON THE WEB 1003 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 1003 FOCUS ON ETHICS: PROPERTY 1004
Special Topics 1007 Chapter 49 Insurance 1008 Insurance Terminology and Concepts 1008
Zurich American Insurance Co. v. AMB Industries, Inc. 1011 The Insurance Contract 1012 C ASE 49.2 Car y v. United of Omaha Life Insurance Co. 1015 C ASE 49.3 Woo v. Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. 1017 Types of Insurance 1018 REVIEWING: INSURANCE 1023 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 1023 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 1023 LAW ON THE WEB 1026 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 1026
Chapter 50 Wills and Trusts 1027 Wills 1027 C ASE 50.1 Shaw Family Archives, Ltd. v. CMG Worldwide, Inc. 1029 C ASE 50.2 In re Estate of Pallister 1032 Intestacy Laws 1035 Trusts 1037 E XTENDED C ASE 50.3 Cinquemani v. Lazio 1039 Other Estate-Planning Issues 1043 REVIEWING: WILLS AND TRUSTS 1044 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 1044 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 1045 LAW ON THE WEB 1047 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 1047
Chapter 51 Professional Liability and Accountability 1048 Potential Liability to Clients 1048 E XTENDED C ASE 51.1 In re Disciplinar y Proceedings Against Inglimo 1050 Potential Liability to Third Parties 1052 C ASE 51.2 Reznor v. J. Artist Management, Inc. 1053 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 1055 Potential Liability of Accountants under Securities Laws 1058 Potential Criminal Liability of Accountants 1061 Confidentiality and Privilege 1062 REVIEWING: PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY 1063 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 1064 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 1064
Appendix B The Constitution of the United States A–4
Chapter 52 International Law in a Global Economy 1068
Appendix C The Uniform Commercial Code A–12
International Law 1068 Doing Business Internationally 1071 Regulation of Specific Business Activities 1072 C ASE 52.1 Fuji Photo Film Co. v. International Trade Commission 1073 U.S. Laws in a Global Context 1076 C ASE 52.2 Carnero v. Boston Scientific Corp. 1076 E XTENDED 52.3 Khulumani v. Barclay National Bank, Ltd. 1078 REVIEWING: INTERNATIONAL LAW IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY 1080 TERMS AND CONCEPTS 1080 QUESTIONS AND CASE PROBLEMS 1080 SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS: KHULUMANI V. BARCLAY NATIONAL BANK, LTD. 1082 LAW ON THE WEB 1082 LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES ON THE WEB 1082 FOCUS ON ETHICS: SPECIAL TOPICS 1083
Appendix D The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Excerpts) A–176 Appendix E The Uniform Partnership Act (Excerpts) A–180 Appendix F The Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act (Excerpts) A–190 Appendix G The Revised Model Business Corporation Act (Excerpts) A–200 Appendix H The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Excerpts and Explanatory Comments) A–210 Appendix I Sample Answers for End-of-Chapter Questions with Sample Answer A–218 Glossary G–1
Table of Cases TC–1
Appendix A How to Brief Cases and Analyze Case Problems A–1
Index I–1
1.1 Schools of Jurisdprudential Thought 1.2 Sources of American Law
2.2 Types of Courts
27.1 Honoring Checks
3.1 Pretrial Procedures
72 132
6.2 Intentional Torts against Property
11.1 Methods by Which an Offer Can Be Terminated 242 11.2 Effective Time of Acceptance 245 269
16.1 Assignments and Delegations
39.1 Roles of Directors and Officers 270
13.3 Contracts by Mentally Incompetent Persons 271
18.1 Equitable Remedies
32.1 Authority of an Agent to Bind the Principal and a Third Party 658 38.1 Classification of Corporations
13.2 Contracts by Intoxicated Persons
14.1 Voluntary Consent
30.1 Forms of Bankruptcy Relief Compared 630
32.2 Termination of an Agency
13.1 Contracts by Minors
29.2 Remedies of the Secured Party on the Debtor’s Default 606
31.1 Formation of the Agency Relationship 645
10.1 Types of Contracts 224
12.1 Consideration
29.1 Creating and Perfecting a Security Interest 596
6.1 Intentional Torts against Persons 9.1 Types of Crimes
28.1 Remedies Available to Creditors
3.2 Trial Procedures 70 3.3 Posttrial Options
26.2 Transfer Warranty Liability for Transferors Who Receive Consideration 531
1.3 The Common Law Tradition 13 2.1 Jurisdiction
26.1 Signature Liability
39.2 Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Officers 805 39.3 Role of Shareholders
40.1 Methods of Expanding Corporate Operations and Interests 826 47.1 Acquisition of Personal Property
20.1 The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts 411
47.2 Mislaid, Lost, and Abandoned Property 968
21.1 Delivery without Movement of the Goods 431
47.3 Rights and Duties of the Bailee and the Bailor 976
21.2 Risk of Loss When a Sales or Lease Contract is Breached 433
48.1 Interests in Real Property
22.1 Performance of Sales and Lease Contracts 444
50.2 Trusts 1041
23.1 Types of Warranties
51.1 Common Law Liability of Accountants and Other Professionals 1056
24.1 Requirements for Negotiability
25.1 Types of Indorsements and Their Effect 509 25.2 Rules and Requirements for HDC Status 518
50.1 Wills
51.2 Statutory Liability of Accountants and Other Professionals 1063
1–1 Areas of the Law That May Affect Business Decision Making 5
15–3 Contracts Subject to the Statute of Frauds 311
1–2 Equitable Maxims
15–4 Parol Evidence Rule
1–3 Procedural Differences between an Action at Law and an Action in Equity 10
16–1 Assignment Relationships 16–2 Delegation Relationships
1–4 West’s National Reporter System— Regional/Federal 17
16–3 Third Party Beneficiaries
1–5 How to Read Citations
17–1 Contract Discharge
1–6 A Sample Court Case
2–1 The State and Federal Court Systems
2–2 Geographic Boundaries of the U.S. Courts of Appeals and U.S. District Courts 2–3 Basic Differences in the Traditional Forms of ADR 43 3–2 A Typical Complaint 3–4 Pretrial Motions
18–2 Remedies for Breach of Contract 19–1 A Click-On Agreement
19–2 The E-SIGN Act and the UETA
20–1 The 2003 Amendments to UCC Article 2: Selected Provisions 394
21–1 Contract Terms–Definitions
4–1 Protections Guaranteed by the Bill of Rights 83 5–1 The Intersection of What Is Legal and What Is Ethical 107 160
8–2 Existing Generic Top Level Domain Names 165
24–2 A Typical Time Draft 488 24–3 A Typical Trade Acceptance 24–4 A Typical Promissory Note
489 491
9–2 Civil (Tort) Lawsuit and Criminal Prosecution for the Same Act 186
25–1 A Blank Indorsement
9–3 Major Procedural Steps in a Criminal Case 203
25–3 A Qualified Indorsement
10–1 Classifications Based on Contract Formation 218 10–2 Enforceable, Voidable, Unenforceable, and Void Contracts 223 10–3 Rules of Contract Interpretation 225 13–2 Contract Legality 281 14–1 Mistakes of Fact
15–1 The One-Year Rule 15–2 Collateral Promises
304 307
24–1 Basic Types of Negotiable Instruments 487
24–5 A Typical Small Certificate of Deposit 491
22–1 A Letter-of-Credit Transaction
9–1 Key Differences between Civil Law and Criminal Law 185
13–1 Unconscionability
20–3 Major Differences between Contract Law and Sales Law 407
8–1 Forms of Intellectual Property
20–2 The Law Governing Contracts
3–3 A Typical Summons
18–1 Measurement of Damages—Breach of Construction Contracts 355
3–1 Stages in a Typical Lawsuit
25–2 A Special Indorsement
505 506
25–4 “For Deposit Only” and “For Collection Only” Indorsements 507 25–5 Trust (Agency) Indorsements 507 25–6 Converting an Order Instrument to a Bearer Instrument and Vice Versa 508 25–7 Taking for Value
26–1 Time for Proper Presentment 525 26–2 Defenses against Liability on Negotiable Instruments 534 27–1 A Cashier’s Check
27–2 An American Express Traveler’s Check 546
27–3 A Stop-Payment Order
27–4 A Poorly Filled-Out Check
41–4 Comparison of Coverage, Application, and Liability under SEC Rule 10b-5 and Section 16(b) 850
27–5 The Traditional Check-Collection Process 556 28–1 Suretyship and Guaranty Parties
41–5 Some Key Provisions of the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 Relating to Corporate Accountability 856
29–1 Secured Transactions—Concept and Terminology 587
42–1 Average Attorneys’ Fees for Selected Small-Business Transactions 863
29–2 Types of Collateral and Methods of Perfection 589
42–2 Venture Capital Issues
29–3 The Uniform Financing Statement
29–4 Priority of Claims to a Debtor’s Collateral 601 30–1 Collection and Distribution of Property in Most Voluntary Bankruptcies 620
43–1 Costs of Regulation to Businesses
43–2 Executive Departments and Important Subagencies 891 43–3 Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies 892
32–1 A Sample General Power of Attorney 654
43–4 The Process of Formal Administrative Adjudication 898
36–1 Terms Commonly Included in a Partnership Agreement 740
44–1 Selected Areas of Consumer Law Regulated by Statutes 905
36–2 A Comparison of General Partnerships and Limited Partnerships 752
45–1 Major Federal Environmental Statutes 923
38–1 Offshore Low-Tax Jurisdictions
47–1 Degree of Care Required of a Bailee
38–2 Articles of Incorporation 38–3 Types of Corporate Bonds
48–1 Steps Involved in the Sale of Real Estate 988
38–4 How Do Stocks and Bonds Differ? 38–5 Types of Stocks
40–3 The Terminology of Takeover Defenses 825 40–4 Major Forms of Business Compared
41–2 Exemptions under the 1933 Act
50–1 Excerpts from the Will of Diana, Princess of Wales 1028
41–1 Basic Functions of the SEC
49–3 Typical Fire Insurance Policies
39–2 Results of Cumulative Voting 40–2 Consolidation
49–1 Insurance Classifications
49–2 Insurance Contract Provisions and Clauses 1014
39–1 Directors’ Management Responsibilities 797 40–1 Merger
50–2 Per Stirpes Distribution
50–3 Per Capita Distribution
50–4 A Revocable Living Trust Arrangement 1039 51–1 Key Provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Relating to Public Accounting Firms 1057
41–3 A Sample Restricted Stock Certificate 844
52–1 The Legal Systems of Selected Nations 1070
Chapter 5 Breach of Trust Issues Hit Major German Corporations 112
Chapter 24 The Negotiability of Checks in Other Nations 490
Chapter 19 International Use and Regulation of the Internet 380
Chapter 42 Moving Your Small Business Online: Seller Beware 865
Chapter 1 How the Internet Is Expanding Precedent 22
Chapter 41 Moving Company Information to the Internet 838
Chapter 8 Search Engines versus Copyright Owners 174
Chapter 2 Implications of an Increasingly Private Justice System 38 Chapter 14 Internet Click Fraud
Chapter 51 An Auditor’s Duty to Correct Certified Opinions 1060
Chapter 3 E-Discovery and Cost-Shifting Chapter 9 Stand-Your-Ground Laws
Chapter 23 Removing Class-Action Lawsuits to the Federal Court 470
Chapter 33 Paying Overtime in the Virtual Workforce 678 Chapter 34 New Issues in Online Privacy and Employment Discrimination 706
Chapter 27 Using Digital Cash Facilitates Money Laundering 564
Chapter 4 Does State Regulation of Internet Prescription Transactions Violate the Dormant Commerce Clause? 84 Chapter 6 Tort Reform 124 Chapter 12 Promissory Estoppel and Employment Contracts 260
Chapter 13 Are Online Fantasy Sports Gambling? 274 Chapter 15 Prenuptial Agreements and Advice of Counsel 312 Chapter 39 A Shareholder Access Rule
Chapter 45 Should the EPA Take the Threat of Global Warming into Account? 924
The study of business law and, more generally, the legal environment of business has universal applicability.A student entering virtually any field of business must have at least a passing understanding of business law in order to function in the real world. Additionally, students preparing for a career in accounting, government and political science, economics,and even medicine can use much of the information they learn in a business law and legal environment course. In fact, every individual throughout his or her lifetime can benefit from a knowledge of contracts, real property law, landlord-tenant relationships, and other topics. Consequently, we have fashioned this text as a useful “tool for living” for all of your students (including those taking the CPA exam). For the Eleventh Edition,we have spent a great deal of effort making this book more contemporary, exciting,and visually appealing than ever before to encourage your students to learn the law. We have also designed many new features and special pedagogical devices that focus on the legal, ethical, global, and e-commerce environments, while addressing core curriculum requirements.
What Is New in the Eleventh Edition Instructors have come to rely on the coverage, accuracy, and applicability of Business Law. To make sure that our text engages your students’ interests, solidifies their understanding of the legal concepts presented, and provides the best teaching tools available,we now offer the following items either in the text or in conjunction with the text.
New Insight Features For the Eleventh Edition,we have created three special new Insight features—Insight into E-Commerce,
Insight into Ethics, and Insight into the Global Environment. These features, which appear in selected chapters, provide valuable insights into how the courts and the law are dealing with specific contemporary issues. Each of these features ends with a criticalthinking question that explores some cultural, environmental, political, social, or technological aspect of the issue.
1. Insight into E-Commerce—When the topic involves some new technology or how the Internet is affecting a particular area of law, we include an Insight into E-Commerce feature. For example, Chapter 1 contains an Insight into E-Commerce feature on How the Internet Is Expanding Precedent, Chapter 8 has a feature on Search Engines Versus Copyrights, and Chapter 41 includes a feature on Moving Company Information to the Internet. 2. Insight into Ethics—When the topic has ethical implications, we include an Insight into Ethics feature. For example, Chapter 2’s Insight into Ethics feature is entitled Implications of an Increasingly Private Justice System, Chapter 14’s feature addresses Internet Click Fraud, and Chapter 51’s feature covers An Auditor’s Duty to Correct Certified Opinions. 3. Insight into the Global Environment— Because business transactions today are increasingly global, we have also included a feature that discusses global implications or explains how foreign nations deal with a particular topic. For example, there is an Insight into the Global Environment feature in Chapter 5 titled Breach of Trust Issues Hit Major German Corporations, one in Chapter 19 on International Use and Regulation of the Internet,and one in Chapter 42 on Moving Your Small Business Online: Seller Beware.
Two Critical-Thinking Questions at the End of Every Case Presented in This Text
Analysis questions and the questions in the Reviewing features, which are described next.
In every chapter of the Tenth Edition of West’s Business Law, we included one longer case excerpt followed by two case-ending questions designed to guide students’ analysis of the case and help build their legal reasoning skills.For the Eleventh Edition,we continue to offer one longer excerpt—now labeled an Extended Case—with two critical-thinking questions in every chapter. These extended cases may be used for casebriefing assignments and are also tied to the Special Case Analysis questions found in every unit of the text. Because of the popularity of the case-ending questions, for this edition, we’ve also included two questions for all cases. In addition to the What If the Facts Were Different? questions and Impact of This Case on Today’s Law sections that appeared in the Tenth Edition,we’ve devised an entirely new set of questions. These new Dimension questions focus on meeting aspects of your curriculum requirements, including:
New Special Case Analysis Questions
• The Ethical Dimension • The E-Commerce Dimension • The Global Dimension • The Legal Environment Dimension Suggested answers to all questions following cases can be found in both the Instructor’s Manual and the Answers Manual that accompany this text. (The full title of this manual is Answers to Questions and Case Problems and Alternate Problem Sets with Answers.)
Greater Emphasis on Critical Thinking and Legal Reasoning Today’s business leaders are often required to think “outside the box”when making business decisions.For this reason, we have added a number of criticalthinking elements for the Eleventh Edition that are designed to challenge students’ understanding of the materials beyond simple retention.Your students’ critical-thinking and legal reasoning skills will be increased as they work through the numerous pedagogical devices within the book. Almost every feature and every case presented in the text conclude with some type of critical-thinking question. These questions include For Critical Analysis,What If the Facts Were Different? and the Ethical, E-Commerce, Global, and Legal Environment Dimension questions discussed previously. They also include the new Special Case
Through the years, instructors have frequently requested that we teach their business law students how to analyze case law. We discuss the fundamental topic of how to read and understand case law in Chapter 1 and cover How to Brief Cases and Analyze Case Problems in Appendix A.For this edition,we have gone one step further: in selected chapters of the text, we provide a Special Case Analysis question that is based on the Extended Case excerpt in that chapter. The Special Case Analysis questions are part of the Questions and Case Problems that appear at the end of the chapter. We offer one of these special questions for every unit in the text to build students’ analytical skills. The Special Case Analysis questions test students’ ability to perform IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion) case analysis. Students must identify the legal issue presented in the chapter’s extended case, understand the rule of law, determine how the rule applies to the facts of the case,and describe the court’s conclusion. Instructors can assign these questions as homework or can use them in class to elicit student participation and teach case analysis.
Reviewing Features in Every Chapter For the Eleventh Edition of Business Law, we have included a new and improved feature at the end of every chapter that helps solidify students’ understanding of the chapter materials. The feature appears just before the Terms and Concepts and is entitled Reviewing [chapter topic]. Each of these features presents a hypothetical scenario and then asks a series of questions that require students to identify the issues and apply the legal concepts discussed in the chapter. These features are designed to help students review the chapter topics in a simple and interesting way and see how the legal principles discussed in the chapter affect the world in which they live. An instructor can use these features as the basis for in-class discussion or encourage students to use them for self-study prior to completing homework assignments. Suggested answers to the questions posed in the Reviewing features can be found in both the Instructor’s Manual and the Answers Manual that accompany this text. The Reviewing features are also tied to a new set of questions for each chapter in the Web-based
CengageNOW system, to be discussed next. Students can read through the scenario in the text and then answer the four Applications and Analysis questions online. By using the CengageNOW system, students will receive instant feedback on their answers to these questions, and instructors will obtain automatically graded assignments that enable them to assess students’ understanding of the materials.
Improved Content and Features on CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System For those instructors who want their students to learn how to identify and apply the legal principles they study in this text, we have created new content and improved the features of our Web-based product for this edition. The system provides interactive, automatically graded assignments for every chapter and unit in this text. For each of the fifty-two chapters, we have devised different categories of multiple-choice questions that stress different aspects of learning the chapter materials. By using the optional CengageNOW system, students can complete the assignments from any location via the Internet and can receive instant feedback on why their answers to questions were incorrect or correct (if the instructor wishes to allow feedback). Instructors can customize the system to meet their own specifications and can track students’ progress.
1. Chapter Review Questions—The first set of ten to fifteen questions reviews the basic concepts and principles discussed in the chapter. These questions often include questions based on the cases presented in the text.
2. Brief Hypotheticals—The next group of seven to ten questions emphasizes spotting the issue and identifying the rule of law that applies in the context of a short factual scenario.
3. Legal Reasoning—The third category includes five questions that require students to analyze the factual situation provided and apply the rules of law discussed in the chapter to arrive at an answer.
4. IRAC Case Analysis—The next set of four questions for each chapter requires students to perform all the basic elements of legal reasoning (identify the issue, determine the rule of law, apply the rule to the facts presented, and arrive at a conclusion). These questions are based on the Extended Case excerpts that appear in each chapter.
5. Application and Analysis—The final set of four questions for each chapter is new and is linked to the Reviewing features (discussed previously) that appear in every chapter of the text. The student is required to read through the hypothetical scenario, analyze the facts presented, identify the issues in dispute, and apply the rules discussed in the chapter to answer the questions.
6. Essay Questions—In addition to the multiplechoice questions available on CengageNOW, we now also provide essay questions that allow students to compose and submit essays online. Students’ essays are automatically recorded to the gradebook, which permits instructors to quickly and easily evaluate the essays and record grades.
7. Video
Questions—CengageNOW also now includes links to the Digital Video Library for Business Law so that students can access and view the video clips and answer questions related to the topics in the chapter.
8. Cumulative Questions for Each Unit—In addition to the questions relating to each chapter, the CengageNOW system provides a set of cumulative questions, entitled “Synthesizing Legal Concepts,” for each of the eleven units in the text.
9. Additional Advantages of CengageNOW— Instructors can utilize the system to upload their course syllabi, create and customize homework assignments, keep track of their students’ progress, communicate with their students about assignments and due dates, and create reports summarizing the data for an individual student or for the whole class.
Expanded Ethics Coverage and New Questions of Ethics in Every Chapter For the Eleventh Edition of Business Law, we have significantly revised and updated the chapter on ethics and business decision making (Chapter 5). The chapter now presents a more practical, realistic, case-study approach to business ethics and the dilemmas facing businesspersons today. The emphasis on ethics is reiterated in materials throughout the text,particularly the Focus on Ethics features that conclude every unit, the Insight into Ethics features, and the pedagogy that accompanies selected cases and features.We also discuss corporate governance issues as appropriate within the ethics chapter, the corporations chapters, and the Focus on Ethics feature that concludes Unit Eight on business organizations.
For this edition,we have also added A Question of Ethics based on a case from 2006 or 2007 to every chapter of the text. These problems provide modern-day examples of the kinds of ethical issues faced by businesspersons and the ways courts typically resolve them.
More on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 In a number of places in this text, we discuss the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the corporate scandals that led to the passage of that legislation. For example, Chapter 5 contains a section examining the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act relating to confidential reporting systems. In Chapter 41, we discuss this act in the context of securities law and present an exhibit (Exhibit 41–4) containing some of the key provisions of the act relating to corporate accountability with respect to securities transactions. Finally, in Chapter 51, we again look at provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as they relate to public accounting firms and accounting practices. Because the act is a topic of significant concern in today’s business climate, we also include excerpts and explanatory comments on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as Appendix H. Students and instructors alike will find it useful to have the provisions of the act immediately available for reference.
• Internet exercises for every chapter in the text (at least two per chapter). These exercises have been refocused to provide more practical information to business law students on topics covered in the chapters and to acquaint students with the legal resources that are available online.
• Interactive quizzes for every chapter in this text. • Glossary terms for every chapter in the text. • Flashcards that provide students with an optional study tool to review the key terms in every chapter.
• PowerPoint slides that have been revised for this edition.
• Legal reference materials including a “Statutes” page that offers links to the full text of selected statutes referenced in the text, a Spanish glossary, and links to other important legal resources available for free on the Web.
• Law on the Web features that provide links to the URLs that appear at the end of every chapter in the text.
• Link to CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System with different types of questions related to every chapter in the text and one set of cumulative questions for each unit in the text.
• Link to our Digital Video Library that offers a
Business Law on the Web For the Eleventh Edition of Business Law, we have redesigned and streamlined the text’s Web site so that users can easily locate the resources they seek. When you visit our Web site at academic.cengage. com/blaw/clarkson, you will find a broad array of teaching/learning resources, including the following:
• Relevant Web sites for all of the Emerging Trends features that are presented in this text.
• Sample answers to the Case Problem with Sample Answer, which appears in the Questions and Case Problems at the end of every chapter. This problem/answer set is designed to help your students learn how to answer case problems by acquainting them with model answers to selected problems. In addition, we offer the answers to the hypothetical Questions with Sample Answers on the Web site as well as in the text (Appendix I).
• Videos referenced in the new Video Questions (discussed shortly) that appear in selected chapters of this edition of Business Law.
compendium of more than sixty-five video scenarios and explanations.
• Online Legal Research Guide that offers complete yet brief guidance to using the Internet and evaluating information obtained from the Internet. As an online resource, it now includes hyperlinks to the Web sites discussed for click-through convenience.
• Court case updates that present summaries of new cases from various West legal publications, are continually updated, and are specifically keyed to chapters in this text.
A Comprehensive Digital Video Library For this edition of Business Law, we have included special Video Questions at the end of selected chapters. Each of these questions directs students to the text’s Web site (at clarkson) to view a video relevant to a topic covered in the chapter. This is followed by a series of ques-
tions based on the video. The questions are again repeated on the Web site, when the student accesses the video. An access code for the videos can be packaged with each new copy of this textbook for no additional charge. If Digital Video Library access did not come packaged with the textbook, students can purchase it online at blaw/dvl. These videos can be used for homework assignments, discussion starters, or classroom demonstrations and are useful for generating student interest. Some of the videos are clips from actual movies, such as The Jerk and Bowfinger. By watching a video and answering the questions, students will gain an understanding of how the legal concepts they have studied in the chapter apply to the real-life situation portrayed in the video. Suggested answers for all of the Video Questions are given in both the Instructor’s Manual and the Answers Manual that accompany this text. The videos are part of our Digital Video Library, a compendium of more than sixty-five video scenarios and explanations.
Additional Special Features of This Text We have included in Business Law, Eleventh Edition, a number of pedagogical devices and special features, including those discussed here.
Emerging Trends Presented throughout this text are a number of features titled Emerging Trends. These features examine new developments in business law and the legal environment and their potential effect on businesspersons. Here are some examples of these features:
ture asks the student to identify her or his position on the issue. Some examples of these features are:
• Tort Reform (Chapter 6). • Are Online Fantasy Sports Gambling? (Chapter 13). • A Shareholder Access Rule (Chapter 39). • Should the EPA Take the Threat of Global Warming into Account? (Chapter 45).
Concept Summaries Whenever key areas of the law need additional emphasis, we provide a Concept Summary. These summaries have always been a popular pedagogical tool in this text. There are now more than fifty of these summaries, many of which have been modified to achieve greater clarity.
Exhibits When appropriate, we also illustrate important aspects of the law in graphic form in exhibits. In all, more than one hundred exhibits are featured in Business Law, Eleventh Edition. For this edition, we have added eight new exhibits, and we have modified existing exhibits to achieve better clarity. Some examples of the new exhibits are:
• Exhibit 2–3 Basic Differences in the Traditional Forms of ADR
• Exhibit 8–2 Existing Generic Top Level Domain Names
• Exhibit 26–2 Defenses against Liability on Negotiable Instruments
• Exhibit 38–1 Offshore Low-Tax Jurisdictions • Exhibit 39–1 Directors’Management Responsibilities • Exhibit 41–1 Basic Functions of the SEC
• E-Discovery and Cost-Shifting (Chapter 3). • Stand-Your-Ground Laws (Chapter 9).
An Effective Case Format
• Removing Class-Action Lawsuits to the Federal
For this edition, we have carefully selected recent cases that not only provide on-point illustrations of the legal principles discussed in the chapter but also are of high interest to students. In all, more than 70 percent of the cases in the Eleventh Edition are from 2006 or 2007. As mentioned, for this edition we have included one Extended Case per chapter that is presented entirely in the court’s language and does not include any paraphrased section on the case’s background and facts or the decision and remedy. The remaining cases in each chapter appear in our usual Business
Courts (Chapter 23).
• New Issues in Online Privacy and Employment Discrimination (Chapter 34).
Contemporary Legal Debates Contemporary Legal Debates features are also interspersed throughout this edition of Business Law. These features introduce the student to a controversial issue that is now being debated within the legal community. A Where Do You Stand? section concluding each fea-
Law format, which now includes two case-ending questions for every case in this edition of the text.We also provide bracketed definitions for any terms in the opinion that might be difficult for students to understand.Cases may include one or more of the following sections, a few of which have already been described:
• Company Profiles—Certain cases include a profile describing the history of the company involved to give students an awareness of the context of the case before the court. Some profiles include the URL for the company’s Web site.
• What If the Facts Were Different?—One case in each chapter concludes with this special section.The student is asked to decide whether a specified change in the facts of the case would alter its outcome. Suggested answers to these questions are included in both the Instructor’s Manual and the Answers Manual that accompany this text.
• The Ethical [E-Commerce, Global, or Legal Environment] Dimension—As discussed previously, these special new questions ask students to explore different aspects of the issues of the case and help instructors meet core curriculum requirements for business law. Suggested answers to these questions are included in both the Instructor’s Manual and the Answers Manual that accompany this text.
• International Considerations—These sections let your students know how the particular issue before the court is treated in other countries.
• Impact of This Case on Today’s Law— Because many students are unclear about how some of the older cases presented in this text affect today’s court rulings,we include a special section at the end of landmark and classic cases that clarifies the relevance of the particular case to modern law.
options for questions in each category (true/false,multiple choice, essay).
Questions and Case Problems with Sample Answers In response to those instructors who would like students to have sample answers available for some of the questions and case problems, we have included two questions with sample answers in each chapter. The Question with Sample Answer is a hypothetical question for which students can access a sample answer in Appendix I at the end of the text. Every chapter also has one Case Problem with Sample Answer that is based on an actual case and answered on the text’s Web site (located at academic. Students can compare the answers provided to their own answers to determine whether they have done a good job of responding to the question and to learn what should be included when answering the end-of-chapter questions and case problems.
The Most Complete Supplements Package Available Today This edition of Business Law is accompanied by a vast number of teaching and learning supplements. We have already mentioned the CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System and the supplemental resources available on the text’s Web site at In addition, there are numerous other supplements, including those listed below, that make up the complete teaching/learning package for the Eleventh Edition. For further information on the Business Law teaching/learning package, contact your local sales representative or visit the Business Law Web site.
Two Test Banks Available
Printed Supplements
To provide instructors with even greater flexibility in teaching, we offer two separate test banks, each with a complete set of questions for every chapter of Business Law, Eleventh Edition.These two test banks have been significantly revised and many new questions added. Those instructors who would like to alternate the tests they give their students each semester can now do so without having to create additional testing materials.In addition, instructors who would like to pick and choose from the questions offered have twice as many
• Instructor’s Manual—Includes case synopses, additional cases addressing the issue for selected cases, background information, teaching suggestions, and lecture enhancements, as well as suggested answers to all the case-ending and feature-ending questions, the questions in the Reviewing features at the end of each chapter, and additional materials on the Focus on Ethics sections at the end of each unit. (Also available on the Instructor’s Resource CD, or IRCD.)
• Study Guide—Includes essay questions and sample CPA exam questions.
• Two comprehensive Test Banks—Test Bank 1 and Test Bank 2 each contain approximately 1,040 multiple-choice questions with answers, more than 1,040 true/false questions with answers, and two short essay questions per chapter (104 in each Test Bank). Additionally, there is one question for every Emerging Trends and Contemporary Legal Debates feature, and two multiple-choice questions for each Focus on Ethics section. (Also available on the IRCD.)
• Answers to Questions and Case Problems and Alternate Problem Sets with Answers— Provides answers to all the questions and case problems presented in the text, including the new Special Case Analysis questions, A Question of Ethics, and Video Questions, as well as suggested answers to all the case-ending questions, featureending questions, and the questions in the Reviewing features at the end of each chapter. (Also available on the IRCD.)
Software, Video, and Multimedia Supplements • Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM ( IRCD)—The IRCD includes the following supplements: Instructor’s Manual, Answers Manual, Test Bank 1 and Test Bank 2, Case-Problem Cases, Case Printouts, Lecture Outline System, PowerPoint slides, ExamView, Instructor’s Manual for the Drama of the Law video series, Handbook of Landmark Cases and Statutes in Business Law and the Legal Environment, Handbook on Critical Thinking and Writing in Business Law and the Legal Environment, and A Guide to Personal Law.
• ExamView Testing Software (also available on the IRCD).
• Lecture Outline System (also available on the IRCD).
• PowerPoint slides (also available on the IRCD). • WebTutor—Feature chat,discussion groups,testing, student progress tracking, and business law course materials.
• Case-Problem Cases (available only on the IRCD). • Transparencies (available only on the IRCD). • Westlaw®—Ten free hours for qualified adopters.
• Digital Video Library—Provides access to more than sixty-five videos, including the Drama of the Law videos and video clips from actual Hollywood movies. Access to our Digital Video Library is available in an optional package with each new text at no additional cost. If the Digital Video Library access did not come packaged with the textbook, your students can purchase it online at academic.
• Videos—Qualified adopters using this text have access to the entire library of videos in VHS format, a vast selection covering most business law issues. For more information about these videotapes, visit
For Users of the Tenth Edition First of all, we want to thank you for helping make Business Law the best-selling business law text in America today. Second,we want to make you aware of the numerous additions and changes that we have made in this edition—many in response to comments from reviewers. For example, we have added more examples and incorporated the latest United States Supreme Court decisions throughout the text as appropriate. We have substantially revised and reorganized the business organizations unit (Unit Eight), particularly the chapters on corporations (Chapter 38 through 40), which have been changed to be more in line with the reality of modern corporate law. We have simplified and streamlined the chapter on securities law (Chapter 41), and we have revised and reorganized the property chapters (Chapters 47 and 48).
Significantly Revised Chapters Every chapter of the Eleventh Edition has been revised as necessary to incorporate new developments in the law or to streamline the presentations. A number of new trends in business law are also addressed in the cases and special features of the Eleventh Edition. Other major changes and additions made for this edition include the following:
• Chapter 2 (Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution)—To provide greater clarity on important foundational issues, many parts of this chapter were reworked, including the discussions of personal jurisdiction, Internet jurisdiction, standing to sue, and appellate review. A chart was added to illustrate the differences among various methods of alternative dispute resolution, and we present a
2006 United States Supreme Court decision on arbitration clauses. In addition, the discussion of electronic filing systems and online dispute resolution was updated. An Insight into Ethics feature was added to discuss how the use of private judges is affecting the justice system.
• Chapter 3 (Court Procedures)—The section on electronic evidence and discovery issues has been updated to include the federal rules that took effect in 2006.
• Chapter 4 (Constitutional Authority to Regulate Business)—The chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate recent United States Supreme Court decisions,such as the case on Internet wine shipments and the dormant commerce clause. New examples have been added throughout, and the materials reworked to focus on business context. The chapter includes discussions of the USA Patriot Act’s effect on constitutional rights and recent decisions on preemption, unprotected speech, freedom of religion, and privacy rights. A Contemporary Legal Debates feature addresses whether State Regulation of Internet Prescription Transactions Violates the Dormant Commerce Clause.
• Chapter 5 (Ethics and Business Decision Making)— This chapter has been significantly revised and now includes a new section that provides step-by-step guidance on making ethical business decisions. Several new cases were added, and an Insight into the Global Environment feature addresses ethical issues faced by German corporations.
• Chapter 6 (Intentional Torts)—A discussion of the compensatory and punitive damages available in tort actions was added, and a Contemporary Legal Debates feature addresses Tort Reform. Two cases from 2007 are included, one on the scope of an Internet service provider’s immunity for online defamation and the other on invasion of privacy. New subsections discuss trends in appropriation (right of publicity) claims and abusive or frivolous litigation.
• Chapter 8 (Intellectual Property and Internet Law)—The materials on intellectual property rights have been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the most current laws and trends. Several recent United States Supreme Court cases are presented (the 2007 patent decision, KSR International Co. v. Teleflex, Inc., is the Extended Case, and the
2006 trademark decision in Menashe v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc. is also included). A subsection on counterfeit goods and a 2006 law addressing counterfeit goods has been added to the trademark section. The materials on domain names, cybersquatting,and licensing have been revamped. The section on patents was expanded and new examples were added. The discussion of filesharing was updated, and a 2007 case is presented in which Sony Corporation brought a successful suit for copyright infringement against an individual who had downloaded eight songs. The chapter also includes updated information on international treaties protecting intellectual property and an Insight into E-Commerce feature on Search Engines versus Copyright Owners.
• Chapter 9 (Criminal Law and Cyber Crime)—New materials on identity theft and criminal spamming laws were added, and the existing materials were streamlined to focus more on corporate criminal liability. An updated discussion of sentencing guidelines is included, and the discussion of defenses to criminal charges was revised. An Emerging Trends feature covers Stand-Your-Ground Laws (state laws allowing the use of deadly force in homes and vehicles to thwart violent crimes such as robbery, carjacking, and sexual assault).
• Chapters 10 through 19 (the Contracts unit)— Throughout this unit, we have added more examples to clarify and enhance our already impressive contract law coverage. We have also included more up-to-date information and new features on topics likely to generate student interest, such as the Contemporary Legal Debates feature entitled Are Online Fantasy Sports Gambling? (in Chapter 13) and the feature on Internet Click Fraud (in Chapter 14). We have changed the titles of Chapters 14 and 15 to clearly describe the contents of each chapter in plain English (for example, the title “Mistakes, Fraud, and Voluntary Consent” replaces the former title “Genuineness of Assent”). We have chosen cases, problems, and examples for this unit that garner student interest, such as the Mike Tyson example in Chapter 16, and have revised the text to improve clarity and reduce legalese.
• Chapters 20 through 23 (the unit on Domestic and International Sales and Lease Contracts)—We have streamlined and simplified our coverage of the Uniform Commercial Code.We have added numer-
ous new examples throughout the unit to increase student comprehension. Because no state has adopted the 2003 amendments to Articles 2 and 2A, we eliminated references to these amendments throughout the chapters.
• Chapters 24 through 27 (the unit on Negotiable Instruments)—We have updated this unit throughout to accommodate the reality of digital banking and funds transfers. In Chapter 24, we added an Insight into the Global Environment feature exploring the negotiability of checks in other nations.We added a new Concept Summary in Chapter 25 and replaced the Concept Summary on defenses in Chapter 26 with a more visually appealing exhibit on the same topic. In Chapter 27, we revised the materials to incorporate the Check-Clearing in the 21st Century Act (Check 21 Act) and included an Emerging Trends feature discussing how Using Digital Cash Facilities Money Laundering.
• Chapters 28 through 30 (the unit on Creditors’ Rights and Bankruptcy)—This unit has been revised to be more up to date and comprehensible. Chapter 29 (Secured Transactions) was substantially reorganized to clarify the general rules of priority and the exceptions to those rules. The bankruptcy law chapter (Chapter 30) is based on law after the 2005 Reform Act and includes updated dollar amounts of various provisions of the Bankruptcy Code.
• Chapter 33 (Employment and Labor Law) and Chapter 34 (Employment Discrimination)—These two chapters covering employment law have been thoroughly updated to include discussions of legal issues facing employers today. Chapter 33 includes updated minimum wage figures and Social Security and Medicare percentages. It also discusses overtime rules and provides the most current information on unionization, strikes, and employment monitoring. Chapter 34 now includes the latest developments and United States Supreme Court decisions,such as a decision that applied Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to an employer with fewer than fifteen employees and another that set the standard of proof for retaliation claims.The text discussion of burden of proof in unintentional discrimination cases has been revised and clarified.A feature examines New Issues in Online Privacy and Employment Discrimination.
• Chapters 35 through 42 (the Business Organizations unit)—This unit has been substantially reorganized
and updated to improve the flow and clarity, and provide more practical information and recent examples. In Chapter 35 (Sole Proprietorships and Franchises), we added a section on the Franchise Rule that includes the 2007 amendments to the rule. In Chapter 36 (Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships), we added several examples, reworked the section on fiduciary duties, and clarified the materials on dissociation. The most significant changes to the unit were made in the corporations chapters (Chapters 38 through 40). Chapter 38 now includes a more updated discussion of promotional activities, and the materials on incorporation procedures were completely revised to reflect current state laws. New sections were added on offshore low-tax jurisdictions, venture capital, and private equity financing. In Chapter 39, we added coverage of the landmark case Guth v. Loft (on the duty of loyalty), a new exhibit, and updated materials on Sarbanes-Oxley. We also added discussions of various committees of the board of directors, corporate sentencing guidelines, and proxies, including new e-proxy rules.The topic of shareholder voting concerning executive pay is discussed,and a Contemporary Legal Debates feature explores the possibility of A Shareholder Access Rule. Chapter 40 has been revised to include share exchanges, clarify successor liability, improve coverage of appraisal rights, and rework the material on tender offers. We include discussion of takeover defenses and directors’ fiduciary duties. The chapter on securities law (Chapter 41) was revamped to make this difficult topic more understandable to students. The chapter now includes a new exhibit and overview of the functions of the Securities and Exchange Commission and a practical explanation of the Howey test. We also provide a simplified list of contents of a registration statements and an updated discussion of the registration process that clarifies current rules on a free writing prospectus. The final chapter in this unit (Chapter 42 on Law for Small Businesses) has also been considerably revised to address practical considerations, such as choosing to do business as a limited liability company, protecting trademarks, and avoiding liability. It also includes a feature on what businesspersons should consider before moving their small business online.
• Chapter 43 (Administrative Law)—This chapter has been reworked to focus on the practical significance of administrative law for businesspersons. A
new section was added on the Administrative Procedures Act,and another section addresses how the courts give Chevron deference to agency rules. Informal agency actions are covered, and a new subsection discusses the exhaustion doctrine.
ing, relevant product market, and relevant geographic market.
• Chapters 47 and 48 (the Property unit)—We reor-
• Chapter 45 (Environmental Law)—The materials on air pollution and the subsection on wetlands have been updated. All of the cases in the chapter are from the United States Supreme Court, and a Contemporary Legal Debates feature discusses the 2007 Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency relating to global warming.
• Chapter 46 (Antitrust Law)—We added new examples and coverage of leading cases throughout the chapter, particularly in the discussions of price fix-
ganized and reworked the materials in the two property chapters as reviewers requested. Chapter 47 now begins with a section discussing the differences between personal and real property, and why the law makes this distinction. The materials on forms of property ownership (such as fee simple and joint tenancy) were moved from the personal property chapter (Chapter 47 ) to the real property chapter (48). The coverage of bailments was updated and simplified. Chapter 48 also includes more information on real estate sales contracts, including listing agreements, escrow agreements, marketable title, title searches, and title insurance.
Acknowledgments for Previous Editions Since we began this project many years ago,a sizable number of business law professors and others have helped us in various phases of the undertaking.The following reviewers offered numerous constructive criticisms, comments, and suggestions during the preparation of all previous editions. Jeffrey E. Allen University of Miami
Heidi Boerstler University of Colorado at Denver
Thomas Crane University of Miami
Judith Anshin Sacramento City College
Lawrence J. Bradley University of Notre Dame
Kenneth S. Culott University of Texas at Austin
Thomas M. Apke California State University, Fullerton
Doug Brown Montana State University
Larry R. Curtis Iowa State University
Kristi K. Brown University of Texas at Austin
Richard Dalebout Brigham Young University
William Auslen San Francisco City College
William J. Burke University of Massachusetts, Lowell
William H. Daughtrey, Jr. Virginia Commonwealth University
Mary B. Bader Moorhead State University
Kenneth Burns University of Miami
Michele A. Dunkerley University of Texas at Austin
Frank Bagan County College of Morris
Daniel R. Cahoy Pennsylvania State University
O. E. Elmore Texas A&M University
John J. Balek Morton College, Illinois
Jeanne A. Calderon New York University
Michael G. Barth University of Phoenix
Joseph E. Cantrell DeAnza College, California
Robert J. Enders California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
David L. Baumer North Carolina State University
Donald Cantwell University of Texas at Arlington
Barbara E. Behr Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Robert Chatov State University of New York, Buffalo
Robert B. Bennett, Jr. Butler University
Robert J. Cox Salt Lake Community College
Raymond August Washington State University
Michael Engber Ball State University David A. Escamilla University of Texas at Austin Frank S. Forbes University of Nebraska at Omaha Joe W. Fowler Oklahoma State University
Woodrow J. Maxwell Hudson Valley Community College, New York
Stanley G. Freeman University of South Carolina
John P. Huggard North Carolina State University
Christ Gaetanos State University of New York, Fredonia
Terry Hutchins Pembroke State University, North Carolina
Chester S. Galloway Auburn University
Robert Jesperson University of Houston
Gail McCracken University of Michigan, Dearborn
Bob Garrett American River College, California
Bryce J. Jones Northeast Missouri State University
John W. McGee Southwest Texas State University
Gary L. Giese University of Colorado at Denver
Margaret Jones Southwest Missouri State College
Thomas Gossman Western Michigan University
Peter A. Karl III SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica
Patrick O. Gudridge University of Miami School of Law James M. Haine University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point Gerard Halpern University of Arkansas
Jack E. Karns East Carolina University Tamra Kempf University of Miami Judith Kenney University of Miami
Bruce E. May University of South Dakota
Cotton Meagher University of Nevada at Las Vegas Roger E. Meiners University of Texas at Arlington Gerald S. Meisel Bergen Community College, New Jersey Richard Mills Cypress College David Minars City University of New York, Brooklyn
Barbara Kincaid Southern Methodist University
Leo Moersen The George Washington University
JoAnn W. Hammer University of Texas at Austin
Carey Kirk University of Northern Iowa
Alan Moggio Illinois Central College
Charles Hartman Wright State University, Ohio
Nancy P. Klintworth University of Central Florida
Violet E. Molnar Riverside City College
Richard A. Hausler University of Miami School of Law
Kurtis P. Klumb University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
James E. Moon Meyer, Johnson & Moon, Minneapolis
Harry E. Hicks Butler University, Indianapolis
Kathleen M. Knutson College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota
Melinda Ann Mora University of Texas at Austin
Christopher L. Hamilton Golden West College, California
Janine S. Hiller Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M. Alan Lawson Mt. San Antonio College
Rebecca L. Hillyer Chemeketa Community College
Susan Liebeler Loyola University
E. Clayton Hipp, Jr. Clemson University
Thomas E. Maher California State University, Fullerton
Anthony H. Holliday, Jr. Howard University Telford Hollman University of Northern Iowa June A. Horrigan California State University, Sacramento
Bob Morgan Eastern Michigan University Joan Ann Mrava Los Angeles Southwest College Dwight D. Murphey Wichita State University Daniel E. Murray University of Miami School of Law
Sal Marchionna Triton College, Illinois
Paula C. Murray University of Texas
Gene A. Marsh University of Alabama
Gregory J. Naples Marquette University
Karen Kay Matson University of Texas at Austin
George A. Nation III Lehigh University
Caleb L. Nichols Western Connecticut State University
S. Alan Schlact Kennesaw State University, Georgia
John M. Norwood University of Arkansas
Lorne H. Seidman University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Michael J. O’Hara University of Nebraska at Omaha
Roscoe B. Shain Austin Peay University
Rick F. Orsinger College of DuPage, Illinois
Bennett D. Shulman Lansing Community College, Michigan
Daniel J. O’Shea Hillsborough Community College Thomas L. Palmer Northern Arizona University Charles M. Patten University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Patricia Pattison Texas State University, San Marcos Peyton J. Paxson University of Texas at Austin
S. Jay Sklar Temple University Dana Blair Smith University of Texas at Austin Michael Smydra Oakland Community College– Royal Oak Arthur Southwick University of Michigan
Edwin Tucker University of Connecticut Gary Victor Eastern Michigan University William H. Volz Wayne State University David Vyncke Scott Community College, Iowa William H. Walker Indiana University–Purdue University, Fort Wayne Diana Walsh County College of Morris Robert J. Walter University of Texas at El Paso Gary Watson California State University, Los Angeles
Sylvia A. Spade University of Texas at Austin
John L. Weimer Nicholls State University, Louisiana
John A. Sparks Grove City College, Pennsylvania
Marshall Wilkerson University of Texas at Austin
Brenda Steuer North Harris College, Houston
Arthur D. Wolfe Michigan State University
Marvin H. Robertson Harding University
Craig Stilwell Michigan State University
Elizabeth A. Wolfe University of Texas at Austin
Gary K. Sambol Rutgers State University
Irwin Stotsky University of Miami School of Law
Daniel R. Wrentmore Santa Barbara City College
Ralph L. Quinones University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Carol D. Rasnic Virginia Commonwealth University
Rudy Sandoval University of Texas, San Antonio Sidney S. Sappington York College of Pennsylvania Martha Sartoris North Hennepin Community College Barbara P. Scheller Temple University
Larry Strate University of Nevada at Las Vegas Raymond Mason Taylor North Carolina State University H. Allan Tolbert Central Texas College
Norman Gregory Young California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Ronald C. Young Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Michigan
Jesse C. Trentadue University of North Dakota
We would also like to give credit to the following reviewers for their useful input during development of the CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System. Nena Ellison Florida Atlantic University Jacqueline Hagerott Franklin University
Melanie Morris Raritan Valley Community College
William H. Volz Wayne State University
Acknowledgments for the Eleventh Edition In preparing the Eleventh Edition of Business Law, we worked closely with the following reviewers, each of whom offered us valuable suggestions for how to improve the text: Maria Kathleen Boss California State University, Los Angeles Rita Cain University of Missouri– Kansas City Jeanne A. Calderon New York University Nanette C. Clinch San Jose State University
Larry R. Curtis Iowa State University Leslie E. Lenn St. Edwards University Barry S. Morinaka Baker College–Michigan S. Alan Schlact Kennesaw State University, Georgia
As in all past editions, we owe a debt of extreme gratitude to the numerous individuals who worked directly with us or at Cengage Learning. In particular, we wish to thank Rob Dewey for his helpful advice and guidance during all of the stages of this new edition.We extend our thanks to Jan Lamar, our longtime developmental editor, for her many useful suggestions and for her efforts in coordinating reviews and ensuring the timely and accurate publication of all supplemental materials. We are also indebted to Lisa Lysne for her support and excellent marketing advice,and to Brian Courter and Rob Ellington for their skills in managing the Web site. Our production manager and designer, Bill Stryker, made sure that we came out with an error-free,visually attractive Eleventh Edition. We appreciate his efforts more than he can ever imagine.We are also indebted to the staff at Parkwood Composition, our compositor. Their ability to generate the pages for this text quickly and accurately made it possible for us to meet our ambitious printing schedule. We especially wish to thank Katherine Marie Silsbee for her management of the entire project, as well as for the application of her superb research and editorial skills. We also wish to thank Lavina Leed Miller for her significant contributions to this project, and William Eric Hollowell, who co-authored the
Elisabeth Sperow California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Charles R. B. Stowe Sam Houston State University Melanie Stallings Williams California State University– Northridge
Instructor’s Manual, the Study Guide, and the two Test Banks, for his excellent research efforts.We were fortunate enough to have the copyediting of Pat Lewis and the proofreading services of Lorretta Palagi and Beverly Peavler. We also thank Vickie Reierson and Roxanna Lee for their proofreading and other assistance,which helped to ensure an error-free text.Finally, we thank Suzanne Jasin of K & M Consulting for her many special efforts on this project. In addition, we would like to give special thanks to all of the individuals who were instrumental in developing and implementing the new CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System. These include Rob Dewey, Jan Lamar, Lisa Lysne, and Christine Wittmer at Cengage, and Katherine Marie Silsbee,Roger Meiners,Lavina Leed Miller,William Eric Hollowell, Kimberly Wallan, and Kristi Wiswell who helped develop the content for this unique Web-based product. Through the years,we have enjoyed an ongoing correspondence with many of you who have found points on which you wish to comment. We continue to welcome all comments and promise to respond promptly. By incorporating your ideas, we can continue to write a business law text that is best for you and best for your students.
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Welcome to the world of business law and the legal environment.You are about to embark on the study of one of the most important topics you should master in today’s changing world.A solid understanding of business law can, of course, help you if you are going into the world of business. If you decide on a career in accounting, economics, finance, political science, or history, understanding how the legal environment works is crucial. Moreover, in your role as a consumer, you will be faced with some legal issues throughout your lifetime—renting an apartment, buying a house, obtaining a mortgage, and leasing a car, to mention only a few.In your role as an employee (if you don’t go into business for yourself ), you will need to know what rights you have and what rights you don’t have. Even when you contemplate marriage, you will be faced with legal issues.
What You Will Find in This Text As you will see as you thumb through the pages in this text, we have tried to make your study of business law and the legal environment as efficient and enjoyable as possible.To this end,you will find the following aids:
1. Mastering Terminology—through key terms
2. 3.
that are boldfaced,listed at the end of each chapter, and explained fully in the Glossary at the end of the book. Understanding Concepts—through numerous Concept Summaries and exhibits. Observing the Law in the Context of the Real World—through a Reviewing feature at the end of every chapter. Seeing How Legal Issues Can Arise—through Video Questions based on Web-available short videos, many from actual Hollywood movies. Figuring Out How the Law Is Evolving— through a feature called Emerging Trends.
6. Determining Today’s Legal Controversies— through a feature called Contemporary Legal Debates. 7. Gaining Insights into How the Law Affects or Is Affected by Other Issues—through three new Insight features called Insight into E-Commerce, Insight into Ethics, and Insight into the Global Environment. The above list,of course,is representative only. You will understand much more of what the law is about as you read through the court cases presented in this book, including extended case excerpts, which will give you a feel for how the courts really decide cases,in the courts’ language.
Improving Your Ability to Perform Legal Reasoning and Analysis Although business law may seem to be a mass of facts, your goal in taking this course should also be an increased ability to use legal reasoning and analysis to figure out how legal situations will be resolved.To this end,you will find the following key learning features to assist you in mastering legal reasoning and analysis:
• Finding and Analyzing Case Law—In Chapter 1, you will find a section with this title that explains:
1. Legal citations. 2. The standard elements of a case. 3. The different types of opinions a court can issue. 4. How to read and understand cases. • Briefing a Case—In Appendix A, you will see how to brief and analyze case problems. This explanation teaches you how to break down the elements of a case and will improve your ability to answer the Case Problems in each chapter.
• Questions with Sample Answers—At the end of
• Legal reference materials including a “Statutes”
each chapter, there is one hypothetical factual scenario that presents a legal question for which you can access a sample answer in Appendix I (and also on the text’s Web site).This allows you to practice and to see if you are answering the hypothetical problems correctly.
page that offers links to the full text of selected statutes referenced in the text, a Spanish glossary, and links to other important legal resources available for free on the Web.
• Case Problems with Sample Answers—Each chapter has a series of chapter-ending Case Problems. You can find an answer to one problem in each chapter on this book’s student companion Web site at blaw/clarkson. You can easily compare your answer to the court’s answer in the actual case.
• Internet exercises for every chapter in the text (at least two per chapter) that introduce you to how to research the law online.
• Relevant Web sites for additional research for Emerging Trends features as well as links to the URLs listed in the Law on the Web section at the end of each chapter.
• Online Legal Research Guide that offers com-
landmark classic case concludes with a short section that explains the relevance of older case law to the way courts reason today.
plete yet brief guidance to using the Internet and evaluating information obtained from the Internet. As an online resource, it now includes hyperlinks to the Web sites discussed for clickthrough convenience.
• What If the Facts Were Different?—This section,
• Court case updates for follow-up research on
• Impact of This Case on Today’s Law—Each
found at the end of selected cases, encourages you to think about how the outcome of a case might be different if the facts were altered.
• The Ethical [E-Commerce, Global, or Legal Environment] Dimension—Every case in this text concludes with two critical-thinking questions, which may include What If the Facts Were Different? questions, as discussed above. For this edition, we’ve included several new possibilities—(The Ethical Dimension, The E-Commerce Dimension, The Global Dimension, and The Legal Environment Dimension.) These questions ask you to explore the law in a variety of contexts to help you meet the specific curriculum requirements for business law students.
The Companion Student Web Site As already mentioned, the companion student Web site at provides you with short videos on various legal topics and with sample answers to one case problem per chapter. In addition, you will find the following:
• Interactive quizzes for every chapter. • A glossary of terms for every chapter in the text. • Flashcards that provide an optional study tool for reviewing the key terms in every chapter.
• Appendix A: How to Brief and Analyze Case Problems that will help you analyze cases. This useful appendix for the book is also provided on the Web site and can be downloaded.
topics covered in the text.
• Link to CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System with different types of questions related to every chapter in the text and one set of cumulative questions for each unit in the text. (Available on an instructor’s request, see below.)
Interactive Assignments on the Web Some of you may have instructors who provide assignments using our world-class interactive Web-based system, called CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System. CengageNOW for Business Law: Interactive Assignment System allows you to improve your mastery of legal concepts and terminology,legal reasoning and analysis, and much more.Your instructor will give you further information if she or he decides to use this Web-based system. Of course, whether or not you are using the CengageNOW system,you will wish to consider purchasing the Study Guide, which can help you get a better grade in your course (see the inside cover for details). The law is all around you—and will be for the rest of your life.We hope that you begin your first course in business law and the legal environment with the same high degree of excitement that we, the authors, always have when we work on improving this text, now in its Eleventh Edition. Business Law has withstood the test of time—several million students before you have already used and benefited by it.
Dedication To John Meisenbach, You are truly one of the world’s good guys. Thanks for your friendship and your professionalism. R.L.M.
To my wife, Joann; my children, Kathy, Gary, Lori, and Rory; and my grandchildren, Erin, Megan, Eric, Emily, Michelle, Javier, Carmen, and Steve. G.A.J.
To my parents and sisters. F.B.C.
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ne of the important functions of law in any society is to provide stability, predictability, and continuity so that people can be sure of how to order their affairs. If any society is to survive, its citizens must be able to determine what is legally right and legally wrong. They must know what sanctions will be imposed on them if they commit wrongful acts. If they suffer harm as a result of others’ wrongful acts, they must know how they can seek redress. By setting forth the rights, obligations, and privileges of citizens, the law enables individuals to go about their business with confidence and a certain degree of predictability. The stability and predictability created by the law provide an essential framework for all civilized activities, including business activities. What do we mean when we speak of “the law”? Although this term has had, and will continue to have, different definitions, they are
all based on a general observation: at a minimum, law consists of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society.These “enforceable rules” may consist of unwritten principles of behavior established by a nomadic tribe. They may be set forth in a law code, such as the Code of Hammurabi in ancient Babylon (c. 1780 B.C.E.) or the law code of one of today’s European nations. They may consist of written laws and court decisions created by modern legislative and judicial bodies, as in the United States. Regardless of how such rules are created, they all have one thing in common: they establish rights, duties, and privileges that are consistent with the values and beliefs of their society or its ruling group. Those who embark on a study of law will find that these broad statements leave unanswered
Schools of Jurisprudential Thought You may think that legal philosophy is far removed from the practical study of business law and the legal environment. In fact, it is not. As you will learn in the chapters of this text, how judges apply the law to spe2
some important questions concerning the nature of law. Part of the study of law, often referred to as jurisprudence, involves learning about different schools of jurisprudential thought and discovering how the approaches to law characteristic of each school can affect judicial decision making. We open this introductory chapter with an examination of that topic.We then look at an important question for any student reading this text: How does the legal environment affect business decision making? We next describe the basic sources of American law, the common law tradition, and some general classifications of law. We conclude the chapter with sections offering practical guidance on several topics, including how to find the sources of law discussed in this chapter (and referred to throughout the text) and how to read and understand court opinions.
cific disputes, including disputes relating to the business world, depends in part on their philosophical approaches to law. Clearly, judges are not free to decide cases solely on the basis of their personal philosophical views or on their opinions about the issues before the court. A judge’s function is not to make the laws—that is the function of the legislative branch of government—but
to interpret and apply them. From a practical point of view, however, the courts play a significant role in defining what the law is.This is because laws enacted by legislative bodies tend to be expressed in general terms. Judges thus have some flexibility in interpreting and applying the law. It is because of this flexibility that different courts can, and often do, arrive at different conclusions in cases that involve nearly identical issues, facts, and applicable laws. This flexibility also means that each judge’s unique personality, legal philosophy, set of values,and intellectual attributes necessarily frame the judicial decision-making process to some extent. Over time several significant schools of legal, or jurisprudential, thought have evolved.We now look at some of them.
The Natural Law School An age-old question about the nature of law has to do with the finality of a nation’s laws, such as the laws of the United States at the present time.For example,what if a particular law is deemed to be a “bad”law by a substantial number of that nation’s citizens? Must a citizen obey the law if it goes against his or her conscience to do so? Is there a higher or universal law to which individuals can appeal? One who adheres to the natural law tradition would answer these questions in the affirmative. Natural law denotes a system of moral and ethical principles that are inherent in human nature and that people can discover through the use of their natural intelligence, or reason. The natural law tradition is one of the oldest and most significant schools of jurisprudence.It dates back to the days of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.), who distinguished between natural law and the laws governing a particular nation. According to Aristotle, natural law applies universally to all humankind. The notion that people have “natural rights” stems from the natural law tradition.Those who claim that a specific foreign government is depriving certain citizens of their human rights implicitly are appealing to a higher law that has universal applicability. The question of the universality of basic human rights also comes into play in the context of international business operations. Should rights extended to workers in the United States, such as the right to be free of discrimination in the workplace, be extended to workers employed by a U.S. firm doing business in another country that does not provide for such rights? This
question is rooted implicitly in a concept of universal rights that has its origins in the natural law tradition.
The Positivist School In contrast, positive law, or national law (the written law of a given society at a particular point in time), applies only to the citizens of that nation or society. Those who adhere to the positivist school believe that there can be no higher law than a nation’s positive law.According to the positivist school, there is no such thing as “natural rights.” Rather, human rights exist solely because of laws. If the laws are not enforced, anarchy will result. Thus, whether a law is “bad” or “good” is irrelevant. The law is the law and must be obeyed until it is changed—in an orderly manner through a legitimate lawmaking process. A judge with positivist leanings probably would be more inclined to defer to an existing law than would a judge who adheres to the natural law tradition.
The Historical School The historical school of legal thought emphasizes the evolutionary process of law by concentrating on the origin and history of the legal system. Thus, this school looks to the past to discover what the principles of contemporary law should be. The legal doctrines that have withstood the passage of time—those that have worked in the past—are deemed best suited for shaping present laws. Hence, law derives its legitimacy and authority from adhering to the standards that historical development has shown to be workable. Adherents of the historical school are more likely than those of other schools to strictly follow decisions made in past cases.
Legal Realism In the 1920s and 1930s, a number of jurists and scholars, known as legal realists, rebelled against the historical approach to law. Legal realism is based on the idea that law is just one of many institutions in society and that it is shaped by social forces and needs. The law is a human enterprise, and judges should take social and economic realities into account when deciding cases. Legal realists also believe that the law can never be applied with total uniformity. Given that judges are human beings with unique personalities, value systems, and intellects, different judges will obviously bring different reasoning processes to the same case.
Legal realism strongly influenced the growth of what is sometimes called the sociological school of jurisprudence.This school views law as a tool for promoting justice in society. In the 1960s, for example, the justices of the United States Supreme Court played a leading role in the civil rights movement by upholding long-neglected laws calling for equal treatment for all Americans, including African Americans and other minorities. Generally, jurists who adhere to this philosophy of law are more likely to depart from past decisions than are those jurists who adhere to the other schools of legal thought.Concept Summary 1.1 reviews the schools of jurisprudential thought.
Business Activities and the Legal Environment As those entering the world of business will learn,laws and government regulations affect virtually all business activities—from hiring and firing decisions to workplace safety, the manufacturing and marketing of products,business financing,and more. To make good business decisions,a basic knowledge of the laws and
regulations governing these activities is beneficial—if not essential. Realize also that in today’s world a knowledge of “black-letter” law is not enough. Businesspersons are also pressured to make ethical decisions. Thus, the study of business law necessarily involves an ethical dimension.
Many Different Laws May Affect a Single Business Transaction As you will note, each chapter in this text covers a specific area of the law and shows how the legal rules in that area affect business activities. Though compartmentalizing the law in this fashion promotes conceptual clarity, it does not indicate the extent to which a number of different laws may apply to just one transaction. Consider an example. Suppose that you are the president of NetSys, Inc., a company that creates and maintains computer network systems for its clients, including business firms. NetSys also markets software for customers who require an internal computer network. One day, Hernandez, an operations officer for Southwest Distribution Corporation (SDC), contacts you by e-mail about a possible contract concerning SDC’s computer network. In deciding whether to enter
Schools of Jurisprudential Thought School of Thought
THE NATURAL LAW SCHOOL One of the oldest and most significant schools of legal thought.Those who believe in natural law hold that there is a universal law applicable to all human beings.This law is discoverable through reason and is of a higher order than positive (national) law.
A school of legal thought centered on the assumption that there is no law higher than the laws created by the government. Laws must be obeyed, even if they are unjust, to prevent anarchy.
A school of legal thought that stresses the evolutionary nature of law and that looks to doctrines that have withstood the passage of time for guidance in shaping present laws.
A school of legal thought, popular during the 1920s and 1930s, that left a lasting imprint on American jurisprudence. Legal realists generally advocated a less abstract and more realistic and pragmatic approach to the law, an approach that would take into account customary practices and the circumstances in which transactions take place. Legal realism strongly influenced the growth of the sociological school of jurisprudence, which views law as a tool for promoting social justice.
into a contract with SDC, you should consider, among other things, the legal requirements for an enforceable contract. Are there different requirements for a contract for services and a contract for products? What are your options if SDC breaches (breaks, or fails to perform) the contract? The answers to these questions are part of contract law and sales law. Other questions might concern payment under the contract. How can you guarantee that NetSys will be paid? For example, if payment is made with a check that is returned for insufficient funds, what are your options? Answers to these questions can be found in the laws that relate to negotiable instruments (such as checks) and creditors’rights. Also,a dispute may occur over the rights to NetSys’s software, or there may be a question of liability if the software is defective. Questions may even be raised as to whether you and Hernandez had the authority to make the deal in the first place. A disagreement may arise from other circumstances, such as an accountant’s evaluation of the contract. Resolutions of these questions may be found in areas of the law that relate to intellectual property, e-commerce, torts, product liability, agency, business organizations, or professional liability. EXHIBIT 1–1
Finally, if any dispute cannot be resolved amicably, then the laws and the rules concerning courts and court procedures spell out the steps of a lawsuit. Exhibit 1–1 illustrates the various areas of law that may influence business decision making.
Ethics and Business Decision Making Merely knowing the areas of law that may affect a business decision is not sufficient in today’s business world. Businesspersons must also take ethics into account. As you will learn in Chapter 5, ethics is generally defined as the study of what constitutes right or wrong behavior. Today, business decision makers need to consider not just whether a decision is legal, but also whether it is ethical. Throughout this text, you will learn about the relationship between the law and ethics, as well as about some of the types of ethical questions that often arise in the business context. For example, the unit-ending Focus on Ethics features in this text are devoted solely to the exploration of ethical questions pertaining to selected topics treated within the unit. We have also added several new features for this edition that stress
Areas of the Law That May Affect Business Decision Making
Courts and Court Procedures
Negotiable Instruments
Professional Liability Business Decision Making
Business Organizations
Creditors’ Rights
Intellectual Property
E- Commerce
Product Liability
the importance of ethical considerations in today’s business climate. These include the new Ethical Dimension questions that conclude many of the cases presented in this text and the Insight into Ethics features that appear in selected chapters. We have also included A Question of Ethics case problems at the ends of the chapters to introduce you to the ethical aspects of specific cases involving real-life situations. Additionally, Chapter 5 offers a detailed look at the importance of ethical considerations in business decision making.
Sources of American Law There are numerous sources of American law. Primary sources of law,or sources that establish the law,include the following:
1. The U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of the various states.
2. Statutory law—including laws passed by Congress, state legislatures, or local governing bodies.
3. Regulations created by administrative agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration.
4. Case law and common law doctrines. We describe each of these important sources of law in the following pages. Secondary sources of law are books and articles that summarize and clarify the primary sources of law. Examples include legal encyclopedias, treatises, articles in law reviews, and compilations of law, such as the Restatements of the Law (which will be discussed shortly).Courts often refer to secondary sources of law for guidance in interpreting and applying the primary sources of law discussed here.
Constitutional Law The federal government and the states have separate written constitutions that set forth the general organization, powers, and limits of their respective governments. Constitutional law is the law as expressed in these constitutions. According to Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.As such, it is the basis of all law in the United States.A law in violation of the Constitution, if challenged, will be declared unconstitutional and will not be enforced,no matter what its source. Because of its importance in
the American legal system, we present the complete text of the U.S. Constitution in Appendix B. The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reserves to the states all powers not granted to the federal government. Each state in the union has its own constitution. Unless it conflicts with the U.S. Constitution or a federal law, a state constitution is supreme within the state’s borders.
Statutory Law Laws enacted by legislative bodies at any level of government,such as the statutes passed by Congress or by state legislatures, make up the body of law generally referred to as statutory law. When a legislature passes a statute, that statute ultimately is included in the federal code of laws or the relevant state code of laws (these codes are discussed later in this chapter). Statutory law also includes local ordinances— statutes (laws, rules, or orders) passed by municipal or county governing units to govern matters not covered by federal or state law. Ordinances commonly have to do with city or county land use (zoning ordinances), building and safety codes, and other matters affecting the local community. A federal statute, of course, applies to all states. A state statute, in contrast, applies only within the state’s borders.State laws thus may vary from state to state.No federal statute may violate the U.S.Constitution,and no state statute or local ordinance may violate the U.S. Constitution or the relevant state constitution. Uniform Laws The differences among state laws were particularly notable in the 1800s,when conflicting state statutes frequently made trade and commerce among the states difficult.To counter these problems,in 1892 a group of legal scholars and lawyers formed the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) to draft uniform laws, or model laws, for the states to consider adopting. The NCCUSL still exists today and continues to issue uniform laws. Each state has the option of adopting or rejecting a uniform law. Only if a state legislature adopts a uniform law does that law become part of the statutory law of that state. Note that a state legislature may adopt all or part of a uniform law as it is written, or the legislature may rewrite the law however the legislature wishes. Hence, even though many states may have adopted a uniform law, those states’ laws may not be entirely “uniform.” The earliest uniform law, the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law, was completed by 1896 and adopted
in every state by the early 1920s (although not all states used exactly the same wording). Over the following decades, other acts were drawn up in a similar manner. In all, more than two hundred uniform acts have been issued by the NCCUSL since its inception. The most ambitious uniform act of all, however, was the Uniform Commercial Code. The Uniform Commercial Code The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which was created through the joint efforts of the NCCUSL and the American Law Institute,1 was first issued in 1952. All fifty states,2 the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands have adopted the UCC. It facilitates commerce among the states by providing a uniform, yet flexible, set of rules governing commercial transactions. The UCC assures businesspersons that their contracts, if validly entered into, normally will be enforced. As you will read in later chapters, from time to time the NCCUSL revises the articles contained in the UCC and submits the revised versions to the states for adoption. During the 1990s, for example, four articles (Articles 3, 4, 5, and 9) were revised, and two new articles (Articles 2A and 4A) were added.Amendments to Article 1 were approved in 2001 and have now been adopted by a majority of the states. Because of its importance in the area of commercial law, we cite the UCC frequently in this text.We also present the UCC in Appendix C.
Administrative Law Another important source of American law is administrative law, which consists of the rules, orders, and decisions of administrative agencies. An administrative agency is a federal, state, or local government agency established to perform a specific function. Administrative law and procedures, which will be examined in detail in Chapter 43, constitute a dominant element in the regulatory environment of business. Rules issued by various administrative agencies now affect virtually every aspect of a business’s operations, including its capital structure and financing, its hiring and firing procedures, its relations with employees and unions, and the way it manufactures and markets its products.
1. This institute was formed in the 1920s and consists of practicing attorneys, legal scholars, and judges. 2. Louisiana has not adopted Articles 2 and 2A (covering contracts for the sale and lease of goods), however.
Federal Agencies At the national level,numerous
executive agencies exist within the cabinet departments of the executive branch. The Food and Drug Administration, for example, is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. Executive agencies are subject to the authority of the president, who has the power to appoint and remove officers of federal agencies. There are also major independent regulatory agencies at the federal level, such as the Federal Trade Commission,the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Federal Communications Commission.The president’s power is less pronounced in regard to independent agencies,whose officers serve for fixed terms and cannot be removed without just cause. State and Local Agencies There are adminis-
trative agencies at the state and local levels as well. Commonly, a state agency (such as a state pollutioncontrol agency) is created as a parallel to a federal agency (such as the Environmental Protection Agency). Just as federal statutes take precedence over conflicting state statutes, so federal agency regulations take precedence over conflicting state regulations.
Case Law and Common Law Doctrines The rules of law announced in court decisions constitute another basic source of American law. These rules of law include interpretations of constitutional provisions, of statutes enacted by legislatures, and of regulations created by administrative agencies. Today, this body of judge-made law is referred to as case law. Case law—the doctrines and principles announced in cases—governs all areas not covered by statutory law or administrative law and is part of our common law tradition.We look at the origins and characteristics of the common law tradition in some detail in the pages that follow. See Concept Summary 1.2 on the next page for a review of the sources of American law.
The Common Law Tradition Because of our colonial heritage, much of American law is based on the English legal system, which originated in medieval England and continued to evolve in the following centuries. Knowledge of this system is necessary to understanding the American legal system today.
Sources of American Law Source
The law as expressed in the U.S. Constitution and the state constitutions.The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. State constitutions are supreme within state borders to the extent that they do not violate a clause of the U.S. Constitution or a federal law.
Laws (statutes and ordinances) created by federal, state, and local legislatures and governing bodies. None of these laws may violate the U.S. Constitution or the relevant state constitution. Uniform statutes, when adopted by a state, become statutory law in that state.
The rules, orders, and decisions of federal, state, or local government administrative agencies.
Judge-made law, including interpretations of constitutional provisions, of statutes enacted by legislatures, and of regulations created by administrative agencies.
Early English Courts The origins of the English legal system—and thus the system as well—date back to 1066,when the Normans conquered England.William the Conqueror and his successors began the process of unifying the country under their rule. One of the means they used to do this was the establishment of the king’s courts, or curiae regis. Before the Norman Conquest, disputes had been settled according to the local legal customs and traditions in various regions of the country. The king’s courts sought to establish a uniform set of customs for the country as a whole.What evolved in these courts was the beginning of the common law—a body of general rules that applied throughout the entire English realm. Eventually, the common law tradition became part of the heritage of all nations that were once British colonies, including the United States. Courts of Law and Remedies at Law The
early English king’s courts could grant only very limited kinds of remedies (the legal means to enforce a right or redress a wrong). If one person wronged another in some way, the king’s courts could award as compensation one or more of the following: (1) land, (2) items of value, or (3) money. The courts that awarded this compensation became known as courts of law, and the three remedies were called remedies at law. (Today, the remedy at law normally takes the form of monetary damages—an amount given to a
party whose legal interests have been injured.) Even though the system introduced uniformity in the settling of disputes, when a complaining party wanted a remedy other than economic compensation, the courts of law could do nothing, so “no remedy, no right.” Courts of Equity and Remedies in Equity
Equity is a branch of law, founded on what might be described as notions of justice and fair dealing, that seeks to supply a remedy when no adequate remedy at law is available.When individuals could not obtain an adequate remedy in a court of law, they petitioned the king for relief.Most of these petitions were decided by an adviser to the king, called a chancellor, who had the power to grant new and unique remedies. Eventually, formal chancery courts, or courts of equity, were established. The remedies granted by the equity courts became known as remedies in equity, or equitable remedies. These remedies include specific performance (ordering a party to perform an agreement as promised), an injunction (ordering a party to cease engaging in a specific activity or to undo some wrong or injury), and rescission (the cancellation of a contractual obligation). We discuss these and other equitable remedies in more detail at appropriate points in the chapters that follow, particularly in Chapter 18. As a general rule, today’s courts, like the early English courts, will not grant equitable remedies
unless the remedy at law—monetary damages—is inadequate.For example,suppose that you form a contract (a legally binding agreement—see Chapter 10) to purchase a parcel of land that you think will be just perfect for your future home. Further suppose that the seller breaches this agreement.You could sue the seller for the return of any deposits or down payment you might have made on the land, but this is not the remedy you really seek.What you want is to have the court order the seller to go through with the contract. In other words, you want the court to grant the equitable remedy of specific performance because monetary damages are inadequate in this situation. Equitable Maxims In fashioning appropriate
remedies, judges often were (and continue to be) guided by so-called equitable maxims—propositions or general statements of equitable rules. Exhibit 1–2 lists some important equitable maxims. The last maxim listed in that exhibit—“Equity aids the vigilant, not those who rest on their rights”—merits special attention. It has become known as the equitable doctrine of laches (a term derived from the Latin laxus, meaning “lax” or “negligent”), and it can be used as a defense. A defense is an argument raised by the defendant (the party being sued) indicating why the plaintiff (the suing party) should not obtain the remedy sought. (Note that in equity proceedings, the party bringing a lawsuit is called the petitioner, and the party being sued is referred to as the respondent.) The doctrine of laches arose to encourage people to bring lawsuits while the evidence was fresh. What constitutes a reasonable time, of course, varies according to the circumstances of the case.Time periods for different types of cases are now usually fixed by EXHIBIT 1–2
statutes of limitations. After the time allowed under a statute of limitations has expired,no action (lawsuit) can be brought, no matter how strong the case was originally.
Legal and Equitable Remedies Today The establishment of courts of equity in medieval England resulted in two distinct court systems: courts of law and courts of equity. The systems had different sets of judges and granted different types of remedies. During the nineteenth century, however, most states in the United States adopted rules of procedure that resulted in the combining of courts of law and equity. A party now may request both legal and equitable remedies in the same action, and the trial court judge may grant either or both forms of relief. The distinction between legal and equitable remedies remains relevant to students of business law, however, because these remedies differ. To seek the proper remedy for a wrong,one must know what remedies are available. Additionally, certain vestiges of the procedures used when there were separate courts of law and equity still exist. For example, a party has the right to demand a jury trial in an action at law, but not in an action in equity. Exhibit 1–3 on page 10 summarizes the procedural differences (applicable in most states) between an action at law and an action in equity.
The Doctrine of Stare Decisis One of the unique features of the common law is that it is judge-made law. The body of principles and doctrines that form the common law emerged over time as judges decided legal controversies.
Equitable Maxims
1. Whoever seeks equity must do equity. (Anyone who wishes to be treated fairly must treat others fairly.) 2. Where there is equal equity, the law must prevail. (The law will determine the outcome of a controversy in which the merits of both sides are equal.)
3. One seeking the aid of an equity court must come to the court with clean hands. (Plaintiffs must have acted fairly and honestly.)
4. Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy. (Equitable relief will be awarded when there is a right to relief and there is no adequate remedy at law.)
5. Equity regards substance rather than form. (Equity is more concerned with fairness and justice than with legal technicalities.)
6. Equity aids the vigilant, not those who rest on their rights. (Equity will not help those who neglect their rights for an unreasonable period of time.)
Procedural Differences between an Action at Law and an Action in Equity
Action at Law
Initiation of lawsuit
By filing a complaint
By filing a petition
Plaintiff and defendant
Petitioner and respondent
By jury or judge
By judge (no jury)
Monetary damages
Injunction, specific performance, or rescission
Case Precedents and Case Reporters
When possible, judges attempted to be consistent and to base their decisions on the principles suggested by earlier cases.They sought to decide similar cases in a similar way and considered new cases with care because they knew that their decisions would make new law. Each interpretation became part of the law on the subject and served as a legal precedent—that is, a decision that furnished an example or authority for deciding subsequent cases involving similar legal principles or facts. In the early years of the common law, there was no single place or publication where court opinions, or written decisions, could be found. By the early fourteenth century, portions of the most important decisions of each year were being gathered together and recorded in Year Books, which became useful references for lawyers and judges. In the sixteenth century, the Year Books were discontinued, and other forms of case publication became available. Today, cases are published, or “reported,” in volumes called reporters, or reports. We describe today’s case reporting system in detail later in this chapter. Stare Decisis and the Common Law Tradition The practice of deciding new cases with
reference to former decisions, or precedents, became a cornerstone of the English and American judicial systems. The practice formed a doctrine known as stare decisis 3 (a Latin phrase meaning “to stand on decided cases”). Under this doctrine, judges are obligated to follow the precedents established within their jurisdictions. The term jurisdiction refers to an area in which a court or courts have the power to apply the law—see 3. Pronounced ster-ay dih-si-ses.
Action in Equity
Chapter 2.Once a court has set forth a principle of law as being applicable to a certain set of facts, that court and courts of lower rank (within the same jurisdiction) must adhere to that principle and apply it in future cases involving similar fact patterns. Thus, stare decisis has two aspects: first, that decisions made by a higher court are binding on lower courts; and second, that a court should not overturn its own precedents unless there is a compelling reason to do so. The doctrine of stare decisis helps the courts to be more efficient because if other courts have carefully analyzed a similar case,their legal reasoning and opinions can serve as guides. Stare decisis also makes the law more stable and predictable. If the law on a given subject is well settled, someone bringing a case to court can usually rely on the court to make a decision based on what the law has been in the past. A Typical Scenario To illustrate how the doc-
trine of stare decisis works, consider an example. Suppose that the lower state courts in Georgia have reached conflicting conclusions on whether drivers are liable for accidents they cause while merging into freeway traffic. Some courts have held drivers liable even though the drivers looked and did not see any oncoming traffic and even though witnesses (passengers in their cars) testified to that effect. To settle the law on this issue, the Georgia Supreme Court decides to review a case involving this fact pattern. The court rules that,in such a situation,the driver who is merging into traffic is liable for any accidents caused by the driver’s failure to yield to freeway traffic—even if the driver looked carefully and did not see an approaching vehicle. The Georgia Supreme Court’s decision on this matter is a binding authority—a case precedent, statute, or other source of law that a court must follow when
deciding a case. In other words, the Georgia Supreme Court’s decision will influence the outcome of all future cases on this issue brought before the Georgia state courts. Similarly, a decision on a given question by the United States Supreme Court (the nation’s highest court), no matter how old, is binding on all courts. Departures from Precedent Although courts are obligated to follow precedents, sometimes a court will depart from the rule of precedent if it decides that the precedent should no longer be followed. If a court decides that a ruling precedent is simply incorrect or that technological or social changes have rendered the precedent inapplicable, the court might rule contrary to the precedent. Cases that overturn precedent often receive a great deal of publicity. Note that judges do have some flexibility in applying precedents. For example, a lower court may avoid applying a precedent set by a higher court in its jurisdiction by distinguishing the two cases based on their facts. When this happens, the lower court’s ruling stands unless it is appealed to a higher court and that court overturns the decision. When There Is No Precedent Occasionally, the courts must decide cases for which no precedents exist, called cases of first impression. For example, as you will read throughout this text, the extensive use of the Internet has presented many new and challenging issues for the courts to decide. In deciding cases of first impression, courts often look at persuasive authorities (precedents from other jurisdictions) for guidance. A court may also consider a number of factors, including legal principles and policies underlying previous court decisions or existing statutes, fairness, social values and customs, public policy (governmental policy based on widely held societal values), and data and concepts drawn from the social sciences. Which of these sources is chosen or receives the greatest emphasis depends on the nature of the case being considered and the particular judge or judges hearing the case.
Stare Decisis and Legal Reasoning Legal reasoning is the reasoning process used by judges in deciding what law applies to a given dispute and then applying that law to the specific facts or circumstances of the case. Through the use of legal reasoning, judges harmonize their decisions with those that have been made before, as the doctrine of stare decisis requires.
Students of business law and the legal environment also engage in legal reasoning. For example, you may be asked to provide answers for some of the case problems that appear at the end of every chapter in this text. Each problem describes the facts of a particular dispute and the legal question at issue. If you are assigned a case problem, you will be asked to determine how a court would answer that question, and why. In other words,you will need to give legal reasons for whatever conclusion you reach.4 We look here at the basic steps involved in legal reasoning and then describe some forms of reasoning commonly used by the courts in making their decisions. Basic Steps in Legal Reasoning At times,the
legal arguments set forth in court opinions are relatively simple and brief. At other times, the arguments are complex and lengthy. Regardless of the length of a legal argument, however, the basic steps of the legal reasoning process remain the same.These steps,which you also can follow when analyzing cases and case problems, form what is commonly referred to as the IRAC method of legal reasoning. IRAC is an acronym formed from the first letters of the following words: Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion. To apply the IRAC method, you would ask the following questions:
1. What are the key facts and issues? For example,suppose that a plaintiff comes before the court claiming assault (a wrongful and intentional action in which one person makes another fearful of immediate physical harm—part of a class of actions called torts).The plaintiff claims that the defendant threatened her while she was sleeping. Although the plaintiff was unaware that she was being threatened, her roommate heard the defendant make the threat. The legal issue, or question, raised by these facts is whether the defendant’s actions constitute the tort of assault, given that the plaintiff was not aware of those actions at the time they occurred. 2. What rules of law apply to the case? A rule of law may be a rule stated by the courts in previous decisions, a state or federal statute, or a state or federal administrative agency regulation. In our hypothetical case, the plaintiff alleges (claims) that the defendant committed a tort. Therefore, the applicable law is the common law of torts—specifically, tort law governing assault (see Chapter 6 for more
4. See Appendix A for further instructions on how to analyze case problems.
detail on intentional torts). Case precedents involving similar facts and issues thus would be relevant. Often, more than one rule of law will be applicable to a case. 3. How do the rules of law apply to the particular facts and circumstances of this case? This step is often the most difficult because each case presents a unique set of facts, circumstances, and parties. Although cases may be similar, no two cases are ever identical in all respects. Normally, judges (and lawyers and law students) try to find cases on point—previously decided cases that are as similar as possible to the one under consideration.(Because of the difficulty—and importance—of this step in the legal reasoning process, we discuss it in more detail in the next subsection.) 4. What conclusion should be drawn? This step normally presents few problems. Usually, the conclusion is evident if the previous three steps have been followed carefully. Forms of Legal Reasoning Judges use many
types of reasoning when following the third step of the legal reasoning process—applying the law to the facts of a particular case.Three common forms of reasoning are deductive reasoning, linear reasoning, and reasoning by analogy. Deductive Reasoning. Deductive reasoning is sometimes called syllogistic reasoning because it employs a syllogism—a logical relationship involving a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. For example,consider the hypothetical case presented earlier,in which the plaintiff alleged that the defendant committed assault by threatening her while she was sleeping. The judge might point out that “under the common law of torts,an individual must be aware of a threat of danger for the threat to constitute assault” (major premise); “the plaintiff in this case was unaware of the threat at the time it occurred” (minor premise); and “therefore, the circumstances do not amount to an assault” (conclusion). Linear Reasoning. A second important form of legal reasoning that is commonly employed might be thought of as “linear” reasoning because it proceeds from one point to another, with the final point being the conclusion. An analogy will help make this form of reasoning clear. Imagine a knotted rope, with each knot tying together separate pieces of rope to form a tightly knotted length. As a whole, the rope represents
a linear progression of thought logically connecting various points, with the last point, or knot, representing the conclusion. For example, suppose that a tenant in an apartment building sues the landlord for damages for an injury resulting from an allegedly inadequately lit stairway. The court may engage in a reasoning process involving the following “pieces of rope”:
1. The landlord,who was on the premises the evening
2. 3.
4. 5.
the injury occurred, testifies that none of the other nine tenants who used the stairway that night complained about the lights. The fact that none of the tenants complained is the same as if they had said the lighting was sufficient. That there were no complaints does not prove that the lighting was sufficient but does prove that the landlord had no reason to believe that it was not. The landlord’s belief was reasonable because no one complained. Therefore, the landlord acted reasonably and was not negligent with respect to the lighting in the stairway.
From this reasoning, the court concludes that the tenant is not entitled to compensation on the basis of the stairway’s allegedly insufficient lighting. Reasoning by Analogy. Another important type of reasoning that judges use in deciding cases is reasoning by analogy. To reason by analogy is to compare the facts in the case at hand to the facts in other cases and, to the extent that the patterns are similar, to apply the same rule of law to the present case.To the extent that the facts are unique, or “distinguishable,” different rules may apply. For example, in case A, the court held that a driver who crossed a highway’s center line was negligent.Case B involves a driver who crosses the line to avoid hitting a child. In determining whether case A’s rule applies in case B,a judge would consider what the reasons were for the decision in A and whether B is sufficiently similar for those reasons to apply. If the judge holds that B’s driver is not liable, that judge must indicate why case A’s rule is not relevant to the facts presented in case B.
There Is No One “Right” Answer Many persons believe that there is one “right”answer to every legal question. In most situations involving a legal controversy, however, there is no single correct result. Good arguments can often be made to support either side of a legal controversy. Quite often, a case
does not involve a “good”person suing a “bad”person. In many cases,both parties have acted in good faith in some measure or in bad faith to some degree. Additionally, each judge has her or his own personal beliefs and philosophy, which shape, at least to some extent,the process of legal reasoning.This means that the outcome of a particular lawsuit before a court cannot be predicted with absolute certainty. In fact, in some cases, even though the weight of the law would seem to favor one party’s position, judges, through creative legal reasoning, have found ways to rule in favor of the other party in the interests of preventing injustice.Legal reasoning and other aspects of the common law tradition are reviewed in Concept Summary 1.3.
The Common Law Today Today, the common law derived from judicial decisions continues to be applied throughout the United States. Common law doctrines and principles govern
all areas not covered by statutory or administrative law. In a dispute concerning a particular employment practice, for example, if a statute regulates that practice,the statute will apply rather than the common law doctrine that applied prior to the enactment of the statute.
The Continuing Importance of the Common Law Because the body of statutory law has expanded greatly since the beginning of this nation, thus narrowing the applicability of common law doctrines,it might seem that the common law has dwindled in importance. This is not true, however. For one thing, even in areas governed by statutory law, there is a significant interplay between statutory law and the common law. For example, many statutes essentially codify existing common law rules, and regulations issued by various administrative agencies usually are based, at least in part, on common law principles. Additionally, the courts, in interpreting statutory law, often rely on the
The Common Law Tradition Aspect ORIGINS OF THE COMMON
Description LAW
The American legal system is based on the common law tradition, which originated in medieval England. Following the conquest of England in 1066 by William the Conqueror, king’s courts were established throughout England, and the common law was developed in these courts.
The distinction between remedies at law (money or items of value, such as land) and remedies in equity (including specific performance, injunction, and rescission of a contractual obligation) originated in the early English courts of law and courts of equity, respectively.
In the king’s courts, judges attempted to make their decisions consistent with previous decisions, called precedents.This practice gave rise to the doctrine of stare decisis. This doctrine, which became a cornerstone of the common law tradition, obligates judges to abide by precedents established in their jurisdictions.
Legal reasoning refers to the reasoning process used by judges in applying the law to the facts and issues of specific cases. Legal reasoning involves becoming familiar with the key facts of a case, identifying the relevant legal rules, applying those rules to the facts, and drawing a conclusion. In applying the legal rules to the facts of a case, judges may use deductive reasoning, linear reasoning, or reasoning by analogy.
common law as a guide to what the legislators intended. Furthermore, how the courts interpret a particular statute determines how that statute will be applied. If you wanted to learn about the coverage and applicability of a particular statute, for example, you would necessarily have to locate the statute and study it.You would also need to see how the courts in your jurisdiction have interpreted and applied the statute. In other words, you would have to learn what precedents have been established in your jurisdiction with respect to that statute. Often, the applicability of a newly enacted statute does not become clear until a body of case law develops to clarify how, when, and to whom the statute applies.
Restatements of the Law The American Law Institute (ALI) has drafted and published compilations of the common law called Restatements of the Law, which generally summarize the common law rules followed by most states. There are Restatements of the Law in the areas of contracts, torts, agency, trusts, property, restitution, security, judgments, and conflict of laws. The Restatements, like other secondary sources of law, do not in themselves have the force of law,but they are an important source of legal analysis and opinion on which judges often rely in making their decisions. Many of the Restatements are now in their second, third, or fourth editions. We refer to the Restatements frequently in subsequent chapters of this text, indicating in parentheses the edition to which we are referring.For example,we refer to the second edition of the Restatement of the Law of Contracts as simply the Restatement (Second) of Contracts.
Classifications of Law The substantial body of the law may be broken down according to several classification systems. For example, one classification system divides law into substantive law and procedural law. Substantive law consists of all laws that define, describe, regulate, and create legal rights and obligations. Procedural law consists of all laws that delineate the methods of enforcing the rights established by substantive law. Other classification systems divide law into federal law and state law, private law (dealing with relationships between pri-
vate entities) and public law (addressing the relationship between persons and their governments), and national law and international law. Here we look at still another classification system, which divides law into civil law and criminal law, as well as at what is meant by the term cyberlaw.
Civil Law and Criminal Law Civil law spells out the rights and duties that exist between persons and between persons and their governments, as well as the relief available when a person’s rights are violated. Typically, in a civil case, a private party sues another private party (although the government can also sue a party for a civil law violation) to make that other party comply with a duty or pay for the damage caused by failure to comply with a duty.Much of the law that we discuss in this text is civil law. Contract law, for example, covered in Chapters 10 through 19,is civil law. The whole body of tort law (see Chapters 6 and 7) is also civil law. Criminal law, in contrast, is concerned with wrongs committed against the public as a whole. Criminal acts are defined and prohibited by local, state, or federal government statutes. Criminal defendants are thus prosecuted by public officials,such as a district attorney ( D.A.), on behalf of the state, not by their victims or other private parties.(See Chapter 9 for a further discussion of the distinction between civil law and criminal law.)
Cyberlaw As mentioned,the use of the Internet to conduct business transactions has led to new types of legal issues. In response, courts have had to adapt traditional laws to situations that are unique to our age. Additionally, legislatures have created laws to deal specifically with such issues. Frequently, people use the term cyberlaw to refer to the emerging body of law that governs transactions conducted via the Internet. Cyberlaw is not really a classification of law, nor is it a new type of law. Rather, it is an informal term used to describe traditional legal principles that have been modified and adapted to fit situations that are unique to the online world. Of course, in some areas new statutes have been enacted, at both the federal and state levels, to cover specific types of problems stemming from online communications. Throughout this book, you will read how the law in a given area is evolving to govern specific legal issues that arise in the online context.
How to Find Primary Sources of Law This text includes numerous citations to primary sources of law—federal and state statutes, the U.S. Constitution and state constitutions, regulations issued by administrative agencies, and court cases. (A citation is a reference to a publication in which a legal authority—such as a statute or a court decision or other source—can be found.) In this section, we explain how you can use citations to find primary sources of law. Note that in addition to the primary sources being published in sets of books as described next, most federal and state laws and case decisions are also available online.
Finding Statutory and Administrative Law When Congress passes laws, they are collected in a publication titled United States Statutes at Large. When state legislatures pass laws,they are collected in similar state publications. Most frequently, however, laws are referred to in their codified form—that is, the form in which they appear in the federal and state codes. In these codes, laws are compiled by subject. United States Code The United States Code (U.S.C.) arranges all existing federal laws by broad subject. Each of the fifty subjects is given a title and a title number. For example, laws relating to commerce and trade are collected in Title 15, “Commerce and Trade.” Titles are subdivided by sections. A citation to the U.S.C. includes both title and section numbers. Thus,a reference to “15 U.S.C. Section 1”means that the statute can be found in Section 1 of Title 15.(“Section” may also be designated by the symbol §, and “Sections,” by §§.) In addition to the print publication of the U.S.C., the federal government also provides a searchable online database of the United States Code at Commercial publications of federal laws and regulations are also available. For example, West Group publishes the United States Code Annotated ( U.S.C.A.). The U.S.C.A. contains the official text of the U.S.C., plus notes (annotations) on court decisions that interpret and apply specific sections of the statutes. The U.S.C.A. also includes additional research aids, such as cross-references to related statutes, historical notes, and library references. A
citation to the U.S.C.A. is similar to a citation to the U.S.C.:“15 U.S.C.A. Section 1.” State Codes State codes follow the U.S.C.pattern of arranging law by subject. They may be called codes, revisions,compilations,consolidations,general statutes, or statutes, depending on the preferences of the states. In some codes, subjects are designated by number. In others, they are designated by name. For example,“13 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Section 1101” means that the statute can be found in Title 13, Section 1101, of the Pennsylvania code.“California Commercial Code Section 1101” means that the statute can be found under the subject heading “Commercial Code”of the California code in Section 1101. Abbreviations are often used.For example,“13 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Section 1101”is abbreviated “13 Pa.C.S.§ 1101,” and “California Commercial Code Section 1101” is abbreviated “Cal. Com. Code § 1101.” Administrative Rules Rules and regulations adopted by federal administrative agencies are initially published in the Federal Register, a daily publication of the U.S. government. Later, they are incorporated into the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.). Like the U.S.C., the C.F. R. is divided into fifty titles.Rules within each title are assigned section numbers. A full citation to the C.F.R. includes title and section numbers. For example, a reference to “17 C.F.R. Section 230.504” means that the rule can be found in Section 230.504 of Title 17.
Finding Case Law Before discussing the case reporting system, we need to look briefly at the court system (which will be discussed in detail in Chapter 2). There are two types of courts in the United States, federal courts and state courts.Both the federal and state court systems consist of several levels,or tiers,of courts.Trial courts, in which evidence is presented and testimony given, are on the bottom tier (which also includes lower courts that handle specialized issues). Decisions from a trial court can be appealed to a higher court,which commonly is an intermediate court of appeals, or an appellate court. Decisions from these intermediate courts of appeals may be appealed to an even higher court, such as a state supreme court or the United States Supreme Court. State Court Decisions Most state trial court
decisions are not published in books (except in New
York and a few other states, which publish selected trial court opinions). Decisions from state trial courts are typically filed in the office of the clerk of the court, where the decisions are available for public inspection. Written decisions of the appellate, or reviewing, courts,however,are published and distributed (both in print and via the Internet). As you will note,most of the state court cases presented in this book are from state appellate courts.The reported appellate decisions are published in volumes called reports or reporters,which are numbered consecutively. State appellate court decisions are found in the state reporters of that particular state. Official reports are volumes that are published by the state, whereas unofficial reports are privately published. Regional Reporters. State court opinions appear in regional units of the National Reporter System, published by West Group. Most lawyers and libraries have the West reporters because they report cases more quickly, and are distributed more widely, than the statepublished reporters. In fact, many states have eliminated their own reporters in favor of West’s National Reporter System.The National Reporter System divides the states into the following geographic areas: Atlantic (A. or A.2d), North Eastern (N.E. or N.E.2d), North Western (N.W.or N.W.2d),Pacific (P.,P.2d,or P.3d),South Eastern (S.E. or S.E.2d), South Western (S.W., S.W.2d, or S.W.3d),and Southern (So.or So.2d).(The 2d and 3d in the preceding abbreviations refer to Second Series and Third Series, respectively.) The states included in each of these regional divisions are indicated in Exhibit 1–4, which illustrates West’s National Reporter System. Case Citations. After appellate decisions have been published, they are normally referred to (cited) by the name of the case; the volume,name,and page number of the state’s official reporter (if different from West’s National Reporter System); the volume, name, and page number of the National Reporter; and the volume, name, and page number of any other selected reporter. (Citing a reporter by volume number, name, and page number, in that order, is common to all citations; often, as in this book, the year the decision was issued will be included in parentheses, just after the citations to reporters.) When more than one reporter is cited for the same case, each reference is called a parallel citation. Note that some states have adopted a “public domain citation system”that uses a somewhat different format for the citation. For example, in Wisconsin, a
Wisconsin Supreme Court decision might be designated “2008 WI 40,” meaning that the case was decided in the year 2008 by the Wisconsin Supreme Court and was the fortieth decision issued by that court during that year. Parallel citations to the Wisconsin Reports and West’s North Western Reporter are still included after the public domain citation. Consider the following case citation: Borelli v. H and H Contracting, Inc., 100 Conn.App. 680, 919 A.2d 500 (2007). We see that the opinion in this case can be found in Volume 100 of the official Connecticut Appellate Reports, on page 680.The parallel citation is to Volume 919 of the Atlantic Reporter, Second Series, page 500. In presenting appellate opinions in this text, in addition to the reporter, we give the name of the court hearing the case and the year of the court’s decision. Sample citations to state court decisions are explained in Exhibit 1–5 on pages 18–20. Federal Court Decisions Federal district (trial)
court decisions are published unofficially in West’s Federal Supplement (F.Supp. or F.Supp.2d), and opinions from the circuit courts of appeals (reviewing courts) are reported unofficially in West’s Federal Reporter (F., F.2d, or F.3d). Cases concerning federal bankruptcy law are published unofficially in West’s Bankruptcy Reporter (Bankr. or B.R.). The official edition of the United States Supreme Court decisions is the United States Reports (U.S.), which is published by the federal government. Unofficial editions of Supreme Court cases include West’s Supreme Court Reporter (S.Ct.) and the Lawyers’ Edition of the Supreme Court Reports (L.Ed. or L.Ed.2d). Sample citations for federal court decisions are also listed and explained in Exhibit 1–5. Unpublished Opinions Many court opinions that are not yet published or that are not intended for publication can be accessed through Westlaw® (abbreviated in citations as “WL”), an online legal database maintained by West Group.When no citation to a published reporter is available for cases cited in this text, we give the WL citation (see Exhibit 1–5 for an example). Can a court consider unpublished decisions as persuasive precedent? See this chapter’s Insight into E-Commerce feature on pages 22 and 23 for a discussion of this issue. Old Case Law On a few occasions, this text cites opinions from old, classic cases dating to the nineteenth century or earlier; some of these are from the
West’s National Reporter System—Regional/Federal Coverage Beginning 1885
Regional Reporters Atlantic Reporter (A. or A.2d) North Eastern Reporter (N.E. or N.E.2d) North Western Reporter (N.W. or N.W.2d)
1885 1879
Pacific Reporter (P., P.2d, or P.3d)
South Eastern Reporter (S.E. or S.E.2d) South Western Reporter (S.W., S.W.2d, or S.W.3d) Southern Reporter (So. or So.2d)
1887 1886
Coverage Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, and Ohio. Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas.
Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
Federal Reporters Federal Reporter (F., F.2d, or F.3d)
Federal Supplement (F.Supp. or F.Supp.2d)
Federal Rules Decisions (F.R.D.)
Supreme Court Reporter (S.Ct.) Bankruptcy Reporter (Bankr.)
1882 1980
Military Justice Reporter (M.J.)
U.S. Circuit Courts from 1880 to 1912; U.S. Commerce Court from 1911 to 1913; U.S. District Courts from 1880 to 1932; U.S. Court of Claims (now called U.S. Court of Federal Claims) from 1929 to 1932 and since 1960; U.S. Courts of Appeals since 1891; U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals since 1929; U.S. Emergency Court of Appeals since 1943. U.S. Court of Claims from 1932 to 1960; U.S. District Courts since 1932; U.S. Customs Court since 1956. U.S. District Courts involving the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure since 1939 and Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure since 1946. United States Supreme Court since the October term of 1882. Bankruptcy decisions of U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, U.S. District Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court. U.S. Court of Military Appeals and Courts of Military Review for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
Pacific North Western South Western North Eastern Atlantic South Eastern Southern
How to Read Citations STATE COURTS 273 Neb. 379, 730 N.W.2d 357 (2007)a N.W. is the abbreviation for West’s publication of state court decisions rendered in the North Western Reporter of the National Reporter System. 2d indicates that this case was included in the Second Series of that reporter. The number 730 refers to the volume number of the reporter; the number 357 refers to the page in that volume on which this case begins. Neb. is an abbreviation for Nebraska Reports, Nebraska’s official reports of the decisions of its highest court, the Nebraska Supreme Court.
146 Cal.App.4th 565, 52 Cal.Rptr.3d 908 (2007) Cal.Rptr. is the abbreviation for West’s unofficial reports—titled California Reporter— of the decisions of California courts.
8 N.Y.3d 422, 867 N.E.2d 381, 835 N.Y.S.2d 530 (2007) N.Y.S. is the abbreviation for West’s unofficial reports—titled New York Supplement—of the decisions of New York courts. N.Y. is the abbreviation for New York Reports, New York’s official reports of the decisions of its court of appeals. The New York Court of Appeals is the state’s highest court, analogous to other states’ supreme courts. In New York, a supreme court is a trial court.
284 Ga.App. 474, 644 S.E.2d 311 (2007) Ga.App. is the abbreviation for Georgia Appeals Reports, Georgia’s official reports of the decisions of its court of appeals.
FEDERAL COURTS ___ U.S. ___, 127 S.Ct. 1513, 167 L.Ed.2d 422 (2007) L.Ed. is an abbreviation for Lawyers’ Edition of the Supreme Court Reports, an unofficial edition of decisions of the United States Supreme Court. S.Ct. is the abbreviation for West’s unofficial reports—titled Supreme Court Reporter—of decisions of the United States Supreme Court. U.S. is the abbreviation for United States Reports, the official edition of the decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
a. The case names have been deleted from these citations to emphasize the publications. It should be kept in mind, however, that the name of a case is as important as the specific page numbers in the volumes in which it is found. If a citation is incorrect, the correct citation may be found in a publication’s index of case names. In addition to providing a check on errors in citations, the date of a case is important because the value of a recent case as an authority is likely to be greater than that of older cases.
How to Read Citations—Continued FEDERAL COURTS (Continued)
477 F.3d 908 (8th Cir. 2007) 8th Cir. is an abbreviation denoting that this case was decided in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.
478 F.Supp.2d 496 (S.D.N.Y. 2007) S.D.N.Y. is an abbreviation indicating that the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York decided this case.
ENGLISH COURTS 9 Exch. 341, 156 Eng.Rep. 145 (1854) Eng.Rep. is an abbreviation for English Reports, Full Reprint, a series of reports containing selected decisions made in English courts between 1378 and 1865. Exch. is an abbreviation for English Exchequer Reports, which includes the original reports of cases decided in England’s Court of Exchequer.
STATUTORY AND OTHER CITATIONS 18 U.S.C. Section 1961(1)(A) U.S.C. denotes United States Code, the codification of United States Statutes at Large. The number 18 refers to the statute’s U.S.C. title number and 1961 to its section number within that title. The number 1 in parentheses refers to a subsection within the section, and the letter A in parentheses to a subdivision within the subsection.
UCC 2–206(1)(b) UCC is an abbreviation for Uniform Commercial Code. The first number 2 is a reference to an article of the UCC, and 206 to a section within that article. The number 1 in parentheses refers to a subsection within the section, and the letter b in parentheses to a subdivision within the subsection.
Restatement (Second) of Torts, Section 568 Restatement (Second) of Torts refers to the second edition of the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the Law of Torts. The number 568 refers to a specific section.
17 C.F.R. Section 230.505 C.F.R. is an abbreviation for Code of Federal Regulations, a compilation of federal administrative regulations. The number 17 designates the regulation’s title number, and 230.505 designates a specific section within that title.
How to Read Citations—Continued Westlaw® Citationsb
2007 WL 1660910 WL is an abbreviation for Westlaw. The number 2007 is the year of the document that can be found with this citation in the Westlaw database. The number 1660910 is a number assigned to a specific document. A higher number indicates that a document was added to the Westlaw database later in the year.
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) http://www.westlaw.comc The suffix com is the top level domain (TLD) for this Web site. The TLD com is an abbreviation for “commercial,” which usually means that a for-profit entity hosts (maintains or supports) this Web site. westlaw is the host name—the part of the domain name selected by the organization that registered the name. In this case, West Group registered the name. This Internet site is the Westlaw database on the Web. www is an abbreviation for “World Wide Web.” The Web is a system of Internet servers that support documents formatted in HTML (hypertext markup language). HTML supports links to text, graphics, and audio and video files. This is “The Federal Judiciary Home Page.” The host is the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The TLD gov is an abbreviation for “government.” This Web site includes information and links from, and about, the federal courts. This part of a URL points to a Web page or file at a specific location within the host’s domain. This page is a menu with links to documents within the domain and to other Internet resources. This is the host name for a Web site that contains the Internet publications of the Legal Information Institute (LII), which is a part of Cornell Law School. The LII site includes a variety of legal materials and links to other legal resources on the Internet. The TLD edu is an abbreviation for “educational institution” (a school or a university). This part of the Web site points to a static news page at this Web site, which provides links to online newspapers from around the world. div is an abbreviation for “division,” which is the way that the Internet Public Library tags the content on its Web site as relating to a specific topic. ipl is an abbreviation for “Internet Public Library,” which is an online service that provides reference resources and links to other information services on the Web. The IPL is supported chiefly by the School of Information at the University of Michigan. The TLD org is an abbreviation for “organization” (normally nonprofit).
b. Many court decisions that are not yet published or that are not intended for publication can be accessed through Westlaw®, an online legal database. c. The basic form for a URL is “service://hostname/path.” The Internet service for all of the URLs in this text is http (hypertext transfer protocol). Because most Web browsers add this prefix automatically when a user enters a host name or a hostname/path, we have omitted the http:// from the URLs listed in this text.
English courts. The citations to these cases may not conform to the descriptions given above because the reporters in which they were published were often known by the names of the persons who compiled the reporters and have since been replaced.
How to Read and Understand Case Law The decisions made by the courts establish the boundaries of the law as it applies to virtually all business relationships. It thus is essential that businesspersons know how to read and understand case law. The cases that we present in this text have been condensed from the full text of the courts’ opinions and are presented in a special format. In approximately two-thirds of the cases,we have summarized the background and facts, as well as the court’s decision and remedy, in our own words and have included only selected portions of the court’s opinion (“in the language of the court”). In the remaining one-third of the cases, we have provided a longer excerpt from the court’s opinion without summarizing the background and facts or decision and remedy. For those who wish to review court cases as part of research projects or to gain additional legal information, the following sections will provide useful insights into how to read and understand case law.
Case Titles The title of a case, such as Adams v. Jones, indicates the names of the parties to the lawsuit. The v. in the case title stands for versus, which means “against.” In the trial court, Adams was the plaintiff—the person who filed the suit. Jones was the defendant. If the case is appealed, however, the appellate court will sometimes place the name of the party appealing the decision first, so the case may be called Jones v. Adams if Jones is appealing. Because some appellate courts retain the trial court order of names, it is often impossible to distinguish the plaintiff from the defendant in the title of a reported appellate court decision. You must carefully read the facts of each case to identify the parties. Otherwise, the discussion by the appellate court may be difficult to understand.
Terminology The following terms,phrases,and abbreviations are frequently encountered in court opinions and legal publications.Because it is important to understand what is meant by these terms, phrases, and abbreviations, we define and discuss them here. Parties to Lawsuits As mentioned previously,
the party initiating a lawsuit is referred to as the plaintiff or petitioner, depending on the nature of the action, and the party against whom a lawsuit is brought is the defendant or respondent. Lawsuits frequently involve more than one plaintiff and/or defendant.When a case is appealed from the original court or jurisdiction to another court or jurisdiction, the party appealing the case is called the appellant. The appellee is the party against whom the appeal is taken.(In some appellate courts,the party appealing a case is referred to as the petitioner, and the party against whom the suit is brought or appealed is called the respondent.) Judges and Justices The terms judge and justice are usually synonymous and represent two designations given to judges in various courts. All members of the United States Supreme Court, for example, are referred to as justices, and justice is the formal title often given to judges of appellate courts, although this is not always the case. In New York, a justice is a judge of the trial court (which is called the Supreme Court), and a member of the Court of Appeals (the state’s highest court) is called a judge. The term justice is commonly abbreviated to J., and justices, to JJ. A Supreme Court case might refer to Justice Alito as Alito, J., or to Chief Justice Roberts as Roberts, C.J. Decisions and Opinions Most decisions reached by reviewing, or appellate, courts are explained in written opinions. The opinion contains the court’s reasons for its decision,the rules of law that apply, and the judgment.
Unanimous, Concurring, and Dissenting Opinions. When all judges or justices unanimously agree on an opinion, the opinion is written for the entire court and can be deemed a unanimous opinion. When there is not a unanimous opinion, a majority opinion is written; the majority opinion outlines the
How the Internet Is Expanding Precedent The notion that courts should rely on precedents to decide the outcome of similar cases has long been a cornerstone of U.S. law. Nevertheless, the availability of “unpublished opinions” over the Internet is changing what the law considers to be precedent. An unpublished opinion is a decision made by an appellate court that is not intended for publication in a reporter (the bound books that contain court opinions).a Courts traditionally have not considered unpublished opinions to be “precedent,” binding or persuasive, and attorneys were often not allowed to refer to these decisions in their arguments.
unpublished. The number is equally high in some state court systems. California’s intermediate appellate courts, for example, publish only about 7 percent of their decisions. Even though certain decisions are not intended for publication, they are posted (“published”) almost immediately on online legal databases, such as Westlaw and Lexis. With the proliferation of free legal databases and court Web sites, the general public also has almost instant access to the unpublished decisions of most courts. This situation has caused a substantial amount of debate over whether unpublished opinions should be given the same precedential effect as published opinions.
An Increasing Number of Decisions Are Not Published in Case Reporters but Are Available Online
Should Unpublished Decisions Establish Precedent?
The number of court decisions not published in printed books has risen dramatically in recent years. By some estimates, nearly 80 percent of the decisions of the federal appellate courts are a. Recently decided cases that are not yet published are also sometimes called unpublished opinions, but because these decisions will eventually be printed in reporters, we do not include them here.
Prior to the Internet, one might have been able to justify not considering unpublished decisions to be precedent on the grounds of fairness. How could courts and lawyers be expected to consider the reasoning in unpublished decisions if they were not printed in the case reporters? Now that opinions are so readily available on the Web, however, this justification is no longer valid. Moreover, it now seems unfair not to consider these decisions as
view supported by the majority of the judges or justices deciding the case. If a judge agrees, or concurs, with the majority’s decision, but for different reasons, that judge may write a concurring opinion. A dissenting opinion presents the views of one or more judges who disagree with the majority’s decision. The dissenting opinion is important because it may form the basis of the arguments used years later in overruling the precedential majority opinion.
“in the bench,” generally all of the judges “sitting on the bench” of that court review the case.
Other Types of Opinions. Occasionally, a court issues a per curiam opinion. Per curiam is a Latin phrase meaning “of the court.” In per curiam opinions, there is no indication as to which judge or justice authored the opinion. This term may also be used for an announcement of a court’s disposition of a case that is not accompanied by a written opinion.Some of the cases presented in this text are en banc decisions. When an appellate court reviews a case en banc, which is a French term (derived from a Latin term) for
A Sample Court Case To illustrate the elements in a court opinion, we present an annotated opinion in Exhibit 1–6 on pages 24–26. The opinion is from an actual case that the United States Supreme Court decided in 2007. of the Case At a schoolsanctioned and school-supervised event, a high school principal saw some of her students unfurl a banner conveying a message that she regarded as promoting illegal drug use. Consistent with school policy, which prohibited such messages at school events, the principal told the students to take down the banner. One student refused. The principal confiscated the banner and suspended the student. The student filed a suit in a federal district court against the principal and others,alleg-
precedent to some extent because they are so publicly accessible. Another argument against allowing unpublished decisions to be precedent concerns the quality of the legal reasoning set forth in these decisions. Staff attorneys and law clerks frequently write unpublished opinions so that judges can spend more time on the opinions intended for publication. Consequently, some claim that allowing unpublished decisions to establish precedent could result in bad precedents because the reasoning may not be up to par. If the decision is regarded merely as persuasive precedent, however, then judges who disagree with the reasoning are free to reject the conclusion.
The United States Supreme Court Changes Federal Rules on Unpublished Opinions after 2007 In spite of objections from several hundred judges and lawyers, the United States Supreme Court made history in 2006 when it announced that it would allow lawyers to refer to (cite) unpublished decisions in all federal courts. The new rule, Rule 32.1 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, states that federal courts may not prohibit or restrict the citation of federal judicial opinions that have been designated as “not for publication,” “non-precedential,” or “not precedent.” The rule
ing a violation of his rights under the U.S. Constitution. The court issued a judgment in the defendants’ favor. On the student’s appeal,the U.S.Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed this judgment. The defendants appealed to the United States Supreme Court. Editorial Practice You will note that triple aster-
isks (* * *) and quadruple asterisks (* * * *) frequently appear in the opinion. The triple asterisks indicate that we have deleted a few words or sentences from the opinion for the sake of readability or brevity. Quadruple asterisks mean that an entire paragraph (or more) has been omitted.Additionally, when the opinion cites another case or legal source, the citation to the case or other source has been omitted to save space and to improve the flow of the text. These editorial practices are continued in the other court opinions presented in this book. In addition, whenever we present a court opinion that includes a term or phrase that may not be readily understand-
applies only to federal courts and only to unpublished opinions issued after January 1, 2007. It does not specify the effect that a court must give to one of its unpublished opinions or to an unpublished opinion from another court. Basically, the rule simply makes all the federal courts follow a uniform rule that allows attorneys to cite—and judges to consider as persuasive precedent—unpublished decisions beginning in 2007. The impact of this new rule remains to be seen. At present, the majority of states do not allow their state courts to consider the rulings in unpublished cases as persuasive precedent, and this rule does not affect the states. The Supreme Court’s decision, however, provides an example of how technology— the availability of unpublished opinions over the Internet—has affected the law. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRITICAL THINKING INSIGHT INTO THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Now that the Supreme Court is allowing unpublished decisions to form persuasive precedent in federal courts, should state courts follow? Why or why not? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
able, a bracketed definition or paraphrase has been added. Briefing Cases Knowing how to read and
understand court opinions and the legal reasoning used by the courts is an essential step in undertaking accurate legal research. A further step is “briefing,” or summarizing, the case. Legal researchers routinely brief cases by reducing the texts of the opinions to their essential elements. Generally, when you brief a case,you first summarize the background and facts of the case, as the authors have done for the cases presented within this text.You then indicate the issue (or issues) before the court.An important element in the case brief is, of course, the court’s decision on the issue and the legal reasoning used by the court in reaching that decision. Detailed instructions on how to brief a case are given in Appendix A, which also includes a briefed version of the sample court case presented in Exhibit 1–6. 23
A Sample Court Case
MORSE v. FREDERICK This section contains the citation—the name of the case, the name of the court that heard the case, the year of the decision, and reporters in which the court’s opinion can be found. This line provides the name of the justice (or judge) who authored the Court’s opinion. The Court divides the opinion into four parts, headed by Roman numerals. The first part of the opinion summarizes the factual background of the case.
Supreme Court of the United States, 2007. ___ U.S. ___, 127 S.Ct. 2618, 168 L.Ed.2d 290. Chief Justice ROBERTS delivered the opinion of the Court. *
* I
On January 24, 2002, the Olympic Torch Relay passed through Juneau, Alaska, on its way to the winter games in Salt Lake City, Utah. The torchbearers were to proceed along a street in front of Juneau-Douglas High School ( JDHS) while school was in session. * * * Deborah Morse, the school principal, decided to permit staff and students to participate in the Torch Relay as an approved social event or class trip. Students were allowed to leave class to observe the relay from either side of the street. Teachers and administrative officials monitored the students’ actions. * * * As the torchbearers and camera crews passed by, [Joseph Frederick, a senior] and his friends unfurled a 14-foot banner bearing the phrase: “BONG HiTS 4 JESUS.” The large banner was easily readable by the students on the other side of the street. Principal Morse immediately crossed the street and demanded that the banner be taken down. Everyone but Frederick complied. Morse confiscated the banner and * * * suspended him for 10 days. * * *
A federal trial court in which a lawsuit is initiated. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees, among other freedoms, the right of free speech—to express one’s views without governmental restrictions. As this case illustrates, however, the right is not unlimited in all circumstances. A judgment that a court enters without beginning or continuing a trial. This judgment can be entered only if no facts are in dispute and the only question is how the law applies to the facts.
* * * [The] Juneau School District Board of Education upheld the suspension. * * * * Frederick then filed suit [in a federal district court against Morse and others] * * * , alleging that the school board and Morse had violated his * * * rights [under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution]. * * * The District Court granted summary judgment for the school board and Morse * * * .
A Sample Court Case—Continued [On Frederick’s appeal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the]
A federal court that hears appeals from the federal district courts located within its geographical boundaries.
Ninth Circuit reversed. [The defendants appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.] * * * *
The second major section of the opinion responds to the plaintiff’s first argument.
II At the outset, we reject Frederick’s argument that this is not a school speech case * * * . [W]e agree with the [Juneau] superintendent that Frederick cannot “stand in the midst of his fellow students, during school hours, at a school-sanctioned
The third major section of the opinion focuses on the interpretation of an important component of the facts in the case. Having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning.
activity and claim he is not at school.” * * * III The message on Frederick’s banner is cryptic. * * * Frederick himself claimed “that the words were just nonsense meant to attract television cameras.” But Principal Morse thought the banner would be interpreted by those viewing it as promoting illegal drug use, and that interpretation is plainly a reasonable one. * * * *
To speak in favor, support, or recommend publicly. An order or command to influence others’ behavior.
* * * At least two interpretations of the words on the banner demonstrate that the sign advocated the use of illegal drugs. First, the phrase could be interpreted as an imperative: “[Take] bong hits * * * ”—a message equivalent * * * to “smoke marijuana” or “use an illegal drug.” Alternatively, the phrase could be viewed as celebrating drug use—“bong hits [are a good thing],” or “[we take] bong hits” * * * . * * * * * * * Frederick’s * * * explanation for the message * * * is a description of Frederick’s motive for displaying the banner; it is not an interpretation of what the banner says. * * *
The fourth major section of the opinion considers the chief issue in this case— whether a high school principal may curtail certain student speech at a school event. Here, the Court states the law and applies it to this issue.
* * * * IV The question thus becomes whether a principal may, consistent with the First Amendment, restrict student speech at a school event, when that speech is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use. * * * * * * * EXHIBIT CONTINUES
A Sample Court Case—Continued
To make known, manifest, or clear; to announce clearly an opinion or resolution.
Congress has declared that part of a school’s job is educating students about the dangers of illegal drug use. It has provided billions of dollars to support state and local drug-prevention programs, and required that schools receiving federal funds under
To attest as being true or as represented.
the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994 certify that their drug prevention programs convey a clear and consistent message that * * * the illegal use of drugs is wrong and harmful.
To effect, bring about, or cause to come into being.
Thousands of school boards throughout the country—including JDHS—have adopted policies aimed at effectuating this message. Those school boards know that peer pressure is perhaps the single most important factor leading schoolchildren to take drugs, and that students are more likely to use drugs when the norms in school appear to tolerate such behavior. Student speech celebrating illegal drug use at a school event, in the presence of school administrators and teachers, thus poses a particular challenge for school officials working to protect those entrusted to their care from the dangers of drug abuse. * * * * School principals have a difficult job, and a vitally important one. When Frederick suddenly and unexpectedly unfurled his banner, Morse had to decide to act—or not act—on the spot. It was reasonable for her to conclude that the banner promoted illegal drug use—in violation of established school policy—and that failing to act would send a powerful message to the students in her charge, including Frederick, about how serious the school was about the dangers of illegal drug use. The First Amendment does not require schools to tolerate at school events student expression that contributes to those dangers.
In the final paragraph of this excerpt of the opinion, the Court states its decision and gives its order to send the case back to the lower court.
The judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning Suppose the California legislature passes a law that severely restricts carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles in that state. A group of automobile manufacturers files suit against the state of California to prevent the enforcement of the law. The automakers claim that a federal law already sets fuel economy standards nationwide and that fuel economy standards are essentially the same as carbon dioxide emission standards. According to the automobile manufacturers, it is unfair to allow California to impose more stringent regulations than those set by the federal law. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Who are the parties (the plaintiffs and the defendant) in this lawsuit? Are the plaintiffs seeking a legal remedy or an equitable remedy? Why? What is the primary source of the law that is at issue here? Where would you look to find the relevant California and federal laws?
court of law 8
petitioner 9
criminal law 14
plaintiff 9
cyberlaw 14
positive law 3
administrative agency 7
damages 8
positivist school 3
administrative law 7
defendant 9
precedent 10
allege 11
defense 9
procedural law 14
analogy 12
equitable maxims 9
public policy 11
appellant 21
executive agency 7
remedy 8
appellee 21
historical school 3
remedy at law 8
binding authority 10
remedy in equity 8
breach 5
independent regulatory agency 7
case law 7
jurisprudence 2
respondent 9
case on point 12
laches 9
sociological school 4
chancellor 8
law 2
stare decisis 10
citation 15
legal realism 3
statute of limitations 9
civil law 14
legal reasoning 11
statutory law 6
common law 8
natural law 3
substantive law 14
constitutional law 6
opinion 21
syllogism 12
court of equity 8
ordinance 6
uniform law 6
reporter 10
1–1. How does statutory law come into existence? How does it differ from the common law? If statutory law conflicts with the common law, which law will govern? 1–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER After World War II, which ended in 1945, an international tribunal of judges convened at Nuremberg,Germany. The judges convicted several Nazis of “crimes against humanity.” Assuming that the Nazi war criminals who were convicted had not disobeyed any law of their country and had merely been following their government’s (Hitler’s) orders, what law had they violated? Explain. • For a sample answer to Question 1–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
1–3. Assume that you want to read the entire court opinion in the case of Menashe v.V Secret Catalogue, Inc., 409 F. Supp.2d 412 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). The case focuses on whether “SEXY LITTLE THINGS”is a suggestive or descriptive trademark and on which of the parties to the suit used the mark first in commerce. (Note that this case is presented in Chapter 8 of this text as Case 8.2.) Refer to the subsection entitled “Finding Case Law” in this chapter, and then explain specifically where you would find the court’s opinion. 1–4. This chapter discussed a number of sources of American law. Which source of law takes priority in the following situations, and why? (a) A federal statute conflicts with the U.S. Constitution. (b) A federal statute conflicts with a state constitutional provision. (c) A state statute conflicts with the common law of that state. (d) A state constitutional amendment conflicts with the U.S. Constitution.
1–5. In the text of this chapter,we stated that the doctrine of stare decisis“became a cornerstone of the English and American judicial systems.” What does stare decisis mean,and why has this doctrine been so fundamental to the development of our legal tradition? 1–6. What is the difference between a concurring opinion and a majority opinion? Between a concurring opinion and a dissenting opinion? Why do judges and justices write concurring and dissenting opinions, given that these opinions will not affect the outcome of the case at hand, which has already been decided by majority vote?
1–7. Courts can overturn precedents and thus change the common law. Should judges have the same authority to overrule statutory law? Explain.
1–8. “The judge’s role is not to make the law but to uphold and apply the law.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Discuss fully the reasons for your answer. 1–9. Assume that Arthur Rabe is suing Xavier Sanchez for breaching a contract in which Sanchez promised to sell Rabe a Van Gogh painting for $3 million. (a) In this lawsuit, who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant? (b) Suppose that Rabe wants Sanchez to perform the contract as promised. What remedy would Rabe seek from the court? (c) Now suppose that Rabe wants to cancel the contract because Sanchez fraudulently misrepresented the painting as an original Van Gogh when in fact it is a copy.What remedy would Rabe seek? (d) Will the remedy Rabe seeks in either situation be a remedy at law or a remedy in equity? What is the difference between legal and equitable remedies? (e) Suppose that the trial court finds in Rabe’s favor and grants one of these remedies. Sanchez then appeals the decision to a higher court. On appeal, which party will be the appellant (or petitioner),and which party will be the appellee (or respondent)?
1–10. A QUESTION OF ETHICS On July 5, 1884, Dudley, Stephens, and Brooks— “all able-bodied English seamen”—and a teenage English boy were cast adrift in a lifeboat following a storm at sea.They had no water with them in the boat, and all they had for sustenance were two one-pound tins of turnips.On July 24,Dudley proposed that one of the four in the lifeboat be sacrificed to save the others. Stephens agreed with Dudley, but Brooks refused to consent—and the boy was never asked for his opinion. On July 25, Dudley killed the boy, and the three men then fed on the boy’s body and blood.Four days later,a passing vessel rescued the men. They were taken to England and tried for the murder of the boy. If the men had not fed on the boy’s body, they would probably have died of starvation within the four-day period.The boy, who was in a much weaker condition, would likely have died before the rest. [Regina v. Dudley and Stephens, 14 Q.B.D. (Queen’s Bench Division, England) 273 (1884)] (a) The basic question in this case is whether the survivors should be subject to penalties under English criminal law,given the men’s unusual circumstances. Were the defendants’ actions necessary but unethical? Explain your reasoning. What ethical issues might be involved here? (b) Should judges ever have the power to look beyond the written “letter of the law” in making their decisions? Why or why not?
Today, business law and legal environment professors and students can go online to access information on almost every topic covered in this text.A good point of departure for online legal research is the Web site for Business Law, Eleventh Edition, which can be found at blaw/clarkson.There you will find numerous materials relevant to this text and to business law generally, including links to various legal resources on the Web.Additionally, every chapter in this text ends with a Law on the Web feature that contains selected Web addresses. You can access many of the sources of law discussed in Chapter 1 at the FindLaw Web site, which is probably the most comprehensive source of free legal information on the Internet. Go to The Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell Law School, which offers extensive information about U.S. law, is also a good starting point for legal research.The URL for this site is The Library of Congress offers extensive links to state and federal government resources at The Virtual Law Library Index, created and maintained by the Indiana University School of Law, provides an index of legal sources categorized by subject at
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 1” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about some of the important sources of law discussed in Chapter 1 and other useful legal sites on the Web. Internet Exercise 1–1: Legal Perspective Internet Sources of Law Internet Exercise 1–2: Management Perspective Online Assistance from Government Agencies Internet Exercise 1–3: Social Perspective The Case of the Speluncean Explorers
oday in the United States there are fifty-two court systems— one for each of the fifty states, one for the District of Columbia, and a federal system. Keep in mind that the federal courts are not superior to the state courts; they are simply an independent system of courts, which derives its authority from Article III, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution. By the power given to it under Article I of the U.S. Constitution, Congress has extended the federal court system beyond the boundaries of the United States to U.S. territories such as Guam, Puerto Rico, and
the Virgin Islands.1 As we shall see, the United States Supreme Court is the final controlling voice over all of these fifty-two systems, at least when questions of federal law are involved. Every businessperson will likely face a lawsuit at some time in his or her career. Thus, anyone involved in business needs to have an understanding of the American court systems, as well as the various methods of dispute
resolution that can be pursued outside the courts. In this chapter, after examining the judiciary’s role in the American governmental system, we discuss some basic requirements that must be met before a party may bring a lawsuit before a particular court.We then look at the court systems of the United States in some detail.We conclude the chapter with an overview of some alternative methods of settling disputes, including online dispute 1. In Guam and the Virgin Islands, territorial courts serve as both federal courts and resolution. state courts; in Puerto Rico, they serve only as federal courts.
The Judiciary’s Role in American Government As you learned in Chapter 1,the body of American law includes the federal and state constitutions, statutes passed by legislative bodies,administrative law,and the case decisions and legal principles that form the common law. These laws would be meaningless, however, without the courts to interpret and apply them.This is the essential role of the judiciary—the courts—in the American governmental system: to interpret the laws and apply them to specific situations. As the branch of government entrusted with interpreting the laws,the judiciary can decide,among other things, whether the laws or actions of the other two branches are constitutional. The process for making such a determination is known as judicial review. The power of judicial review enables the judicial 30
branch to act as a check on the other two branches of government, in line with the system of checks and balances established by the U.S. Constitution.2 The power of judicial review is not mentioned in the Constitution (although many constitutional scholars conclude that the founders intended the judiciary to have this power). Rather, this power was explicitly established by the United States Supreme Court in 1803 by its decision in Marbury v. Madison,3 in which the Supreme Court stated, “It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say 2. In a broad sense, judicial review occurs whenever a court “reviews” a case or legal proceeding—as when an appellate court reviews a lower court’s decision.When referring to the judiciary’s role in American government, however, the term judicial review is used to indicate the power of the judiciary to decide whether the actions of the other two branches of government do or do not violate the U.S. Constitution. 3. 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803).
what the law is. . . . If two laws conflict with each other,the courts must decide on the operation of each. . . . So if the law be in opposition to the Constitution . . . [t]he Court must determine which of these conflicting rules governs the case. This is the very essence of judicial duty.” Since the Marbury v. Madison decision, the power of judicial review has remained unchallenged.Today, this power is exercised by both federal and state courts.
Basic Judicial Requirements Before a lawsuit can be brought before a court,certain requirements must be met. These requirements relate to jurisdiction, venue, and standing to sue.We examine each of these important concepts here.
Jurisdiction In Latin,juris means “law,” and diction means “to speak.” Thus,“the power to speak the law” is the literal meaning of the term jurisdiction. Before any court can hear a case, it must have jurisdiction over the person (or company) against whom the suit is brought (the defendant) or over the property involved in the suit. The court must also have jurisdiction over the subject matter of the dispute. Jurisdiction over Persons or Property
Generally,a particular court can exercise in personam jurisdiction (personal jurisdiction) over any person or business that resides in a certain geographic area. A state trial court,for example,normally has jurisdictional authority over residents (including businesses) of a particular area of the state, such as a county or district. A state’s highest court (often called the state supreme court)4 has jurisdictional authority over all residents within the state. A court can also exercise jurisdiction over property that is located within its boundaries.This kind of jurisdiction is known as in rem jurisdiction, or “jurisdiction over the thing.” For example, suppose that a dispute arises over the ownership of a boat in dry dock in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The boat is owned by an Ohio resident, over whom a Florida court normally
4. As will be discussed shortly, a state’s highest court is often referred to as the state supreme court, but there are exceptions. For example, in New York the supreme court is a trial court.
cannot exercise personal jurisdiction. The other party to the dispute is a resident of Nebraska. In this situation, a lawsuit concerning the boat could be brought in a Florida state court on the basis of the court’s in rem jurisdiction. Long Arm Statutes. Under the authority of a state long arm statute, a court can exercise personal jurisdiction over certain out-of-state defendants based on activities that took place within the state. Before a court can exercise jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant under a long arm statute, though, it must be demonstrated that the defendant had sufficient contacts, or minimum contacts, with the state to justify the jurisdiction.5 Generally, this means that the defendant must have enough of a connection to the state for the judge to conclude that it is fair for the state to exercise power over the defendant. For example, if an out-ofstate defendant caused an automobile accident or sold defective goods within the state, a court will usually find that minimum contacts exist to exercise jurisdiction over that defendant. Similarly, a state may exercise personal jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant who is sued for breaching a contract that was formed within the state. Corporate Contacts. Because corporations are considered legal persons, courts use the same principles to determine whether it is fair to exercise jurisdiction over a corporation.6 A corporation normally is subject to personal jurisdiction in the state in which it is incorporated, has its principal office, and is doing business. Courts apply the minimum-contacts test to determine if they can exercise jurisdiction over out-ofstate corporations. The minimum-contacts requirement is usually met if the corporation advertises or sells its products within the state, or places its goods into the “stream of commerce” with the intent that the goods be sold in the state. For example, suppose that a business is incorporated under the laws of Maine but has a branch office and manufacturing plant in Georgia. The corporation also advertises and sells its products in Georgia.These activities would likely constitute sufficient contacts
5. The minimum-contacts standard was first established in International Shoe Co. v. State of Washington, 326 U.S. 310, 66 S.Ct. 154, 90 L.Ed. 95 (1945). 6. In the eyes of the law, corporations are “legal persons”—entities that can sue and be sued. See Chapter 38.
with the state of Georgia to allow a Georgia court to exercise jurisdiction over the corporation. Some corporations,however,do not sell or advertise products or place any goods in the stream of com-
merce. Determining what constitutes minimum contacts in these situations can be more difficult, as the following case—involving a resort hotel in Mexico and a hotel guest from New Jersey—illustrates.
2.1 Mastondrea v. Occidental Hotels Management S.A. Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, 2007. 391 N.J.Super. 261, 918 A.2d 27. a
Background and Facts Libgo Travel, Inc., in Ramsey, New Jersey, with Allegro Resorts Management Corporation (ARMC), a marketing agency in Miami, Florida, placed an ad in the Newark Star Ledger, a newspaper in Newark, New Jersey, to tout vacation packages for accommodations at the Royal Hideaway Playacar, an all-inclusive resort hotel in Quintana Roo, Mexico. ARMC is part of Occidental Hotels Management, B.V., a Netherlands corporation that owns the hotel with Occidental Hoteles Management S.A., a Spanish company. In response to the ad, Amanda Mastondrea, a New Jersey resident, bought one of the packages through Liberty Travel, a chain of travel agencies in the eastern United States that Libgo owns and operates. On June 16, 2003, at the resort, Mastondrea slipped and fell on a wet staircase, breaking her ankle. She filed a suit in a New Jersey state court against the hotel, its owners, and others, alleging negligence. The defendants asked the court to dismiss the suit on the ground that it did not have personal jurisdiction over them. The court ruled in part that it had jurisdiction over the hotel. The hotel appealed this ruling to a state intermediate appellate court. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
PAYNE, J.A.D. [Judge, Appellate Division]
* * * * It is unquestionably true that the Hotel has no direct presence in New Jersey.* * * [T]he Hotel’s operations are located in Quintana Roo, Mexico.The Hotel is not registered, licensed or otherwise authorized to do business in New Jersey.It has no registered agent in this state for service of process, and it pays no state taxes. The Hotel maintains no business address here, it has never owned property or maintained any bank accounts in this state, and it has no employees in New Jersey. However, * * * “Tour Operator Agreements” between the Hotel and Libgo * * * provide that the Hotel will allot a specific number of rooms at its resort to Libgo at agreed-upon rates.Libgo, as “tour operator,” is then authorized by the Hotel to book those rooms on behalf of Libgo’s customers. Pursuant to the contract, Libgo is required to provide the Hotel with weekly sales reports listing the number of rooms booked by Libgo and the rates at which those rooms were booked. It must also confirm all reservations in a writing sent to the Hotel. Courts have generally sustained the exercise of personal jurisdiction over a defendant who, as a party to a contract, has had some connection with the forum state [the state in which the lawsuit is filed] or who should have anticipated that his conduct would have significant effects in that state. Here,the Hotel entered into a contract with a New Jersey entity,Libgo,which agreed to solicit business for the Hotel and derived a profit from that solicitation through sales of vacation packages. Although Libgo’s business extends beyond New Jersey and throughout much of the East Coast, at least part of its customer base resides in this state. Likewise, as a result of this contract, the Hotel purposefully and successfully sought vacationers from New Jersey, and it derived a profit from them.Therefore, the Hotel should have reasonably anticipated that its conduct would have significant effects in New Jersey. [Emphasis added.] * * * * a. In the “SEARCH THE N.J. COURTS DECISIONS” section, type “Mastondrea” in the box, and click on “Search!” In the result, click on the case name to access the opinion.Rutgers University Law School in Camden,New Jersey,maintains this Web site.
* * * [A]dditional evidence of purposeful acts in New Jersey exists that fairly can be attributed to the Hotel and that are causally connected to plaintiff’s decision to purchase the Hotel’s vacation package * * * , [including] an ongoing, but undefined, relationship between the Hotel and * * * ARMC * * * . ARMC is a marketing organization that solicits business in the United States for the “Occidental Hotels & Resorts,” a group of which the defendant Hotel is a part. ARMC does not have any direct contact with any of the potential customers of the various hotels that it promotes, and it does not itself sell travel or vacation packages. However, [ARMC] * * * works closely with Libgo in developing marketing strategies for the Occidental Hotels & Resorts in the New Jersey area pursuant to cooperative marketing agreements between ARMC and Libgo. * * * * * * * [T]he defendant Hotel was featured,singly,[in 2003] in advertisements in the Newark Star Ledger on four occasions, including one in January * * * , prior to plaintiff’s decision to book a vacation there. We are satisfied * * * that * * * ARMC was operating [on behalf] of the Hotel when ARMC entered into cooperative marketing agreements with Libgo, and that ARMC’s extensive contacts with Libgo in New Jersey regarding the marketing plan, together with the New Jersey fruits of that plan, can be attributed to the Hotel for jurisdictional purposes. We are further persuaded that the targeted advertising conducted pursuant to the cooperative marketing agreement on behalf of the Hotel provided the minimum contacts necessary to support * * * jurisdiction in this case. [Emphasis added.]
• Decision and Remedy The state intermediate appellate court affirmed the lower court’s rul-
ing. The appellate court concluded that the hotel had contacts with New Jersey, consisting of a tour operator contract and marketing activities through ARMC and Libgo, during the relevant time period and that, in response to the marketing, Mastondrea booked a vacation at the hotel. “[T]his evidence was sufficient to support the assertion of . . . personal jurisdiction over the Hotel in this State.”
What If the Facts Were Different? If Mastondrea had not seen Libgo and Allegro’s ad, but had bought a Royal Hideaway vacation package on the recommendation of a Liberty Travel agent, is it likely that the result in this case would have been different? Why or why not?
• The Global Dimension What do the circumstances and the holding in this case suggest to a business firm that actively attempts to attract customers in a variety of jurisdictions?
Jurisdiction over Subject Matter Subjectmatter jurisdiction refers to the limitations on the types of cases a court can hear. Certain courts are empowered to hear certain kinds of disputes.
General and Limited Jurisdiction. In both the federal and the state court systems, there are courts of general (unlimited) jurisdiction and courts of limited jurisdiction. A court of general jurisdiction can decide cases involving a broad array of issues.An example of a court of general jurisdiction is a state trial court or a federal district court. An example of a state court of limited jurisdiction is a probate court.Probate courts are state courts that handle only matters relating to the transfer of a person’s assets and obligations after that person’s death, including issues relating to the custody and guardianship of children.An example of a federal court of limited subject-matter jurisdiction is a bank-
ruptcy court. Bankruptcy courts handle only bankruptcy proceedings, which are governed by federal bankruptcy law (discussed in Chapter 30). A court’s jurisdiction over subject matter is usually defined in the statute or constitution creating the court.In both the federal and the state court systems,a court’s subject-matter jurisdiction can be limited not only by the subject of the lawsuit but also by the sum in controversy, whether the case is a felony (a more serious type of crime) or a misdemeanor (a less serious type of crime),or whether the proceeding is a trial or an appeal. Original and Appellate Jurisdiction. A court’s subject-matter jurisdiction is also frequently limited to hearing cases at a particular stage of the dispute. Courts in which lawsuits begin, trials take place, and evidence is presented are referred to as courts of
original jurisdiction. Courts having original jurisdiction are courts of the first instance, or trial courts. In the federal court system, the district courts are trial courts. In the various state court systems, the trial courts are known by different names, as will be discussed shortly. Courts having appellate jurisdiction act as reviewing courts,or appellate courts.In general,cases can be brought before appellate courts only on appeal from an order or a judgment of a trial court or other lower court.In other words,the distinction between courts of original jurisdiction and courts of appellate jurisdiction normally lies in whether the case is being heard for the first time. Jurisdiction
in controversy must exceed $75,000. For purposes of diversity jurisdiction, a corporation is a citizen of both the state in which it is incorporated and the state in which its principal place of business is located.A case involving diversity of citizenship can be filed in the appropriate federal district court. If the case starts in a state court, it can sometimes be transferred, or “removed,” to a federal court. A large percentage of the cases filed in federal courts each year are based on diversity of citizenship. As noted, a federal court will apply federal law in cases involving federal questions. In a case based on diversity of citizenship, in contrast, a federal court will apply the relevant state law (which is often the law of the state in which the court sits).
Because the federal government is a government of limited powers, the jurisdiction of the federal courts is limited. Federal courts have subject-matter jurisdiction in two situations. Federal Questions. Article III of the U.S.Constitution establishes the boundaries of federal judicial power. Section 2 of Article III states that “[t]he judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority.” In effect, this clause means that whenever a plaintiff’s cause of action is based, at least in part, on the U.S. Constitution, a treaty, or a federal law, a federal question arises. Any lawsuit involving a federal question comes under the judicial authority of the federal courts and can originate in a federal court. People who claim that their constitutional rights have been violated, for example, can begin their suits in a federal court. Note that in a case based on a federal question, a federal court will apply federal law. Diversity of Citizenship. Federal district courts can also exercise original jurisdiction over cases involving diversity of citizenship. This term applies whenever a federal court has jurisdiction over a case that does not involve a question of federal law. The most common type of diversity jurisdiction has two requirements:7 (1) the plaintiff and defendant must be residents of different states, and (2) the dollar amount 7. Diversity jurisdiction also exists in cases between (1) a foreign country and citizens of a state or of different states and (2) citizens of a state and citizens or subjects of a foreign country.These bases for diversity jurisdiction are less commonly used.
Exclusive versus Concurrent Jurisdiction
When both federal and state courts have the power to hear a case, as is true in suits involving diversity of citizenship, concurrent jurisdiction exists. When cases can be tried only in federal courts or only in state courts, exclusive jurisdiction exists. Federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction in cases involving federal crimes, bankruptcy, and most patent and copyright claims; in suits against the United States; and in some areas of admiralty law (law governing transportation on the seas and ocean waters). State courts also have exclusive jurisdiction over certain subjects—for example, divorce and adoption. When concurrent jurisdiction exists, a party may choose to bring a suit in either a federal court or a state court.
Jurisdiction in Cyberspace The Internet’s capacity to bypass political and geographic boundaries undercuts the traditional basis on which courts assert personal jurisdiction. This basis includes a party’s contacts with a court’s geographic jurisdiction. As already discussed, for a court to compel a defendant to come before it, there must be at least minimum contacts—the presence of a salesperson within the state, for example. Are there sufficient minimum contacts if the only connection to a jurisdiction is an ad on a Web site originating from a remote location? The “Sliding-Scale” Standard Gradually, the
courts are developing a standard—called a “slidingscale” standard—for determining when the exercise of personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state Internetbased defendant is proper. In developing this standard, the courts have identified three types of Internet
business contacts: (1) substantial business conducted over the Internet (with contracts and sales, for example); (2) some interactivity through a Web site; and (3) passive advertising. Jurisdiction is proper for the first category, is improper for the third, and may or may not be appropriate for the second.8 An Internet communication is typically considered passive if people have to voluntarily access it to read the message and active if it is sent to specific individuals. In certain situations, even a single contact can satisfy the minimum-contacts requirement. In one case, for example, a Texas resident, Connie Davis, sent an unsolicited e-mail message to numerous Mississippi residents advertising a pornographic Web site. Davis falsified the “from”header in the e-mail so that Internet Doorway appeared to be the sender. Internet Doorway filed a lawsuit against Davis in Mississippi, claiming that its reputation and goodwill in the community had been harmed.The federal court in Mississippi held that Davis’s single e-mail to Mississippi residents satisfied the minimum-contacts requirement for jurisdiction. The court concluded that Davis, by sending the e-mail solicitation, should reasonably have expected that she could be “haled into court in a distant jurisdiction to answer for the ramifications.”9
displaying Nazi memorabilia and offering them for sale via its Web site. The French court asserted jurisdiction over Yahoo on the ground that the materials on the company’s U.S.-based servers could be viewed on a Web site accessible in France.The French court ordered Yahoo to eliminate all Internet access in France to the Nazi memorabilia offered for sale through its online auctions. Yahoo then took the case to a federal district court in the United States, claiming that the French court’s order violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Although the federal district court ruled in favor of Yahoo, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed. According to the appellate court, U.S. courts lacked personal jurisdiction over the French groups involved.10 The Yahoo case represents the first time a U.S. court was asked to decide whether to honor a foreign judgment involving business conducted over the Internet. The federal appeals court’s ruling leaves open the possibility that Yahoo, and anyone else who posts anything on the Internet, could be held answerable to the laws of any country in which the message might be received. Concept Summary 2.1 on the next page reviews the various types of jurisdiction, including jurisdiction in cyberspace.
Because the Internet is international in scope, international jurisdictional issues have understandingly come to the fore.The world’s courts seem to be developing a standard that echoes the requirement of “minimum contacts” applied by the U.S. courts. Most courts are indicating that minimum contacts—doing business within the jurisdiction, for example—are enough to exercise jurisdiction over a defendant.The effect of this standard is that a business firm may have to comply with the laws in any jurisdiction in which it actively targets customers for its products. To understand some of the problems created by Internet commerce, consider a French court’s judgment against the U.S.-based Internet company Yahoo!, Inc. Yahoo operates an online auction site on which Nazi memorabilia have been offered for sale. In France,the display of any objects depicting symbols of Nazi ideology is illegal and leads to both criminal and civil liability. The International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism filed a suit in Paris against Yahoo for
Jurisdiction has to do with whether a court has authority to hear a case involving specific persons, property, or subject matter. Venue11 is concerned with the most appropriate location for a trial. For example, two state courts (or two federal courts) may have the authority to exercise jurisdiction over a case,but it may be more appropriate or convenient to hear the case in one court than in the other. Basically, the concept of venue reflects the policy that a court trying a suit should be in the geographic neighborhood (usually the county) where the incident leading to the lawsuit occurred or where the parties involved in the lawsuit reside.Venue in a civil case typically is where the defendant resides, whereas venue in a criminal case is normally where the crime occurred. Pretrial publicity or other factors, though, may require a change of venue to another community, especially in criminal cases in which the defendant’s right to a fair and impartial jury has been impaired.
8. For a leading case on this issue, see Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc., 952 F.Supp. 1119 (W.D.Pa. 1997). 9. Internet Doorway, Inc. v. Parks, 138 F.Supp.2d 773 (S.D.Miss. 2001).
10. Yahoo! Inc. v. La Ligue Contre le Racisme et l’Antisemitisme, 379 F.3d 1120 (9th Cir.2004),cert.denied,__ U.S.__,126 S.Ct.2332, 164 L.Ed.2d 841 (2006). 11. Pronounced ven-yoo.
Jurisdiction Type of Jurisdiction
Exists when a defendant is located within the territorial boundaries within which a court has the right and power to decide cases. Jurisdiction may be exercised over out-of-state defendants under state long arm statutes. Courts have jurisdiction over corporate defendants that do business within the state, as well as corporations that advertise, sell, or place goods into the stream of commerce in the state.
Exists when the property that is subject to a lawsuit is located within the territorial boundaries within which a court has the right and power to decide cases.
Limits the court’s jurisdictional authority to particular types of cases. 1. Limited jurisdiction—Exists when a court is limited to a specific subject matter, such as probate or divorce. 2. General jurisdiction—Exists when a court can hear cases involving a broad array of issues.
Exists with courts that have the authority to hear a case for the first time (trial courts).
Exists with courts of appeal and review. Generally, appellate courts do not have original jurisdiction.
1. Federal questions—When the plaintiff’s cause of action is based at least in part on the U.S. Constitution, a treaty, or a federal law, a federal court can exercise jurisdiction. 2. Diversity of citizenship—In cases between citizens of different states when the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 (or in cases between a foreign country and citizens of a state or of different states and in cases between citizens of a state and citizens or subjects of a foreign country), a federal court can exercise jurisdiction.
Exists when both federal and state courts have authority to hear the same case. Exists when only state courts or only federal courts have authority to hear a case. Because the Internet does not have physical boundaries, traditional jurisdictional concepts have been difficult to apply in cases involving activities conducted via the Web. Gradually, the courts are developing standards to use in determining when jurisdiction over a Web site owner or operator in another state is proper.A significant legal challenge with respect to cyberspace transactions has to do with resolving jurisdictional disputes in the international context.
Standing to Sue In order to bring a lawsuit before a court, a party must have standing to sue, or a sufficient “stake” in a matter to justify seeking relief through the court system. In other words, to have standing, a party must have a legally protected and tangible interest at stake in the litigation.The party bringing the lawsuit must have suf-
fered a harm or been threatened with a harm by the action about which she or he has complained. At times, a person can have standing to sue on behalf of another person. For example, suppose that a child suffers serious injuries as a result of a defectively manufactured toy. Because the child is a minor, another person, such as a parent or a legal guardian, can bring a lawsuit on the child’s behalf.
Standing to sue also requires that the controversy at issue be a justiciable12 controversy—a controversy that is real and substantial, as opposed to hypothetical or academic. For example, to entice DaimlerChrysler Corporation to build a $1.2 billion Jeep assembly plant in the area, the city of Toledo, Ohio, gave the company a ten-year local property tax exemption as well as a state franchise tax credit. Toledo taxpayers filed a lawsuit in state court, claiming that the tax breaks violated the commerce clause in the U.S. Constitution.The taxpayers alleged that the tax exemption and credit injured them because they would have to pay higher taxes to cover the shortfall in tax revenues. In 2006, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the taxpayers lacked standing to sue over the incentive program because their alleged injury was “conjectural or hypothetical”—that is, there was no justiciable controversy.13
The State and Federal Court Systems As mentioned earlier in this chapter, each state has its own court system.Additionally,there is a system of federal courts. Although no two state court systems are 12. Pronounced jus-tish-a-bul. 13. DaimlerChrysler v.Cuno, __ U.S.__,126 S.Ct.1854,164 L.Ed.2d 589 (2006).
exactly the same, the right-hand side of Exhibit 2–1 illustrates the basic organizational framework characteristic of the court systems in many states.The exhibit also shows how the federal court system is structured. We turn now to an examination of these court systems, beginning with the state courts. (See this chapter’s Insight into Ethics feature on pages 38–39 for a discussion of the impact that the use of private judges and out-of-court settlements is having on the nation’s court systems and our notions of justice.)
State Court Systems Typically,a state court system includes several levels,or tiers, of courts.As indicated in Exhibit 2–1, state courts may include (1) local trial courts of limited jurisdiction, (2) state trial courts of general jurisdiction, (3) state courts of appeals (intermediate appellate courts), and (4) the state’s highest court (often called the state supreme court). Generally, any person who is a party to a lawsuit has the opportunity to plead the case before a trial court and then, if he or she loses, before at least one level of appellate court.Finally,if the case involves a federal statute or federal constitutional issue, the decision of a state supreme court on that issue may be further appealed to the United States Supreme Court. The states use various methods to select judges for their courts. Usually, voters elect judges, but in some states judges are appointed. For example, in Iowa, the governor appoints judges, and then the general population decides whether to confirm their appointment
• The State and Federal Court Systems Supreme Court of the United States
Highest State Courts
U.S. Courts of Appeals
Federal Administrative Agencies
U.S. District Courts
Specialized U.S. Courts • Bankruptcy Courts • Court of Federal Claims • Court of International Trade • Tax Court
State Courts of Appeals
State Trial Courts of General Jurisdiction Local Trial Courts of Limited Jurisdiction
State Administrative Agencies
Implications of an Increasingly Private Justice System Downtown Houston boasts a relatively new courthouse with thirty-nine courtrooms, but more and more often, many of those courtrooms often stand empty. Has litigation in Texas slowed down? Indeed, it has not—the courtrooms are empty because fewer civil lawsuits are going to trial. A similar situation is occurring in the federal courts. In the northern district of Florida, for example, the four federal judges presided over only a dozen civil trials in 2007. In 1984, more than 12,000 civil trials were heard in our federal courts. Today, only about 3,500 federal civil trials take place annually. University of Wisconsin law professor Mark Galanter has labeled this trend the “vanishing trial.” Two developments in particular are contributing to the disappearance of civil trials—arbitration and private judges.
Arbitration Is One Cause Since the 1980s, corporations have been eschewing the public court system and taking cases to arbitration instead. Every day millions of Americans sign arbitration agreements, often unknowingly committing themselves to allow private arbitrators to solve their disputes with employers and the corporations with which they do business, such as cell phone service providers.
in the next general election.The states usually specify the number of years that judges will serve. In contrast, as you will read shortly, judges in the federal court system are appointed by the president of the United States and, if they are confirmed by the Senate, hold office for life—unless they engage in blatantly illegal conduct. Trial Courts Trial courts are exactly what their name implies—courts in which trials are held and testimony is taken. State trial courts have either general or limited jurisdiction. Trial courts that have general jurisdiction as to subject matter may be called county, district, superior, or circuit courts.14 State trial courts of general jurisdiction have jurisdiction over a wide variety of subjects, including both civil disputes and criminal prosecutions. In some states, trial courts of general jurisdiction may hear appeals from courts of limited jurisdiction. 14. The name in Ohio and Pennsylvania is Court of Common Pleas; the name in New York is Supreme Court,Trial Division.
This trend raises some troublesome ethical issues, however. For one thing, arbitration agreements may force consumers to travel long distances to participate in these private forums. Perhaps more disturbing is that the supposedly neutral arbitrators may actually be captive to the industries they serve. Arbitrators are paid handsomely and typically would like to serve again. Thus, they may be reluctant to rule against a company that is involved in a dispute. After all, the company may well need arbitrators to resolve a subsequent dispute, whereas the other party—a consumer or employee—is unlikely to need the arbitrators again.
Private Judges Are Another Cause Another reason for the decline in the number of civil trials in our public courts is the growing use of private judges. A private judge, who is usually a retired judge, has the power to conduct trials and grant legal resolutions of disputes. Private judges increasingly are being used to resolve commercial disputes, as well as divorces and custody battles, for two reasons. One reason is that a case can be heard by a private judge much sooner than it would be heard in a public court. The other reason is that proceedings before a private judge can be kept secret.
Courts of limited jurisdiction as to subject matter are often called special inferior trial courts or minor judiciary courts.Small claims courts are inferior trial courts that hear only civil cases involving claims of less than a certain amount, such as $5,000 (the amount varies from state to state). Suits brought in small claims courts are generally conducted informally,and lawyers are not required (in a few states, lawyers are not even allowed). Decisions of small claims courts and municipal courts may sometimes be appealed to a state trial court of general jurisdiction. Other courts of limited jurisdiction include domestic relations courts, which handle primarily divorce actions and child-custody disputes; local municipal courts, which mainly deal with traffic cases; and probate courts, as mentioned earlier. Appellate, or Reviewing, Courts Every state has at least one court of appeals (appellate court, or reviewing court),which may be an intermediate appellate court or the state’s highest court. About threefourths of the states have intermediate appellate
In Ohio, for example, a state statute allows the parties to any civil action to have their dispute tried by a retired judge of their choosing who will make a decision in the matter.a Recently, though, private judging came under criticism in that state because private judges were conducting jury trials in county courtrooms at taxpayers’ expense. A public judge, Nancy Margaret Russo, refused to give up jurisdiction over one case on the ground that private judges are not authorized to conduct jury trials. The Ohio Supreme Court agreed. As the state’s highest court noted, private judging raises significant publicpolicy issues that the legislature needs to consider.b One issue is that private judges charge relatively large fees. This means that litigants who are willing and able to pay the extra cost can have their case heard by a private judge long before they would be able to set a trial date in a regular court. Is it fair that those who cannot afford private judges should have to wait longer for justice? Similarly, is it ethical to allow parties to pay extra for secret proceedings before a private judge and thereby avoid the public scrutiny of a regular trial? Some even suggest that the use of private judges is leading to two different systems of justice. a. See Ohio Revised Code Section 2701.10. b. State ex rel. Russo v. McDonnell, 110 Ohio St.3d 144, 852 N.E.2d 145 (2006). (The term ex rel. is Latin for ex relatione. This phrase refers to an action brought on behalf of the state, by the attorney general, at the instigation of an individual who has a private interest in the matter.)
courts. Generally, courts of appeals do not conduct new trials, in which evidence is submitted to the court and witnesses are examined.Rather,an appellate court panel of three or more judges reviews the record of the case on appeal, which includes a transcript of the trial proceedings, and then determines whether the trial court committed an error. Usually, appellate courts focus on questions of law, not questions of fact. A question of fact deals with what really happened in regard to the dispute being tried—such as whether a party actually burned a flag. A question of law concerns the application or interpretation of the law—such as whether flag-burning is a form of speech protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Only a judge, not a jury, can rule on questions of law. Appellate courts normally defer to the trial court’s findings on questions of fact because the trial court judge and jury were in a better position to evaluate testimony—by directly observing witnesses’ gestures, demeanor, and other nonverbal behavior during the trial. At the appellate level, the judges review the written transcript of the trial, which
A Threat to the Common Law System? The decline in the number of civil trials may also be leading to the erosion of this country’s common law system. As discussed in Chapter 1, courts are obligated to consider precedents—the decisions rendered in previous cases with similar facts and issues—when deciding the outcome of a dispute. If fewer disputes go to trial because they are arbitrated or heard by a private judge, then they will never become part of the body of cases and appeals that form the case law on that subject. With fewer precedents on which to draw, individuals and businesses will have less information about what constitutes appropriate business behavior in today’s world. Furthermore, private dispute resolution does not allow our case law to keep up with new issues related to areas such as biotechnology and the online world. Thus, the long-term effects of the decline of public justice could be a weakening of the common law itself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRITICAL THINKING
INSIGHT INTO THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT If wealthier individuals increasingly use private judges, how will our justice system be affected in the long run? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
does not include these nonverbal elements. Thus, an appellate court will not tamper with a trial court’s finding of fact unless it is clearly erroneous (contrary to the evidence presented at trial) or when there is no evidence to support the finding. Highest State Courts The highest appellate
court in a state is usually called the supreme court but may be designated by some other name. For example, in both New York and Maryland,the highest state court is called the Court of Appeals. In Maine and Massachusetts, the highest court is labeled the Supreme Judicial Court. In West Virginia, the highest state court is the Supreme Court of Appeals. The decisions of each state’s highest court on all questions of state law are final. Only when issues of federal law are involved can the United States Supreme Court overrule a decision made by a state’s highest court. For example, suppose that a city ordinance prohibits citizens from engaging in door-to-door advocacy without first registering with the mayor’s office and receiving a permit. Further suppose that a 39
religious group sues the city, arguing that the law violates the freedoms of speech and religion guaranteed by the First Amendment. If the state supreme court upholds the law, the group could appeal the decision to the United States Supreme Court—because a constitutional (federal) issue is involved.
done. In the entire history of the United States, only seven federal judges have been removed from office through impeachment proceedings. U.S. District Courts At the federal level, the
equivalent of a state trial court of general jurisdiction is the district court. U.S. district courts have original jurisdiction in federal matters, and federal cases typically originate in district courts.There are other federal courts with original, but special (or limited), jurisdiction, such as the federal bankruptcy courts and others shown earlier in Exhibit 2–1. There is at least one federal district court in every state. The number of judicial districts can vary over time, primarily owing to population changes and corresponding changes in caseloads. Currently, there are ninety-four federal judicial districts. Exhibit 2–2 shows the boundaries of the U.S. district courts, as well as the U.S. courts of appeals (discussed next).
The Federal Court System The federal court system is basically a three-tiered model consisting of (1) U.S. district courts (trial courts of general jurisdiction) and various courts of limited jurisdiction, (2) U.S. courts of appeals (intermediate courts of appeals), and (3) the United States Supreme Court. Unlike state court judges, who are usually elected, federal court judges—including the justices of the Supreme Court—are appointed by the president of the United States, subject to confirmation by the U.S. Senate.Article III of the Constitution states that federal judges “hold their offices during good Behaviour.” In effect, this means that federal judges have lifetime appointments. Although they can be impeached (removed from office) for misconduct, this is rarely EXHIBIT 2–2
U.S. Courts of Appeals In the federal court system, there are thirteen U.S. courts of appeals—referred to as U.S.circuit courts of appeals.Twelve of the federal courts of appeals (including the Court of Appeals for
Geographic Boundaries of the U.S. Courts of Appeals and U.S. District Courts Puerto Rico
Washington Michigan Montana
No. Dakota
So. Dakota
Nevada Utah
San Francisco
9 W
Source: Administrative Office of the United States Courts.
So. Carolina
Washington, D.C. Richmond
12 D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Mississippi Florida
Circuit boundaries
New Orleans
S Louisiana
Virgin Islands
13 Federal
No. Carolina
11 N
Northern Mariana Islands
New Mexico
New York
Pennsylvania New Jersey Philadelphia
W. Va.
Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut
Delaware Maryland District of Columbia
St. Louis
New Hampshire
New York
State boundaries District boundaries
the D.C. Circuit) hear appeals from the federal district courts located within their respective judicial circuits, or geographic boundaries (shown in Exhibit 2–2).15 The Court of Appeals for the Thirteenth Circuit, called the Federal Circuit, has national appellate jurisdiction over certain types of cases, such as those involving patent law and those in which the U.S.government is a defendant. The decisions of a circuit court of appeals are binding on all courts within the circuit court’s jurisdiction and are final in most cases, but appeal to the United States Supreme Court is possible. United States Supreme Court At the highest level in the three-tiered federal court system is the United States Supreme Court. According to the language of Article III of the U.S.Constitution,there is only one national Supreme Court. All other courts in the federal system are considered “inferior.” Congress is empowered to create other inferior courts as it deems necessary. The inferior courts that Congress has created include the second tier in our model—the U.S.circuit courts of appeals—as well as the district courts and the various federal courts of limited, or specialized, jurisdiction. The United States Supreme Court consists of nine justices. Although the Supreme Court has original, or trial, jurisdiction in rare instances (set forth in Article III, Sections 1 and 2), most of its work is as an appeals court. The Supreme Court can review any case decided by any of the federal courts of appeals, and it also has appellate authority over cases involving federal questions that have been decided in the state courts. The Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the Constitution and federal law.
Appeals to the Supreme Court. To bring a case before the Supreme Court, a party requests the Court to issue a writ of certiorari.16 A writ of certiorari is an order issued by the Supreme Court to a lower court requiring the latter to send it the record of the case for review. The Court will not issue a writ unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it.This is called the rule of four. Whether the Court will issue a writ of certiorari is entirely within its discretion,and most petitions for writs are denied. (Thousands of cases are filed with the Supreme Court each year, yet it hears,on 15. Historically, judges were required to “ride the circuit” and hear appeals in different courts around the country,which is how the name “circuit court” came about. 16. Pronounced sur-shee-uh-rah-ree.
average, fewer than one hundred of these cases.17 ) A denial is not a decision on the merits of a case, nor does it indicate agreement with the lower court’s opinion. Also, denial of the writ has no value as a precedent. Denial simply means that the lower court’s decision remains the law in that jurisdiction. Petitions Granted by the Court. Typically, the Court grants petitions in cases that raise important constitutional questions or when the lower courts have issued conflicting decisions on a significant issue.The justices,however,never explain their reasons for hearing certain cases and not others, so it is difficult to predict which type of case the Court might select. (See Concept Summary 2.2 on the following page to review the various types of courts in the federal and state court systems.)
Alternative Dispute Resolution Litigation—the process of resolving a dispute through the court system—is expensive and time consuming. Litigating even the simplest complaint is costly, and because of the backlog of cases pending in many courts, several years may pass before a case is actually tried. For these and other reasons, more and more businesspersons are turning to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a means of settling their disputes. The great advantage of ADR is its flexibility. Methods of ADR range from the parties sitting down together and attempting to work out their differences to multinational corporations agreeing to resolve a dispute through a formal hearing before a panel of experts. Normally, the parties themselves can control how the dispute will be settled, what procedures will be used, whether a neutral third party will be present or make a decision, and whether that decision will be legally binding or nonbinding. ADR also offers more privacy than court proceedings and allows disputes to be resolved relatively quickly.
17. From the mid-1950s through the early 1990s, the Supreme Court reviewed more cases per year than it has since then.In the Court’s 1982–1983 term, for example, the Court issued written opinions in 151 cases. In contrast, during the Court’s 2006–2007 term, the Court issued written opinions in only 75 cases.
Types of Courts Court
Trial courts are courts of original jurisdiction in which actions are initiated. 1. State courts—Courts of general jurisdiction can hear any case that has not been specifically designated for another court; courts of limited jurisdiction include, among others, domestic relations courts, probate courts, municipal courts, and small claims courts. 2. Federal courts—The federal district court is the equivalent of the state trial court. Federal courts of limited jurisdiction include the bankruptcy courts and others shown in Exhibit 2–1 on page 37.
Courts of appeals are reviewing courts; generally, appellate courts do not have original jurisdiction.About three-fourths of the states have intermediate appellate courts; in the federal court system, the U.S. circuit courts of appeals are the intermediate appellate courts.
The highest state court is that state’s supreme court, although it may be called by some other name.Appeal from state supreme courts to the United States Supreme Court is possible only if a federal question is involved.The United States Supreme Court is the highest court in the federal court system and the final arbiter of the Constitution and federal law.
Today, more than 90 percent of civil lawsuits are settled before trial using some form of ADR. Indeed, most states either require or encourage parties to undertake ADR prior to trial. Many federal courts have instituted ADR programs as well. In the following pages, we examine the basic forms of ADR.
Negotiation The simplest form of ADR is negotiation, a process in which the parties attempt to settle their dispute informally, with or without attorneys to represent them. Attorneys frequently advise their clients to negotiate a settlement voluntarily before they proceed to trial. In some courts, pretrial negotiation is mandatory before parties can proceed to trial. Parties may even try to negotiate a settlement during a trial or after the trial but before an appeal.Negotiation traditionally involves just the parties themselves and (typically) their attorneys. The attorneys, though, are advocates—they are obligated to put their clients’ interests first.
Mediation In mediation, a neutral third party acts as a mediator and works with both sides in the dispute to facilitate a resolution. The mediator normally talks with the par-
ties separately as well as jointly, emphasizes points of agreement, and helps the parties to evaluate their options. Although the mediator may propose a solution (called a mediator’s proposal), he or she does not make a decision resolving the matter. The mediator, who need not be a lawyer, usually charges a fee for his or her services (which can be split between the parties). States that require parties to undergo ADR before trial often offer mediation as one of the ADR options or (as in Florida) the only option. One of the biggest advantages of mediation is that it is not as adversarial in nature as litigation. In mediation, the mediator takes an active role and attempts to bring the parties together so that they can come to a mutually satisfactory resolution. The mediation process tends to reduce the antagonism between the disputants, allowing them to resume their former relationship while minimizing hostility. For this reason, mediation is often the preferred form of ADR for disputes involving business partners, employers and employees, or other parties involved in long-term relationships. Today, characteristics of mediation are being combined with those of arbitration (to be discussed next). In binding mediation, for example, the parties agree that if they cannot resolve the dispute, the mediator
can make a legally binding decision on the issue. In mediation-arbitration, or “med-arb,” the parties first attempt to settle their dispute through mediation. If no settlement is reached, the dispute will be arbitrated.
Arbitration A more formal method of ADR is arbitration, in which an arbitrator (a neutral third party or a panel of experts) hears a dispute and imposes a resolution on the parties. Arbitration differs from other forms of ADR in that the third party hearing the dispute makes a decision for the parties. Exhibit 2–3 outlines the basic differences among the three traditional forms of ADR. Usually, the parties in arbitration agree that the third party’s decision will be legally binding, although the parties can also agree to nonbinding arbitration. (Additionally, arbitration that is mandated by the courts often is not binding on the parties.) In nonbinding arbitration, the parties can go forward with a lawsuit if they do not agree with the arbitrator’s decision. The Arbitration Process In some respects, formal arbitration resembles a trial, although usually the procedural rules are much less restrictive than those governing litigation. In a typical arbitration, the parties present opening arguments and ask for specific remedies. Evidence is then presented, and witnesses may be called and examined by both sides.The arbitrator then renders a decision, called an award.
Type of ADR
An arbitrator’s award is usually the final word on the matter.Although the parties may appeal an arbitrator’s decision, a court’s review of the decision will be much more restricted in scope than an appellate court’s review of a trial court’s decision. The general view is that because the parties were free to frame the issues and set the powers of the arbitrator at the outset, they cannot complain about the results.The award will be set aside only if the arbitrator’s conduct or “bad faith” substantially prejudiced the rights of one of the parties, if the award violates an established public policy, or if the arbitrator exceeded her or his powers (by arbitrating issues that the parties did not agree to submit to arbitration). Arbitration Clauses and Statutes Virtually any commercial matter can be submitted to arbitration. Frequently, parties include an arbitration clause in a contract (a written agreement—see Chapter 10) specifying that any dispute arising under the contract will be resolved through arbitration rather than through the court system.Parties can also agree to arbitrate a dispute after it arises. Most states have statutes (often based in part on the Uniform Arbitration Act of 1955) under which arbitration clauses will be enforced, and some state statutes compel arbitration of certain types of disputes,such as those involving public employees.At the federal level, the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), enacted in 1925, enforces arbitration clauses in contracts involving
Basic Differences in the Traditional Forms of ADR
Neutral Third Party Present
Who Decides the Resolution
Parties meet informally with or without their attorneys and attempt to agree on a resolution.
The parties themselves reach a resolution.
A neutral third party meets with the parties and emphasizes points of agreement to bring them toward resolution of their dispute.
The parties, but the mediator may suggest or propose a resolution.
The parties present their arguments and evidence before an arbitrator at a hearing, and the arbitrator renders a decision resolving the parties’ dispute.
The arbitrator imposes a resolution on the parties that may be either binding or nonbinding.
maritime activity and interstate commerce.Because of the breadth of the commerce clause (see Chapter 4), arbitration agreements involving transactions only slightly connected to the flow of interstate commerce may fall under the FAA.
The question in the following case was whether a court or an arbitrator should consider a claim that an entire contract, including its arbitration clause, is rendered void by the alleged illegality of a separate provision in the contract.
2.2 Buckeye Check Cashing, Inc. v. Cardegna Supreme Court of the United States, 2006. 546 U.S. 440, 126 S.Ct. 1204, 163 L.Ed.2d 1038. a
• Background and Facts Buckeye Check Cashing, Inc., cashes personal checks for consumers
in Florida. Buckeye agrees to delay submitting a check for payment in exchange for a consumer’s payment of a “finance charge.” For each transaction, the consumer signs a “Deferred Deposit and Disclosure Agreement,” which states, “By signing this Agreement, you agree that i[f] a dispute of any kind arises out of this Agreement * * * th[e]n either you or we or third-parties involved can choose to have that dispute resolved by binding arbitration.” John Cardegna and others filed a suit in a Florida state court against Buckeye, alleging that the “finance charge” represented an illegally high interest rate in violation of Florida state laws, rendering the agreement “criminal on its face.” Buckeye filed a motion to compel arbitration. The court denied the motion. On Buckeye’s appeal, a state intermediate appellate court reversed this denial, but on the plaintiffs’ appeal, the Florida Supreme Court reversed the lower appellate court’s decision. Buckeye appealed to the United States Supreme Court. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
Justice SCALIA delivered the opinion of the Court.
* * * * * * * Section 2 [of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA)] embodies the national policy favoring arbitration and places arbitration agreements on equal footing with all other contracts: A written provision in * * * a contract * * * to settle by arbitration a controversy thereafter arising out of such contract * * * shall be valid,irrevocable,and enforceable,save upon such grounds as exist at law or in equity for the revocation of any contract.
* * * The crux of the [respondents’] complaint is that the contract as a whole (including its arbitration provision) is rendered invalid by the * * * finance charge. * * * * * * * [Our holdings in previous cases] answer the question presented here by establishing three propositions. First, as a matter of substantive federal arbitration law, an arbitration provision is severable [capable of being legally separated] from the remainder of the contract. Second, unless the challenge is to the arbitration clause itself, the issue of the contract’s validity is considered by the arbitrator in the first instance. Third,this arbitration law applies in state as well as federal courts. * * * Applying [those holdings] to this case, we conclude that because respondents challenge the Agreement,but not specifically its arbitration provisions,those provisions are enforceable apart from the remainder of the contract. The challenge should therefore be considered by an arbitrator, not a court. [Emphasis added.] * * * * * * * Since,respondents argue,the only arbitration agreements to which [Section] 2 applies are those involving a “contract,” and since an agreement void ab initio [from the beginning] under state law is not a “contract,” there is no “written provision” in or “controversy arising out of” a “contract,” to which [Section] 2 can apply.* * * We do not read “contract”so narrowly. The word a. In the “Supreme Court Collection” menu at the top of the page, click on “Search.” When that page opens, in the “Search for:” box, type “Buckeye Check,” choose “All decisions” in the accompanying list, and click on “Search.” In the result, scroll to the name of the case and click on the appropriate link to access the opinion.
appears four times in [Section] 2.Its last appearance is in the final clause,which allows a challenge to an arbitration provision “upon such grounds as exist at law or in equity for the revocation of any contract.” There can be no doubt that “contract” as used this last time must include contracts that later prove to be void. Otherwise, the grounds for revocation would be limited to those that rendered a contract voidable—which would mean (implausibly) that an arbitration agreement could be challenged as voidable but not as void. Because the sentence’s final use of “contract” so obviously includes putative [alleged] contracts,we will not read the same word earlier in the same sentence to have a more narrow meaning.
Decision and Remedy The United States Supreme Court reversed the judgment of the Florida Supreme Court and remanded the case for further proceedings. The United States Supreme Court ruled that a challenge to the validity of a contract as a whole, and not specifically to an arbitration clause contained in the contract, must be resolved by an arbitrator.
• The Ethical Dimension Does the holding in this case permit a court to enforce an arbi-
tration agreement in a contract that the arbitrator later finds to be void? Is this fair? Why or why not?
• The Legal Environment Dimension As indicated in the parties’ arguments and the
Court’s reasoning in this case, into what categories can contracts be classified with respect to their enforceability?
Arbitrability When a dispute arises as to whether the parties to a contract with an arbitration clause have agreed to submit a particular matter to arbitration, one party may file suit to compel arbitration. The court before which the suit is brought will not decide the basic controversy but must decide the issue of arbitrability—that is, whether the matter is one that must be resolved through arbitration. If the court finds that the subject matter in controversy is covered by the agreement to arbitrate, then a party may be compelled to arbitrate the dispute. Even when a claim involves a violation of a statute passed to protect a certain class of people,a court may determine that the parties must nonetheless abide by their agreement to arbitrate the dispute. Usually, a court will allow the claim to be arbitrated if the court, in interpreting the statute, can find no legislative intent to the contrary. No party, however, will be ordered to submit a particular dispute to arbitration unless the court is convinced that the party has consented to do so.18 Additionally, the courts will not compel arbitration if it is clear that the prescribed arbitration rules and
years has concerned mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts. Many claim that employees’ rights are not sufficiently protected when they are forced, as a condition of being hired, to agree to arbitrate all disputes and thus waive their rights under statutes specifically designed to protect employees. The United States Supreme Court, however, has held that mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts are generally enforceable.20 Compulsory arbitration agreements often spell out the rules for a mandatory proceeding. For example, an agreement may address in detail the amount and payment of filing fees and other expenses. Some courts have overturned provisions in employment-related agreements that require the parties to split the costs when an individual worker lacks the ability to pay. The court in the following case took this reasoning a step further.
18. See, for example, Wright v. Universal Maritime Service Corp., 525 U.S. 70, 119 S.Ct. 391, 142 L.Ed.2d 361 (1998).
19. Hooters of America,Inc.v.Phillips, 173 F.3d 933 (4th Cir.1999). 20. For a landmark decision on this issue, see Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 500 U.S. 20, 111 S.Ct. 1647, 114 L.Ed.2d 26 (1991).
procedures are inherently unfair to one of the parties.19 Mandatory Arbitration in the Employment Context A significant question in the last several
C A S E 2.3
Morrison v. Circuit City Stores, Inc. United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, 2003. 317 F.3d 646. a
* * * * * * * Plaintiff-Appellant Morrison, an African-American female with a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy and a master’s degree in administration from Central Michigan University, submitted an application for a managerial position at a Circuit City store in Cincinnati, Ohio. As part of the application process, Morrison was required to sign a * * * “Dispute Resolution Agreement.” This document contained an arbitration clause that required resolution of all disputes or controversies arising out of employment with Circuit City in an arbitral forum. * * * Circuit City would not consider any application for employment unless the arbitration agreement was signed * * * . * * * * Pursuant to [the agreement] each party is required to pay one-half of the costs of arbitration following the issuance of an arbitration award * * * . In addition, * * * if an employee is able to pay her share of the arbitration costs within [ninety days], her costs (not including attorney fees) are then limited to the greater of either five hundred dollars or three percent of her most recent annual compensation. * * * * * * * Morrison began her employment at Circuit City on or about December 1, 1995. Two years later, on December 12, 1997, she was terminated. Morrison alleges that her termination was the result of race and sex discrimination.b She filed this lawsuit * * * in Ohio state court, alleging federal and state claims of race and sex discrimination * * * .Circuit City removed the case to federal court and then moved to compel arbitration and to dismiss Morrison’s claims. The district court granted Circuit City’s motion * * * . * * * Morrison’s appeal followed. * * * * We hold that potential litigants must be given an opportunity, prior to arbitration on the merits, to demonstrate that the potential costs of arbitration are great enough to deter them and similarly situated individuals from seeking to vindicate [assert] their federal statutory rights in the arbitral forum. * * * Thus,in order to protect the statutory rights at issue,the reviewing court must look to more than just the interests and conduct of a particular plaintiff.* * * [A] court considering whether a cost-splitting provision is enforceable should consider similarly situated potential litigants, for whom costs will loom as a larger concern, because it is, in large part, their presence in the system that will deter discriminatory practices. [Emphasis added.] For this reason, if the reviewing court finds that the cost-splitting provision would deter a substantial number of similarly situated potential litigants, it should refuse to enforce the cost-splitting provision in order to serve the underlying functions of the federal statute. * * * [Emphasis added.] * * * * This analysis will yield different results in different cases. It will find, in many cases, that highlevel managerial employees and others with substantial means can afford the costs of arbitration, thus making cost-splitting provisions in such cases enforceable. In the case of other employees, however, this standard will render cost-splitting provisions unenforceable in many, if not most, cases. * * * Circuit City argues that Morrison could have avoided having to pay half of the cost of the arbitration * * * if she could have arranged to pay the greater of $500 or 3 percent of her
a. This is a page within the Web site of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. In the left-hand column, click on “Opinions Search.” In the “Short Title contains” box, type “Morrison,” and click “Submit Query.” In the “Opinion” box corresponding to the name of the case, click on the number to access the opinion. b. Employment discrimination will be discussed in detail in Chapter 34.
annual salary (in this case, 3 percent of $54,060, or $1,622) within ninety days of the arbitrator’s award. * * * In the abstract,this sum may not appear prohibitive,but it must be considered from the vantage point of the potential litigant in a case such as this. Recently terminated, the potential litigant must continue to pay for housing, utilities, transportation, food, and the other necessities of life in contemporary society despite losing her primary, and most likely only, source of income. * * * The provision reducing the (former) employee’s exposure to the greater of $500 or three percent of her annual compensation presents a closer issue. However, a potential litigant considering arbitration would still have to arrange to pay three percent of her most recent salary, in this case, $1,622,within a three-month period,or risk incurring her full half of the costs * * * .Faced with this choice—which really boils down to risking one’s scarce resources in the hopes of an uncertain benefit—it appears to us that a substantial number of similarly situated persons would be deterred from seeking to vindicate their statutory rights under these circumstances.c Based on this reasoning, we hold that Morrison has satisfied her burden in the present case in demonstrating that * * * the cost-splitting provision in the agreement was unenforceable with respect to her claims.
1. On what argument did Morrison base her appeal of the court’s order to arbitrate her employment-discrimination claims? 2. Why did the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit hold in Morrison’s case that the arbitration agreement’s cost-splitting provision was unenforceable?
c. The court also concluded that the provision could be severed from the agreement,which meant that the rest of the agreement could be enforced.Because the arbitration in this case had already occurred,and Morrison had not been required to pay any share of the costs, the court affirmed the lower court’s order compelling arbitration “on these different grounds.”
Other Types of ADR The three forms of ADR just discussed are the oldest and traditionally the most commonly used forms. As mentioned earlier, a variety of new types of ADR have emerged in recent years, including those described here.
1. In early neutral case evaluation, the parties select a neutral third party (generally an expert in the subject matter of the dispute) to evaluate their respective positions. The parties explain their positions to the case evaluator, and the case evaluator assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s claims. 2. In a mini-trial, each party’s attorney briefly argues the party’s case before the other and a panel of representatives from each side who have the authority to settle the dispute. Typically, a neutral third party (usually an expert in the area being disputed) acts as an adviser. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the adviser renders an opinion as to how a court would likely decide the issue.
3. Numerous federal courts now hold summary jury trials (SJTs), in which the parties present their arguments and evidence and the jury renders a verdict.The jury’s verdict is not binding, but it does act as a guide to both sides in reaching an agreement during the mandatory negotiations that immediately follow the trial. 4. Other alternatives being employed by the courts include summary procedures for commercial litigation and the appointment of special masters to assist judges in deciding complex issues.
Providers of ADR Services Both government agencies and private organizations provide ADR services. A major provider of ADR services is the American Arbitration Association (AAA), which was founded in 1926 and now handles more than two hundred thousand claims each year in its numerous offices around the country.Cases brought before the AAA are heard by an expert or a panel of experts in the area relating to the dispute and are usually settled quickly. Generally, about half of the panel
members are lawyers. To cover its costs, the AAA charges a fee,paid by the party filing the claim.In addition,each party to the dispute pays a specified amount for each hearing day,as well as a special additional fee in cases involving personal injuries or property loss. Hundreds of for-profit firms around the country also provide dispute-resolution services. Typically, these firms hire retired judges to conduct arbitration hearings or otherwise assist parties in settling their disputes.The judges follow procedures similar to those of the federal courts and use similar rules. Usually, each party to the dispute pays a filing fee and a designated fee for a hearing session or conference.
Online Dispute Resolution An increasing number of companies and organizations are offering dispute-resolution services using the Internet. The settlement of disputes in these online forums is known as online dispute resolution (ODR). The disputes resolved in these forums have most commonly involved disagreements over the rights to domain names (Web site addresses—see Chapter 8) or the quality of goods sold via the Internet, including goods sold through Internet auction sites. At this time,ODR may be best for resolving small- to medium-sized business liability claims, which may not be worth the expense of litigation or traditional ADR methods. Rules being developed in online forums, however, may ultimately become a code of conduct for everyone who does business in cyberspace. Most online forums do not automatically apply the law of any specific jurisdiction. Instead, results are often based on general, more universal legal principles. As with offline methods of dispute resolution, any party may appeal to a court at any time.
International Dispute Resolution Businesspersons who engage in international business transactions normally take special precautions to protect themselves in the event that a party with whom they are dealing in another country breaches an agreement. Often, parties to international contracts include special clauses in their contracts providing for how disputes arising under the contracts will be resolved.
Forum-Selection and Choice-of-Law Clauses As you will read in Chapter 20, parties to international transactions often include forum-selection and choice-of-law clauses in their contracts. These clauses designate the jurisdiction (court or country) where any dispute arising under the contract will be litigated and the nation’s law that will be applied. When an international contract does not include such clauses, any legal proceedings arising under the contract will be more complex and attended by much more uncertainty. For example, litigation may take place in two or more countries, with each country applying its own national law to the particular transactions. Furthermore, even if a plaintiff wins a favorable judgment in a lawsuit litigated in the plaintiff’s country, the defendant’s country could refuse to enforce the court’s judgment. As will be discussed in Chapter 52, for reasons of courtesy, the judgment may be enforced in the defendant’s country, particularly if the defendant’s country is the United States and the foreign court’s decision is consistent with U.S.national law and policy. Other nations, however, may not be as accommodating as the United States,and the plaintiff may be left empty-handed.
Arbitration Clauses Parties to international contracts also often include arbitration clauses in their contracts that require a neutral third party to decide any contract disputes.In international arbitration proceedings, the third party may be a neutral entity (such as the International Chamber of Commerce), a panel of individuals representing both parties’ interests, or some other group or organization. The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards21—which has been implemented in more than fifty countries, including the United States— assists in the enforcement of arbitration clauses, as do provisions in specific treaties among nations. The American Arbitration Association provides arbitration services for international as well as domestic disputes.
21. June 10, 1958, 21 U.S.T. 2517, T.I.A.S. No. 6997 (the “New York Convention”).
Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution Stan Garner resides in Illinois and promotes boxing matches for SuperSports, Inc., an Illinois corporation. Garner created the concept of “Ages” promotion—a three-fight series of boxing matches pitting an older fighter (George Foreman) against a younger fighter, such as John Ruiz or Riddick Bowe. The concept included titles for each of the three fights (“Challenge of the Ages,” “Battle of the Ages,” and “Fight of the Ages”), as well as promotional epithets to characterize the two fighters (“the Foreman Factor”). Garner contacted George Foreman and his manager, who both reside in Texas, to sell the idea, and they arranged a meeting at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. At some point in the negotiations, Foreman’s manager signed a nondisclosure agreement prohibiting him from disclosing Garner’s promotional concepts unless the parties signed a contract. Nevertheless, after negotiations between Garner and Foreman fell through, Foreman used Garner’s “Battle of the Ages” concept to promote a subsequent fight. Garner filed a suit against Foreman and his manager in a federal district court located in Illinois, alleging breach of contract. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. On what basis might the federal district court in Illinois exercise jurisdiction in this case? 2. Does the federal district court have original or appellate jurisdiction? 3. Suppose that Garner had filed his action in an Illinois state court. Could an Illinois state court exercise personal jurisdiction over Foreman or his manager? Why or why not? 4. Assume that Garner had filed his action in a Nevada state court. Would that court have personal jurisdiction over Foreman or his manager? Explain.
early neutral case evaluation 47
negotiation 42
exclusive jurisdiction 34 federal question 34
online dispute resolution (ODR) 48
alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 41
in personam jurisdiction 31
probate court 33
in rem jurisdiction 31
question of fact 39
American Arbitration Association (AAA) 47
judicial review 30
question of law 39
jurisdiction 31
rule of four 41
justiciable controversy 37
small claims court 38
litigation 41
standing to sue 36
long arm statute 31
summary jury trial (SJT) 47
mediation 42
venue 35
mini-trial 47
writ of certiorari 41
arbitration 43 arbitration clause 43 award 43 bankruptcy court 33 concurrent jurisdiction 34 diversity of citizenship 34
2–1. In an arbitration proceeding,the arbitrator need not be a judge or even a lawyer. How, then, can the arbitrator’s decision have the force of law and be binding on the parties involved? 2–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER The defendant in a lawsuit is appealing the trial court’s decision in favor of the plaintiff.On appeal, the defendant claims that the evidence presented at trial to support the plaintiff’s claim was so scanty that no reasonable jury could have found for the plaintiff. Therefore, argues the defendant, the appellate court should reverse the trial court’s decision. Will an appellate court ever reverse a trial court’s findings with respect to questions of fact? Discuss fully. • For a sample answer to Question 2–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
2–3. Appellate courts normally see only written transcripts of trial proceedings when they are reviewing cases. Today, in some states, videotapes are being used as the official trial reports. If the use of videotapes as official reports continues, will this alter the appellate process? Should it? Discuss fully. 2–4. Marya Callais,a citizen of Florida,was walking along a busy street in Tallahassee, Florida, when a large crate flew off a passing truck and hit her, causing numerous injuries. She experienced a great deal of pain and suffering,incurred significant medical expenses,and could not work for six months. She wants to sue the trucking firm for $300,000 in damages. The firm’s headquarters are in Georgia,although the company does business in Florida. In what court might Callais bring suit—a Florida state court, a Georgia state court, or a federal court? What factors might influence her decision? 2–5. E-Jurisdiction.
American Business Financial Services, Inc. (ABFI), a Pennsylvania firm, sells and services loans to businesses and consumers. First Union National Bank, with its principal place of business in North Carolina, provides banking services.Alan Boyer, an employee of First Union, lives in North Carolina and has never been to Pennsylvania. In the course of his employment, Boyer learned that the bank was going to extend a $150 million line of credit to ABFI. Boyer then attempted to manipulate the price of ABFI’s stock for personal gain by sending disparaging e-mails to ABFI’s independent auditors in Pennsylvania.Boyer also posted negative statements about ABFI and its management on a Yahoo bulletin board.ABFI filed a suit in a Pennsylvania state court against Boyer, First Union, and others, alleging wrongful interference with a contractual relationship, among other things. Boyer filed a motion to dismiss the complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction. Could the court exercise jurisdiction over Boyer? Explain. [American Business
Financial Services, Inc. v. First Union National Bank, __ A.2d __ (Pa.Comm.Pl. 2002)]
2–6. Arbitration. Alexander Little worked for Auto Stiegler, Inc., an automobile dealership in Los Angeles County, California, eventually becoming the service manager. While employed, Little signed an arbitration agreement that required the submission of all employment-related disputes to arbitration.The agreement also provided that any award over $50,000 could be appealed to a second arbitrator. Little was later demoted and terminated. Alleging that these actions were in retaliation for investigating and reporting warranty fraud and thus were in violation of public policy, Little filed a suit in a California state court against Auto Stiegler. The defendant filed a motion with the court to compel arbitration. Little responded that the arbitration agreement should not be enforced because, among other things, the appeal provision was unfairly one sided.Is this provision enforceable? Should the court grant Auto Stiegler’s motion? Why or why not? [Little v. Auto Stiegler, Inc., 29 Cal.4th 1064, 63 P.3d 979, 130 Cal.Rptr.2d 892 (2003)]
2–7. Jurisdiction. KaZaA BV was a company formed under the laws of the Netherlands. KaZaA distributed KaZaA Media Desktop (KMD) software, which enabled users to exchange digital media, including movies and music, via a peer-to-peer transfer network. KaZaA also operated the Web site, through which it distributed the KMD software to millions of California residents and other users. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc., and other parties in the entertainment industries based in California filed a suit in a federal district court against KaZaA and others, alleging copyright infringement. KaZaA filed a counterclaim, but while legal action was pending, the firm passed its assets and its Web site to Sharman Networks, Ltd., a company organized under the laws of Vanuatu (an island republic east of Australia) and doing business principally in Australia. Sharman explicitly disclaimed the assumption of any of KaZaA’s liabilities.When the plaintiffs added Sharman as a defendant, Sharman filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that the court did not have jurisdiction.Would it be fair to subject Sharman to suit in this case? Explain. [Metro-GoldwynMayer Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 243 F.Supp.2d.1073 (C.D.Cal. 2003)] 2–8. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Michael and Karla Covington live in Jefferson County, Idaho.When they bought their home, a gravel pit was across the street. In 1995, the county converted the pit to a landfill. Under the county’s operation, the landfill accepted major appliances, household garbage, spilled grain, grass clippings, straw, manure, animal carcasses, containers with hazardous content warn-
ings, leaking car batteries, and waste oil, among other things.The deposits were often left uncovered, attracting insects and other scavengers and contaminating the groundwater. Fires broke out, including at least one started by an intruder who entered the property through an unlocked gate. The Covingtons complained to the state, which inspected the landfill, but no changes were made to address their concerns. Finally, the Covingtons filed a suit in a federal district court against the county and the state, charging violations of federal environmental laws.Those laws were designed to minimize the risks of injuries from fires, scavengers, groundwater contamination, and other pollution dangers. Did the Covingtons have standing to sue? What principles apply? Explain. [Covington v. Jefferson County, 358 F.3d 626 (9th Cir. 2004)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 2–8, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 2,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
2–9. Jurisdiction. Xcentric Ventures,LLC,is an Arizona firm that operates the Web sites and Visitors to the sites can buy a copy of a book titled Do-It-Yourself Guide: How to Get RipOff Revenge. The price ($21.95) includes shipping to anywhere in the United States, including Illinois, to which thirteen copies have been shipped.The sites accept donations and feature postings by individuals who claim to have been “ripped off.” Some visitors posted comments about George S. May International Co., a management consulting firm. The postings alleged fraud, larceny, possession of child pornography, and possession of controlled substances (illegal drugs). May filed a suit in a federal district court in Illinois against Xcentric and others, charging, among other things,“false descriptions and representations.” The defendants filed a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction.What is the standard for exercising jurisdiction over a party whose only connection to a jurisdiction is over the Web? How would that standard apply in this case? Explain. [George S. May International Co. v. Xcentric Ventures, LLC, 409 F.Supp.2d 1052 (N.D.Ill. 2006)] 2–10. Jurisdiction. In 2001, Raul Leal, the owner and operator of Texas Labor Contractors in East Texas, contacted Poverty Point Produce, Inc., which operates a sweet potato farm in West Carroll Parish, Louisiana, and offered to provide field workers. Poverty Point accepted the offer. Jeffrey Brown, an owner of, and field manager for, the farm, told Leal the number of workers needed and gave him forms for them to fill out and sign. Leal placed an ad in a newspaper in Brownsville, Texas. Job applicants were directed to Leal’s car dealership in Weslaco, Texas, where they were told the details of the work. Leal recruited, among others, Elias Moreno, who lives in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, and transported Moreno and the others to Poverty Point’s farm. At the farm, Leal’s brother Jesse oversaw the work with instruc-
tions from Brown, lived with the workers in the on-site housing, and gave them their paychecks. When the job was done, the workers were returned to Texas. Moreno and others filed a suit in a federal district court against Poverty Point and others, alleging, in part, violations of Texas state law related to the work. Poverty Point filed a motion to dismiss the suit on the ground that the court did not have personal jurisdiction. All of the meetings between Poverty Point and the Leals occurred in Louisiana. All of the farmwork was done in Louisiana. Poverty Point has no offices, bank accounts, or phone listings in Texas. It does not advertise or solicit business in Texas. Despite these facts, can the court exercise personal jurisdiction? Explain. [Moreno v. Poverty Point Produce, Inc., 243 F. R.D. 275 (S.D.Tex. 2007)]
2–11. A QUESTION OF ETHICS Linden Research, Inc., operates a multiplayer role-playing game in the virtual world known as “Second Life” at Participants create avatars to represent themselves on the site. In 2003, Second Life became the only virtual world to recognize participants’ rights to buy, own, and sell digital content— virtual property, including “land.” Linden’s chief executive officer, Philip Rosedale, joined efforts to publicize this recognition and these rights in the real world media. Rosedale also created an avatar to tout the rights in Second Life town meetings. March Bragg, an experienced Pennsylvania attorney, was a Second Life participant whose avatar attended the meetings, after which Bragg began to invest in Second Life’s virtual property. In April 2006, Bragg bought “Taessot,” a parcel of virtual land. Linden decided that the purchase was improper, however, and took Taessot from Bragg. Linden also froze Bragg’s account, effectively confiscating all of his virtual property and currency. Bragg filed a suit against Linden and Rosedale, claiming that the defendants acted unlawfully. [Bragg v. Linden Research, Inc., 487 F. Supp.2d 593 (E.D.Pa. 2007)] (a) In the federal district court in Pennsylvania that was hearing the suit, Rosedale, who lives in California, filed a motion to dismiss the claim against him for lack of personal jurisdiction. On what basis could the court deny this motion and assert jurisdiction? Is it fair to require Rosedale to appear in a court in a distant location? Explain. (b) To access Second Life, a participant must accept its “Terms of Service”(TOS) by clicking an “accept” button. Under the TOS, Linden has the right “at any time for any reason or no reason to suspend or terminate your Account,” to refuse to return a participant’s money, and to amend the terms at its discretion.The terms also stipulate that any dispute be resolved by binding arbitration in California. Is there anything unfair about the TOS? Should the court compel Bragg to arbitrate this dispute? Discuss.
2–12. VIDEO QUESTION Go to this text’s Web site at academic. and select “Chapter 2.” Click on “Video Questions” and view the video titled Jurisdiction in Cyberspace. Then answer the following questions.
(a) What standard would a court apply to determine whether it has jurisdiction over the out-of-state computer firm in the video? (b) What factors is a court likely to consider in assessing whether sufficient contacts existed when the only connection to the jurisdiction is through a Web site? (c) How do you think the court would resolve the issue in this case?
For updated links to resources available on the Web, as well as a variety of other materials, visit this text’s Web site at For the decisions of the United States Supreme Court, as well as information about the Supreme Court and its justices, go to either or The Web site for the federal courts offers information on the federal court system and links to all federal courts at The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) offers links to the Web pages of all state courts. Go to For information on alternative dispute resolution, go to the American Arbitration Association’s Web site at
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 2” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercise 2–1: Legal Perspective Alternative Dispute Resolution Internet Exercise 2–2: Management Perspective Resolve a Dispute Online Internet Exercise 2–3: Historical Perspective The Judiciary’s Role in American Government
lawsuits hire attorneys to represent them. Each lawyer acts as his or her client’s advocate, presenting the client’s version of the facts in such a way as to convince the judge (or the judge and jury, in a jury trial) that this version is correct. 1. This right was definitively established in Most of the judicial procedures Faretta v. California, 422 U.S. 806, 95 S.Ct. that you will read about in the 2525, 45 L.Ed.2d 562 (1975). merican and English courts follow the adversarial system of justice. Although clients are allowed to represent themselves in court (called pro se representation),1 most parties to
following pages are rooted in the adversarial framework of the American legal system. In this chapter, after a brief overview of judicial procedures, we illustrate the steps involved in a lawsuit with a hypothetical civil case (criminal procedures will be discussed in Chapter 9).
Stages of Litigation
Procedural Rules The parties to a lawsuit must comply with the procedural rules of the court in which the lawsuit is filed. Although most people,when considering the outcome of a case, think of matters of substantive law, procedural law can have a significant impact on one’s ability to assert a legal claim. Procedural rules provide a framework for every dispute and specify what must be done at each stage of the litigation process. All civil trials held in federal district courts are governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP).2 Each state also has rules of civil procedure that apply to all courts within that state. In addition, each court has its own local rules of procedure that supplement the federal or state rules.
2. The United States Supreme Court has authority to set forth these rules, as spelled out in 28 U.S.C. Sections 2071–2077. Generally, though, the federal judiciary appoints committees that make recommendations to the Supreme Court. The Court then publishes any proposed changes in the rules and allows for public comment before finalizing the rules.
Broadly speaking, the litigation process has three phases: pretrial, trial, and posttrial. Each phase involves specific procedures, as discussed throughout this chapter. Although civil lawsuits may vary greatly in terms of complexity, cost, and detail, they typically progress through the specific stages charted in Exhibit 3–1 on the following page. To illustrate the procedures involved in a civil lawsuit, we will use a simple hypothetical case. The case arose from an automobile accident, which occurred when a car driven by Antonio Carvello, a resident of New Jersey, collided with a car driven by Jill Kirby, a resident of New York. The accident took place at an intersection in New York City. Kirby suffered personal injuries, which caused her to incur medical and hospital expenses as well as lost wages for four months. In all, she calculated that the cost to her of the accident was $100,000.3 Carvello and Kirby have been unable to agree on a settlement, and Kirby now must decide whether to sue Carvello for the $100,000 compensation she feels she deserves. 3. In this example, we are ignoring damages for pain and suffering or for permanent disabilities. Often, plaintiffs in personalinjury cases seek such damages.
Stages in a Typical Lawsuit
Accident, Breach of Contract, or Other Event
Party Consults with Attorney (Initial Client Interview, Signing of Retainer Agreement)
Discovery (Formal Investigation: Depositions, Interrogatories, Other Discovery Requests)
Motion for Summary Judgment (Request to End Case on Available Information)
Informal Investigation Further Discovery Plaintiff’s Attorney Files Complaint Pretrial Conference Defendant Notified of Lawsuit (If Service Is Not Waived, Complaint and Summons Served on Defendant)
Defendant’s Attorney Files Answer to Complaint or Motion to Dismiss
Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings (Request to End Case Based on Information Contained in the Pleadings)
The First Step: Consulting with an Attorney As mentioned, rules of procedure often affect the outcome of a dispute—a fact that highlights the importance of obtaining the advice of counsel.The first step taken by virtually anyone contemplating a lawsuit is to seek the guidance of a qualified attorney.4 In the hypothetical Kirby-Carvello case, assume that Kirby consults with a lawyer. The attorney will advise her regarding what she can expect in a lawsuit, her probability of success at trial,and the procedures that will be involved. If more than one court would have jurisdic4. See Chapter 42 for a discussion of the importance of obtaining legal counsel and for guidelines on how to locate attorneys and retain their services.
Posttrial Motions
Steps to Enforce and Collect Judgment
tion over the matter, the attorney will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of filing in a particular court. Depending on the court hearing the case, the attorney will give Kirby an idea of how much time it will take to resolve the dispute through litigation and provide an estimate of the costs involved. The attorney will also inform Kirby of the legal fees that she will have to pay in an attempt to collect damages from the defendant, Carvello.Attorneys base their fees on such factors as the difficulty of a matter, the amount of time involved, the experience and skill of the attorney in the particular area of the law, and the cost of doing business. In the United States, legal fees range from $125 to $600 per hour or even higher (the average fee per hour is between $175 and $300). In addition, the client is also responsible for paying vari-
ous expenses related to the case (called “out-ofpocket” costs), including court filing fees, travel expenses, and the cost of expert witnesses and investigators, for example. Types of Attorneys’ Fees For a particular legal matter, an attorney may charge one type of fee or a combination of several types. Fixed fees may be charged for the performance of such services as drafting a simple will. Hourly fees may be computed for matters that will involve an indeterminate period of time. Any case brought to trial, for example, may involve an expenditure of time that cannot be precisely estimated in advance. Contingency fees are fixed as a percentage (usually between 25 and 40 percent) of a client’s recovery in certain types of lawsuits, such as a personalinjury lawsuit.5 If the lawsuit is unsuccessful, the attorney receives no fee, but the client will have to reimburse the attorney for any out-of-pocket costs incurred. Because Kirby’s claim involves a personal injury, her lawyer will likely take the case on a contingency-fee basis, but she may have to pay an amount up front to cover the court costs. In some cases, the winning party may be able to recover at least some portion of her or his attorneys’ fees from the losing party. Many state and federal statutes provide for an award of attorneys’ fees in certain legal actions, such as probate matters (settling a person’s estate after death). In these situations, the judge sets the amount of the fee, which may be specified by statute or based on other factors, such as the fee customarily charged for similar services in the area. An attorney will advise the client as to whether she or he would be entitled to recover some or all of the attorneys’ fees in a case. Settlement Considerations Once an attorney has been retained, the attorney is required to pursue a resolution of the matter on the client’s behalf. Nevertheless, the amount of energy an attorney will spend on a given case is also determined by how much time and funds the client wishes to devote to the process. If the client is willing to pay for a lengthy trial and one or more appeals, the attorney may pursue those actions. Often, however, once a client learns the substantial costs involved in litigation, he or she may
5. Note that attorneys may charge a contingency fee in only certain types of cases and are typically prohibited from entering into this type of fee arrangement in criminal cases,divorce cases, and cases involving the distribution of assets after death.
decide to pursue a settlement of the claim. Attempts to settle the case may be ongoing throughout the litigation process. Another important factor in deciding whether to pursue litigation is the defendant’s ability to pay the damages sought. Even if Kirby is awarded damages, it may be difficult to enforce the court’s judgment if, for example, the amount exceeds the limits of Carvello’s automobile insurance policy. (We will discuss the problems involved in enforcing a judgment later in this chapter.)
Pretrial Procedures The pretrial litigation process involves the filing of the pleadings, the gathering of evidence (called discovery), and possibly other procedures, such as a pretrial conference and jury selection.
The Pleadings The complaint and answer (and other legal documents discussed below), taken together, are known as the pleadings. The pleadings inform each party of the other’s claims and specify the issues (disputed questions) involved in the case. Because the rules of procedure vary depending on the jurisdiction of the court, the style and form of the pleadings may be different from those shown in this chapter. Plaintiff ’s Complaint Kirby’s action against Carvello commences when her lawyer files a complaint6 with the clerk of the appropriate court. The complaint contains a statement alleging (1) the facts showing that the court has jurisdiction, (2) the facts establishing the plaintiff’s basis for relief, and (3) the remedy the plaintiff is seeking. Complaints can be lengthy or brief, depending on the complexity of the case and the rules of the jurisdiction. Exhibit 3–2 on the next page illustrates how a complaint in the Kirby-Carvello case might appear. The complaint asserts facts indicating that the federal district court has jurisdiction because of diversity of citizenship. It then gives a brief statement of the facts of the accident and alleges that Carvello negligently drove his vehicle through a red light, striking Kirby’s The
6. Sometimes, the document filed with the court is called a petition or a declaration instead of a complaint.
JILL KIRBY Plaintiff, v.
ANTONIO CARVELLO Defendant. The plaintiff brings this cause of action against the defendant, alleging as follows: 1. This action is between the plaintiff, who is a resident of the State of New York, and the defendant, who is a resident of the State of New Jersey. There is diversity of citizenship between the parties. 2. The amount in controversy, exclusive of interest and costs, exceeds the sum of $75,000. 3. On September 10th, 2008, the plaintiff, Jill Kirby, was exercising good driving habits and reasonable care in driving her car through the intersection of Boardwalk and Pennsylvania Avenue, New York City, New York, when the defendant, Antonio Carvello, negligently drove his vehicle through a red light at the intersection and collided with the plaintiff's vehicle. 4. As a result of the collision, the plaintiff suffered severe physical injury, which prevented her from working, and property damage to her car. WHEREFORE, the plaintiff demands judgment against the defendant for the sum of $100,000 plus interest at the maximum legal rate and the costs of this action.
car and causing serious personal injury and property damage. The complaint goes on to state that Kirby is seeking $100,000 in damages, although in some state civil actions the plaintiff need not specify the amount of damages sought. Service of Process. Before the court can exercise jurisdiction over the defendant (Carvello)—in effect, before the lawsuit can begin—the court must have proof that the defendant was notified of the lawsuit.
Joseph Roe Attorney for Plaintiff 100 Main Street New York, New York
Formally notifying the defendant of a lawsuit is called service of process. The plaintiff must deliver,or serve, a copy of the complaint and a summons (a notice requiring the defendant to appear in court and answer the complaint) to the defendant.The summons notifies Carvello that he must file an answer to the complaint within a specified time period (twenty days in the federal courts) or suffer a default judgment against him.A default judgment in Kirby’s favor would mean that she would be awarded the damages alleged in her
JILL KIRBY Plaintiff, v.
To the above-named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Joseph Roe, plaintiffʼs attorney, whose address is 100 Main Street, New York, NY, an answer to the complaint which is herewith served upon you, within 20 days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. C. H. Hynek
January 2, 2009
complaint because Carvello failed to respond to the allegations.A typical summons is shown in Exhibit 3–3. Method of Service. How service of process occurs depends on the rules of the court or jurisdiction in which the lawsuit is brought. Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, anyone who is at least eighteen years of age and is not a party to the lawsuit can serve process in federal court cases. In state courts, the process server is often a county sheriff or an employee of an independent company that provides process service in the local area. Usually, the server hands the summons and complaint to the defendant personally or leaves it at the defendant’s residence or place of business. In some states,process can be served by mail if the defendant consents (accepts service).When the defendant cannot be reached, special rules provide for alternative means of service, such as publishing a notice in the local newspaper. In some situations,such
as when the parties are in other countries or no other alternative is available, courts have even allowed service of process via e-mail,provided that it is reasonably calculated to provide notice and an opportunity to respond.7 In cases involving corporate defendants, the summons and complaint may be served on an officer or on a registered agent (representative) of the corporation.The name of a corporation’s registered agent can usually be obtained from the secretary of state’s office in the state where the company incorporated its business (and,frequently,from the secretary of state’s office in any state where the corporation does business). Did the plaintiff in the following case effect proper service of the summons and the complaint on an outof-state corporation? 7. See, for example, Rio Properties, Inc. v. Rio International Interlink, 284 F.3d 1007 (9th Cir. 2002).
C A S E 3.1
Cruz v. Fagor America, Inc. California Court of Appeal, Fourth District, Division 1, 2007. 52 Cal.Rptr.3d 862, 146 Cal.App.4th 488.
AARON, J. [Judge]
* * * * [Alan] Cruz’s parents purchased a pressure cooker from a vendor at the San Diego County Fair [in California] in the summer of 2001. On September 10, 2001, Cruz, who was 16 years old at the time, suffered burns on the left side of his torso and thigh when he attempted to take the lid off of the pressure cooker. Fagor [America, Inc.] is the American distributor of the pressure cooker. On the date of the incident involving the pressure cooker,Cruz’s parents sent an e-mail to Fagor to alert the company about what had occurred. * * * On June 2, 2003, [Fagor] notified Cruz that it was denying liability. * * * * * * * Cruz filed a complaint [in a California state court] against Fagor on December 1, 2004, alleging causes of action for negligence and product liability.On December 14,2004,Cruz,through his attorney, mailed the summons and complaint to Fagor by certified mail, return receipt requested. The envelope was addressed to “Patricio Barriga, Chairman of the Board, FAGOR AMERICA, INC., A Delaware Corporation, 1099 Wall Street, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071-3678.” The return receipt indicates that it was signed by an individual named Tina Hayes on December 22. Fagor did not file an answer. * * * * * * * A default judgment [a judgment entered against a defendant who fails to answer or respond to the plaintiff’s complaint] in the amount of $259,114.50 was entered against Fagor on May 31, 2005. Fagor did not make an appearance in the matter until November 29, 2005, when Fagor’s attorneys * * * [filed] a motion to set aside the entry of default and default judgment. * * * * * * * * * * On February 1, the trial court granted the motion. Cruz [appealed to a state intermediate appellate court] on February 16. * * * * * * * [T]he trial court found that service was not effected because there was no proof that the summons and complaint (1) were served on Fagor’s designated agent for service; (2) were delivered to the president or other officer, manager, or person authorized to receive service in accordance with [California Civil Procedure Code Section] 416.10; or (3) were served in accordance with [California] Corporations Code [S]ection 2110,which provides for service on a foreign corporation by hand delivery to an officer or designated agent for service of process. * * * [But] the proofs of service demonstrate that Cruz served Fagor, an out-of-state corporation, in accordance with [California Civil Procedure Code Section] 415.40. Section 415.40 provides in pertinent part: A summons may be served on a person outside this state in any manner provided by this article or by sending a copy of the summons and of the complaint to the person to be served by first-class mail, postage prepaid, requiring a return receipt. * * *
Because Fagor is a corporate entity, Cruz was also required to comply with the mandates of [S]ection 416.10.That section details how a plaintiff is to serve a summons on a corporate defendant and provides in relevant part: A summons may be served on a corporation by delivering a copy of the summons and of the complaint: * * * To the president or other head of the corporation, a vice president, a secretary or assistant secretary, a treasurer or assistant treasurer, a general manager, or a person authorized by the corporation to receive service of process.
* * * * A number of documents in the record establish that Cruz properly served Fagor with process pursuant to California’s statutory requirements.The first is a Judicial Counsel of California proof of service form, completed and signed by Cruz’s attorney, Harold Thompson. In that form,Thompson states that the summons and complaint were addressed and mailed to Patricio Barriga, the presi-
dent of Fagor, at 1099 Wall Street, Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071-3678, which is the address Fagor listed in 2003 with the New York State Department of State—Division of Corporations as its “service of process address.” * * * Thompson’s declaration was properly executed because it shows that Cruz addressed the summons and complaint to a person to be served, as listed under [S]ection 416.10. [Emphasis added.] Cruz also submitted a signed return receipt to establish the fact of actual delivery. A return receipt attached to the proof of service form shows that the envelope was accepted at the Lyndhurst address.The receipt was signed by Hayes. * * * * * * * * * * Cruz submitted the declaration of his attorney, Harold Thompson, in which Thompson states that he confirmed with a representative of the United States Postal Service in Lyndhurst,New Jersey, that Hayes regularly receives mail on behalf of Fagor at its Lyndhurst office.This is * * * sufficient to establish that an agent authorized to receive mail on the defendant’s behalf received the summons and complaint. * * * * * * * By virtue of her authority to accept mail on Fagor’s behalf, Hayes’s notice of the action is imputed to Fagor and its officers. Barriga’s statement that he did not receive the summons and complaint does not establish that service of process was invalid. Barriga had constructive knowledge of the existence of the action,and of the summons and complaint,once an individual authorized to receive corporate mail acknowledged service. To hold otherwise would be to ignore the realities of corporate life,in which the duty to sign for mail received often resides with a designated mailroom employee, a receptionist, a secretary, or an assistant. A plaintiff who has provided evidence that a person authorized to receive mail on behalf of a corporation in fact received an item that was mailed to an officer of the corporation should not be held responsible for any failure on the part of the corporate defendant to effectively distribute that mail. [Emphasis added.] * * * Cruz has * * * satisfied all of the elements necessary to establish effective service. * * * * * * * The order of the trial court is reversed.
1. Suppose that Cruz had misaddressed the envelope but the summons had still reached Hayes and Cruz could prove it. Would this have been sufficient to establish valid service? Explain. 2. Should a plaintiff be required to serve a defendant with a summons and a copy of a complaint more than once? Why or why not? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Waiver of Formal Service of Process. In many instances, the defendant is already aware that a lawsuit is being filed and is willing to waive (give up) her or his right to be served personally. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) and many states’ rules allow defendants to waive formal service of process, provided that certain procedures are followed. Kirby’s attorney, for example, could mail to defendant Carvello a copy of the complaint, along with “Waiver of Service of Summons” forms for Carvello to sign. If Carvello signs and returns the forms within thirty days, formal service of process is waived. Moreover,
under the FRCP,defendants who agree to waive formal service of process receive additional time to respond to the complaint (sixty days, instead of twenty days). Some states provide similar incentives to encourage defendants to waive formal service of process and thereby reduce associated costs and foster cooperation between the parties. Defendant’s Response Typically, the defendant’s response to the complaint takes the form of an answer. In an answer, the defendant either admits or denies each of the allegations in the plaintiff’s The
complaint and may also set forth defenses to those allegations.Under the federal rules,any allegations that are not denied by the defendant will be deemed by the court to have been admitted.If Carvello admits to all of Kirby’s allegations in his answer, a judgment will be entered for Kirby. If Carvello denies Kirby’s allegations, the matter will proceed further. Affirmative Defenses. Carvello can also admit the truth of Kirby’s complaint but raise new facts to show that he should not be held liable for Kirby’s damages. This is called raising an affirmative defense. As will be discussed in subsequent chapters, defendants in both civil and criminal cases can raise affirmative defenses. For example, Carvello could assert Kirby’s own negligence as a defense by alleging that Kirby was driving negligently at the time of the accident. In some states, a plaintiff’s contributory negligence operates as a complete defense.In most states,however,the plaintiff’s own negligence constitutes only a partial defense (see Chapter 7). Counterclaims. Carvello could also deny Kirby’s allegations and set forth his own claim that the accident occurred as a result of Kirby’s negligence and that therefore she owes Carvello for damage to his car. This is appropriately called a counterclaim. If Carvello files a counterclaim, Kirby will have to submit an answer to the counterclaim.
Dismissals and Judgments before Trial Many actions for which pleadings have been filed never come to trial.The parties may,for example,negotiate a settlement of the dispute at any stage of the litigation process. There are also numerous procedural avenues for disposing of a case without a trial.Many of them involve one or the other party’s attempts to get the case dismissed through the use of various motions. A motion is a procedural request submitted to the court by an attorney on behalf of her or his client. When one party files a motion with the court, that party must also send to,or serve on,the opposing party a notice of motion. The notice of motion informs the opposing party that the motion has been filed. Pretrial motions include the motion to dismiss, the motion for judgment on the pleadings,and the motion for summary judgment, as well as the other motions listed in Exhibit 3–4. Motion to Dismiss Either party can file a
motion to dismiss requesting the court to dismiss the
case for the reasons stated in the motion,although normally it is the defendant who requests dismissal. A defendant could file a motion to dismiss if the plaintiff’s complaint fails to state a claim for which relief (a remedy) can be granted. Such a motion asserts that even if the facts alleged in the complaint are true,they do not give rise to any legal claim against the defendant. For example, if the allegations in Kirby’s complaint do not constitute negligence on Carvello’s part, Carvello could move to dismiss the case for failure to state a claim. Defendant Carvello could also file a motion to dismiss on the grounds that he was not properly served, that the court lacked jurisdiction, or that the venue was improper. If the judge grants the motion to dismiss, the plaintiff generally is given time to file an amended complaint. If the judge denies the motion, the suit will go forward, and the defendant must then file an answer. Note that if Carvello wishes to discontinue the suit because, for example, an out-of-court settlement has been reached, he can likewise move for dismissal.The court can also dismiss a case on its own motion. Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings
At the close of the pleadings, either party may make a motion for judgment on the pleadings, which asks the court to decide the issue solely on the pleadings without proceeding to trial. The judge will grant the motion only when there is no dispute over the facts of the case and the sole issue to be resolved is a question of law. For example, in the Kirby-Carvello case, if Carvello had admitted to all of Kirby’s allegations in his answer and had raised no affirmative defenses, Kirby could file a motion for judgment on the pleadings. In deciding a motion for judgment on the pleadings, the judge may consider only the evidence contained in the pleadings. In contrast, in a motion for summary judgment,discussed next,the court may consider evidence outside the pleadings, such as sworn statements and other materials that would be admissible as evidence at trial. Motion for Summary Judgment Either party
can file a motion for summary judgment, which asks the court to grant a judgment in that party’s favor without a trial. As with a motion for judgment on the pleadings, a court will grant a motion for summary judgment only if it determines that no facts are in dispute and the only question is how the law applies to the facts. A motion for summary judgment can be
Pretrial Motions
MOTION TO DISMISS A motion normally filed by the defendant in which the defendant asks the court to dismiss the case for a specified reason, such as improper service, lack of personal jurisdiction, or the plaintiff’s failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted.
MOTION TO STRIKE A motion filed by the defendant in which the defendant asks the court to strike (delete) from the complaint certain paragraphs contained in the complaint. Motions to strike help to clarify the underlying issues that form the basis for the complaint by removing paragraphs that are redundant or irrelevant to the action.
MOTION TO MAKE MORE DEFINITE AND CERTAIN A motion filed by the defendant to compel the plaintiff to clarify the basis of the plaintiff’s cause of action. The motion is filed when the defendant believes that the complaint is too vague or ambiguous for the defendant to respond to it in a meaningful way.
MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS A motion that may be filed by either party in which the party asks the court to enter a judgment in his or her favor based on information contained in the pleadings. A judgment on the pleadings will be made only if there are no facts in dispute and the only question is how the law applies to a set of undisputed facts.
MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY A motion that may be filed by either party in which the party asks the court to compel the other party to comply with a discovery request. If a party refuses to allow the opponent to inspect and copy certain documents, for example, the party requesting the documents may make a motion to compel production of those documents.
MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT A motion that may be filed by either party in which the party asks the court to enter judgment in his or her favor without a trial. Unlike a motion for judgment on the pleadings, a motion for summary judgment can be supported by evidence outside the pleadings, such as witnesses’ affidavits, answers to interrogatories, and other evidence obtained prior to or during discovery.
made before or during a trial, but it will be granted only if, when the evidence is viewed in the light most favorable to the other party,there clearly are no factual disputes in contention. To support a motion for summary judgment, one party can submit evidence obtained at any point prior to trial that refutes the other party’s factual claim. The evidence may consist of affidavits (sworn statements by parties or witnesses) or documents, such as a contract. Of course, the evidence must be admissible evidence—that is,evidence that the court would allow to be presented during the trial.As mentioned, the use of additional evidence is one feature that distinguishes the motion for summary judgment from the motion to dismiss and the motion for judgment on the pleadings.
Discovery Before a trial begins, the parties can use a number of procedural devices to obtain information and gather evidence about the case. Kirby, for example, will want to know how fast Carvello was driving,whether he had
been drinking or was under the influence of any medication, and whether he was wearing corrective lenses if he was required by law to do so while driving. The process of obtaining information from the opposing party or from witnesses prior to trial is known as discovery. Discovery includes gaining access to witnesses, documents, records, and other types of evidence. In federal courts, the parties are required to make initial disclosures of relevant evidence to the opposing party. The FRCP and similar state rules set forth the guidelines for discovery activity. Generally, discovery is allowed regarding any matter that is relevant to the claim or defense of any party. Discovery rules also attempt to protect witnesses and parties from undue harassment, and to safeguard privileged or confidential material from being disclosed. Only information that is relevant to the case at hand—or likely to lead to the discovery of relevant information—is discoverable. If a discovery request involves privileged or confidential business information, a court can deny the request and can limit the scope of discovery in a
number of ways. For example, a court can require the party to submit the materials to the judge in a sealed envelope so that the judge can decide if they should be disclosed to the opposing party. Discovery prevents surprises at trial by giving both parties access to evidence that might otherwise be hidden. This allows the litigants to learn as much as they can about what to expect at a trial before they reach the courtroom. Discovery also serves to narrow the issues so that trial time is spent on the main questions in the case. Depositions and Interrogatories Discovery
can involve the use of depositions or interrogatories,or both. A deposition is sworn testimony by a party to the lawsuit or by any witness, recorded by an authorized court official. The person deposed gives testimony and answers questions asked by the attorneys from both sides. The questions and answers are recorded, sworn to, and signed. These answers, of course, will help the attorneys prepare their cases. Depositions also give attorneys the opportunity to evaluate how their witnesses will conduct themselves at
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trial. In addition, depositions can be employed in court to impeach (challenge the credibility of) a party or a witness who changes testimony at the trial. A deposition can also be used as testimony if the witness is not available at trial. Interrogatories are written questions for which written answers are prepared and then signed under oath.The main difference between interrogatories and written depositions is that interrogatories are directed to a party to the lawsuit (the plaintiff or the defendant), not to a witness, and the party can prepare answers with the aid of an attorney. Whereas depositions are useful for eliciting candid responses from a party and answers not prepared in advance, interrogatories are designed to obtain accurate information about specific topics, such as, for example, how many contracts were signed and when. The scope of interrogatories is also broader because parties are obligated to answer questions, even if that means disclosing information from their records and files. What can a court do when a party refuses to respond to a discovery request? The following case illustrates the options.
Computer Task Group, Inc. v. Brotby United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, 2004. 364 F.3d 1112.
• Background and Facts Computer Task Group, Inc. (CTG), hired William Brotby as an infor-
mation technologies consultant in 1995. As a condition of the job, Brotby signed an agreement that restricted his ability to work for CTG’s customers if he left CTG. Less than two years later, Brotby left CTG to work for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, a CTG client with which Brotby had worked on a project. CTG filed a suit in a federal district court against Brotby, alleging a breach of the agreement that Brotby had signed when he joined the firm. During discovery, Brotby refused to respond fully to CTG’s interrogatories. He gave contradictory answers, made frivolous objections, filed baseless motions with the court, and never disclosed all of the information that CTG sought. He made excuses and changed his story repeatedly, making it impossible for CTG to establish basic facts with any certainty. Brotby also refused to produce key documents. The court issued five separate orders compelling Brotby’s cooperation and fined him twice. Finally, in 1999, CTG filed a motion to enter a default judgment against Brotby, based on his failure to cooperate. The court granted the motion. Brotby appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
PER CURIAM [By the whole court].
* * * * Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37 permits the district court, in its discretion, to enter a default judgment against a party who fails to comply with an order compelling discovery. * * * In deciding whether a sanction of dismissal or default for noncompliance with discovery is appropriate, the district court must weigh five factors: (1) the public’s interest in expeditious
[speedy] resolution of litigation; (2) the court’s need to manage its docket [calendar]; (3) the risk of prejudice to the opposing party; (4) the public policy favoring disposition of cases on their merits; and (5) the availability of less drastic sanctions. Where a court order is violated, the first and second factors will favor sanctions and the fourth will cut against them.Therefore, whether terminating sanctions were appropriate in Brotby’s case turns on the third and fifth factors. * * * Brotby engaged in a consistent,intentional,and prejudicial practice of obstructing discovery by not complying * * * with repeated court orders and not heeding multiple court warnings. Brotby violated court orders * * * by failing to provide clear answers to interrogatories, giving contradictory responses, making frivolous objections, filing frivolous motions and failing to provide the information CTG sought.He also failed to pay one of the [fines].* * * Brotby violated orders * * * by failing to produce important financial documents and throwing up a series of baseless smoke screens that took the form of repeated groundless objections and contradictory excuses, which were absurd and completely unbelievable.The excuses included blaming the loss of documents on an earthquake, on a dropped computer and on a residential move. * * * * * * [W]hatever Brotby actually produced was mostly incomplete or fabricated—and dribbled in only after a court order. In addition, Brotby changed his story numerous times with regard to his income from work done for Alyeska and the length of his contract with them, as well as the date of his resignation from CTG. These tactics unnecessarily delayed the litigation, burdened the court and prejudiced CTG.In the end,most of the documents CTG sought regarding the nature and extent of Brotby’s work for Alyeska were never produced, despite court orders to do so * * * . * * * * * * * Brotby’s baseless two-year fight against each and every discovery request and court order has been conducted willfully and with the intent of preventing meaningful discovery from occurring. It has clogged the court’s docket, protracted this litigation by years, and made it impossible for CTG to proceed to any imaginably fair trial. We have held that failure to produce documents as ordered * * * is * * * sufficient prejudice. * * * In deciding whether the district court adequately considered lesser sanctions, we consider whether the court (1) explicitly discussed the alternative of lesser sanctions and explained why it would be inappropriate; (2) implemented lesser sanctions before ordering the case dismissed; and (3) warned the offending party of the possibility of dismissal. The [district court] judge appropriately considered the alternative of lesser sanctions. He ordered Brotby to comply with CTG’s discovery requests five times * * * . The [judge] also imposed two lesser (monetary) sanctions against Brotby, but to no avail. * * * [I]t is appropriate to reject lesser sanctions where the court anticipates continued deceptive misconduct. Brotby had sufficient notice that continued refusal to cooperate would lead to [the entry of a default judgment against him]. The * * * judge warned him that he should “stop playing games” if he wanted to stay in the game.The two monetary sanctions, five orders compelling him to cooperate and repeated oral warnings were enough to put Brotby on notice that continued failure to cooperate in discovery would result in * * * default. [Emphasis added.]
Decision and Remedy The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the judgment of the lower court. The appellate court held that “[i]n light of Brotby’s egregious [blatant] record of discovery abuses” and his “abiding contempt and continuing disregard for [the court’s] orders,” the lower court properly exercised its discretion in entering a default judgment against him.
What If the Facts Were Different? Suppose that Brotby had not made frivolous objections and baseless motions but still had failed to comply with discovery requests. How might the court’s ruling in this case have been different?
• The Legal Environment Dimension What does the result in this case suggest to parties in litigation who might be reluctant to respond truthfully to court requests?
Requests for Admissions One party can serve the other party with a written request for an admission of the truth of matters relating to the trial. Any fact admitted under such a request is conclusively established as true for the trial. For example, Kirby can ask Carvello to admit that his driver’s license was suspended at the time of the accident. A request for admission shortens the trial because the parties will not have to spend time proving facts on which they already agree. Requests for Documents, Objects, and Entry upon Land A party can gain access to doc-
uments and other items not in her or his possession in order to inspect and examine them.Carvello,for example, can gain permission to inspect and copy Kirby’s car repair bills. Likewise, a party can gain “entry upon land” to inspect the premises.
to retrieve the evidence in its electronic format. The expert uses software to reconstruct e-mail exchanges to establish who knew what and when they knew it. The expert can even recover files from a computer that the user thought had been deleted. Reviewing backup copies of documents and e-mail can provide useful—and often quite damaging—information about how a particular matter progressed over several weeks or months. Electronic discovery has significant advantages over paper discovery, but it is also time consuming and expensive. These costs are amplified when the parties involved in the lawsuit are large corporations with many offices and employees.Who should pay the costs associated with electronic discovery? For a discussion of how the courts are handling this issue, see this chapter’s Emerging Trends feature on pages 66 and 67.
Pretrial Conference Request for Examinations When the physical
or mental condition of one party is in question, the opposing party can ask the court to order a physical or mental examination by an independent examiner. If the court agrees to make the order, the opposing party can obtain the results of the examination. Note that the court will make such an order only when the need for the information outweighs the right to privacy of the person to be examined. Electronic Discovery Any relevant material, including information stored electronically, can be the object of a discovery request. The federal rules and most state rules (as well as court decisions) now specifically allow individuals to obtain discovery of electronic “data compilations.” Electronic evidence, or e-evidence, consists of all computer-generated or electronically recorded information, such as e-mail, voice mail, spreadsheets, word-processing documents, and other data. E-evidence can reveal significant facts that are not discoverable by other means. For example, computers automatically record certain information about files—such as who created the file and when, and who accessed, modified, or transmitted it— on their hard drives. This information can only be obtained from the file in its electronic format—not from printed-out versions. Amendments to the FRCP that took effect in December 2006 deal specifically with the preservation, retrieval, and production of electronic data. Although traditional means, such as interrogatories and depositions, are still used to find out whether e-evidence exists, a party must usually hire an expert
After discovery has taken place and before the trial begins,the attorneys may meet with the trial judge in a pretrial conference, or hearing. Usually, the hearing consists of an informal discussion between the judge and the opposing attorneys after discovery has taken place.The purpose of the hearing is to explore the possibility of a settlement without trial and, if this is not possible, to identify the matters that are in dispute and to plan the course of the trial. In particular, the parties may attempt to establish ground rules to restrict the number of expert witnesses or discuss the admissibility or costs of certain types of evidence.
The Right to a Jury Trial The Seventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a jury trial for cases at law in federal courts when the amount in controversy exceeds $20. Most states have similar guarantees in their own constitutions (although the threshold dollar amount is higher than $20). The right to a trial by jury need not be exercised, and many cases are tried without a jury. In most states and in federal courts, one of the parties must request a jury, or the judge presumes the parties waive this right.If there is no jury,the judge determines the truth of the facts alleged in the case.
Jury Selection Before a jury trial commences, a panel of jurors must be selected. Although some types of trials require twelve-person juries, most civil matters can be heard by six-person juries. The jury selection process is
known as voir dire.8 During voir dire in most jurisdictions, attorneys for the plaintiff and the defendant ask prospective jurors oral questions to determine whether a potential jury member is biased or has any connection with a party to the action or with a prospective witness. In some jurisdictions, the judge may do all or part of the questioning based on written questions submitted by counsel for the parties. 8. Pronounced vwahr deehr. These old French verbs mean “to speak the truth.” In legal language,the phrase refers to the process of questioning jurors to learn about their backgrounds, attitudes, and similar attributes.
During voir dire, a party may challenge a certain number of prospective jurors peremptorily—that is,ask that an individual not be sworn in as a juror without providing any reason. Alternatively, a party may challenge a prospective juror for cause—that is, provide a reason why an individual should not be sworn in as a juror. If the judge grants the challenge, the individual is asked to step down. A prospective juror, however, may not be excluded by the use of discriminatory challenges, such as those based on racial criteria or gender. (See Concept Summary 3.1 for a review of pretrial procedures.)
Pretrial Procedures Procedure
1. The plaintiff’s complaint—The plaintiff’s statement of the cause of action and the parties involved, filed with the court by the plaintiff’s attorney. After the filing, the defendant is notified of the suit through service of process. 2. The defendant’s response—The defendant’s response to the plaintiff’s complaint may take the form of an answer, in which the defendant admits or denies the plaintiff’s allegations.The defendant may raise an affirmative defense and/or assert a counterclaim.
1. Motion to dismiss—A motion requesting the judge to dismiss the case for reasons that are provided in the motion (such as failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted). 2. Motion for judgment on the pleadings—May be made by either party; will be granted only if no facts are in dispute and only questions of law are at issue. 3. Motion for summary judgment—May be made by either party; will be granted only if no facts are in dispute and only questions of law are at issue. Unlike the motion for judgment on the pleadings, the motion for summary judgment may be supported by evidence outside the pleadings, such as testimony and other evidence obtained during the discovery phase of litigation.
The process of gathering evidence concerning the case; involves (1) depositions (sworn testimony by either party or any witness); (2) interrogatories (in which parties to the action write answers to questions with the aid of their attorneys); and (3) requests for admissions, documents, examinations, or other information relating to the case. Discovery may also involve electronically recorded information, such as e-mail, voice mail, and other data.
A pretrial hearing, at the request of either party or the court, to identify the matters in dispute after discovery has taken place and to explore the possibility of settling the dispute without a trial. If no settlement is possible, the parties plan the course of the trial.
In a jury trial, the selection of members of the jury from a pool of prospective jurors. During a process known as voir dire, the attorneys for both sides may challenge prospective jurors either for cause or peremptorily (for no cause).
E-Discovery and Cost-Shifting Before the computer age, discovery involved searching through paper records—physical evidence. Today, less than 0.5 percent of new information is created on paper. Instead of sending letters and memos, for example, people send e-mails— almost 600 billion of them annually in the United States. The all-inclusive nature of electronic information means that electronic discovery (e-discovery) now plays an important role in almost every business lawsuit.
Changes in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure As e-discovery has become ubiquitous, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) have changed to encompass it. Amended Section 26(f) of the FRCP, for example, requires that the parties confer about “preserving discoverable information” and discuss “any issues relating to . . . discovery of electronically stored information, including the electronic forms in which it should be produced.” The most recent amendment to Section 34(a) of the FRCP expressly
permits one party to a lawsuit to request that the other produce “electronically stored information— including . . . data compilation stored in any medium from which information can be obtained.” The new rule has put in place a twotiered process for discovery of electronically stored information. Relevant and nonprivileged information that is reasonably accessible is discoverable as a matter of right. Discovery of less accessible— and therefore more costly to obtain— electronic data may or may not be allowed by the court. The problem of the costs of e-discovery is discussed further below.
The Ameriwood Three-Step Process The new federal rules were applied in Ameriwood Industries, Inc. v. Liberman, a major case involving e-discovery in which the court developed a three-step procedure for obtaining electronic data.a In the first step, imaging, mirror images of a
a. 2007 WL 685623 (E.D.Mo. 2007).
The Trial Various rules and procedures govern the trial phase of the litigation process. There are rules governing what kind of evidence will or will not be admitted during the trial, as well as specific procedures that the participants in the lawsuit must follow.
Opening Statements At the beginning of the trial, both attorneys are allowed to make opening statements setting forth the facts that they expect to prove during the trial.The opening statement provides an opportunity for each 66
party’s hard drives can be required. The second step involves recovering available word-processing documents, e-mails, PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets, and other files. The final step is full disclosure in which a party sends the other party all responsive and nonprivileged documents and information obtained in the previous two steps.
Limitations on E-Discovery and Cost-Shifting Complying with requests for electronically discoverable information can cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars, especially if a party is a large corporation with thousands of employees creating millions of electronic documents. Consequently, there is a trend toward limiting e-discovery. Under the FRCP, a court can limit electronic discovery (1) when it would be unreasonably cumulative or duplicative, (2) when the requesting party has already had ample opportunity during discovery to obtain the information, or (3) when the burden or expense outweighs the likely benefit.
lawyer to give a brief version of the facts and the supporting evidence that will be used during the trial. Then the plaintiff’s case is presented. In our hypothetical case,Kirby’s lawyer would introduce evidence (relevant documents, exhibits, and the testimony of witnesses) to support Kirby’s position.
Rules of Evidence Whether evidence will be admitted in court is determined by the rules of evidence—a series of rules that have been created by the courts to ensure that any evidence presented during a trial is fair and reliable. The Federal Rules of Evidence govern the admissibility of evidence in federal courts.
Many courts are allowing responding parties to object to e-discovery requests on the ground that complying with the request would cause an undue financial burden. In a suit between E*Trade and Deutsche Bank, for example, the court denied E*Trade’s request that the defendant produce its hard drives because doing so would create an undue burden.b In addition, sometimes when a court finds that producing the requested information would create an undue financial burden, the court orders the party to comply but shifts the cost to the requesting party (usually the plaintiff). A major case in this area involved Rowe Entertainment and the William Morris Agency. When the e-discovery costs were estimated to be as high as b. E*Trade Securities, LLC v. Deutsche Bank A.G., 230 F.R.D. 582 (D.Minn. 2005). This is a Federal Rules Decision not designated for publication in the Federal Supplement, citing Zubulake v. UBS Warburg, LLC, 2003 WL 21087884 (S.D.N.Y. 2003).
$9 million, the court determined that cost-shifting was warranted.c In deciding whether to order costshifting, courts increasingly take into account the amount in controversy and each party’s ability to pay. Sometimes, a court may require the responding party to restore and produce representative documents from a small sample of the requested medium to verify the relevance of the data before the party incurs significant expenses.d
I M P L I C AT I O N S F O R THE BUSINESSPERSON 1. Whenever there is a “reasonable anticipation of litigation,” all the relevant documents must be preserved. Preserving data can be a challenge, particularly for large corporations that have electronic data scattered across multiple networks, servers, desktops, laptops, handheld devices, and even home computers.
2. Even though an e-mail is deleted, it is not necessarily eliminated from one’s hard drive, unless it is completely overwritten by new data. Thus, businesspersons should be aware that their hard drives can contain information they presumed no longer existed.
F O R C R I T I C A L A N A LY S I S 1. How might a large corporation protect itself from allegations that it intentionally failed to preserve electronic data?
2. Given the significant and often burdensome costs associated with electronic discovery, should courts consider cost-shifting in every case involving electronic discovery? Why or why not?
R E L E VA N T W E B S I T E S To locate information on the Web concerning the issues discussed in this feature, go to this text’s Web site at, select “Chapter 3,” and click on “Emerging Trends.”
c. Rowe Entertainment, Inc., v. William Morris Agency, Inc., 2002 WL 975713 (S.D.N.Y. 2002). d. See, for example, Quinby v. West LBAG, 2006 WL 2597900 (S.D.N.Y. 2006).
Evidence Must Be Relevant to the Issues
Evidence will not be admitted in court unless it is relevant to the matter in question. Relevant evidence is evidence that tends to prove or disprove a fact in question or to establish the degree of probability of a fact or action. For example, evidence that a suspect’s gun was in the home of another person when a victim was shot would be relevant—because it would tend to prove that the suspect did not shoot the victim. Even relevant evidence may not be admitted in court if its reliability is questionable or if its probative (proving) value is substantially outweighed by other important considerations of the court. For example, a video or a photograph that shows in detail the severity
of a victim’s injuries would be relevant evidence, but the court might exclude this evidence on the ground that it would emotionally inflame the jurors. Hearsay Evidence Not Admissible Generally, hearsay is not admissible as evidence. Hearsay is defined as any testimony given in court about a statement made by someone else who was not under oath at the time of the statement.Literally,it is what someone heard someone else say. For example,if a witness in the Kirby-Carvello case testified in court concerning what he or she heard another observer say about the accident, that testimony would be hearsay, or secondhand knowledge. Admitting hearsay into evidence carries 67
many risks because, even though it may be relevant, there is no way to test its reliability. In the following case, the plaintiff’s evidence consisted in part of printouts of Web pages purporting to
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indicate how the pages appeared at a prior point in time. The defendant challenged this evidence as hearsay.
Novak v. Tucows, Inc. United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, 2007. __ F.Supp.2d __.
Background and Facts In 1997, Robert Novak registered the domain name and began selling pet supplies and livestock online. Within two years, the site had become one of the most popular sites for pet supplies in the United States. Novak obtained a trademark for the name and transferred its registration to Nitin Networks, Inc., which was owned by Tucows, Inc., a Canadian firm. In an unrelated matter, John Benn obtained a judgment against Novak in an Alabama state court. Tucows transferred the name to the court on its order on May 1, 2003. After a state intermediate appellate court reversed the judgment, the name was returned to Novak on October 1, 2004. Novak filed a suit in a federal district court against Tucows and Nitin, arguing that the transfer of the name out of his control for seventeen months destroyed his pet-supply business. Novak alleged several violations of federal and state law, including trademark infringement and conversion. Tucows responded with, among other things, a motion to strike some of Novak’s exhibits. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
JOSEPH F. BIANCO, District Judge.
* * * * Defendants contend that plaintiff’s Exhibits B, J, K, O–R, U and V, which are printouts of Internet pages,constitute inadmissible hearsay and do not fall within any acknowledged exception to the hearsay rule. * * * [D]efendants [also] objected to Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1, as well as to Plaintiff’s Exhibits N–R. Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1 is a printout from “,” Nitin’s Web site, as it purportedly appeared in 2003. According to plaintiff,he obtained the printout through a Web site called the Internet Archive, which provides access to a digital library of Internet sites.The Internet Archive operates a service called the “Wayback Machine,” which purports to allow a user to obtain an archived Web page as it appeared at a particular moment in time.The other contested exhibits include: Exhibit B, an online summary of plaintiff’s past and pending lawsuits, obtained via the Wayback Machine; Exhibit J,printouts of comments on a Web message board by [Evgeniy] Pirogov [a Tucows employee]; Exhibit K, a news article from the Poughkeepsie Journal Web site featuring [Nitin] Agarwal [the chief executive officer and founder of Nitin]; Exhibit N, Novak’s declaration regarding the authenticity of pages printed from the Wayback Machine; Exhibit O, pages printed from the Internet Archive Web site; Exhibit P, pages printed from the Wayback Machine Web site; Exhibits Q, R and U, all of which constitute pages printed from via the Wayback Machine; and Exhibit V, a news article from “The Register,” a British Web site, regarding Tucows. Where postings from Internet Web sites are not statements made by declarants testifying at trial and are offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted,such postings generally constitute hearsay under [the Federal Rules of Evidence]. [Emphasis added.] Furthermore, in this case, such documents have not been properly authenticated pursuant to [the Federal Rules of Evidence].a While plaintiff’s declaration purports to cure his inability to authenticate the documents printed from the Internet, he in fact lacks the personal knowledge required to set forth with any certainty that the documents obtained via third-party Web sites are, in fact, what he proclaims them to be.This problem is even more acute in the case of documents procured through the Wayback Machine. Plaintiff states that the Web pages archived within the Wayback Machine are based upon “data from third parties who compile the data by using software
a. In this context, authentication requires the introduction of sufficient evidence to show that these Web pages are what Novak claims they are.
programs known as crawlers,” who then “donate”such data to the Internet Archive,which “preserves and provides access to it.” Based upon Novak’s assertions, it is clear that the information posted on the Wayback Machine is only as valid as the third-party donating the page decides to make it—the authorized owners and managers of the archived Web sites play no role in ensuring that the material posted in the Wayback Machine accurately represents what was posted on their official Web sites at the relevant time. As Novak proffers neither testimony nor sworn statements attesting to the authenticity of the contested Web page exhibits by any employee of the companies hosting the sites from which plaintiff printed the pages, such exhibits cannot be authenticated as required under the [Federal] Rules of Evidence.Therefore,in the absence of any authentication of plaintiff’s Internet printouts, combined with the lack of any assertion that such printouts fall under a viable exception to the hearsay rule, defendants’ motion to strike Exhibits B, J, K, N–R, U and V is granted.
Decision and Remedy The court granted Tucows’s motion to strike Novak’s exhibits. Tucows also filed a motion to dismiss Novak’s suit altogether based on a clause in the parties’ domain name transfer agreement. The clause mandated the litigation of all related disputes in Ontario, Canada, according to Canadian law. The court determined that the clause was valid and reasonable, and granted Tucows’s motion to dismiss the suit.
The Ethical Dimension Hearsay is literally what a witness says he or she heard another person say. What makes the admissibility of such evidence potentially unethical?
• The E-Commerce Dimension In this case, the plaintiff offered as evidence the printouts
of Web pages that he claimed once appeared on others’ Web sites. What makes such evidence questionable until proved accurate?
Examination of Witnesses Because Kirby is the plaintiff, she has the burden of proving that her allegations are true. Her attorney begins the presentation of Kirby’s case by calling the first witness for the plaintiff and examining, or questioning, the witness. (For both attorneys, the types of questions and the manner of asking them are governed by the rules of evidence.) This questioning is called direct examination. After Kirby’s attorney is finished, the witness is subject to cross-examination by Carvello’s attorney. Then Kirby’s attorney has another opportunity to question the witness in redirect examination, and Carvello’s attorney may follow the redirect examination with a recross-examination. When both attorneys have finished with the first witness,Kirby’s attorney calls the succeeding witnesses in the plaintiff’s case, each of whom is subject to examination by the attorneys in the manner just described. Potential Motion and Judgment At the conclusion of the plaintiff’s case, the defendant’s attorney has the opportunity to ask the judge to direct a verdict for the defendant on the ground that the plaintiff has presented no evidence to support her or his claim.This
is called a motion for a judgment as a matter of law (or a motion for a directed verdict in state courts). In considering the motion, the judge looks at the evidence in the light most favorable to the plaintiff and grants the motion only if there is insufficient evidence to raise an issue of fact. (Motions for directed verdicts at this stage of a trial are seldom granted.) Defendant’s Evidence The defendant’s attorney then presents the evidence and witnesses for the defendant’s case.Witnesses are called and examined by the defendant’s attorney. The plaintiff’s attorney has the right to cross-examine them, and there may be a redirect examination and possibly a recrossexamination. At the end of the defendant’s case, either attorney can move for a directed verdict, and the test again is whether the jury can, through any reasonable interpretation of the evidence,find for the party against whom the motion has been made.After the defendant’s attorney has finished introducing evidence, the plaintiff’s attorney can present a rebuttal, which includes additional evidence to refute the defendant’s case. The defendant’s attorney can, in turn, refute that evidence in a rejoinder.
Closing Arguments, Jury Instructions, and Verdict After both sides have rested their cases, each attorney presents a closing argument.In the closing argument, each attorney summarizes the facts and evidence presented during the trial and indicates why the facts and evidence support his or her client’s claim. In addition to generally urging a verdict in favor of the client, the closing arguments typically reveal the shortcomings of the points made by the opposing party during the trial. Attorneys generally present closing arguments whether or not the trial was heard by a jury. If it was a jury trial, the judge then instructs the jury in the law that applies to the case (these instructions are often called charges),and the jury retires to the jury room to deliberate a verdict.In most civil cases,the standard of proof is a preponderance of the evidence.9 In other
9. Note that some civil claims must be proved by “clear and convincing evidence,” meaning that the evidence must show that the truth of the party’s claim is highly probable.This standard is often applied in situations that present a particular danger of deception, such as allegations of fraud.
words, the plaintiff (Kirby in our hypothetical case) need only show that her factual claim is more likely to be true than the defendant’s. (As you will read in Chapter 9, in a criminal trial the prosecution has a higher standard of proof to meet—it must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.) Once the jury has reached a decision, it issues a verdict in favor of one party; the verdict specifies the jury’s factual findings. In some cases, the jury also decides on the amount of the award (the compensation to be paid to the prevailing party). After the announcement of the verdict, which marks the end of the trial itself, the jurors are dismissed. (See Concept Summary 3.2 for a review of trial procedures.)
Posttrial Motions After the jury has rendered its verdict,either party may make a posttrial motion. The prevailing party usually requests that the court enter a judgment in accordance with the verdict. The nonprevailing party frequently files one of the motions discussed next.
Trial Procedures Procedure
Each party’s attorney is allowed to present an opening statement indicating what the attorney will attempt to prove during the course of the trial.
1. Plaintiff’s introduction and direct examination of witnesses, cross-examination by defendant’s attorney, possible redirect examination by plaintiff’s attorney, and possible recross-examination by defendant’s attorney. 2. At the close of the plaintiff’s case, the defendant may make a motion for a directed verdict (or judgment as a matter of law), which, if granted by the court, will end the trial before the defendant presents witnesses. 3. Defendant’s introduction and direct examination of witnesses, crossexamination by plaintiff’s attorney, possible redirect examination by defendant’s attorney, and possible recross-examination by plaintiff’s attorney. 4. Possible rebuttal of defendant’s argument by plaintiff’s attorney, who presents more evidence. 5. Possible rejoinder by defendant’s attorney to meet that evidence.
Each party’s attorney argues in favor of a verdict for his or her client.The judge instructs (or charges) the jury as to how the law applies to the issue, and the jury retires to deliberate.When the jury renders its verdict, this brings the trial to an end.
Motion for a New Trial
Filing the Appeal
At the end of the trial, a motion can be made to set aside an adverse verdict and any judgment and to hold a new trial. The motion for a new trial will be granted only if the judge is convinced, after looking at all the evidence,that the jury was in error,but does not feel it is appropriate to grant judgment for the other side. This will usually occur when the jury verdict is obviously the result of a misapplication of the law or a misunderstanding of the evidence presented at trial.A new trial can also be granted on the grounds of newly discovered evidence, misconduct by the participants during the trial (such as when an attorney has made prejudicial and inflammatory remarks),or error by the judge.
If Carvello decides to appeal the verdict in Kirby’s favor,then his attorney must file a notice of appeal with the clerk of the trial court within a prescribed period of time. Carvello then becomes the appellant or petitioner. The clerk of the trial court sends to the reviewing court (usually an intermediate court of appeals) the record on appeal. The record contains all the pleadings, motions, and other documents filed with the court and a complete written transcript of the proceedings, including testimony, arguments, jury instructions, and judicial rulings. Carvello’s attorney will file an appellate brief with the reviewing court. The brief is a formal legal document outlining the facts and issues of the case, the judge’s rulings or jury’s findings that should be reversed or modified, the applicable law, and arguments on Carvello’s behalf (citing applicable statutes and relevant cases as precedents).The attorney for the appellee (Kirby, in our hypothetical case) usually files an answering brief. Carvello’s attorney can file a reply, although it is not required. The reviewing court then considers the case.
Motion for Judgment N.O.V. If Kirby wins, and if Carvello’s attorney has previously moved for a directed verdict, then Carvello’s attorney can now make a motion for judgment n.o.v.— from the Latin non obstante veredicto, meaning “notwithstanding the verdict.” (Federal courts use the term judgment as a matter of law instead of judgment n.o.v.) Such a motion will be granted only if the jury’s verdict was unreasonable and erroneous. If the judge grants the motion, then the jury’s verdict will be set aside, and a judgment will be entered in favor of the opposing party (Carvello). If the motion is denied, Carvello may then appeal the case. (Kirby may also appeal the case, even though she won at trial. She might appeal, for example, if she received a smaller monetary award than she had sought.)
The Appeal Either party may appeal not only the jury’s verdict but also the judge’s ruling on any pretrial or posttrial motion. Many of the appellate court cases that appear in this text involve appeals of motions for summary judgment or other motions that were denied by trial court judges. Note that a party must have legitimate grounds to file an appeal (some legal error) and that few trial court decisions are reversed on appeal. Moreover, the expenses associated with an appeal can be considerable.10
10. See,for example, Phansalkar v. Andersen Weinroth & Co., 356 F.3d 188 (2d Cir. 2004).
Appellate Review As mentioned in Chapter 2,a court of appeals does not hear any evidence. Rather, it reviews the record for errors of law. Its decision concerning a case is based on the record on appeal and the briefs and arguments. The attorneys present oral arguments, after which the case is taken under advisement.The court then issues a written opinion. In general, appellate courts do not reverse findings of fact unless the findings are unsupported or contradicted by the evidence. An appellate court has the following options after reviewing a case:
1. The court can affirm the trial court’s decision. 2. The court can reverse the trial court’s judgment if it concludes that the trial court erred or that the jury did not receive proper instructions. 3. The appellate court can remand (send back) the case to the trial court for further proceedings consistent with its opinion on the matter. 4. The court might also affirm or reverse a decision in part. For example, the court might affirm the jury’s finding that Carvello was negligent but remand the case for further proceedings on another issue (such as the extent of Kirby’s damages). 5. An appellate court can also modify a lower court’s decision.If the appellate court decides that the jury
awarded an excessive amount in damages, for example, the court might reduce the award to a more appropriate, or fairer, amount.
Higher Appellate Courts If the reviewing court is an intermediate appellate court, the losing party may decide to appeal the decision to the state’s highest court, usually called its supreme court.Although the losing party has a right to ask (petition) a higher court to review the case, the party does not have a right to have the case heard by the higher appellate court. Appellate courts normally have discretionary power and can accept or reject an appeal. As with the United States Supreme Court, getting a case heard in most state supreme courts is unlikely. If the petition is granted, new briefs must be filed before the state supreme court, and the attorneys may be allowed or requested to present oral arguments. Like the intermediate appellate courts, the supreme court can reverse or affirm the lower appel-
late court’s decision or remand the case.At this point, the case typically has reached its end (unless a federal question is at issue and one of the parties has legitimate grounds to seek review by a federal appellate court).(Concept Summary 3.3 reviews the options that the parties may pursue after the trial.)
Enforcing the Judgment The uncertainties of the litigation process are compounded by the lack of guarantees that any judgment will be enforceable. Even if the jury awards Kirby the full amount of damages requested ($100,000), for example, Carvello’s auto insurance coverage might have lapsed, in which event the company would not pay any of the damages. Alternatively, Carvello’s insurance policy might be limited to $50,000, meaning that Carvello personally would have to pay the remaining $50,000.
Posttrial Options Procedure
1. Motion for a new trial—If the judge believes that the jury was in error but is not convinced that the losing party should have won, the motion normally will be granted. It can also be granted on the basis of newly discovered evidence, misconduct by the participants during the trial, or error by the judge. 2. Motion for judgment n.o.v. (“notwithstanding the verdict”)—The party making the motion must have filed a motion for a directed verdict at the close of the presentation of evidence during the trial; the motion will be granted if the judge is convinced that the jury was in error.
Either party can appeal the trial court’s judgment to an appropriate court of appeals. 1. Filing the appeal—The appealing party must file a notice of appeal with the clerk of the trial court, who forwards the record on appeal to the appellate court. Attorneys file appellate briefs. 2. Appellate review—The appellate court does not hear evidence but bases its opinion, which it issues in writing, on the record on appeal and the attorneys’ briefs and oral arguments.The court may affirm or reverse all (or part) of the trial court’s judgment and/or remand the case for further proceedings consistent with its opinion. Most decisions are affirmed on appeal. 3. Further review—In some cases, further review may be sought from a higher appellate court, such as a state supreme court. If a federal question is involved, the case may ultimately be appealed to the United States Supreme Court.
Requesting Court Assistance in Collecting the Judgment
Availability of Assets
If the defendant does not have the funds available to pay the judgment, the plaintiff can go back to the court and request that the court issue a writ of execution. A writ of execution is an order directing the sheriff to seize and sell the defendant’s nonexempt assets, or property (certain assets are exempted by law from creditors’ actions).The proceeds of the sale would then be used to pay the damages owed, and any excess proceeds would be returned to the defendant. Alternatively, the nonexempt property itself could be transferred to the plaintiff in lieu of an outright payment. (Creditors’ remedies, including those of judgment creditors, as well as exempt and nonexempt property, will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 28.)
The problem of collecting a judgment is less pronounced,of course,when a party is seeking to satisfy a judgment against a defendant with substantial assets that can be easily located,such as a major corporation. Usually, one of the factors considered by the plaintiff and his or her attorney before a lawsuit is initiated is whether the defendant has sufficient assets to cover the amount of damages sought. In addition, during the discovery process, attorneys routinely seek information about the location of the defendant’s assets that might potentially be used to satisfy a judgment.
Court Procedures Ronald Metzgar placed his fifteen-month-old son, Matthew, awake and healthy, in his playpen. Ronald left the room for five minutes and on his return found Matthew lifeless. A toy block had lodged in the boy’s throat, causing him to choke to death. Ronald called 911, but efforts to revive Matthew were to no avail. There was no warning of a choking hazard on the box containing the block. Matthew’s parents hired an attorney and sued Playskool, Inc., the manufacturer of the block, alleging that the manufacturer had been negligent in failing to warn of the block’s hazard. Playskool filed a motion for summary judgment, arguing that the danger of a young child choking on a small block was obvious. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. Suppose that the attorney the Metzgars hired agreed to represent them on a contingency-fee basis. What does that mean? 2. How would the Metzgars’ attorney likely have served process (the summons and complaint) on Playskool, Inc.? 3. Should Playskool’s request for summary judgment be granted? Why or why not? 4. Suppose that the judge denied Playskool’s motion and the case proceeded to trial. After hearing all the evidence, the jury found in favor of the defendant. What options do the plaintiffs have at this point if they are not satisfied with the verdict?
answer 59
cross-examination 69
brief 71
default judgment 56
closing argument 70
deposition 62
affidavit 61
complaint 55
direct examination 69
affirmative defense 60
counterclaim 60
discovery 61
e-evidence 64
motion for judgment n.o.v. 71
rebuttal 69
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 53
motion for judgment on the pleadings 60
rejoinder 69
hearsay 67
rules of evidence 66
interrogatories 62
motion for summary judgment 60
motion 60
motion to dismiss 60
summons 56
motion for a directed verdict 69
opening statement 66
verdict 70
motion for a judgment as a matter of law 69
pleadings 55
voir dire 65
pretrial conference 64
writ of execution 73
motion for a new trial 71
pretrial motion 60
3–1. Attorneys in personal-injury and other tort lawsuits (see Chapters 6 and 7) frequently charge clients on a contingencyfee basis; that is, a lawyer will agree to take on a client’s case in return for, say, 30 percent of whatever damages are recovered. What are some of the social benefits and costs of the contingency-fee system? In your opinion, do the benefits of this system outweigh the costs? 3–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER When and for what purpose is each of the following motions made? Which of them would be appropriate if a defendant claimed that the only issue between the parties was a question of law and that the law was favorable to the defendant’s position? (a) A motion for judgment on the pleadings. (b) A motion for a directed verdict. (c) A motion for summary judgment. (d) A motion for judgment n.o.v. • For a sample answer to Question 3–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
3–3. In the past, the rules of discovery were very restrictive, and trials often turned on elements of surprise. For example, a plaintiff would not necessarily know until the trial what the defendant’s defense was going to be. In the last several decades, however, new rules of discovery have substantially changed this situation.Now each attorney can access practically all of the evidence that the other side intends to present at trial, with the exception of certain information—namely, the opposing attorney’s work product. Work product is not a clear concept. Basically, it includes all of the attorney’s thoughts on the case. Can you see any reason why such information should not be made available to the opposing attorney? Discuss fully. 3–4. Washoe Medical Center, Inc., admitted Shirley Swisher for the treatment of a fractured pelvis.During her
relevant evidence 67 service of process 56
stay, Swisher suffered a fatal fall from her hospital bed. Gerald Parodi, the administrator of her estate, and others filed an action against Washoe seeking damages for the alleged lack of care in treating Swisher. During voir dire, when the plaintiffs’ attorney returned a few minutes late from a break, the trial judge led the prospective jurors in a standing ovation. The judge joked with one of the prospective jurors,whom he had known in college,about his fitness to serve as a judge and personally endorsed another prospective juror’s business. After the trial, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Washoe. The plaintiffs moved for a new trial, but the judge denied the motion. The plaintiffs then appealed, arguing that the tone set by the judge during voir dire prejudiced their right to a fair trial. Should the appellate court agree? Why or why not?
3–5. Advance Technology Consultants, Inc. (ATC), contracted with RoadTrac, L.L.C., to provide software and client software systems for the products of global positioning satellite (GPS) technology being developed by RoadTrac. RoadTrac agreed to provide ATC with hardware with which ATC’s software would interface. Problems soon arose, however. ATC claimed that RoadTrac’s hardware was defective, making it difficult to develop the software. RoadTrac contended that its hardware was fully functional and that ATC had simply failed to provide supporting software.ATC told RoadTrac that it considered their contract terminated. RoadTrac filed a suit in a Georgia state court against ATC alleging breach of contract. During discovery, RoadTrac requested ATC’s customer lists and marketing procedures. ATC objected to providing this information because RoadTrac and ATC had become competitors in the GPS industry. Should a party to a lawsuit have to hand over its confidential business secrets as part of a discovery request? Why or why not? What limitations might a court consider imposing before requiring ATC to produce this material? 3–6. Jury Selection. Ms.Thompson filed a suit in a federal district court against her employer, Altheimer & Gray,
seeking damages for alleged racial discrimination in violation of federal law. During voir dire, the judge asked the prospective jurors whether “there is something about this kind of lawsuit for money damages that would start any of you leaning for or against a particular party?” Ms. Leiter, one of the prospective jurors, raised her hand and explained that she had “been an owner of a couple of businesses and am currently an owner of a business, and I feel that as an employer and owner of a business that will definitely sway my judgment in this case.” She explained,“I am constantly faced with people that want various benefits or different positions in the company or better contacts or, you know, a myriad of issues that employers face on a regular basis, and I have to decide whether or not that person should get them.” Asked by Thompson’s lawyer whether “you believe that people file lawsuits just because they don’t get something they want,” Leiter answered,“I believe there are some people that do.” In answer to another question, she said,“I think I bring a lot of background to this case,and I can’t say that it’s not going to cloud my judgment. I can try to be as fair as I can, as I do every day.” Explain the purpose of voir dire and how Leiter’s response should be treated in light of that purpose. [Thompson v. Altheimer & Gray, 248 F.3d 621 ( 7th Cir. 2001)]
3–7. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER To establish a Web site, a person must have an Internet service provider or hosting company, register a domain name, and acquire domain name servicing. Pfizer, Inc., Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, and Warner-Lambert Co. (collectively, Pfizer) filed a suit in a federal district court against Domains By Proxy, Inc., and other persons alleged to be behind two Web sites— and Among the defendants were an individual and a company that, according to Pfizer, were located in a foreign country. Without investigating other means of serving these two defendants, Pfizer asked the court for permission to accomplish service of process via e-mail. Under what circumstances is service via e-mail proper? Would it be appropriate in this case? Explain. [Pfizer, Inc. v. Domains By Proxy, ___ F. Supp.2d ___ (D.Conn. 2004)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 3–7, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 3,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
3–8. Motion for Judgment N.O.V. Gerald Adams worked as a cook for Uno Restaurants, Inc., at Warwick Pizzeria Uno Restaurant & Bar in Warwick, Rhode Island. One night,shortly after Adams’s shift began,he noticed that the kitchen floor was saturated with a foul-smelling liquid coming from the drains and backing up water onto the floor. He complained of illness and went home, where he contacted the state health department.A department representative visited the restaurant and closed it for the
night, leaving instructions to sanitize the kitchen and clear the drains. Two days later, in the restaurant, David Badot, the manager, shouted at Adams in the presence of other employees.When Adams shouted back, Badot fired Adams and had him arrested. Adams filed a suit in a Rhode Island state court against Uno,alleging that he had been unlawfully terminated for contacting the health department. A jury found in favor of Adams. Arguing that Adams had been fired for threatening Badot, Uno filed a motion for judgment n.o.v. (also known as a motion for judgment as a matter of law).What does a court weigh in considering whether to grant such a motion? Should the court grant the motion in this case? Why or why not? [Adams v. Uno Restaurants, Inc., 794 A.2d 489 (R.I. 2002)]
3–9. A QUESTION OF ETHICS Narnia Investments, Ltd., filed a suit in a Texas state court against several defendants,including Harvestons Securities, Inc., a securities dealer. (Securities are documents evidencing the ownership of a corporation, in the form of stock, or debts owed by it, in the form of bonds.) Harvestons is registered with the state of Texas and thus may be served with a summons and a copy of a complaint by serving the Texas Securities Commissioner. In this case, the return of service indicated that process was served on the commissioner “by delivering to JoAnn Kocerek defendant, in person, a true copy of this [summons] together with the accompanying copy(ies) of the [complaint].” Harvestons did not file an answer, and Narnia obtained a default judgment against the defendant for $365,000,plus attorneys’ fees and interest.Five months after this judgment, Harvestons filed a motion for a new trial, which the court denied. Harvestons appealed to a state intermediate appellate court, claiming that it had not been served in strict compliance with the rules governing service of process. [Harvestons Securities, Inc. v. Narnia Investments, Ltd., 218 S.W.3d 126, (Tex.App.—Houston [14 Dist.] 2007)] (a) Harvestons asserted that Narnia’s service was invalid in part because “the return of service states that process was delivered to ‘JoAnn Kocerek’” and did not show that she “had the authority to accept process on behalf of Harvestons or the Texas Securities Commissioner.” Should such a detail, if it is required, be strictly construed and applied? Should it apply in this case? Explain. (b) Whose responsibility is it to see that service of process is accomplished properly? Was it accomplished properly in this case? Why or why not?
3–10. SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS Go to Case 3.1, Cruz v. Fagor America, Inc., 52 Cal.Rptr.3d 862,146 Cal.App.4th 488 (4 Dist.Div. 1 2007), on pages 58–59. Read the excerpt and answer the following questions.
(a) Issue: On what preliminary step to litigation does the issue in this case focus? (b) Rule of Law: What are the chief requirements for fulfilling the pretrial procedure at the center of the dispute in this case?
(c) Applying the Rule of Law: In applying the rule of law in this case, what did the court infer, and what did that inference imply for the defendant? (d) Conclusion: Did the court conclude that the plaintiff met all of the requirements for a favorable judgment in this case? If not, why not?
For updated links to resources available on the Web, as well as a variety of other materials, visit this text’s Web site at If you are interested in learning more about the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) and the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE), you can access them via the Internet at the following Web site: Procedural rules for several of the state courts are also online and can be accessed via the courts’ Web pages. You can find links to the Web pages for state courts at the Web site of the National Center for State Courts. Go to The American Bar Association maintains a gateway to information on legal topics, including the court systems and court procedures, at
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to academic.cengage/com/blaw/clarkson, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 3” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercise 3–1: Legal Perspective Civil Procedure Internet Exercise 3–2: Management Perspective Small Claims Courts Internet Exercise 3–3: Technological Perspective Virtual Courtrooms
Constitution. Laws that govern business have their origin in the lawmaking authority granted by this document. In this chapter, we examine some basic constitutional 1. See Appendix B for the full text of the concepts and clauses and their significance for businesspersons. U.S. Constitution. he U.S. Constitution is the supreme law in this country.1 As mentioned in Chapter 1, neither Congress nor any state may pass a law that conflicts with the
The Constitutional Powers of Government Following the Revolutionary War, the states—through the Articles of Confederation—created a confederal form of government in which the states had the authority to govern themselves and the national government could exercise only limited powers. When problems arose because the nation was facing an economic crisis and state laws interfered with the free flow of commerce, a national convention was called, and the delegates drafted the U.S. Constitution.This document, after its ratification by the states in 1789, became the basis for an entirely new form of government.
A Federal Form of Government The new government created by the Constitution reflected a series of compromises made by the convention delegates on various issues. Some delegates wanted sovereign power to remain with the states; others wanted the national government alone to exercise sovereign power.The end result was a compromise—a federal form of government in which the national government and the states share sovereign power.
We then look at certain freedoms guaranteed by the first ten amendments to the Constitution— the Bill of Rights—and discuss how these freedoms affect business activities.
The Constitution sets forth specific powers that can be exercised by the national government and provides that the national government has the implied power to undertake actions necessary to carry out its expressly designated powers (or enumerated powers). All other powers are expressly “reserved” to the states under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution. The Regulatory Powers of the States As part of their inherent sovereignty, state governments have the authority to regulate affairs within their borders. As mentioned, this authority stems, in part, from the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which reserves all powers not delegated to the national government to the states or to the people. State regulatory powers are often referred to as police powers. The term does not relate solely to criminal law enforcement but rather refers to the broad right of state governments to regulate private activities to protect or promote the public order, health, safety, morals, and general welfare. Fire and building codes, antidiscrimination laws, parking regulations, zoning restrictions, licensing requirements, and thousands of other state statutes covering virtually every aspect of life have been enacted pursuant to states’ police powers. Local governments, including cities, also exercise police 77
powers.2 Generally, state laws enacted pursuant to a state’s police powers carry a strong presumption of validity. Delineating State and National Powers
The broad language of the Constitution has left much room for debate over the specific nature and scope of the respective powers of the states and the national government. Generally, it has been the task of the courts to determine where the boundary line between state and national powers should lie—and that line shifts over time, moving first one way and then the other like a pendulum. During certain periods, the national government has met with little resistance from the courts when extending its regulatory authority over broad areas of social and economic life. During other periods, in contrast, the courts, and particularly the United States Supreme Court,have tended to interpret the Constitution in such a way as to curb the national government’s regulatory powers.
Relations among the States The Constitution also includes provisions concerning relations among the states in our federal system. Particularly important are the privileges and immunities clause and the full faith and credit clause. The Privileges and Immunities Clause
Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution provides that the “Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” This clause is often referred to as the interstate privileges and immunities clause.3 It prevents a state from imposing unreasonable burdens on citizens of another state—particularly with regard to means of livelihood or doing business. When a citizen of one state engages in basic and essential activities in another state (the “foreign state”), the foreign state must have a substantial reason for treating the nonresident differently from its own residents. Basic activities include transferring property, seeking employment, or accessing the court system.The foreign state must also establish that its reason for the discrimination is 2. Local governments derive their authority to regulate their communities from the state because they are creatures of the state. In other words, they cannot come into existence unless authorized by the state to do so. 3. Interpretations of this clause commonly use the terms privilege and immunity synonymously. Generally, the terms refer to certain rights, benefits, or advantages enjoyed by individuals.
substantially related to the state’s ultimate purpose in adopting the legislation or activity.4 In general, the idea is to prevent any state (including municipalities within the state) from discriminating against citizens of other states in favor of its own. The clause does not prohibit all discrimination. It applies only to discrimination for which the state cannot demonstrate a substantial reason significantly related to its objective. For example, giving hiring preferences to state or city residents has been found to violate the privileges and immunities clause.5 In contrast, requiring nonresidents to pay more for hunting licenses or tuition at state universities has been found not to violate the clause because the state articulated a substantial reason for the difference.6 The Full Faith and Credit Clause Article IV, Section 1, of the Constitution provides that “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.” This clause, which is referred to as the full faith and credit clause, applies only to civil matters. It ensures that rights established under deeds, wills, contracts,and similar instruments in one state will be honored by other states. It also ensures that any judicial decision with respect to such property rights will be honored and enforced in all states. The full faith and credit clause was originally included in the Articles of Confederation to promote mutual friendship among the people of the various states. In fact, it has contributed to the unity of American citizens because it protects their legal rights as they move about from state to state. It also protects the rights of those to whom they owe obligations, such as a person who is awarded monetary damages by a court. The ability to enforce such rights is extremely important for the conduct of business in a country with a very mobile citizenry.
4. This test was first announced in Supreme Court of New Hampshire v. Piper, 470 U.S. 274, 105 S.Ct. 1272, 84 L.Ed.2d 205 (1985). For another example, see Lee v. Miner, 369 F. Supp.2d 527 (D.Del. 2005). 5. United Building and Construction Trades Council of Camden County and Vicinity v. Mayor and Council of City of Camden, 465 U.S. 208, 104 S.Ct. 1020, 79 L.Ed.2d 249 (1984). See also Council of Insurance Agents %8F Brokers v. Viken, 408 F. Supp.2d 836 (D.S.Dak. 2005). 6. Baldwin v. Fish and Game Commission of Montana, 436 U.S. 371,98 S.Ct.1852,56 L.Ed.2d 354 (1978);and Saenz v.Roe, 526 U.S. 489, 119 S.Ct. 1518, 143 L.Ed.2d 689 (1999).
The Separation of the National Government’s Powers To prevent the possibility that the national government might use its power arbitrarily, the Constitution provided for three branches of government.The legislative branch makes the laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws. Each branch performs a separate function, and no branch may exercise the authority of another branch. Additionally, a system of checks and balances allows each branch to limit the actions of the other two branches, thus preventing any one branch from exercising too much power. Some examples of these checks and balances include the following:
1. The legislative branch (Congress) can enact a law, but the executive branch (the president) has the constitutional authority to veto that law. 2. The executive branch is responsible for foreign affairs, but treaties with foreign governments require the advice and consent of the Senate. 3. Congress determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts and the president appoints federal judges, with the advice and consent of the Senate, but the judicial branch has the power to hold actions of the other two branches unconstitutional.7
The Commerce Clause To prevent states from establishing laws and regulations that would interfere with trade and commerce among the states, the Constitution expressly delegated to the national government the power to regulate interstate commerce.Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution explicitly permits Congress “[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations,and among the several States,and with the Indian Tribes.” This clause, referred to as the commerce clause, has had a greater impact on business than any other provision in the Constitution.The commerce clause provides the basis for the national government’s extensive regulation of state and even local affairs. One of the early questions raised by the commerce clause was whether the word among in the phrase “among the several States”meant between the states or between and within the states. For some time, the courts interpreted the commerce clause to apply only
7. As discussed in Chapter 2, the power of judicial review was established by the United States Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803).
to commerce between the states (interstate commerce) and not commerce within the states (intrastate commerce). In 1824, however, the United States Supreme Court decided the landmark case of Gibbons v. Ogden.8 The Court ruled that commerce within the states could also be regulated by the national government as long as the commerce substantially affected commerce involving more than one state. The Expansion of National Powers under the Commerce Clause In Gibbons v. Ogden, the
Supreme Court expanded the commerce clause to cover activities that “substantially affect interstate commerce.” As the nation grew and faced new kinds of problems, the commerce clause became a vehicle for the additional expansion of the national government’s regulatory powers. Even activities that seemed purely local in nature came under the regulatory reach of the national government if those activities were deemed to substantially affect interstate commerce. In 1942, for example, the Supreme Court held that wheat production by an individual farmer intended wholly for consumption on his own farm was subject to federal regulation.9 In Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States,10 a landmark case decided in 1964, the Supreme Court upheld the federal government’s authority to prohibit racial discrimination nationwide in public facilities, including local motels, based on its powers under the commerce clause. The Court noted that “if it is interstate commerce that feels the pinch, it does not matter how local the operation that applies the squeeze.” The Commerce Power Today Today, the national government continues to rely on the commerce clause for its constitutional authority to regulate business activities in the United States.The breadth of the commerce clause permits the national government to legislate in areas in which Congress has not explicitly been granted power. In the last fifteen years, however, the Supreme Court has begun to curb somewhat the national government’s regulatory authority under the commerce clause. In 1995, the Court held— for the first time in sixty years—that Congress had exceeded its regulatory authority under the commerce clause. The Court struck down an act that banned the possession of guns within one thousand 8. 22 U.S. (9 Wheat.) 1, 6 L.Ed. 23 (1824). 9. Wickard v.Filburn, 317 U.S.111,63 S.Ct.82,87 L.Ed.122 (1942). 10. 379 U.S. 241, 85 S.Ct. 348, 13 L.Ed.2d 258 (1964).
feet of any school because the act attempted to regulate an area that had “nothing to do with commerce.”11 Subsequently,the Court invalidated key portions of two other federal acts on the ground that they exceeded Congress’s commerce clause authority.12 Medical Marijuana and the Commerce Clause In one notable case, however, the Supreme
Court did allow the federal government to regulate noncommercial activities taking place wholly within a state’s borders. Eleven states, including California, have adopted “medical marijuana”laws,which legalize marijuana for medical purposes. Marijuana possession, however, is illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA).13 After the federal government seized the marijuana that two seriously ill California women were using on the advice of their physicians, the women filed a lawsuit. They argued that it was unconstitutional for the federal statute to prohibit them from using marijuana for medical purposes that were legal within the state. In 2003, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit agreed,reasoning that the marijuana in this situation would never enter the stream of commerce. In 2005, however, the United States Supreme Court held that Congress has the authority to prohibit the intrastate possession and noncommercial cultivation of marijuana as part of a larger regulatory scheme (the CSA).14 In other words, state laws that allow the use of medical marijuana do not insulate the users from federal prosecution.
11. The Court held the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 to be unconstitutional in United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 115 S.Ct. 1624, 131 L.Ed.2d 626 (1995). 12. Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898, 117 S.Ct. 2365, 138 L.Ed.2d 914 (1997), involving the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993; and United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598, 120 S.Ct. 1740, 146 L.Ed.2d 658 (2000), concerning the federal Violence Against Women Act of 1994. 13. 21 U.S.C. Sections 801 et seq. 14. Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 125 S.Ct. 2195, 162 L.Ed.2d 1 (2005).
C A S E 4.1
State Actions and the “Dormant” Commerce Clause The United States Supreme Court has inter-
preted the commerce clause to mean that the national government has the exclusive authority to regulate commerce that substantially affects trade and commerce among the states.This express grant of authority to the national government, which is often referred to as the “positive” aspect of the commerce clause, implies a negative aspect—that the states do not have the authority to regulate interstate commerce. This negative aspect of the commerce clause is often referred to as the “dormant”(implied) commerce clause. The dormant commerce clause comes into play when state regulations impinge on interstate commerce. In this situation, the courts weigh the state’s interest in regulating a certain matter against the burden that the state’s regulation places on interstate commerce. For example, the Supreme Court invalidated state regulations that, in the interest of promoting traffic safety, limited the length of trucks traveling on the state’s highways. The Court concluded that the regulations imposed a “substantial burden on interstate commerce” yet failed to “make more than the most speculative contribution to highway safety.”15 Because courts balance the interests involved,it is difficult to predict the outcome in a particular case. For a discussion of how state regulations pertaining to Internet prescriptions might violate the dormant commerce clause, see this chapter’s Contemporary Legal Debates feature on pages 84–85. At one time, many states regulated the sale of alcoholic beverages, including wine, through a “three-tier” system.This system required separate licenses for producers,wholesalers,and retailers,subject to a complex set of overlapping regulations that effectively banned direct sales to many consumers from out-of-state wineries. In-state wineries, in contrast, could obtain a license for direct sales to consumers. Did these laws violate the dormant commerce clause? That was the question in the following case. 15. Raymond Motor Transportation, Inc. v. Rice, 434 U.S. 429, 98 S.Ct. 787, 54 L.Ed.2d 664 (1978).
Granholm v. Heald Supreme Court of the United States, 2005. 544 U.S. 460, 125 S.Ct. 1885, 161 L.Ed.2d 796. a
• Background and Facts In 2005, consumer spending on direct wine shipments made up more than 3 percent of all wine sales. Because it was not economical for every wholesaler to carry every
a. In the “Browsing” section, click on “2005 Decisions.” In the result, click on the name of the case to access the opinion. FindLaw is part of West Group, the foremost provider of e-information and solutions to the U.S. legal market.
winery’s products, many small wineries relied on direct shipping to reach consumers. Domaine Alfred, a small winery in California, received requests for its wine from Michigan consumers but could not fill the orders because of that state’s direct-shipment ban. The Swedenburg Estate Vineyard, a small winery in Virginia, was unable to fill orders from New York because of that state’s laws. Domaine and others filed a suit in a federal district court against Michigan and others, contending that its laws violated the commerce clause. The court upheld the laws, but on appeal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed this ruling. Swedenburg and others filed a suit in a different federal district court against New York and others, arguing that its laws violated the commerce clause. The court issued a judgment in the plaintiffs’ favor, but on appeal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed this judgment. Both cases were appealed to the United States Supreme Court. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
Justice KENNEDY delivered the opinion of the Court.
* * * * Time and again this Court has held that, in all but the narrowest circumstances, state laws violate the Commerce Clause if they mandate differential treatment of in-state and out-of-state economic interests that benefits the former and burdens the latter. This rule is essential to the foundations of the Union.The mere fact of nonresidence should not foreclose a producer in one State from access to markets in other States. States may not enact laws that burden out-of-state producers or shippers simply to give a competitive advantage to in-state businesses. This mandate reflects a central concern of the Framers that was an immediate reason for calling the Constitutional Convention: the conviction that in order to succeed, the new Union would have to avoid the tendencies toward economic Balkanization [fragmenting] that had plagued relations among the Colonies and later among the States under the Articles of Confederation. [Emphasis added.] The rule prohibiting state discrimination against interstate commerce follows also from the principle that States should not be compelled to negotiate with each other regarding favored or disfavored status for their own citizens. States do not need, and may not attempt, to negotiate with other States regarding their mutual economic interests. Rivalries among the States are thus kept to a minimum, and a proliferation of trade zones is prevented. Laws of the type at issue in the instant cases contradict these principles.They deprive citizens of their right to have access to the markets of other States on equal terms. * * * Allowing States to discriminate against out-of-state wine invites a multiplication of preferential trade areas destructive of the very purpose of the Commerce Clause. * * * * The discriminatory character of the Michigan system is obvious. Michigan allows in-state wineries to ship directly to consumers, subject only to a licensing requirement. Out-of-state wineries, whether licensed or not, face a complete ban on direct shipment. The differential treatment requires all out-of-state wine, but not all in-state wine, to pass through an in-state wholesaler and retailer before reaching consumers. These two extra layers of overhead increase the cost of outof-state wines to Michigan consumers. The cost differential, and in some cases the inability to secure a wholesaler for small shipments, can effectively bar small wineries from the Michigan market. The New York regulatory scheme differs from Michigan’s in that it does not ban direct shipments altogether. Out-of-state wineries are instead required to establish a distribution operation in New York in order to gain the privilege of direct shipment. This, though, is just an indirect way of subjecting out-of-state wineries, but not local ones, to the three-tier system. * * * The New York scheme grants in-state wineries access to the State’s consumers on preferential terms.The suggestion of a limited exception for direct shipment from out-of-state wineries does nothing to eliminate the discriminatory nature of New York’s regulations. In-state producers, with the applicable licenses, can ship directly to consumers from their wineries. Out-of-state wineries must open a branch office and warehouse in New York, additional steps that drive up the cost of their wine. For most wineries, the expense of establishing a bricks-and-mortar distribution operation in 1 State, let alone all 50, is prohibitive. It comes as no surprise that not a single CASE CONTINUES
out-of-state winery has availed itself of New York’s direct-shipping privilege. We * * * [view] with particular suspicion state statutes requiring business operations to be performed in the home State that could more efficiently be performed elsewhere. New York’s in-state presence requirement runs contrary to our admonition that States cannot require an out-of-state firm to become a resident in order to compete on equal terms.
Decision and Remedy The United States Supreme Court concluded that “New York, like Michigan, discriminates against interstate commerce through its direct-shipping laws,” which prohibit or severely restrict out-of-state wineries from shipping directly to state residents while allowing in-state wineries to do so. The Court affirmed the judgment of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which invalidated the Michigan laws, and reversed the judgment of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which upheld the New York laws.
• What If the Facts Were Different? Suppose that the states had only required the out-
of-state wineries to obtain a special license that was readily available. How might this have affected the outcome of the case?
• The E-Commerce Dimension How might the issues related to the purchase of out-ofstate wines have changed as a result of consumers’ increased use of the Internet?
The Supremacy Clause and Federal Preemption Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, commonly referred to as the supremacy clause, provides that the Constitution, laws, and treaties of the United States are “the supreme Law of the Land.” When there is a direct conflict between a federal law and a state law,the state law is rendered invalid. Because some powers are concurrent (shared by the federal government and the states), however, it is necessary to determine which law governs in a particular circumstance. of State Laws Preemption occurs when Congress chooses to act exclusively in an area in which the federal government and the states have concurrent powers. A valid federal statute or regulation will take precedence over a conflicting state or local law or regulation on the same general subject. Often,it is not clear whether Congress,in passing a law, intended to preempt an entire subject area against state regulation,and it is left to the courts to determine whether Congress intended to exercise exclusive power over a given area. No single factor is decisive as to whether a court will find preemption.Generally,congressional intent to preempt will be found if a federal law regulating an activity is so pervasive, comprehensive, or detailed that the states have no room to reguPreemption
late in that area. Also,when a federal statute creates an agency to enforce the law, matters that may come within the agency’s jurisdiction will likely preempt state laws. Preemption and State Regulation Aimed at Global Warming A question of preemption
was raised in 2006, when California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law the first state statute attempting to limit the amount of greenhouse-gas emissions from automobiles within the state.16 Under federal law, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the agency that regulates and sets standards for air pollution and tailpipe emissions across the country (see Chapter 45). Normally, because EPA regulations are comprehensive and detailed, they preempt state statutes attempting to regulate the same topic. California is in a different position from other states, though, because it has been given special permission to regulate air pollution in the past. Nevertheless, the Bush administration and the EPA have opposed this most recent legislation and claim that it is preempted by the federal standards. Although Californians might want to enact more stringent standards for emissions
16. The law amends California Health and Safety Code Section 43018.5.
due to the number of vehicles operated within the state,it remains to be seen whether the courts will find that the legislation has been preempted. (We will discuss an important 2007 ruling from the United States Supreme Court on the topic of global warming in Chapter 45.)
The Taxing and Spending Powers Article I, Section 8, provides that Congress has the “Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises.” Section 8 further requires uniformity in taxation among the states, and thus Congress may not tax some states while exempting others. Traditionally, if Congress attempted to regulate indirectly, by taxation, an area over which it had no authority, the courts would invalidate the tax. Today, however, if a tax measure is reasonable, it is generally held to be within the national taxing power. Moreover, the expansive interpretation of the commerce clause almost always provides a basis for sustaining a federal tax. Article I, Section 8, also gives Congress its spending power—the power “to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.” Congress can spend revenues not only to carry out its expressed powers but also to promote any objective it deems worthwhile, so long as it does not violate the Bill of Rights.The spending power nec-
essarily involves policy choices, with which taxpayers may disagree.
Business and the Bill of Rights The importance of a written declaration of the rights of individuals eventually caused the first Congress of the United States to submit twelve amendments to the U.S. Constitution to the states for approval. The first ten of these amendments, commonly known as the Bill of Rights, were adopted in 1791 and embody a series of protections for the individual against various types of interference by the federal government.17 The protections guaranteed by these ten amendments are summarized in Exhibit 4–1.18 Some of these constitutional protections apply to business entities as well. For example, corporations exist as separate legal entities, or legal persons, and enjoy many of the same rights and privileges as natural persons do. 17. Another of these proposed amendments was ratified 203 years later (in 1992) and became the Twenty-seventh Amendment to the Constitution. See Appendix B. 18. See the Constitution in Appendix B for the complete text of each amendment.
Protections Guaranteed by the Bill of Rights
First Amendment: Guarantees the freedoms of religion, speech, and the press and the rights to assemble peaceably and to petition the government. Second Amendment: States that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Third Amendment: Prohibits, in peacetime, the lodging of soldiers in any house without the owner’s consent. Fourth Amendment: Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures of persons or property. Fifth Amendment: Guarantees the rights to indictment by grand jury, to due process of law, and to fair payment when private property is taken for public use; prohibits compulsory self-incrimination and double jeopardy (being tried again for an alleged crime for which one has already stood trial).
Sixth Amendment: Guarantees the accused in a criminal case the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury and with counsel.The accused has the right to cross-examine witnesses against him or her and to solicit testimony from witnesses in his or her favor. Seventh Amendment: Guarantees the right to a trial by jury in a civil case involving at least twenty dollars.a Eighth Amendment: Prohibits excessive bail and fines, as well as cruel and unusual punishment. Ninth Amendment: Establishes that the people have rights in addition to those specified in the Constitution. Tenth Amendment: Establishes that those powers neither delegated to the federal government nor denied to the states are reserved to the states and to the people.
a. Twenty dollars was forty days’ pay for the average person when the Bill of Rights was written.
Does State Regulation of Internet Prescription Transactions Violate the Dormant Commerce Clause? Every year, about 30 percent of American households purchase some prescription drugs online. As such transactions become more common, questions are being raised about who has the authority to regulate them. As explained in the text, under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the states have the authority to regulate activities affecting the safety and welfare of their citizens. In the late 1800s, the states used this authority to begin regulating the dispensing of prescription medicines—physicians were granted the exclusive right to prescribe drugs, and pharmacists were given the exclusive right to dispense them. The courts routinely upheld these state laws.a All states have continued to use their police powers to regulate the licensing of pharmacists and physicians, as well as the prescribing and dispensing of drugs. But does this authority extend to out-of-state physicians and pharmacists who prescribe drugs and fill prescriptions via the Internet?
The States Attempt to Regulate Internet Prescriptions About 40 percent of the states have attempted to regulate Internet prescription transactions by changing their licensing laws to require a “safe” consulting relationship between the prescribing physician and the pharmacist who dispenses the
a. See, for example, Dent v. West Virginia, 129 U.S. 114, 9 S.Ct. 231, 32 L.Ed. 623 (1889).
Limits on Both Federal and State Governmental Actions As originally intended, the Bill of Rights limited only the powers of the national government. Over time, however, the United States Supreme Court “incorporated” most of these rights into the protections against state actions afforded by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. That amendment, passed in 1868 after the Civil War,provides in part that “[n]o State shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Starting in 1925, the Supreme Court began to define various rights and liberties guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution as constituting “due process of law,” which was required of state 84
prescription drugs. Some states, for example, require an electronic diagnosis before a prescription can be filled—the patient completes an online questionnaire that is “approved” by a physician who then transmits the prescription to a pharmacist. Other states, however, specifically prohibit a physician from creating a prescription unless he or she has physical contact with the patient. Another approach is to try to regulate Internet pharmacies. In Nevada, for example, residents cannot obtain a prescription from an Internet pharmacy unless it is licensed and certified under the laws of that state. Recently, the New York State Narcotic Bureau of Enforcement took an additional regulatory step and began investigating all companies in New Jersey and Mississippi that had supplied prescription medicines to New York residents via Internet transactions. None of the companies under investigation has offices in New York State. Furthermore, the authority to enforce regulations involving prescription drugs and their distributors generally belongs to the federal Food and Drug Administration.
Are the States Violating the Dormant Commerce Clause? As explained in the text, the courts have held that the dormant commerce clause prohibits the states from regulating interstate commerce. Hence, the states may not institute regulations that impose an undue burden on interstate commerce. In the past, the courts have used the dormant commerce clause in
governments under the Fourteenth Amendment. Today, most of the rights and liberties set forth in the Bill of Rights apply to state governments as well as the national government. In other words, neither the federal government nor state governments can deprive persons of those rights and liberties. The rights secured by the Bill of Rights are not absolute. As you can see in Exhibit 4–1, many of the rights guaranteed by the first ten amendments are described in very general terms. For example, the Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures,but it does not define what constitutes an unreasonable search or seizure. Similarly, the Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive bail or fines, but no definition of excessive is contained in that amend-
evaluating state regulations that affected out-of-state pharmacies involved in activities such as mailorder prescriptions.b Today, the question is whether state laws that attempt to regulate Internet prescription transactions, such as those described above, violate the dormant commerce clause. To date, no court has ruled directly on this issue, but there have been cases involving similar state efforts to regulate other out-of-state Internet activities. A number of courts have accepted the argument that under the dormant commerce clause, the federal government can assume full regulatory power over any firms conducting business over the Internet because they are engaged in interstate commerce.c Other courts, however, have taken the opposing view and found that state regulation of Internet activities does not always violate the dormant commerce clause. In one case, a court upheld a New York law that banned the sale of cigarettes to New York residents over the Internet on the ground that the state had an interest in protecting the health of its citizens.d In another case, a Texas statute that prohibited automobile manufacturers from selling
b. See, for example, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association v. New Mexico Board of Pharmacy, 86 N.M. 571, 525 P.2d 931 (N.M.App. 1974); and State v. Rasmussen, 213 N.W.2d 661 (Iowa 1973). c. See, for example, American Libraries Association v. Pataki, 969 F.Supp. 160 (S.D.N.Y. 1997). d. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. v. Pataki, 320 F.3d 200 (2d Cir. 2003).
ment. Ultimately, it is the United States Supreme Court, as the final interpreter of the Constitution, that defines our rights and determines their boundaries.
Freedom of Speech A democratic form of government cannot survive unless people can freely voice their political opinions and criticize government actions or policies. Freedom of speech,particularly political speech,is thus a prized right, and traditionally the courts have protected this right to the fullest extent possible. Symbolic speech—gestures, movements, articles of clothing, and other forms of expressive conduct—is also given substantial protection by the courts. For
vehicles on their Web sites was upheld on similar grounds.e Whether the reasoning in these cases will be extended to cases involving Internet prescriptions remains to be seen. Some laws seem likely to be upheld. The Nevada law mentioned earlier that requires Internet pharmacies to be licensed in the state is an example. Because this law applies equally to in-state pharmacies and out-of-state Internet pharmacies, it is nondiscriminatory. In addition, the requirement that an Internet pharmacy obtain a license before doing business in the state would probably not be considered an undue burden on interstate commerce. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
W H E R E D O Y O U S TA N D ? Clearly, there are two sides to this debate. Many states contend that they must regulate the provision of prescription drugs via the Internet in order to ensure the safety and well-being of their citizens. In some instances, however, the states may be imposing such regulations at the behest of traditional pharmacies, which do not like online competition. What is your stand on whether state regulation of Internet prescription drug transactions violates the dormant commerce clause of the Constitution? Realize that if you agree that it does, then you probably favor less state regulation. If you believe that it does not, then you probably favor more state regulation.
e. Ford Motor Co. v. Texas Department of Transportation, 264 F.3d 493 (5th Cir. 2001).
example, in 1989 the United States Supreme Court ruled that the burning of the American flag as part of a peaceful protest is a constitutionally protected form of expression.19 Similarly, participating in a hunger strike, holding signs at an antiwar protest, or wearing a black armband would be protected as symbolic speech. Reasonable Restrictions Expression—oral,
written, or symbolized by conduct—is subject to reasonable restrictions. A balance must be struck between a government’s obligation to protect its citizens and those citizens’ exercise of their rights. 19. Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 109 S.Ct. 2533, 105 L.Ed.2d 342 (1989).
Reasonableness is analyzed on a case-by-case basis. If a restriction imposed by the government is content neutral, then a court may allow it. To be content neutral, the restriction must be aimed at combating some societal problem, such as crime, and not be aimed at suppressing the expressive conduct or its message. For example,courts have often protected nude dancing as a form of symbolic expression but have also allowed content-neutral laws that ban all public nudity, not just erotic dancing.20 The United States Supreme Court has also held that schools may restrict students’ free speech rights at school events. In 2007, for example, the Court heard a case involving a high school student who had held up a banner saying “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” at an off-campus but school-sanctioned event. In a split decision, the majority of the Court ruled that school officials did not violate the student’s free speech rights when they confiscated the banner and suspended the student for ten days. Because the banner could reasonably be interpreted as promoting the use of marijuana, and because the school had a written policy against illegal drugs,the majority concluded that the school’s actions were justified. Several justices disagreed, however, noting that the majority’s holding creates a special exception that will allow schools to censor any student speech that mentions drugs.21 Corporate Political Speech Political speech
by corporations also falls within the protection of the First Amendment. For example, many years ago the United States Supreme Court ruled that a Massachusetts statute, which prohibited corporations from making political contributions or expenditures that individuals were permitted to make,was unconstitutional.22 Similarly, the Court has held that a law forbidding a corporation from placing inserts in its billing to express its views on controversial issues violates the First Amendment.23 Although the Supreme Court has
20. See, for example, Rameses, Inc. v. County of Orange, 481 F.Supp.2d 1305 (M.D.Fla. 2007) and City of Erie v. Pap’s A.M., 529 U.S. 277, 120 S.Ct. 1382, 146 L.Ed.2d 265 (2000). 21. Morse v.Frederick, ___ U.S.___,127 S.Ct.2618 ,168 L.Ed.2d 290 (2007). An excerpt of this case was presented as a sample in Exhibit 1–6 on pages 24–26. 22. First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 435 U.S. 765, 98 S.Ct. 1407, 55 L.Ed.2d 707 (1978). 23. Consolidated Edison Co. v. Public Service Commission, 447 U.S. 530, 100 S.Ct. 2326, 65 L.Ed.2d 319 (1980).
reversed this trend somewhat,24 corporate political speech continues to be given significant protection under the First Amendment. For example, in 2003 and again in 2007 the Supreme Court struck down some portions of bipartisan campaign-finance reform laws as unconstitutional restraints on corporate political speech.25 Commercial Speech The courts also give sub-
stantial protection to commercial speech, which consists of communications—primarily advertising and marketing—made by business firms that involve only their commercial interests. The protection given to commercial speech under the First Amendment is not as extensive as that afforded to noncommercial speech, however. A state may restrict certain kinds of advertising, for example, in the interest of preventing consumers from being misled by the advertising practices. States also have a legitimate interest in the beautification of roadsides, and this interest allows states to place restraints on billboard advertising. For example, in one Florida case, the court found that a law preventing a nude dancing establishment from billboard advertising was constitutionally permissible because it directly advanced a substantial government interest in highway beautification and safety.26 Generally, a restriction on commercial speech will be considered valid as long as it meets three criteria: (1) it must seek to implement a substantial government interest,(2) it must directly advance that interest, and (3) it must go no further than necessary to accomplish its objective. At issue in the following case was whether a government agency had unconstitutionally restricted commercial speech when it prohibited the inclusion of a certain illustration on beer labels.
24. See Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 494 U.S. 652, 110 S.Ct. 1391, 108 L.Ed.2d 652 (1990), in which the Supreme Court upheld a state law prohibiting corporations from using general corporate funds for independent expenditures in state political campaigns. 25. McConnell v. Federal Election Commission, 540 U.S. 93, 124 S.Ct. 619, 157 L.Ed.2d 491 (2003); and Federal Election Commission v.Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc., ___U.S. ___, 127 S.Ct. 2652, 168 L.Ed.2d 329 (2007). 26. Café Erotica v. Florida Department of Transportation, 830 So.2d 181 (Fla.App. 1 Dist. 2002); review denied by Café Erotica/We Dare to Bare v. Florida Department of Transportation, 845 So.2d 888 (Fla. 2003).
C A S E 4.2
Bad Frog Brewery, Inc. v. New York State Liquor Authority United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, 1998. 134 F.3d 87. a
• Background and Facts Bad Frog Brewery, Inc., makes and sells alcoholic beverages. Some of the beverages feature labels that display a drawing of a frog making the gesture generally known as “giving the finger.” Bad Frog’s authorized New York distributor, Renaissance Beer Company, applied to the New York State Liquor Authority (NYSLA) for brand label approval, as required by state law before the beer could be sold in New York. The NYSLA denied the application, in part, because “the label could appear in grocery and convenience stores, with obvious exposure on the shelf to children of tender age.” Bad Frog filed a suit in a federal district court against the NYSLA, asking for, among other things, an injunction against the denial of the application. The court granted summary judgment in favor of the NYSLA. Bad Frog appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
JON O. NEWMAN, Circuit Judge:
* * * * * * * [T]o support its asserted power to ban Bad Frog’s labels [NYSLA advances] * * * the State’s interest in “protecting children from vulgar and profane advertising”* * * . [This interest is] substantial * * * . States have a compelling interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of minors * * * . [Emphasis added.] * * * * * * * NYSLA endeavors to advance the state interest in preventing exposure of children to vulgar displays by taking only the limited step of barring such displays from the labels of alcoholic beverages. In view of the wide currency of vulgar displays throughout contemporary society, including comic books targeted directly at children, barring such displays from labels for alcoholic beverages cannot realistically be expected to reduce children’s exposure to such displays to any significant degree. [Emphasis added.] * * * If New York decides to make a substantial effort to insulate children from vulgar displays in some significant sphere of activity, at least with respect to materials likely to be seen by children, NYSLA’s label prohibition might well be found to make a justifiable contribution to the material advancement of such an effort, but its currently isolated response to the perceived problem,applicable only to labels on a product that children cannot purchase,does not suffice.* * * [A] state must demonstrate that its commercial speech limitation is part of a substantial effort to advance a valid state interest, not merely the removal of a few grains of offensive sand from a beach of vulgarity. * * * * * * * Even if we were to assume that the state materially advances its asserted interest by shielding children from viewing the Bad Frog labels, it is plainly excessive to prohibit the labels from all use, including placement on bottles displayed in bars and taverns where parental supervision of children is to be expected. Moreover, to whatever extent NYSLA is concerned that children will be harmfully exposed to the Bad Frog labels when wandering without parental supervision around grocery and convenience stores where beer is sold,that concern could be less intrusively dealt with by placing restrictions on the permissible locations where the appellant’s products may be displayed within such stores.
• Decision and Remedy The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed the judg-
ment of the district court and remanded the case for the entry of a judgment in favor of Bad Frog. The NYSLA’s ban on the use of the labels lacked a “reasonable fit” with the state’s interest in shielding minors from vulgarity, and the NYSLA did not adequately consider alternatives to the ban. a. Under the heading “US Court of Appeals,” click on “2nd.” Enter “Bad Frog Brewery”in the “Party Name Search”box and click on “search.” On the resulting page, click on the case name to access the opinion. CASE CONTINUES
What If the Facts Were Different? If Bad Frog had sought to use the offensive label to market toys instead of beer, would the court’s ruling likely have been the same?
• The Legal Environment Dimension Whose interests are advanced by the banning of
certain types of advertising?
Unprotected Speech The United States Supreme Court has made it clear that certain types of speech will not be protected under the First Amendment. Speech that violates criminal laws (threatening speech and pornography, for example) is not constitutionally protected.Other unprotected speech includes “fighting words”(speech that is likely to incite others to respond violently). Speech that harms the good reputation of another, or defamatory speech (see Chapter 6), also is not pro-
C A S E 4.3
tected under the First Amendment. To constitute defamation and thus have no First Amendment protection,the speech in question must be an assertion of fact and not merely an opinion. Unlike an opinion, a statement of purported fact can be verified and may require proof in a lawsuit claiming that the statement is defamatory. In the following case, the issue was whether a certain statement was an unprotected factual assertion.
Lott v. Levitt United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, 2007. 469 F.Supp.2d 575.
RUBEN CASTILLO, United States District Court Judge.
In 2005, well-known economist Steven Levitt (“Levitt”) and journalist Stephen J. Dubner (“Dubner”) coauthored the best-selling book Freakonomics, which was published by * * * HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. (“HarperCollins”). This Court, like many other individuals, has completed a cover-to-cover reading of the book. In the book, Levitt and Dubner spend one paragraph discussing the theory for which fellow economist, * * * John R. Lott, Jr. (“Lott”), is known[:] * * * that laws permitting individuals to carry concealed weapons result in a statistically significant and provable reduction in serious crime rates. Lott filed the instant lawsuit against Levitt and [others] * * * .Lott claims [in part] that an email written by Levitt to another economist * * * constitutes defamation * * * .[Levitt filed a motion to dismiss this claim.] * * * * Lott is discussed in the following single paragraph in Chapter 4 of Freakonomics, entitled “Where Have All the Criminals Gone?”: * * * [T]here is an * * * argument—that we need more guns on the street, but in the hands of the right people * * * .The economist John R.Lott the main champion of this idea.His calling card is the book More Guns,Less Crime,in which he argues that violent crime has decreased in areas where lawabiding citizens are allowed to carry concealed weapons. His theory might be surprising, but it is sensible. If a criminal thinks his potential victim may be armed, he may be deterred from committing the crime. Handgun opponents call Lott a pro-gun ideologue * * * . [T]here was the troubling allegation that Lott actually invented some of the survey data that support his more-guns/less-crime theory. Regardless of whether the data were faked, Lott’s admittedly intriguing hypothesis doesn’t seem to be true. When other scholars have tried to replicate his results,they found that right-to-carry laws simply don’t bring down crime.
On May 24 or May 25, 2005, John McCall (“McCall”), described by Lott as an economist residing in Texas, sent Levitt an email regarding the above passage, stating: I * * * found the following citations—have not read any of them yet,but it appears they all replicate Lott’s research. [McCall referred to a “Special Issue” of The Journal of Law and Economics published in October 2001 that contained a collection of articles delivered at an academic conference co-sponsored by the Center for Law,Economics,and Public Policy at Yale Law School and the American Enterprise Institute,where Lott had recently been a resident scholar.] The Journal of Law and Economics is not chopped liver. * * *
That same day, Levitt responded: It was not a peer refereed edition of the Journal. For $15,000 he was able to buy an issue and put in only work that supported him. My best friend was the editor and was outraged the press let Lott do this. * * *
* * * * A statement is considered defamatory if it tends to cause such harm to the reputation of another that it lowers that person in the eyes of the community or deters third persons from associating with that person. * * * [Emphasis added.] * * * * * * * Lott contends that the statements about him in * * * the email * * * imply that his results were falsified or that his theories lack merit, and thus impute a lack of ability and integrity in his profession as an economist, academic, and researcher. Indeed, a claim that an academic or economist falsified his results and could only publish his theories by buying an issue of a journal and avoiding peer review would surely impute a lack of ability and prejudice that person in his profession. * * * * * * * [T]he First Amendment protects statements that cannot be reasonably interpreted as stating actual facts. * * * [Emphasis added.] The test for whether a statement is a factual assertion is whether the statement is precise, readily understood, and susceptible of being verified as true or false. This test * * * is a reasonableness standard; whether a reasonable reader would understand the defendant to be informing him of a fact or opinion. Language that is loose, figurative, or hyperbolic negates the impression that a statement is asserting actual facts. Accordingly, vague, unprovable statements and statements of opinion do not give rise to a defamation claim. If it is plain that the speaker is expressing a subjective view, an interpretation, a theory, conjecture, or surmise, rather than claiming to be in possession of objectively verifiable facts, the statement is not actionable. [Emphasis added.] In this case, however, Levitt’s email sounds as if he was in possession of objectively verifiable facts. * * * First, it would be unreasonable to interpret Levitt’s unqualified statement that the Journal edition was not “peer refereed”as Levitt [argues that he was] merely giving his opinion on the “peers”chosen to review, or referee, the Special Issue. Indeed, the editor of the Journal might be able to verify the truth of falsity of whether the Special Issue was reviewed by peers. Furthermore, while Levitt argues that one person’s “ ‘peer’in the academic realm may be another person’s ‘hack’,” this distinction is not reasonable when discussing the review process at a top university’s academic journal. Second, a reasonable reader would not interpret Levitt’s assertion that “For $15,000 [Lott] was able to buy an issue and put in only work that supported him”as simply a statement of Levitt’s opinion. Levitt’s email appears to state objectively verifiable facts: that Lott paid $15,000 to control the content of the Special Issue.The editor of the Journal again might be the source to verify the truth or falsity of this statement.Third, the same editor could verify whether he was “outraged” by the acts described in the foregoing statements. Therefore, the defamatory statements in Levitt’s email to McCall are objectively verifiable * * * . * * * * * * * In his email to McCall, * * * Levitt made a string of defamatory assertions about Lott’s involvement in the publication of the Special Issue of the Journal that—no matter how rash or short-sighted Levitt was when he made them—cannot be reasonably interpreted as innocent or mere opinion. * * * Levitt’s motion to dismiss [this part of Lott’s] Complaint is denied.
1. Did the statements about Lott in Freakonomics constitute unprotected speech? Explain. 2. Should the First Amendment protect all speech? Discuss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Obscene Speech. The Supreme Court has also held that the First Amendment does not protect obscene speech.Establishing an objective definition of obscene speech has proved difficult,however,and the Court has grappled from time to time with this problem. In a 1973 case, Miller v. California,27 the Supreme Court created a test for legal obscenity, including a set of requirements that must be met for material to be legally obscene. Under this test, material is obscene if (1) the average person finds that it violates contemporary community standards; (2) the work taken as a whole appeals to a prurient (arousing or obsessive) interest in sex; (3) the work shows patently offensive sexual conduct; and (4) the work lacks serious redeeming literary, artistic, political, or scientific merit. Because community standards vary widely, the Miller test has had inconsistent applications, and obscenity remains a constitutionally unsettled issue. Numerous state and federal statutes make it a crime to disseminate obscene materials,and the Supreme Court has often upheld such laws, including laws prohibiting the sale and possession of child pornography.28 Online Obscenity. A significant problem facing the courts and lawmakers today is how to control the dissemination of obscenity and child pornography via the Internet.Congress first attempted to protect minors from pornographic materials on the Internet by passing the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996. The CDA declared it a crime to make available to minors online any “obscene or indecent”message that “depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs.”29 Civil rights groups challenged the act,and ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that portions of the act were unconstitutional. The Court held that the terms indecent and patently offensive covered large amounts of nonpornographic material with serious educational or other value.30 Subsequent Attempts to Regulate Online Obscenity. Congress’s second attempt to protect children from online obscenity, the Child Online
27. 413 U.S. 15, 93 S.Ct. 2607, 37 L.Ed.2d 419 (1973). 28. For example, see Osborne v.Ohio, 495 U.S. 103, 110 S.Ct. 1691, 109 L.Ed.2d 98 (1990). 29. 47 U.S.C. Section 223(a)(1)(B)(ii). 30. Reno v.American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U.S. 844, 117 S.Ct. 2329, 138 L.Ed.2d 874 (1997).
Protection Act (COPA) of 1998,31 met with a similar fate. Although the COPA was more narrowly tailored than its predecessor, the CDA, it still used “contemporary community standards” to define which material was obscene and harmful to minors.Ultimately,in 2004 the Supreme Court concluded that it was likely that the COPA did violate the right to free speech and prevented enforcement of the act.32 In 2000, Congress enacted the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA),33 which requires public schools and libraries to install filtering software to keep children from accessing adult content. Such software is designed to prevent persons from viewing certain Web sites based on a site’s Internet address or its meta tags, or key words.The CIPA was also challenged on constitutional grounds, but in 2003 the Supreme Court held that the act does not violate the First Amendment.The Court concluded that because libraries can disable the filters for any patrons who ask, the system is reasonably flexible and does not burden free speech to an unconstitutional extent.34 Because of the difficulties of policing the Internet as well as the constitutional complexities of prohibiting online obscenity through legislation, it remains a continuing problem in the United States (and worldwide).
Freedom of Religion The First Amendment states that the government may neither establish any religion nor prohibit the free exercise of religious practices. The first part of this constitutional provision, which is referred to as the establishment clause, has to do with the separation of church and state.The second part of the provision is known as the free exercise clause. The Establishment Clause The establishment
clause prohibits the government from establishing a state-sponsored religion, as well as from passing laws that promote (aid or endorse) religion or that show a preference for one religion over another.Establishment clause issues often involve such matters as the legality
31. 47 U.S.C. Section 231. 32. American Civil Liberties Union v. Ashcroft, 542 U.S. 646, 124 S.Ct. 2783, 159 L.Ed.2d 690 (2004). See also Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union, 535 U.S. 564, 122 S.Ct. 1700, 152 L.Ed.2d 771 (2002); and American Civil Liberties Union v. Ashcroft, 322 F.3d 240 (3d Cir. 2003). 33. 17 U.S.C. Sections 1701–1741. 34. United States v. American Library Association, 539 U.S. 194, 123 S.Ct. 2297, 156 L.Ed.2d 221 (2003).
of allowing or requiring school prayers, using stateissued school vouchers to pay for tuition at religious schools, teaching evolutionary versus creationist theory, and giving state and local government aid to religious organizations and schools. Federal or state laws that do not promote or place a significant burden on religion are constitutional even if they have some impact on religion.“Sunday closing laws,” for example, make the performance of some commercial activities on Sunday illegal. These statutes, also known as “blue laws” (from the color of the paper on which an early Sunday law was written), have been upheld on the ground that it is a legitimate function of government to provide a day of rest to promote the health and welfare of workers. Even though closing laws admittedly make it easier for Christians to attend religious services, the courts have viewed this effect as an incidental, not a primary, purpose of Sunday closing laws. The Free Exercise Clause The free exercise clause guarantees that no person can be compelled to do something that is contrary to his or her religious beliefs. For this reason, if a law or policy is contrary to a person’s religious beliefs,exemptions are often made to accommodate those beliefs. When religious practices work against public policy and the public welfare, though, the government can act. For example, regardless of a child’s or parent’s religious beliefs,the government can require certain types of vaccinations in the interest of public welfare. The government’s interest must be sufficiently compelling, however. The United States Supreme Court ruled in 2006 that the government had failed to demonstrate a sufficiently compelling interest in barring a church from the sacramental use of an illegal controlled substance. (The church members used hoasca tea, which is brewed from plants native to the Amazon rain forest and contains a hallucinogenic drug, in the practice of a sincerely held religious belief.)35 For business firms, an important issue involves the accommodation that businesses must make for the religious beliefs of their employees. Generally, if an employee’s religion prohibits her or him from working on a certain day of the week or at a certain type of job, the employer must make a reasonable attempt to accommodate these religious requirements. The only requirement is that the belief be religious in nature 35. Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao Do Vegtal, 546 U.S. 418, 126 S.Ct. 1211, 163 L.Ed.2d 1017 (2006).
and sincerely held by the employee.36 (See Chapter 34 for a further discussion of religious freedom in the employment context.)
Searches and Seizures The Fourth Amendment protects the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects.” Before searching or seizing private property, law enforcement officers must usually obtain a search warrant—an order from a judge or other public official authorizing the search or seizure. Search Warrants and Probable Cause To
obtain a search warrant, law enforcement officers must convince a judge that they have reasonable grounds, or probable cause, to believe a search will reveal evidence of a specific illegality. To establish probable cause, the officers must have trustworthy evidence that would convince a reasonable person that the proposed search or seizure is more likely justified than not. Furthermore, the Fourth Amendment prohibits general warrants. It requires a particular description of whatever is to be searched or seized. General searches through a person’s belongings are impermissible.The search cannot extend beyond what is described in the warrant. The requirement for a search warrant has several exceptions. One exception applies when the items sought are likely to be removed before a warrant can be obtained. For example, if a police officer has probable cause to believe that an automobile contains evidence of a crime and that the vehicle will likely be unavailable by the time a warrant is obtained, the officer can search the vehicle without a warrant. Searches and Seizures in the Business Context Constitutional protection against unrea-
sonable searches and seizures is important to businesses and professionals. Equally important is the government’s interest in ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations, especially rules meant to protect the safety of employees and the public. Generally, government inspectors do not have the right to enter business premises without a warrant, although the standard of probable cause is not the same as that required in nonbusiness contexts. The existence of a general and neutral enforcement plan
36. Frazee v. Illinois Department of Employment Security, 489 U.S. 829, 109 S.Ct. 1514, 103 L.Ed.2d 914 (1989).
will normally justify issuance of the warrant. Lawyers and accountants frequently possess the business records of their clients, and inspecting these documents while they are out of the hands of their true owners also requires a warrant. A warrant is not required,however,for the seizure of spoiled or contaminated food. In addition, warrants are not required for searches of businesses in such highly regulated industries as liquor, guns, and strip mining. General manufacturing is not considered to be one of these highly regulated industries, however. Border Searches of Computers Warrantless border searches have long been upheld by the courts as means to prevent persons from physically bringing drugs, contraband, and illegal aliens into the United States. In recent years, the courts have also started allowing border guards to search through the temporary files stored on laptop computers and to use the history of Web pages viewed as criminal evidence. Consider, for example, a 2006 case involving Stuart Romm, a suspended lawyer from Massachusetts who traveled to British Columbia on business. A border agent asked to see Romm’s laptop computer and briefly examined the Internet cache, or temporary folder showing the history of Web sites that Romm had visited. The border guards discovered that Romm had looked at some child pornography Web sites and detained him while a forensic computer specialist analyzed the hard drive. Analysis confirmed that Romm had viewed ten images of child pornography and then deleted (or at least attempted to delete) the images from his computer. Romm was convicted and sentenced to serve ten to fifteen years in prison. A federal appellate court upheld his conviction.37 The holding in this case could be applied to any type of illegal material found on a laptop computer during a border search, including unauthorized images of copyrighted materials or confidential business data (see Chapter 8).
Self-Incrimination The Fifth Amendment guarantees that no person “shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” Thus, in any federal or state (because the due process clause extends the protection to state courts) proceeding, an accused person cannot be forced to give testimony that might subject him or her to any criminal prosecution. 37. United States v. Romm, 455 F.3d 990 (9th Cir. 2006).
The Fifth Amendment’s guarantee against selfincrimination extends only to natural persons. Therefore, neither corporations nor partnerships receive Fifth Amendment protection. When a partnership is required to produce business records,it must do so even if the information provided incriminates the individual partners of the firm. In contrast, sole proprietors and sole practitioners (those who fully own their businesses) cannot be compelled to produce their business records.These individuals have full protection against self-incrimination because they function in only one capacity; there is no separate business entity.
Due Process and Equal Protection Other constitutional guarantees of great significance to Americans are mandated by the due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Due Process Both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments provide that no person shall be deprived “of life,liberty,or property, without due process of law.” The due process clause of these constitutional amendments has two aspects—procedural and substantive. Note that the due process clause applies to “legal persons” (that is, corporations), as well as to individuals. Procedural Due Process Procedural due process requires that any government decision to take life, liberty, or property must be made equitably; that is, the government must give a person proper notice and an opportunity to be heard.Fair procedures must be used in determining whether a person will be subjected to punishment or have some burden imposed on her or him. Fair procedure has been interpreted as requiring that the person have at least an opportunity to object to a proposed action before an impartial, neutral decision maker (which need not be a judge). Thus, for example,if a driver’s license is construed as a property interest, the state must provide some sort of opportunity for the driver to object before suspending or terminating the license. Substantive Due Process Substantive due process protects an individual’s life, liberty, or property
against certain government actions regardless of the fairness of the procedures used to implement them. Substantive due process limits what the government may do in its legislative and executive capacities.38 Legislation must be fair and reasonable in content and must further a legitimate governmental objective. Only when state conduct is arbitrary, or shocks the conscience, however, will it rise to the level of violating substantive due process.39 If a law or other governmental action limits a fundamental right, the state must have a legitimate and compelling interest to justify its action. Fundamental rights include interstate travel, privacy, voting, marriage and family,and all First Amendment rights.Thus,a state must have substantial reason for taking any action that infringes on a person’s free speech rights. In situations not involving fundamental rights, a law or action does not violate substantive due process if it rationally relates to any legitimate government purpose. Under this test, virtually any business regulation will be upheld as reasonable.
Equal Protection Under the Fourteenth Amendment, a state may not “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The United States Supreme Court has interpreted the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment to make the equal protection clause applicable to the federal government as well. Equal protection means that the government cannot enact laws that treat similarly situated individuals differently. Both substantive due process and equal protection require review of the substance of the law or other governmental action rather than review of the procedures used.When a law or action limits the liberty of all persons to do something, it may violate substantive due process; when a law or action limits the liberty of some persons but not others, it may violate the equal protection clause. Thus, for example, if a law prohibits all advertising on the sides of trucks,it raises a substantive due process question; if it makes an exception to allow truck owners to advertise their own businesses,it raises an equal protection issue. 38. County of Sacramento v.Lewis, 523 U.S.833,118 S.Ct.1708,140 L.Ed.2d 1043 (1998). 39. See, for example, Breen v.Texas A&M University, 485 F.3d 325 (5th Cir. 2007); Hart v. City of Little Rock, 432 F.3d 801 (8th Cir. 2005); County of Sacramento v. Lewis, 523 U.S. 833, 118 S.Ct. 1708, 140 L.Ed.2d 1043 (1998); and United States v.Salerno, 481 U.S.739, 107 S.Ct. 2095, 95 L.Ed.2d 697 (1987).
In an equal protection inquiry,when a law or action distinguishes between or among individuals, the basis for the distinction, or classification, is examined. Depending on the classification, the courts apply different levels of scrutiny, or “tests,” to determine whether the law or action violates the equal protection clause. The courts use one of three standards: strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, or the “rational basis” test. Strict Scrutiny The most difficult standard to meet is that of strict scrutiny. Under strict scrutiny, the classification must be necessary to promote a compelling state interest. Generally, few laws or actions survive strict-scrutiny analysis by the courts. Strict scrutiny is applied when a law or action prohibits some persons from exercising a fundamental right or classifies individuals based on a suspect trait— such as race, national origin, or citizenship status. For example,to prevent violence caused by racial gangs in prisons, corrections officials in California segregated prisoners by race for up to sixty days after they entered (or transferred to) a correctional facility. A prisoner challenged that policy. Ultimately, the United States Supreme Court held that all racial classifications, because they are based on a suspect trait,must be analyzed under strict scrutiny.40 Intermediate Scrutiny Another standard, that
of intermediate scrutiny, is applied in cases involving discrimination based on gender or legitimacy. Laws using these classifications must be substantially related to important government objectives. For example, an important government objective is preventing illegitimate teenage pregnancies. Therefore, because males and females are not similarly situated in this regard— only females can become pregnant—a law that punishes men but not women for statutory rape will be upheld, even though it treats men and women unequally. The state also has an important objective in establishing time limits (called statutes of limitation) for how long after an event a particular type of action can be brought. Such limits prevent persons from bringing fraudulent and stale (outdated) claims. Nevertheless, the limitation period must be substantially related to the important objective. Suppose that a state law requires illegitimate children to file a paternity action within six years of their birth in order to seek support 40. Johnson v. California, 543 U.S. 499, 125 S.Ct. 1141, 160 L.Ed.2d 949 (2005).
from their biological fathers. This law will fail if legitimate children can seek support from their fathers at any time because distinguishing between support claims on the basis of legitimacy has no relation to the objective of preventing fraudulent or stale claims. The “Rational Basis” Test In matters of eco-
nomic or social welfare,a classification will be considered valid if there is any conceivable rational basis on which the classification might relate to a legitimate government interest.It is almost impossible for a law or action to fail the rational basis test.Thus, for example, a city ordinance that in effect prohibits all pushcart vendors, except a specific few, from operating in a particular area of the city will be upheld if the city provides a rational basis—such as reducing the traffic in the particular area—for the ordinance. In contrast, a law that provides unemployment benefits only to people over six feet tall would clearly fail the rational basis test because it could not further any legitimate government objective.
Privacy Rights The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly mention a general right to privacy. In a 1928 Supreme Court case, Olmstead v. United States,41 Justice Louis Brandeis stated in his dissent that the right to privacy is “the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men.” The majority of the justices at that time did not agree, and it was not until the 1960s that a majority on the Supreme Court endorsed the view that the Constitution protects individual privacy rights. In a landmark 1965 case, Griswold v. Connecticut,42 the Supreme Court held that a constitutional right to privacy was implied by the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments.
Federal Statutes Affecting Privacy Rights In the last several decades, Congress has enacted a number of statutes that protect the privacy of individuals in various areas of concern. In the 1960s, Americans were sufficiently alarmed by the accumulation of personal information in government files that 41. 277 U.S. 438, 48 S.Ct. 564, 72 L.Ed. 944 (1928). 42. 381 U.S. 479, 85 S.Ct. 1678, 14 L.Ed.2d 510 (1965).
they pressured Congress to pass laws permitting individuals to access their files. Congress responded in 1966 with the Freedom of Information Act, which allows any person to request copies of any information on her or him contained in federal government files. In 1974, Congress passed the Privacy Act, which also gives persons the right to access such information. Since then, Congress has passed numerous other laws protecting individuals’ privacy rights with respect to financial transactions, electronic communications, and other activities in which personal information may be gathered and stored by organizations. Medical Information Responding to the growing need to protect the privacy of individuals’ health records—particularly computerized records— Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996.43 This act, which took effect on April 14, 2003, defines and limits the circumstances in which an individual’s “protected health information” may be used or disclosed. The HIPAA requires health-care providers and health-care plans, including certain employers who sponsor health plans,to inform patients of their privacy rights and of how their personal medical information may be used. The act also states that a person’s medical records generally may not be used for purposes unrelated to health care—such as marketing,for example—or disclosed to others without the individual’s permission. Covered entities must formulate written privacy policies, designate privacy officials, limit access to computerized health data, physically secure medical records with lock and key, train employees and volunteers on their privacy policies, and sanction those who violate the policies. These protections are intended to assure individuals that their health information,including genetic information,will be properly protected and not used for purposes that the patient did not know about or authorize. The Patriot Act In the wake of the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001, Congress passed legislation often referred to as the USA Patriot Act.44 The Patriot Act has given government officials increased authority 43. The HIPAA was enacted as Pub. L. No. 104-191 (1996) and is codified in 29 U.S.C.A. Sections 1181 et seq. 44. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001, also known as the USA Patriot Act, was enacted as Pub.L.No.107-56 (2001) and extended in early 2006 by Pub.L.No. 109-173 (2006).
to monitor Internet activities (such as e-mail and Web site visits) and to gain access to personal financial information and student information. Law enforcement officials can now track a person’s telephone and e-mail communications to find out the identity of the other party or parties.The government must certify that the information likely to be obtained by such monitoring is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation but does not need to provide proof of any wrongdoing to gain access to this information.45 Privacy advocates
45. See, for example, a case in which a federal appeals court upheld the government’s warrantless monitoring of electronic communications. American Civil Liberties Union v. National Security Agency, 493 F.3d 644 (6th Cir. 2007).
argue that this law adversely affects the constitutional rights of all Americans, and it has been widely criticized in the media, fueling a public debate over how to secure privacy rights in an electronic age.
Other Laws Affecting Privacy State constitutions and statutes also protect individuals’ privacy rights, often to a significant degree. Privacy rights are also protected under tort law (see Chapter 6). Additionally, the Federal Trade Commission has played an active role in protecting the privacy rights of online consumers (see Chapter 44).The protection of employees’ privacy rights, particularly with respect to electronic monitoring practices, is an area of growing concern (see Chapter 33).
Constitutional Authority to Regulate Business A state legislature enacted a statute that required any motorcycle operator or passenger on the state’s highways to wear a protective helmet. Jim Alderman, a licensed motorcycle operator, sued the state to block enforcement of the law. Alderman asserted that the statute violated the equal protection clause because it placed requirements on motorcyclists that were not imposed on other motorists. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. Why does this statute raise equal protection issues instead of substantive due process concerns? 2. What are the three levels of scrutiny that the courts use in determining whether a law violates the equal protection clause? 3. Which standard of scrutiny, or test, would apply to this situation? Why? 4. Applying this standard, or test, is the helmet statute constitutional? Why or why not?
establishment clause 90 federal form of government 77
privileges and immunities clause 78
filtering software 90
probable cause 91
Bill of Rights 83
free exercise clause 90
search warrant 91
checks and balances 79
full faith and credit clause 78
supremacy clause 82
commerce clause 79
meta tags 90
symbolic speech 85
due process clause 92
police powers 77
equal protection clause 93
preemption 82
4–1. A Georgia state law requires the use of contoured rear-fender mudguards on trucks and trailers operating within Georgia state lines. The statute further makes it illegal for trucks and trailers to use straight mudguards. In approximately thirty-five other states, straight mudguards are legal. Moreover, in Florida, straight mudguards are explicitly required by law. There is some evidence suggesting that contoured mudguards might be a little safer than straight mudguards. Discuss whether this Georgia statute violates any constitutional provisions. 4–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Thomas worked in the nonmilitary operations of a large firm that produced both military and nonmilitary goods.When the company discontinued the production of nonmilitary goods, Thomas was transferred to a plant producing military equipment. Thomas left his job, claiming that it violated his religious principles to participate in the manufacture of goods to be used in destroying life. In effect, he argued, the transfer to the military equipment plant forced him to quit his job. He was denied unemployment compensation by the state because he had not been effectively “discharged”by the employer but had voluntarily terminated his employment. Did the state’s denial of unemployment benefits to Thomas violate the free exercise clause of the First Amendment? Explain. • For a sample answer to Question 4–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
4–3. A business has a backlog of orders, and to meet its deadlines, management decides to run the firm seven days a week, eight hours a day. One of the employees, Abe Placer, refuses to work on Saturday on religious grounds.His refusal to work means that the firm may not meet its production deadlines and may therefore suffer a loss of future business. The firm fires Placer and replaces him with an employee who is willing to work seven days a week. Placer claims that by terminating his employment, his employer has violated his constitutional right to the free exercise of his religion. Do you agree? Why or why not? 4–4. The framers of the U.S. Constitution feared the twin evils of tyranny and anarchy. Discuss how specific provisions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights reflect these fears and protect against both of these extremes. 4–5. Freedom of Speech. Henry Mishkoff is a Web designer whose firm does business as “Webfeats.” When Taubman Co.began building a mall called “The Shops at Willow Bend” near Mishkoff’s home, Mishkoff registered the domain name “” and created a Web site with that address.The site featured infor-
mation about the mall, a disclaimer indicating that Mishkoff’s site was unofficial, and a link to the mall’s official site. Taubman discovered Mishkoff’s site and filed a suit in a federal district court against him. Mishkoff then registered other various names, including “,” with links to a site documenting his battle with Taubman. (A Web name with a “” moniker attached to it is known as a complaint name, and the process of registering and using such names is known as cybergriping.) Taubman asked the court to order Mishkoff to stop using all of these names.Should the court grant Taubman’s request? On what basis might the court protect Mishkoff’s use of the names? [Taubman Co. v. Webfeats, 319 F.3d 770 (6th Cir. 2003)]
4–6. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER To protect the privacy of individuals identified in information systems maintained by federal agencies, the Privacy Act of 1974 regulates the use of the information. The statute provides for a minimum award of $1,000 for “actual damages sustained” caused by “intentional or willful actions” to the “person entitled to recovery.” Buck Doe filed for certain disability benefits with an office of the U.S.Department of Labor (DOL).The application form asked for Doe’s Social Security number, which the DOL used to identify his claim on documents sent to groups of claimants, their employers, and the lawyers involved in their cases. This disclosed Doe’s Social Security number beyond the limits set by the Privacy Act. Doe filed a suit in a federal district court against the DOL, alleging that he was “torn . . . all to pieces” and “greatly concerned and worried” because of the disclosure of his Social Security number and its potentially “devastating” consequences. He did not offer any proof of actual injury, however. Should damages be awarded in such circumstances solely on the basis of the agency’s conduct, or should proof of some actual injury be required? Why? [Doe v. Chao, 540 U.S. 614, 124 S.Ct. 1204, 157 L.Ed.2d 1122 (2004)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 4–6, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 4,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
4–7. Due Process. In 1994, the Board of County Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, created Zoning District 17 in a rural area of the county and a planning and zoning commission for the district. The commission adopted zoning regulations, which provided, among other things, that “dwelling units” could be built only through “on-site construction.” Later, county officials were unable to identify any health or safety concerns that were addressed by requiring on-site construc-
tion. There was no evidence that homes built off-site would negatively affect property values or cause harm to any other general welfare interest of the community. In December 1999, Francis and Anita Yurczyk bought two forty-acre tracts in District 17.The Yurczyks also bought a modular home and moved it onto the property the following spring. Within days, the county advised the Yurczyks that the home violated the on-site construction regulation and would have to be removed. The Yurczyks filed a suit in a Montana state court against the county, alleging, among other things, that the zoning regulation violated their due process rights.Does the Yurczyks’claim relate to procedural or substantive due process rights? What standard would the court apply to determine whether the regulation is constitutional? How should the court rule? Explain. [Yurczyk v.Yellowstone County, 2004 MT 3, 319 Mont. 169, 83 P. 3d 266 (2004)]
4–8. Supremacy Clause. The Federal Communications Act of 1934 grants the right to govern all interstate telecommunications to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the right to regulate all intrastate telecommunications to the states.The federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, the Junk Fax Protection Act of 2005, and FCC rules permit a party to send unsolicited fax ads to recipients with whom the party has an “established business relationship” if those ads include an “opt-out” alternative. Section 17538.43 of California’s Business and Professions Code (known as “SB 833”) was enacted in 2005 to provide the citizens of California with greater protection than that afforded under federal law. SB 833 omits the “established business relationship”exception and requires a sender to obtain a recipient’s express consent (an “opt-in” provision) before faxing an ad to that party into or out of California. The Chamber of Commerce of the United States filed a suit against Bill Lockyer, California’s state attorney general, seeking to block the enforcement of SB 833.What principles support the plaintiff’s position? How should the court resolve the issue? Explain. [Chamber of Commerce of the United States v. Lockyer, 463 F. 3d 1076 (E.D.Cal. 2006)] 4–9. Freedom of Speech. For decades, New York City has had to deal with the vandalism and defacement of public property caused by unauthorized graffiti. Among other attempts to stop the damage,in December 2005 the city banned the sale of aerosol spray-paint cans and broad-tipped indelible markers to persons under twentyone years of age and prohibited them from possessing such items on property other than their own. By May 1, 2006, five people—all under age twenty-one—had been cited for violations of these regulations, while 871 individuals had been arrested for actually making graffiti. Artists who wished to create graffiti on legal surfaces, such as canvas, wood, and clothing, included college student Lindsey Vincenty, who was studying visual arts. Unable to buy her supplies in the city or to carry them in
the city if she bought them elsewhere,Vincenty and others filed a suit in a federal district court on behalf of themselves and other young artists against Michael Bloomberg, the city’s mayor, and others. The plaintiffs claimed that, among other things, the new rules violated their right to freedom of speech.They asked the court to enjoin the enforcement of the rules. Should the court grant this request? Why or why not? [Vincenty v. Bloomberg, 476 F.3d 74 (2d Cir. 2007)]
4–10. A QUESTION OF ETHICS Aric Toll owns and manages the Balboa Island Village Inn, a restaurant and bar in Newport Beach, California. Anne Lemen owns the “Island Cottage,” a residence across an alley from the Inn. Lemen often complained to the authorities about excessive noise and the behavior of the Inn’s customers, whom she called “drunks” and “whores.” Lemen referred to Theresa Toll, Aric’s wife, as “Madam Whore.” Lemen told the Inn’s bartender Ewa Cook that Cook “worked for Satan,” was “Satan’s wife,” and was “going to have Satan’s children.” She told the Inn’s neighbors that it was “a whorehouse” with “prostitution going on inside” and that it sold illegal drugs, sold alcohol to minors, made “sex videos,” was involved in child pornography, had “Mafia connections,” encouraged “lesbian activity,” and stayed open until 6:00 A.M. Lemen also voiced her complaints to potential customers,and the Inn’s sales dropped more than 20 percent.The Inn filed a suit in a California state court against Lemen, asserting defamation and other claims. [Balboa Island Village Inn, Inc. v. Lemen, 40 Cal.4th 1141, 156 P.3d 339 (2007)] (a) Are Lemen’s statements about the Inn’s owners, customers, and activities protected by the U.S. Constitution? Should such statements be protected? In whose favor should the court rule? Why? (b) Did Lemen behave unethically in the circumstances of this case? Explain.
4–11. SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS Go to Case 4.3, Lott v. Levitt, 469 F.Supp.2d 575 (N.D.Ill. 2007), on pages 88–89. Read the excerpt and answer the following questions. (a) Issue: At the center of the dispute in this case was a distinction between which types of speech? (b) Rule of Law: What difference does it make which type of speech a particular statement is? (c) Applying the Rule of Law: How does a court determine which type of speech a certain statement comprises? (d) Conclusion: In this case, how was the speech at issue classified and why? What effect did that decision have on the parties’ suit?
For updated links to resources available on the Web, as well as a variety of other materials, visit this text’s Web site at For an online version of the Constitution that provides hypertext links to amendments and other changes, as well as the history of the document, go to An ongoing debate in the United States is whether the national government exercises too much regulatory control over intrastate affairs.To find current articles on this topic, go to For discussions of current issues involving the rights and liberties contained in the Bill of Rights, go to the Web site of the American Civil Liberties Union at For a menu of selected constitutional law decisions by the United States Supreme Court, go to the Web site of Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute at
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 4” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercise 4–1: Legal Perspective Commercial Speech Internet Exercise 4–2: Management Perspective Privacy Rights in Cyberspace
ll of the following businesspersons have been in the news recently:
• Dennis Kozlowski (former • • •
chairman and chief executive officer of Tyco International). Mark H. Swartz (former chief financial officer of Tyco International). Jeffrey Skilling (former chief executive officer of Enron Corporation). Bernard Ebbers (former chief executive officer of WorldCom).
What do these individuals have in common? They are all in prison, and some may stay there until they die.They were all convicted
of various crimes ranging from overseeing revenue exaggeration in order to increase stock prices to personal use of millions of dollars of public company funds. Not only did they break the law, but they also clearly violated even the minimum ethical principles that a civil society expects to be followed. Other officers and directors of the companies mentioned in the above list cost shareholders billions of dollars. In the case of those companies that had to enter bankruptcy, such as Enron Corporation, tens of thousands of employees lost their jobs.
Business Ethics As you might imagine, business ethics is derived from the concept of ethics. Ethics can be defined as the study of what constitutes right or wrong behavior.It is a branch of philosophy focusing on morality and the way moral principles are derived. Ethics has to do with the fairness, justness, rightness, or wrongness of an action.
What Is Business Ethics? Business ethics focuses on what is right and wrong behavior in the business world. It has to do with how businesses apply moral and ethical principles to situations that arise in the workplace. Because business
Acting ethically in a business context is not child’s play; it can mean billions of dollars—up or down—for corporations, shareholders, and employees. In the wake of the recent scandals, Congress attempted to prevent similar unethical business behavior in the future by passing stricter legislation in the form of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which will be explained in detail in Chapters 41 and 51.This act generally imposed more reporting requirements on corporations in an effort to deter unethical behavior and encourage accountability.
decision makers must often address more complex ethical issues in the workplace than they face in their personal lives, business ethics is more complicated than personal ethics.
Why Is Business Ethics Important? For an answer to the question,why is business ethics so important? reread the list at the beginning of this chapter. All of the individuals who are sitting behind bars could have avoided their fates. Had they engaged in ethical decision making throughout their business careers,they would never have followed their different paths to criminal behavior. The corporations, shareholders,and employees who suffered because of those individuals’ unethical and criminal behavior certainly paid a high price. Thus, an in-depth understanding of 99
business ethics is important to the long-run viability of any corporation today. It is also important to the wellbeing of individual officers and directors and to the firm’s employees. Finally, unethical corporate decision making can negatively affect suppliers, consumers, the community, and society as a whole. At the end of every unit in this book, you will be exposed to a series of ethical issues in features called Focus on Ethics. In each of these unit-ending features, we expand on the concepts of business ethics that we present in this chapter.
Common Reasons Why Ethical Problems Occur Not that many years ago, the popular painkiller Vioxx was recalled because its long-term use increased the risk of heart attack and stroke. Little by little, evidence surfaced that the drug’s maker, Merck & Company, knew about these dangers yet allowed Vioxx to remain on the market. Merck’s failure to recall the drug earlier could potentially have adversely affected the health of thousands of patients. Now Merck faces hundreds of lawsuits and years of litigation and millions of dollars in lawyers’ fees and settlements. In addition, Merck has undergone investigations by both Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice. How did a major corporation manage to make so many missteps? The answer is simply that certain officers and employees of Merck felt that it was not necessary to reveal the results of studies that might have decreased sales of Vioxx. In other words, the common thread among the ethical problems that occur in business is the desire to increase sales (or not lose them), thereby increasing profits and, for the corporation, increasing market value. In most situations, though, ethically wrong behavior by a corporation turns out to be costly to everyone concerned. Just ask the shareholders of Merck (and, of course, Enron,WorldCom, and Tyco). Short-Run Profit Maximization Some peo-
ple argue that a corporation’s only goal should be profit maximization, which will be reflected in a higher market value.When all firms strictly adhere to the goal of profit maximization, resources tend to flow to where they are most highly valued by society. Ultimately, profit maximization, in theory, leads to the most efficient allocation of scarce resources. Corporate executives and employees have to distinguish, though, between short-run and long-run profit maximization.In the short run,the employees of Merck & Company may have increased profits because of the
continuing sales of Vioxx. In the long run, though, because of lawsuits, large settlements, and bad publicity, profits have suffered.Thus, business ethics is consistent only with long-run profit maximization. Determining Society’s Rules—The Role of Corporate Influence Another possible cause of
bad business ethics has to do with corporations’ role in influencing the law. Corporations may use lobbyists to persuade government agencies not to institute new regulations that would increase the corporations’ costs and reduce their profits. Once regulatory rules are promulgated, corporations may undertake actions to reduce their impact. One way to do this is to make it known that members of regulatory agencies will always have jobs waiting for them when they leave the agencies.This revolving door, as it is commonly called, has existed as long as there have been regulatory agencies at the state and federal levels of government.
The Importance of Ethical Leadership Talking about ethical business decision making is meaningless if management does not set standards. Furthermore,managers must apply the same standards to themselves as they do to the employees of the company. Attitude of Top Management One of the most
important ways to create and maintain an ethical workplace is for top management to demonstrate its commitment to ethical decision making. A manager who is not totally committed to an ethical workplace rarely succeeds in creating one. Management’s behavior, more than anything else, sets the ethical tone of a firm. Employees take their cues from management. For example,an employee who observes a manager cheating on her expense account quickly learns that such behavior is acceptable. Managers who set unrealistic production or sales goals increase the probability that employees will act unethically. If a sales quota can be met only through high-pressure, unethical sales tactics, employees will try to act “in the best interest of the company”and will continue to behave unethically. A manager who looks the other way when she or he knows about an employee’s unethical behavior also sets an example—one indicating that ethical transgressions will be accepted. Managers have found that discharging even one employee for ethical reasons has a tremendous impact as a deterrent to unethical behavior in the workplace.
Business owners and managers sometimes take more active roles in fostering unethical and illegal conduct. This may indicate to their co-owners, co-managers, employees, and others that unethical business behavior will be tolerated.The following case illustrates how
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business owners’ misbehavior can have negative consequences for themselves and their business. Not only can a court sanction the business owners and managers, but it can also issue an injunction that prevents them from engaging in similar patterns of conduct in the future.
Baum v. Blue Moon Ventures, LLC United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 2008. __ F.3d __.
DeMOSS, Circuit Judge:
* * * * Douglas Baum purports to run an asset recovery business. He researches various unclaimed funds, tries to locate the rightful owner, and then gets paid either with a finder’s fee or by taking an assignment [a right to payment of some or all of the funds]. * * * Douglas Baum acts in concert with his brother, Brian Baum, and his father, Sheldon Baum (“the Baums”). In September 2002, the Baums [became involved in] a federal district court case * * * by recruiting investors—through misrepresentation—to sue a receiver [a court-appointed person who oversees a business firm’s affairs], the receiver’s attorney, other investors, and those investors’ attorneys. The district court * * * determined that the Baums’ pleadings were “gratuitous, malicious attacks with legal propositions that were wholly disconnected from the facts of the defendants’ behavior.” The district court admonished the Baums for wrongfully interfering in the case, wrongfully holding themselves out to be attorneys licensed to practice in Texas,lying to the parties and the court, and for generally abusing the judicial system.The district court stated: This case is an example of guerilla warfare through litigation.The Baums brought this suit to satisfy their illusion of hidden funds or to extort deals for their other clients.These claims were fraudulent. Once instituted, the Baums maintained them with singular ineptitude.When asked to explain their case—or anything else— Brian and Sheldon Baum did not tell the truth. The Baums have wasted the time and money of the defendants and the scarce resources that the taxpayers entrust to the judiciary. They have flouted the authority of this court—an authority they invoked. They have no concept of the purpose and function of the courts. * * *
The district court sanctioned both Brian and Sheldon Baum to ten days in jail and ordered them to pay $100,000 in attorney’s fees to the defendants. The court also issued a permanent * * * injunction against all three Baums [to prohibit them from filing claims related to the same case in Texas state courts without the permission of Judge Lynn Hughes, the district court judge]. * * * * * * * [I]n June 2005, the Baums entered an appearance in another bankruptcy case [a proceeding to ensure equitable treatment to creditors competing for a debtor’s assets]. * * * Danny Hilal owned and operated several limited liability companies, including Appellee, Blue Moon Ventures, L.L.C. Blue Moon’s primary business was purchasing real property at foreclosure sales and leasing those properties to residential tenants. * * * Sheldon Baum claimed to be a * * * creditor in the Hilal case,but he would not identify his claim. Brian Baum was again misleading the parties and the court as to being a licensed attorney in Texas, and Douglas Baum participated in the scheme by posting a fake notice [that the Internal Revenue Service might foreclose on Hilal’s property to collect unpaid taxes]. * * * * * * * [The bankruptcy court concluded that this was] a continuation of a pattern of conduct identified by [the district court that was] materially misleading to creditors and parties in interest in this case. * * * [The bankruptcy court forwarded a memo on the case to the district court that had imposed the sanctions on the Baums.] * * * * CASE CONTINUES
The [district] court conducted two three-hour hearings in which the Baums all testified,as well as counsel for the Appellees (collectively referred to as “Blue Moon”). The court concluded that the Baums had continued in their abusive * * * practices, and thus a modification of the * * * [i]njunction was necessary. [The court expanded the injunction to include the filing of any claim in any federal or state court or agency in Texas.] Douglas refused to agree to any modification of the * * * [i]njunction on the grounds that it would impede his business. * * * Douglas Baum filed a timely notice of appeal [to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit]. * * * * * * * Douglas Baum argues that the district court lacked jurisdiction to * * * modify the pre-filing injunction.We disagree. A district court has jurisdiction to impose a pre-filing injunction to deter vexatious [intended to annoy], abusive, and harassing litigation. * * * * * * * * * * Federal courts have both the inherent power and the constitutional obligation to protect their jurisdiction from conduct [that] impairs their ability to carry out [their] functions. If such power did not exist,or if its exercise were somehow dependent upon the actions of another branch of government or upon the entitlement of a private party to injunctive relief, the independence and constitutional role of [the] courts would be endangered. Because the district court has jurisdiction to * * * impose a pre-filing injunction to deter vexatious filings, it also has jurisdiction to * * * modify an existing permanent injunction to accomplish the same goal. [Emphasis added.] * * * * * * * Modification of an injunction is appropriate when the legal or factual circumstances justifying the injunction have changed. Federal courts have the power to enjoin [prevent] plaintiffs from future filings when those plaintiffs consistently abuse the court system and harass their opponents. * * * [Emphasis added.] * * * * The district court could consider Baum’s conduct in the state court proceedings in determining whether his conduct before the bankruptcy court was undertaken in bad faith or for an improper motive. Limiting the injunction to any particular defendants did not stop Baum from repeating his pattern of abusive litigation practices; therefore,the district court did not abuse its discretion in determining that a broader injunction is necessary to protect both the court and future parties. * * * * * * * * * * Baum argues that the district court abused its discretion in extending the injunction to prohibit Baum from filing any claims in state courts or agencies. * * * * * * * * * * [A] district court’s pre-filing injunction may extend to filings in lower federal courts within the circuit that the issuing court is located, * * * a district court’s pre-filing injunction may not extend to filings in any federal appellate court, and * * * a district court’s pre-filing injunction may not extend to filings in any state court. Based on the facts of this case, we find that the district court abused its discretion in extending the pre-filing injunction to filings in state courts, state agencies, and this Court. * * * [T]hose courts or agencies are capable of taking appropriate action on their own.We uphold those provisions of the pre-filing injunction that prevent Douglas Baum from filing claims in federal bankruptcy courts, federal district courts, and federal agencies in the state of Texas without the express written permission of Judge Hughes.
1. Would there by any way in which the Baums could have operated their business ethically? Explain. 2. Are there situations in which a business owner’s conduct would be more reprehensible than the Baums’ behavior in this case? Explain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Approaches to Ethical Reasoning Each individual, when faced with a particular ethical dilemma,engages in ethical reasoning—that is,a reasoning process in which the individual examines the situation at hand in light of his or her moral convictions or ethical standards.Businesspersons do likewise when making decisions with ethical implications. How do business decision makers decide whether a given action is the “right”one for their firms? What ethical standards should be applied? Broadly speaking,ethical reasoning relating to business traditionally has been characterized by two fundamental approaches. One approach defines ethical behavior in terms of duty, which also implies certain rights. The other approach determines what is ethical in terms of the consequences, or outcome, of any given action. We examine each of these approaches here. In addition to the two basic ethical approaches,a few theories have been developed that specifically address the social responsibility of corporations. Because these theories also influence today’s business decision makers, we conclude this section with a short discussion of the different views of corporate social responsibility.
Duty-Based Ethics Duty-based ethical standards often are derived from revealed truths, such as religious precepts. They can also be derived through philosophical reasoning. Religious Ethical Standards In the Judeo-
Christian tradition, which is the dominant religious tradition in the United States, the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament establish fundamental rules for moral action.Other religions have their own sources of revealed truth. Religious rules generally are absolute with respect to the behavior of their adherents. For example, the commandment “Thou shalt not steal” is an absolute mandate for a person who believes that the Ten Commandments reflect revealed truth. Even a benevolent motive for stealing (such as Robin Hood’s) cannot justify the act because the act itself is inherently immoral and thus wrong. Kantian Ethics Duty-based ethical standards may also be derived solely from philosophical reasoning. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), for example,identified some general guiding principles
for moral behavior based on what he believed to be the fundamental nature of human beings. Kant believed that human beings are qualitatively different from other physical objects and are endowed with moral integrity and the capacity to reason and conduct their affairs rationally. Therefore, a person’s thoughts and actions should be respected. When human beings are treated merely as a means to an end, they are being treated as the equivalent of objects and are being denied their basic humanity. A central theme in Kantian ethics is that individuals should evaluate their actions in light of the consequences that would follow if everyone in society acted in the same way.This categorical imperative can be applied to any action. For example, suppose that you are deciding whether to cheat on an examination. If you have adopted Kant’s categorical imperative, you will decide not to cheat because if everyone cheated, the examination (and the entire education system) would be meaningless. The Principle of Rights Because a duty cannot exist without a corresponding right, duty-based ethical standards imply that human beings have basic rights. The principle that human beings have certain fundamental rights (to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, for example) is deeply embedded in Western culture.As discussed in Chapter 1, the natural law tradition embraces the concept that certain actions (such as killing another person) are morally wrong because they are contrary to nature (the natural desire to continue living).Those who adhere to this principle of rights, or “rights theory,” believe that a key factor in determining whether a business decision is ethical is how that decision affects the rights of others.These others include the firm’s owners, its employees, the consumers of its products or services, its suppliers, the community in which it does business, and society as a whole. A potential dilemma for those who support rights theory, however, is that they may disagree on which rights are most important.When considering all those affected by a business decision, for example, how much weight should be given to employees relative to shareholders, customers relative to the community, or employees relative to society as a whole? In general, rights theorists believe that whichever right is stronger in a particular circumstance takes precedence. Suppose that a firm can either keep a plant open, saving the jobs of twelve workers, or shut the plant down and avoid contaminating a river with
pollutants that would endanger the health of thousands of people. In this situation, a rights theorist can easily choose which group to favor. (Not all choices are so clear-cut, however.)
Outcome-Based Ethics: Utilitarianism “The greatest good for the greatest number” is a paraphrase of the major premise of the utilitarian approach to ethics. Utilitarianism is a philosophical theory developed by Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) and modified by John Stuart Mill (1806–1873)—both British philosophers. In contrast to duty-based ethics, utilitarianism is outcome oriented. It focuses on the consequences of an action, not on the nature of the action itself or on any set of preestablished moral values or religious beliefs. Under a utilitarian model of ethics, an action is morally correct, or “right,” when, among the people it affects,it produces the greatest amount of good for the greatest number. When an action affects the majority adversely, it is morally wrong. Applying the utilitarian theory thus requires (1) a determination of which individuals will be affected by the action in question; (2) a cost-benefit analysis, which involves an assessment of the negative and positive effects of alternative actions on these individuals; and (3) a choice among alternative actions that will produce maximum societal utility (the greatest positive net benefits for the greatest number of individuals).
Corporate Social Responsibility For many years, groups concerned with civil rights, employee safety and welfare, consumer protection, environmental preservation, and other causes have pressured corporate America to behave in a responsible manner with respect to these causes.Thus was born the concept of corporate social responsibility—the idea that those who run corporations can and should act ethically and be accountable to society for their actions. Just what constitutes corporate social responsibility has been debated for some time, however, and there are a number of different theories today.
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Stakeholder Approach One view of corporate social responsibility stresses that corporations have a duty not just to shareholders, but also to other groups affected by corporate decisions (“stakeholders”). Under this approach, a corporation would consider the impact of its decision on the firm’s employees,customers, creditors, suppliers, and the community in which the corporation operates.The reasoning behind this “stakeholder view” is that in some circumstances, one or more of these other groups may have a greater stake in company decisions than the shareholders do. Although this may be true,it is often difficult to decide which group’s interests should receive greater weight if the interests conflict (see the discussion of conflicting rights on page 103). Corporate Citizenship Another theory of social responsibility argues that corporations should behave as good citizens by promoting goals that society deems worthwhile and taking positive steps toward solving social problems.The idea is that because business controls so much of the wealth and power of this country, business in turn has a responsibility to society to use that wealth and power in socially beneficial ways. Under a corporate citizenship view, companies are judged on how much they donate to social causes, as well as how they conduct their operations with respect to employment discrimination, human rights, environmental concerns, and similar issues. In the following case, a corporation’s board of directors did not seem to doubt the priority of the firm’s responsibilities.Focused solely on the profits delivered into the hands of the shareholders, the board failed to check the actions of the firm’s chief executive officer (CEO) and, in fact, appeared to condone the CEO’s misconduct. If the board had applied a different set of priorities,the shareholders might have been in a better financial position, however. A regulatory agency soon found the situation “troubling” and imposed a restriction on the firm. The board protested. The protest reminded the court of “the old saw about the child who murders his parents and then asks for mercy because he is an orphan.”
Fog Cutter Capital Group, Inc. v. Securities and Exchange Commission United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 2007. 474 F.3d 822.
the • Background and Facts The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) operates a
Nasdaq, an electronic securities exchange, on which Fog Cutter Capital Group was listed. Andrew a. Securities (stocks and bonds) can be bought and sold through national exchanges.Whether a security is listed on an exchange is subject to the discretion of the organization that operates it.The Securities and Exchange Commission oversees the securities exchanges.
Wiederhorn had founded Fog Cutter in 1997 to manage a restaurant chain and make other investments. With family members, Wiederhorn controlled more than 50 percent of Fog Cutter’s stock. The firm agreed that if Wiederhorn was terminated “for cause,” he was entitled only to his salary through the date of termination. If terminated “without cause,” he would be owed three times his $350,000 annual salary, three times his largest annual bonus from the previous three years, and any unpaid salary and bonus. “Cause” included the conviction of a felony. In 2001, Wiederhorn became the target of an investigation into the collapse of Capital Consultants, LLC. Fog Cutter then redefined “cause” in his termination agreement to cover only a felony involving Fog Cutter. In June 2004, Wiederhorn agreed to plead guilty to two felonies, serve eighteen months in prison, pay a $25,000 fine, and pay $2 million to Capital Consultants. The day before he entered his plea, Fog Cutter agreed that while he was in prison, he would keep his title, responsibilities, salary, bonuses, and other benefits. It also agreed to a $2 million “leave of absence payment.” In July, the NASD delisted Fog Cutter from the Nasdaq. Fog Cutter appealed this decision to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which dismissed the appeal. Fog Cutter petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for review. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
RANDOLPH, Circuit Judge.
* * * * Fog Cutter’s main complaint is that the Commission failed to take into account the company’s sound business reasons for acting as it did. The decision to enter into the leave-ofabsence agreement was, Fog Cutter argues, in the best interest of its shareholders. The company tells us that Wiederhorn’s continuing commitment to the company and his return to an active role in the company after his incarceration were essential to preserving Fog Cutter’s core business units. * * * * * * * Fog Cutter made a deal with Wiederhorn that cost the company $4.75 million in a year in which it reported a $3.93 million net loss.We know as well that Fog Cutter handed Wiederhorn a $2 million bonus right before he went off to prison, a bonus stemming directly from the consequences of Wiederhorn’s criminal activity. * * * * Here there was ample evidence supporting the NASD’s grounds for taking action against Fog Cutter:Wiederhorn’s guilty plea, the leave-of-absence deal and its cost to the company, the Board’s determination that Wiederhorn should retain his positions with Fog Cutter, and the concern that Wiederhorn would continue to exert influence on company affairs even while he was in prison. The decision was in accordance with NASD rules giving the organization broad discretion to determine whether the public interest requires delisting securities in light of events at a company.That rule is obviously consistent with the [law], and NASD’s decision did not burden competition. [Emphasis added.] Fog Cutter claims that it had to pay Wiederhorn and retain him because if it fired him in light of his guilty plea, it would have owed him $6 million.This scarcely speaks well for the company’s case.The potential obligation is a result of an amendment the Board granted Wiederhorn in 2003 while he was under investigation. * * * Before the amendment to Wiederhorn’s employment agreement in 2003, termination “for cause”included the conviction of any felony other than a traffic offense. In the 2003 amendment, the relevant provision allowed the Board to terminate Wiederhorn “for cause” upon conviction of a felony involving Fog Cutter. The Board had known about the investigation of Wiederhorn in connection with Capital Consultants for more than two years when it agreed to this amendment. Fog Cutter thinks NASD’s action was “unfair.” But it was the company that bowed to Wiederhorn’s demand for an amendment to his employment agreement, knowing full well that it was dramatically increasing the cost of firing him.Now it argues that terminating Wiederhorn would have been too expensive. One is reminded of the old saw about the child who murders his parents and then asks for mercy because he is an orphan. The makeup of Fog Cutter’s Board was virtually unchanged between the time it amended the employment agreement and entered into the leaveof-absence agreement.It was,to say the least,not arbitrary or capricious for the Commission to find CASE CONTINUES
that Wiederhorn exercised thorough control over the Board, and to find this troubling. We agree that the Board provided little or no check on Wiederhorn’s conduct, and that the Board’s actions only aggravated the concerns Wiederhorn’s conviction and imprisonment raised. That Fog Cutter did not itself violate the [law] and that it disclosed the relevant events does not demonstrate any error in the delisting decision. The NASD’s rules state that it may apply criteria more stringent than the minimum [legal] standards for listing.Fog Cutter’s disclosure of its arrangements with Wiederhorn did not change the nature of those arrangements, which is what led the NASD to find that the company’s actions were contrary to the public interest and a threat to public confidence in the Nasdaq exchange.
Decision and Remedy The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied Fog Cutter’s petition for review of the SEC’s decision. The NASD was concerned with “the integrity and the public’s perception of the Nasdaq exchange” in light of Wiederhorn’s legal troubles and the Fog Cutter board’s acquiescence to his demands. The SEC “amply supported these concerns and was well within its authority to dismiss Fog Cutter’s” appeal.
• The Ethical Dimension Should more consideration have been given to the fact that Fog Cutter was not convicted of a violation of the law? Why or why not?
The Global Dimension What does the decision in this case suggest to foreign investors who may be considering investments in securities listed on U.S. exchanges? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Creating Ethical Codes of Conduct One of the most effective ways to set a tone of ethical behavior within an organization is to create an ethical code of conduct. A well-written code of ethics explicitly states a company’s ethical priorities and demonstrates the company’s commitment to ethical behavior. The code should set forth guidelines for ethical conduct,establish procedures that employees can follow if they have questions or complaints,and inform employees why these ethics policies are important to the company. A well-written code might also provide appropriate examples to clarify what the company considers to be acceptable and unacceptable conduct. Providing Ethics Training to Employees
For an ethical code to be effective, its provisions must be clearly communicated to employees. Most large companies have implemented ethics training programs in which management discusses with employees on a face-to-face basis the firm’s policies and the importance of ethical conduct. Some firms hold periodic ethics seminars during which employees can openly discuss any ethical problems that they may be experiencing and learn how the firm’s ethical policies apply to those specific problems. Smaller firms should also offer some form of ethics training to employees, because this is one factor that courts will consider if the firm is later accused of an ethics violation. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Web-Based Reporting Systems The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
20021 requires that companies set up confidential systems so that employees and others can “raise red flags” about suspected illegal or unethical auditing and accounting practices.The act required publicly traded companies to have such systems in place by April 2003. Some companies have created online reporting systems to accomplish this goal. In one such system, employees can click on an icon on their computers that anonymously links them with Ethicspoint,an organization based in Vancouver, Washington. Through Ethicspoint,employees can report suspicious accounting practices, sexual harassment, and other possibly unethical behavior. Ethicspoint, in turn, alerts management personnel or the audit committee at the designated company to the potential problem. Those who have used the system say that it is less inhibiting than calling a company’s toll-free number.
How the Law Influences Business Ethics Although business ethics and the law are closely related,they are not always identical.Here we examine some situations in which what is legal and what is ethical may not be the same. 1. Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002),Pub.L.No.107-204,116 Stat.745 (July 30, 2002). This act, which became effective on August 29, 2002, will be discussed in Chapters 41 and 51.
The Moral Minimum Compliance with the law is normally regarded as the moral minimum—the minimum acceptable standard for ethical business behavior. In many corporate scandals, had most of the businesspersons involved simply followed the law, they would not have gotten into trouble. Note, though, that in the interest of preserving personal freedom, as well as for practical reasons, the law does not—and cannot—codify all ethical requirements. As they make business decisions, businesspersons must remember that just because an action is legal does not necessarily make it ethical. Look at Exhibit 5–1.Here, you see that there is an intersection between what is ethical and what is legal. Businesspersons should attempt to operate in the area where what is legal and what is ethical intersect. Excessive Executive Pay As just mentioned, business behavior that is legal may still be unethical. Consider executive pay. There is no law that specifies what public corporations can pay their officers. Consequently,“executive-pay scandals” do not have to do with executives breaking the law. Rather,such scandals have to do with the ethical underpinnings of executive-pay scales that can exceed millions of dollars. Such high pay for executives may appear unethical when their companies are not making very high profits (or are even suffering losses) and their share prices are falling. Even this subject, though, does not lend itself to a black-and-white ethical analysis. As with many other things, there is a market for executives that operates according to supply and demand. Sometimes, corporate boards decide to offer executives very large compensation packages in order either to entice them to come to work for the company or to keep them from leaving for another corporation.There is no simple formula for determining the ethical level of compensation for a given E X H I B I T 5 – 1 • The executive in a given Intersection of What Is company. If a law Legal and What Is Ethical were passed that limited executive Ideal situation in which to operate any business compensation to, say, twenty times the salary of the I lowest-paid worker D LEGAL E ETHICAL in the company, A L there would be fewer individuals willing to undergo
the stress and long hours associated with running major companies. Determining the Legality of a Given Action It may seem that determining the legality of
a given action should be simple. Either something is legal or it is not. In fact, one of the major challenges businesspersons face is that the legality of a particular action is not always clear. In part, this is because there are so many laws regulating business that it is increasingly possible to violate one of them without realizing it.The law also contains numerous “gray areas,” making it difficult to predict with certainty how a court will apply a given law to a particular action. Determining whether a planned action is legal thus requires that decision makers keep abreast of the law. Normally, large business firms have attorneys on their staffs to assist them in making key decisions. Small firms must also seek legal advice before making important business decisions because the consequences of just one violation of a regulatory rule may be costly. Ignorance of the law will not excuse a business owner or manager from liability for violating a statute or regulation. In one case, for example, the court imposed criminal fines, as well as imprisonment, on a company’s supervisory employee for violating a federal environmental act—even though the employee was completely unaware of what was required under the provisions of that act.2
The Law Cannot Control All Business Behavior Congress, the regulatory agencies, and state and local governments do not have perfect knowledge. Often they only discover the negative impact of corporate activities after the fact.The same can be true of corporate executives. They do not always know the full impact of their actions. When asbestos was used for insulation, for example, the corporations that supplied it did not know that it was capable of causing a rare type of cancer. At other times, though, the law is not ambiguous. Nevertheless, it may still be unable to control business behavior—at least initially. Breaking the Law—Backdating Stock Options Stock options are a device that potentially
rewards hard work. Publicly held corporations offer 2. United States v. Hanousek, 176 F.3d 1116 (9th Cir. 1999).
stock options to employees at the current price of the company’s stock on the day that the options are granted. If at a later time the market price of the stock has gone up, an employee can exercise the stock options and reap the difference between the price of the options and the current market price. In 2006, and 2007, it was revealed that a number of large corporations had backdated stock options. If stock options are granted and the price of the company’s stock subsequently falls or does not rise very much,the value of the stock options is essentially zero. One way around this problem is to go back and change the date on which the stock options were granted to the employee.In other words,the date of the stock options is simply moved back to a day when the stock had a lower price than it has currently, thereby making the options valuable again. For example, Apple, Inc., awarded its founder and chief executive, Steve Jobs, 7.5 million options in December 2001. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), those options were subsequently backdated to October 19 of that year. The SEC further alleged that Apple’s general counsel, Nancy Heinen,signed fictitious minutes stating that the board of directors had met and approved the grant on October 19. In actuality, the meeting never occurred. As it turns out, backdated option grants are not illegal if companies follow accounting and SEC disclosure rules. As of the spring of 2007, 252 public companies had disclosed that they had undertaken internal investigations to discover if backdating had occurred without following proper procedures. The backdating scandal is another example of unethical behavior resulting in long-run profit reduction. The companies involved face more than 125 shareholder lawsuits and as many SEC investigations,plus fifty-eight Department of Justice investigations and even six criminal cases. Misleading Regulators—The Case of OxyContin In 1996, the pharmaceutical company
Purdue Pharma, LP, started marketing a “wonder” narcotic painkiller called OxyContin. This powerful, longlasting drug provides pain relief for twelve hours. Just a few years after its introduction, Purdue Pharma’s annual sales of the drug reached $1 billion. The company’s executives initially contended that OxyContin, because of its time-release formulation, posed no risk for serious abuse or addiction. Quickly, though, experienced drug abusers and even teenagers discovered that chewing on an OxyContin tablet or
crushing one and snorting the powder produced a powerful high, comparable to that of heroin. By 2000, large parts of the United States were experiencing increases in addiction and crime related to OxyContin. In reality, the company and three of its executives had fraudulently marketed OxyContin for over six years as a drug unlikely to lead to abuse. Internal company documents showed that even before OxyContin was marketed,executives recognized that if physicians knew that the drug could be abused and become addictive, they would be less likely to prescribe it. Consequently, the company simply kept the information secret. On May 10, 2007, Purdue Pharma and three former executives pleaded guilty to criminal charges that they had misled regulators, patients, and physicians about OxyContin’s risks of addiction. Purdue Pharma agreed to pay $600 million in fines and other payments. The three ex-executives agreed to pay $34.5 million in fines. Once again, company executives engaged in unethical reasoning because they wanted to maximize profits in the short run, rather than engaging in behavior that would lead to profit maximization in the long run.
“Gray Areas” in the Law In many situations, business firms can predict with a fair amount of certainty whether a given action is legal. For instance, firing an employee solely because of that person’s race or gender clearly violates federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. In some situations, though, the legality of a particular action may be less clear. For example, suppose that a firm decides to launch a new advertising campaign. How far can the firm go in making claims for its products or services? Federal and state laws prohibit firms from engaging in “deceptive advertising.” At the federal level, the test for deceptive advertising normally used by the Federal Trade Commission is whether an advertising claim would deceive a “reasonable consumer.”3 At what point, though,would a reasonable consumer be deceived by a particular ad? In addition, many rules of law require a court to determine what is “foreseeable” or “reasonable” in a particular situation. Because a business has no way of
3. See Chapter 44 for a discussion of the Federal Trade Commission’s role in regulating deceptive trade practices,including misleading advertising.
predicting how a specific court will decide these issues, decision makers need to proceed with caution and evaluate an action and its consequences from an ethical perspective.The same problem often occurs in cases involving the Internet because it is often unclear how a court will apply existing laws in the context of cyberspace. Generally, if a company can demonstrate that it acted in good faith and responsibly in the circumstances, it has a better chance of successfully
C A S E 5.3
defending its action in court or before an administrative law judge. The following case shows that businesses and their customers have different expectations with respect to the standard of care regarding the handling of personal information. The case also illustrates that the legal standards in this area may be inconsistent and vague.
Guin v. Brazos Higher Education Service Corp. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, 2006. __ F.Supp.2d __.
Background and Facts Brazos Higher Education Service Corporation, which is based in Waco, Texas, makes and services student loans. Brazos issued a laptop computer to its employee John Wright, who worked from an office in his home in Silver Spring, Maryland, analyzing loan information. Wright used the laptop to store borrowers’ personal information. In September 2004, Wright’s home was burglarized and the laptop was stolen. Based on Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and California state law (which requires notice to all resident borrowers), Brazos sent a letter to all of its 550,000 customers. The letter stated that “some personal information associated with your student loan, including your name, address, Social Security number and loan balance, may have been inappropriately accessed by [a] third party.” The letter urged borrowers to place “a free 90-day security alert” on their credit bureau files and review FTC consumer assistance materials. Brazos set up a call center to answer further questions and track any reports of identity theft. Stacy Guin, a Brazos customer, filed a suit in a federal district court against Brazos, alleging negligence. Brazos filed a motion for summary judgment. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
KYLE, J. [Judge]
* * * * * * * [N]egligence [is] the failure to exercise due or reasonable care. In order to prevail on a claim for negligence,a plaintiff must prove [among other things] the existence of a duty of care [and] a breach of that duty * * * . [Emphasis added.] * * * * Guin argues that the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (the “GLB Act”) establishes a statutory-based duty for Brazos to protect the security and confidentiality of customers’nonpublic personal information. * * * Brazos concedes that the GLB Act applies to these circumstances and establishes a duty of care.The GLB Act was created “to protect against unauthorized access to or use of such records which could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer [of a financial institution].” Under the GLB Act, a financial institution must comply with several objectives, including: Develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive written information security program that is written in one or more readily accessible parts and contains administrative,technical,and physical safeguards that are appropriate to your size and complexity, the nature and scope of your activities, and the sensitivity of any customer information at issue * * * .
Guin argues that Brazos breached the duty imposed by the GLB Act by (1) “providing Wright with [personal information] that he did not need for the task at hand,” (2) “permitting Wright to continue keeping [personal information] in an unattended, insecure personal residence,” and (3) “allowing Wright to keep [personal information] on his laptop unencrypted.” * * * The Court concludes that Guin has not presented sufficient evidence from which a fact finder could determine that Brazos failed to comply with the GLB Act. In September 2004, when Wright’s home was burglarized and the laptop was stolen, Brazos had written security policies, current risk CASE CONTINUES
assessment reports, and proper safeguards for its customers’ personal information as required by the GLB Act. Brazos authorized Wright to have access to customers’ personal information because Wright needed the information to analyze loan portfolios * * * . Thus, his access to the personal information was within “the nature and scope of [Brazos’s] activities.” Furthermore, the GLB Act does not prohibit someone from working with sensitive data on a laptop computer in a home office.Despite Guin’s persistent argument that any nonpublic personal information stored on a laptop computer should be encrypted, the GLB Act does not contain any such requirement. Accordingly, Guin has not presented any evidence showing that Brazos violated the GLB Act requirements.
• Decision and Remedy The court granted the defendant’s motion for summary judgment
and dismissed the case. Brazos may have owed Guin a duty of care under the GLB Act, but neither Brazos nor Wright breached that duty. Wright had followed Brazos’s written security procedures, which was all that the GLB Act required.
What If the Facts Were Different? Suppose that Wright had not been a financial analyst and his duties for Brazos had not included reviewing confidential loan data. How might the opinion of the court have been different?
• The Ethical Dimension Do businesses have an ethical duty to use enhanced security
measures to protect confidential customer information? Why or why not? Does the fact that Brazos allowed its employees to store customers’ unencrypted personal information on a laptop outside the office violate any ethical duty?
1. The law. Is the action you are considering legal? If
Making Ethical Business Decisions As Dean Krehmeyer, executive director of the Business Roundtable’s Institute for Corporate Ethics, once said, “Evidence strongly suggests being ethical—doing the right thing—pays.” Instilling ethical business decision making into the fabric of a business organization is no small task, even if ethics “pays.”The job is to get people to understand that they have to think more broadly about how their decisions will affect employees,shareholders, customers, and even the community. Great companies, such as Enron and the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, were brought down by the unethical behavior of a few. A two-hundred-year-old British investment banking firm, Barings Bank, was destroyed by the actions of one employee and a few of his friends. Clearly, ensuring that all employees get on the ethical business decision-making “bandwagon” is crucial in today’s fast-paced world. The George S. May International Company has provided six basic guidelines to help corporate employees judge their actions. Each employee—no matter what his or her level in the organization—should evaluate his or her actions using the following six guidelines:
you do not know the laws governing the action, then find out. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Rules and procedures. Are you following the internal rules and procedures that have already been laid out by your company? They have been developed to avoid problems.Is what you are planning to do consistent with your company’s policies and procedures? If not, stop. Values. Laws and internal company policies reinforce society’s values. You might wish to ask yourself whether you are attempting to find a loophole in the law or in your company’s policies. Next, you have to ask yourself whether you are following the “spirit” of the law as well as the letter of the law or the internal policy. Conscience. If you have any feeling of guilt, let your conscience be your guide. Alternatively, ask yourself whether you would be happy to be interviewed by a national news magazine about the actions you are going to take. Promises. Every business organization is based on trust. Your customers believe that your company will do what it is supposed to do. The same is true for your suppliers and employees.Will your actions live up to the commitments you have made to others, both inside the business and outside?
6. Heroes. We all have heroes who are role models for us.Is what you are planning on doing an action that your hero would take? If not, how would your hero act? That is how you should be acting.
Business Ethics on a Global Level Given the various cultures and religions throughout the world, conflicts in ethics frequently arise between foreign and U.S. businesspersons. For example, in certain countries the consumption of alcohol and specific foods is forbidden for religious reasons. Under such circumstances, it would be thoughtless and imprudent for a U.S. businessperson to invite a local business contact out for a drink. The role played by women in other countries may also present some difficult ethical problems for firms doing business internationally. Equal employment opportunity is a fundamental public policy in the United States, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination against women in the employment context (see Chapter 34). Some other countries, however, offer little protection for women against gender discrimination in the workplace, including sexual harassment. We look here at how the employment practices that affect workers in other countries, particularly developing countries, have created some especially difficult ethical problems for U.S.sellers of goods manufactured in foreign nations.We also examine some of the ethical ramifications of laws prohibiting bribery and the expansion of ethics programs in the global community.
Monitoring the Employment Practices of Foreign Suppliers Many U.S. businesses now contract with companies in developing nations to produce goods, such as shoes and clothing, because the wage rates in those nations are significantly lower than those in the United States. Yet what if a foreign company hires women and children at below-minimum-wage rates, for example, or requires its employees to work long hours in a workplace full of health hazards? What if the company’s supervisors routinely engage in workplace conduct that is offensive to women? Given today’s global communications network, few companies can assume that their actions in other
nations will go unnoticed by “corporate watch”groups that discover and publicize unethical corporate behavior.As a result, U.S. businesses today usually take steps to avoid such adverse publicity—either by refusing to deal with certain suppliers or by arranging to monitor their suppliers’ workplaces to make sure that the employees are not being mistreated.
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Another ethical problem in international business dealings has to do with the legitimacy of certain side payments to government officials. In the United States, the majority of contracts are formed within the private sector. In many foreign countries, however, government officials make the decisions on most major construction and manufacturing contracts because of extensive government regulation and control over trade and industry. Side payments to government officials in exchange for favorable business contracts are not unusual in such countries,nor are they considered to be unethical. In the past, U.S. corporations doing business in these nations largely followed the dictum, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” In the 1970s, however, the U.S. press uncovered a number of business scandals involving large side payments by U.S. corporations to foreign representatives for the purpose of securing advantageous international trade contracts. In response to this unethical behavior,in 1977 Congress passed the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which prohibits U.S. businesspersons from bribing foreign officials to secure beneficial contracts. (For a discussion of how a German corporation ran afoul of Germany’s antibribery laws, see this chapter’s Insight into the Global Environment feature on the next page.) Prohibition against the Bribery of Foreign Officials The first part of the FCPA
applies to all U.S. companies and their directors, officers, shareholders, employees, and agents. This part prohibits the bribery of most officials of foreign governments if the purpose of the payment is to get the official to act in his or her official capacity to provide business opportunities. The FCPA does not prohibit payment of substantial sums to minor officials whose duties are ministerial. These payments are often referred to as “grease,” or facilitating payments.They are meant to accelerate the performance of administrative services that might otherwise be carried out at a slow pace.Thus,for example,
Breach of Trust Issues Hit Major German Corporations Whether you call it immoral, unethical, illegal, or a breach of trust, bribery by any name is wrong. In recent years, officers and managing directors at several major German corporations have been investigated, arrested, and fined for bribery. One German firm that has faced numerous charges is Siemens, a venerable corporation that was founded in 1847. Siemens built the first longdistance telegraph line in Europe from Berlin to Frankfurt in 1849. Today, the company, which its almost 500,000 workers like to call the House of Siemens, has operations in communications, radar, traffic control, and cell phones.
Corruption Charges Are Not New When global competition intensified in the 1980s and 1990s, Siemens began to face fierce competition from multinational giants such as General Electric. To maintain the company’s cash flow and sales dominance, some of Siemens managers started bribing potential clients—usually government agencies—to generate new business. In the early 1990s, the German government investigated Siemens’s activities and convicted nine of the company’s managers on bribery charges. The judge in the case wondered why the managers kept referring to the company as the “House of Siemens”—a name that, in the judge’s view, implies “that the firm rises above the muck of ordinary business; it conveys a sense of moral exemption and entitlement.” Of course, part of Siemens’s problem may have been the somewhat ambiguous approach to bribery taken by German law. Bribes paid to foreign officials were tax deductible in Germany until 1999.
Unethical Actions Continue Apparently, Siemens did not learn its lesson, for complaints about its behavior continued. In the early 2000s, Swiss authorities began an investigation that continued for a year and a half. The allegations of corruption did not trouble Heinrich von Pierer, Siemens’s chair, however, or spur him to look into his managers’ behavior. Instead, he stated simply, “I’m aware that our organization is hard to understand for outsiders. The job of board members is primarily strategic. Going over the books is the responsibility of others.” Several years later, the company finally disclosed that about $600 million in “suspicious transactions” (read “bribes”) had been discovered.
By 2007, von Pierer had resigned, and the chief executive officer decided not to ask for a new contract. In the meantime, a German court had convicted two former Siemens executives of bribery and fined the company about $50 million. Once again, ambiguities in German law entered the case. One former Siemens executive told the court that he did indeed authorize millions of dollars of bribes to win contracts from an Italian electric company. He insisted, though, that he did not break any laws and that the payments were not illegal because German law only forbids payments to “civil servants.” The executive contended that the payments he made to the Italian company’s managers were made to representatives of a private-sector company, not to “civil servants.” German prosecutors had to admit that the legal definition of what constitutes a civil servant allows room for interpretation.
Bribing the Union Siemens executives may not have restricted their activities to bribing “civil servants” or private-sector managers. One Siemens executive, Johannes Feldmayer, has been arrested on a special type of bribery charge. He has been accused of bribing the head of a workers’ organization, a type of independent labor union. Apparently, Siemens wanted a counterweight to IG Metall, the most powerful German union, and Feldmayer allegedly oversaw the transfer of some $45 million to the independent union to facilitate this. Earlier, another major German corporation, Volkswagen (VW), faced similar charges of making illegal payments to the head of its workers council. Peter Harz, formerly VW’s head of labor relations, pleaded guilty to the charges and paid a fine of about $750,000. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRITICAL THINKING
INSIGHT INTO CULTURE Clearly, the corporate culture at Siemens, at least in the last few decades, did not distinguish among actions that were both ethical and legal, actions that were unethical but perhaps legal, and actions that were both unethical and illegal. What could top management at that company have done to instill a different corporate culture that would have resulted in a different outcome? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if a firm makes a payment to a minor official to speed up an import licensing process, the firm has not violated the FCPA. Generally, the act, as amended, permits payments to foreign officials if such payments are lawful within the foreign country. The act also does not prohibit payments to private foreign companies or other third parties unless the U.S. firm knows that the payments will be passed on to a foreign government in violation of the FCPA. Accounting Requirements In the past, bribes
were often concealed in corporate financial records. Thus, the second part of the FCPA is directed toward accountants. All companies must keep detailed records that “accurately and fairly” reflect their finan-
cial activities. In addition, all companies must have accounting systems that provide “reasonable assurance” that all transactions entered into by the companies are accounted for and legal. These requirements assist in detecting illegal bribes.The FCPA further prohibits any person from making false statements to accountants or false entries in any record or account. Penalties for Violations In 1988, the FCPA was
amended to provide that business firms that violate the act may be fined up to $2 million. Individual officers or directors who violate the FCPA may be fined up to $100,000 (the fine cannot be paid by the company) and may be imprisoned for up to five years.
Ethics and Business Decision Making Isabel Arnett was promoted to chief executive officer (CEO) of Tamik, Inc., a pharmaceutical company that manufactures a vaccine called Kafluk, which supposedly provides some defense against bird flu. The company began marketing Kafluk throughout Asia. After numerous media reports that bird flu could soon become a worldwide epidemic, the demand for Kafluk increased, sales soared, and Tamik earned record profits. Tamik’s CEO, Arnett, then began receiving disturbing reports from Southeast Asia that in some patients, Kafluk had caused psychiatric disturbances, including severe hallucinations, and heart and lung problems. Arnett was informed that six children in Japan had committed suicide by jumping out of windows after receiving the vaccine. To cover up the story and prevent negative publicity, Arnett instructed Tamik’s partners in Asia to offer cash to the Japanese families whose children had died in exchange for their silence. Arnett also refused to authorize additional research within the company to study the potential side effects of Kafluk. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. This scenario illustrates one of the main reasons why ethical problems occur in business. What is that reason? 2. Would a person who adheres to the principle of rights consider it ethical for Arnett not to disclose potential safety concerns and to refuse to perform additional research on Kafluk? Why or why not? 3. If Kafluk prevented fifty Asian people who were infected with bird flu from dying, would Arnett’s conduct in this situation be ethical under a utilitarian model of ethics? Why or why not? 4. Did Tamik or Arnett violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in this scenario? Why or why not?
corporate social responsibility 104
moral minimum 107
cost-benefit analysis 104
utilitarianism 104
business ethics 99
ethical reasoning 103
categorical imperative 103
ethics 99
principle of rights 103
5–1. Some business ethicists maintain that whereas personal ethics has to do with “right” or “wrong” behavior, business ethics is concerned with “appropriate” behavior. In other words, ethical behavior in business has less to do with moral principles than with what society deems to be appropriate behavior in the business context. Do you agree with this distinction? Do personal and business ethics ever overlap? Should personal ethics play any role in business ethical decision making? 5–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER If a firm engages in “ethical”behavior solely for the purpose of gaining profits from the goodwill it generates, the “ethical” behavior is essentially a means toward a self-serving end (profits and the accumulation of wealth). In this situation, is the firm acting unethically in any way? Should motive or conduct carry greater weight on the ethical scales in this situation? • For a sample answer to Question 5–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
5–3. Susan Whitehead serves on the city planning commission. The city is planning to build a new subway system, and Susan’s brother-in-law, Jerry, who owns the Custom Transportation Co., has submitted the lowest bid for the system. Susan knows that Jerry could complete the job for the estimated amount,but she also knows that once Jerry finishes this job, he will probably sell his company and retire. Susan is concerned that Custom Transportation’s subsequent management might not be as easy to work with if revisions need to be made on the subway system after its completion. She is torn as to whether she should tell the city about the potential changes in Custom Transportation’s management. If the city knew about the instability of Custom Transportation, it might prefer to give the contract to one of Jerry’s competitors, whose bid was only slightly higher than Jerry’s. Does Susan have an ethical obligation to disclose the information about Jerry to the city planning commission? How would you apply duty-based ethical standards to this question? What might be the outcome of a utilitarian analysis? Discuss fully. 5–4. Assume that you are a high-level manager for a shoe manufacturer.You know that your firm could increase its profit margin by producing shoes in Indonesia, where you could hire women for $40 a month to assemble them. You also know, however, that human rights advocates recently accused a competing shoe manufacturer of engaging in exploitative labor practices because the manufacturer sold shoes made by Indonesian women working for similarly low wages. You personally do not believe that paying $40 a month to Indonesian women is unethical because you know that in their impoverished country, $40 a month is a better-than-average wage rate. Assuming that the decision is yours to make, should you
have the shoes manufactured in Indonesia and make higher profits for your company? Or should you avoid the risk of negative publicity and the consequences of that publicity for the firm’s reputation and subsequent profits? Are there other alternatives? Discuss fully.
5–5. Shokun Steel Co. owns many steel plants. One of its plants is much older than the others. Equipment at the old plant is outdated and inefficient,and the costs of production at that plant are now twice as high as at any of Shokun’s other plants. Shokun cannot increase the price of its steel because of competition, both domestic and international. The plant employs more than a thousand workers; it is located in Twin Firs,Pennsylvania,which has a population of about forty-five thousand. Shokun is contemplating whether to close the plant. What factors should the firm consider in making its decision? Will the firm violate any ethical duties if it closes the plant? Analyze these questions from the two basic perspectives on ethical reasoning discussed in this chapter. 5–6. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Eden Electrical, Ltd., owned twenty-five appliance stores throughout Israel, at least some of which sold refrigerators made by Amana Co.Eden bought the appliances from Amana’s Israeli distributor, Pan El A/Yesh Shem, which approached Eden about taking over the distributorship. Eden representatives met with Amana executives. The executives made assurances about Amana’s good faith, its hope of having a long-term business relationship with Eden, and its willingness to have Eden become its exclusive distributor in Israel. Eden signed a distributorship agreement and paid Amana $2.4 million.Amana failed to deliver this amount in inventory to Eden, continued selling refrigerators to other entities for the Israeli market,and represented to others that it was still looking for a long-term distributor. Less than three months after signing the agreement with Eden, Amana terminated it, without explanation. Eden filed a suit in a federal district court against Amana, alleging fraud. The court awarded Eden $12.1 million in damages. Is this amount warranted? Why or why not? How does this case illustrate why business ethics is important? [Eden Electrical, Ltd. v.Amana Co., 370 F.3d 824 (8th Cir. 2004)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 5–6, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 5,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
5–7. Ethical Conduct. Richard Fraser was an “exclusive career insurance agent” under a contract with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. Fraser leased computer hardware and software from Nationwide for his business. During a dispute between Nationwide and the Nationwide Insurance Independent Contractors Association, an organization representing Fraser and
other exclusive career agents, Fraser prepared a letter to Nationwide’s competitors asking whether they were interested in acquiring the represented agents’ policyholders. Nationwide obtained a copy of the letter and searched its electronic file server for e-mail indicating that the letter had been sent. It found a stored e-mail that Fraser had sent to a co-worker indicating that the letter had been sent to at least one competitor. The e-mail was retrieved from the co-worker’s file of already received and discarded messages stored on the server. When Nationwide canceled its contract with Fraser, he filed a suit in a federal district court against the firm, alleging, among other things, violations of various federal laws that prohibit the interception of electronic communications during transmission. In whose favor should the court rule, and why? Did Nationwide act ethically in retrieving the e-mail? Explain. [Fraser v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., 352 F.3d 107 (3d Cir. 2004)] 5–8. Ethical Conduct. Unable to pay more than $1.2 billion in debt, Big Rivers Electric Corp. filed a petition to declare bankruptcy in a federal bankruptcy court in September 1996. Big Rivers’ creditors included Bank of New York (BONY), Chase Manhattan Bank, Mapco Equities, and others. The court appointed J. Baxter Schilling to work as a “disinterested” (neutral) party with Big Rivers and the creditors to resolve their disputes and set an hourly fee as Schilling’s compensation. Schilling told Chase, BONY, and Mapco that he wanted them to pay him an additional percentage fee based on the “success” he attained in finding “new value” to pay Big Rivers’ debts.Without such a deal, he told them, he would not perform his mediation duties. Chase agreed; the others disputed the deal, but no one told the court. In October 1998, Schilling asked the court for nearly $4.5 million in compensation, including the hourly fees, which totaled about $531,000, and the percentage fees.Big Rivers and others asked the court to deny Schilling any fees on the basis that he had improperly negotiated “secret side agreements.” How did Schilling violate his duties as a “disinterested” party? Should he be denied compensation? Why or why not? [In re Big Rivers Electric Corp., 355 F.3d 415 (6th Cir. 2004)]
5–9. Ethical Conduct. Ernest Price suffered from sicklecell anemia. In 1997, Price asked Dr. Ann Houston, his physician, to prescribe OxyContin, a strong narcotic, for the pain.Over the next several years,Price saw at least ten different physicians at ten different clinics in two cities, and used seven pharmacies in three cities, to obtain and fill simultaneous prescriptions for OxyContin. In March 2001, when Houston learned of these activities, she refused to write more prescriptions for Price. As other physicians became aware of Price’s actions, they also stopped writing his prescriptions. Price filed a suit in a Mississippi state court against Purdue Pharma Co. and other producers and distributors of OxyContin,as well as his physicians and the pharmacies that had filled the prescriptions. Price alleged negligence, among other things, claiming that OxyContin’s addictive nature caused him injury and that this was the defendants’ fault. The defendants argued that Price’s claim should be dismissed
because it arose from his own wrongdoing.Who should be held legally liable? Should any of the parties be considered ethically responsible? Why or why not? [Price v. Purdue Pharma Co., 920 So.2d 479 (Miss. 2006)] 5–10. Ethical Leadership. In 1999, Andrew Fastow, chief financial officer of Enron Corp., asked Merrill Lynch, an investment firm, to participate in a bogus sale of three barges so that Enron could record earnings of $12.5 million from the sale. Through a third entity, Fastow bought the barges back within six months and paid Merrill for its participation. Five Merrill employees were convicted of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, in part, on an “honest services” theory. Under this theory, an employee deprives his or her employer of “honest services” when the employee promotes his or her own interests, rather than the interests of the employer. Four of the employees appealed to the U.S.Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, arguing that this charge did not apply to the conduct in which they engaged. The court agreed, reasoning that the barge deal was conducted to benefit Enron, not to enrich the Merrill employees at Enron’s expense. Meanwhile, Kevin Howard, chief financial officer of Enron Broadband Services (EBS), engaged in “Project Braveheart,” which enabled EBS to show earnings of $111 million in 2000 and 2001. Braveheart involved the sale of an interest in the future revenue of a video-on-demand venture to nCube, a small technology firm, which was paid for its help when EBS bought the interest back. Howard was convicted of wire fraud, in part, on the “honest services” theory. He filed a motion to vacate his conviction on the same basis that the Merrill employees had argued.Did Howard act unethically? Explain.Should the court grant his motion? Discuss. [United States v. Howard, 471 F.Supp.2d 772 (S.D.Tex. 2007)]
5–11. A QUESTION OF ETHICS Steven Soderbergh is the Academy Award–winning director of Erin Brockovich,Traffic, and many other films. CleanFlicks, LLC, filed a suit in a federal district court against Soderbergh, fifteen other directors, and the Directors Guild of America.The plaintiff asked the court to rule that it had the right to sell DVDs of the defendants’ films altered without the defendants’ consent to delete scenes of “sex, nudity, profanity and gory violence.” CleanFlicks sold or rented the edited DVDs under the slogan “It’s About Choice”to consumers,sometimes indirectly through retailers. It would not sell to retailers that made unauthorized copies of the edited films. The defendants, with DreamWorks LLC and seven other movie studios that own the copyrights to the films, filed a counterclaim against CleanFlicks and others engaged in the same business, alleging copyright infringement. Those filing the counterclaim asked the court to enjoin CleanFlicks and the others from making and marketing altered versions of the films. [CleanFlicks of Colorado, LLC v. Soderbergh, 433 F.Supp.2d 1236 (D.Colo. 2006)] (a) Movie studios often edit their films to conform to content and other standards and sell the edited ver-
sions to network television and other commercial buyers. In this case, however, the studios objected when CleanFlicks edited the films and sold the altered versions directly to consumers. Similarly, CleanFlicks made unauthorized copies of the studios’ DVDs to edit the films, but objected to others’ making unauthorized copies of the altered versions. Is there anything unethical about these apparently contradictory positions? Why or why not? (b) CleanFlicks and its competitors asserted, among other things, that they were making “fair use” of the studios’ copyrighted works.They argued that by their actions “they are criticizing the objectionable content commonly found in current movies and that they are providing more socially acceptable alternatives to enable families to view the films together, without exposing children to the presumed harmful effects emanating from the objectionable content.” If you were the judge, how would you view this argument? Is a court the appropriate forum for making determinations of public or social policy? Explain.
5–12. VIDEO QUESTION Go to this text’s Web site at academic. and select “Chapter 5.” Click on “Video Questions” and view the video titled Ethics: Business Ethics an Oxymoron? Then answer the following questions. (a) According to the instructor in the video, what is the primary reason that businesses act ethically? (b) Which of the two approaches to ethical reasoning that were discussed in the chapter seems to have had more influence on the instructor in the discussion of how business activities are related to societies? Explain your answer. (c) The instructor asserts that “[i]n the end, it is the unethical behavior that becomes costly, and conversely ethical behavior creates its own competitive advantage.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
For updated links to resources available on the Web, as well as a variety of other materials, visit this text’s Web site at West’s Legal Studies in Business offers an in-depth “Inside Look” at the Enron debacle at You can find articles on issues relating to shareholders and corporate accountability at the Corporate Governance Web site. Go to For an example of an online group that focuses on corporate activities from the perspective of corporate social responsibility, go to Global Exchange offers information on global business activities, including some of the ethical issues stemming from those activities, at
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 5” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercises 5–1: Legal Perspective Ethics in Business Internet Exercises 5–2: Management Perspective Environmental Self-Audits
In Chapter 5, we examined the importance of ethical standards in the business context. We also offered suggestions on how business decision makers can create an ethical workplace. Certainly, it is not wrong for a businessperson to try to increase his or her firm’s profits. But there are limits, both ethical and legal, to how far businesspersons can go. In preparing for a career in business, you will find that a background in business ethics and a commitment to ethical behavior are just as important as a knowledge of the specific laws that are covered in this text. Of course, no textbook can give an answer to each and every ethical question that arises in the business environment. Nor can it anticipate the types of ethical questions that will arise in the future, as technology and globalization continue to transform the workplace and business relationships. The most we can do is examine the types of ethical issues that businesspersons have faced in the past and that they are facing today. In the Focus on Ethics sections in this book, we provide examples of specific ethical issues that have arisen in various areas of business activity. In this initial Focus on Ethics feature, we look first at the relationship between business ethics and business law. We then examine various obstacles to ethical behavior in the business context. We conclude the feature by exploring the parameters of corporate social responsibility through a discussion of whether corporations have an ethical duty to the community or society at large.
Business Ethics and Business Law Business ethics and business law are closely intertwined because ultimately the law rests on social beliefs about right and wrong behavior in the business world. Thus, businesspersons, by complying with the law, are acting ethically. Mere legal compliance (the “moral minimum” in terms of business ethics), however, is often not enough. This is because the law does not—and cannot—provide the answers for all ethical questions. In the business world, numerous actions may be unethical but not necessarily illegal. Consider an example. Suppose that a pharmaceutical company is banned from marketing a particular drug in the United States because of the drug’s possible adverse side effects. Yet no law prohibits the company from selling the drug in foreign markets—even though
some consumers in those markets may suffer serious health problems as a result of using the drug. At issue here is not whether it would be legal to market the drug in other countries but whether it would be ethical to do so. In other words, the law has its limits—it cannot make all ethical decisions for us. Rather, the law assumes that those in business will behave ethically in their day-to-day dealings. If they do not, the courts will not come to their assistance.
Obstacles to Ethical Business Behavior People sometimes behave unethically in the business context, just as they do in their private lives. Some businesspersons knowingly engage in unethical behavior because they think that they can “get away with it”—that no one will ever learn of their unethical actions. Examples of this kind of unethical behavior include padding expense accounts, casting doubts on the integrity of a rival co-worker to gain a job promotion, and stealing company supplies or equipment. Obviously, these acts are unethical, and some of them are illegal as well. In some situations, however, businesspersons who would choose to act ethically may be deterred from doing so because of situational circumstances or external pressures. Ethics and the Corporate Environment Individuals in their personal lives normally are free to decide ethical issues as they wish and to follow through on those decisions. In the business world, and particularly in the corporate environment, rarely is such a decision made by one person. If you are an officer or a manager of a large company, for example, you will find that the decision as to what is right or wrong for the company is not totally yours to make. Your input may weigh in the decision, but ultimately a corporate decision is a collective undertaking. Additionally, collective decision making, because it places emphasis on consensus and unity of opinion, tends to hinder individual ethical assertiveness. For example, suppose that a director has ethical concerns about a planned corporate venture that promises to be highly profitable. If the other directors have no such misgivings, the director who does may be swayed by the others’ enthusiasm for the project and downplay her or his own criticisms. Furthermore, just as no one person makes a collective decision, so no one person (normally) is held accountable for the decision. The corporate 117
enterprise thus tends to shield corporate personnel from both individual exposure to the consequences of their decisions (such as direct experience with someone who suffers harm from a corporate product) and personal accountability for those decisions. Ethics and Management Much unethical business behavior occurs simply because management does not always make clear what ethical standards and behaviors are expected of the firm’s employees. Although most firms now issue ethical policies or codes of conduct, these policies and codes are not always effective in creating an ethical workplace. At times, this is because the firm’s ethical policies are not communicated clearly to employees or do not bear on the real ethical issues confronting decision makers. Additionally, particularly in a large corporation, unethical behavior in one corporate department may simply escape the attention of the officers in control of the corporation or those responsible for implementing and monitoring the company’s ethics program. Unethical behavior may also occur when corporate management, by its own conduct, indicates that ethical considerations take a back seat. If management makes no attempt to deter unethical behavior—through reprimands or employment terminations, for example—it will be obvious to employees that management is not all that serious about ethics. Likewise, if a company gives promotions or salary increases to those who clearly use unethical tactics to increase the firm’s profits, then employees who do not resort to such tactics will be at a disadvantage. An employee in this situation may decide that because “everyone else does it,” he or she might as well do it, too. Of course, an even stronger encouragement to unethical behavior occurs when employers engage in blatantly unethical or illegal conduct and expect their employees to do so as well. An employee in this situation faces two options, neither of which is satisfactory: participate in the conduct or “blow the whistle” on (inform authorities of) the employer’s actions—and, of course, risk being fired. (See Chapter 33 for a more detailed discussion of this ethical dilemma and its consequences for employees.)
Corporate Social Responsibility As discussed in Chapter 5, just what constitutes corporate social responsibility has been debated for some time. In particular, questions arise concerning
a corporation’s ethical obligations to its community and to society as a whole. A Corporation’s Duty to the Community In some circumstances, the community in which a business enterprise is located is greatly affected by corporate decisions and therefore may be considered a stakeholder. Assume, for example, that a company employs two thousand workers at one of its plants. If the company decides that it would be profitable to close the plant, the employees—and the community—would suffer as a result. To be considered ethical in that situation (and, in some circumstances, to comply with laws governing plant shutdowns), a corporation must take both employees’ needs and community needs into consideration when making such a decision. Another ethical question sometimes arises when a firm moves into a community. Does the company have an obligation to evaluate first how its presence will affect that community (even though the community is not a stakeholder yet)? This question has surfaced in regard to the expansion of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., into smaller communities. Generally, most people in such communities welcome the lower prices and wider array of goods that Wal-Mart offers relative to other, smaller stores in the area. A vocal minority of people in some communities, however, claim that smaller stores often find it impossible to compete with Wal-Mart’s prices and thus are forced to go out of business. Many of these smaller stores have existed for years and, according to Wal-Mart’s critics, enhance the quality of community life. These critics claim that it is unethical of Wal-Mart to disregard a town’s interest in the quality and character of its community life. In addition to expanding, Wal-Mart has been consolidating some of its smaller stores into large “superstores.” As it consolidates, Wal-Mart is closing stores in some of the very towns in which it drove its smaller competitors out of business. This development raises yet another ethical question: Does a store such as Wal-Mart have an obligation to continue operations in a community once it has driven its competitors out of business? A Corporation’s Duty to Society Perhaps the most disputed area of corporate social responsibility is the nature of a corporation’s duty to society at large. Those who contend that corporations should first and foremost attend to the goal of profit maximization would argue that it is by generating profits that a firm can best contribute to society. Society benefits by profit-making activities because
profits can only be realized when a firm markets products or services that are desired by society. These products and services enhance the standard of living, and the profits accumulated by successful business firms generate national wealth. Our laws and court decisions promoting trade and commerce reflect the public policy that the fruits of commerce (wealth) are desirable and good. Because our society values wealth as an ethical goal, corporations, by contributing to that wealth, automatically are acting ethically. Those arguing for profit maximization as a corporate goal also point out that it would be inappropriate to use the power of the corporate business world to further society’s goals by promoting social causes. Determinations as to what exactly is in society’s best interest involve questions that are essentially political, and therefore the public, through the political process, should have a say in making those determinations. Thus, the legislature—not the corporate boardroom—is the appropriate forum for such decisions. Critics of the profit-maximization view believe that corporations should become actively engaged in seeking and furthering solutions to social problems. Because so much of the wealth and power of this country is controlled by business, business in turn has a responsibility to society to use that wealth and power in socially beneficial ways. Corporations should therefore promote human rights, strive for equal treatment of minorities and women in the workplace, take steps to preserve the environment, and generally not profit from activities that society has deemed unethical. The critics also point out that it is ethically irresponsible to leave decisions concerning social welfare up to the government, because many social needs are not being met sufficiently through the political process.
It Pays to Be Ethical Most corporations today have learned that it pays to be ethically responsible—even if this means less profit in the short run (and it often does). Today’s corporations are subject to more intensive scrutiny— by both government agencies and the public—than corporations of the past. “Corporate watch” groups monitor the activities of U.S. corporations, including activities conducted in foreign countries. Through the Internet, complaints about a corporation’s
practices can easily be disseminated to a worldwide audience. Similarly, dissatisfied customers and employees can voice their complaints about corporate policies, products, or services in Internet chat rooms and other online forums. Thus, if a corporation fails to conduct its operations ethically or to respond quickly to an ethical crisis, its goodwill and reputation (and future profits) will likely suffer as a result. There are other reasons as well for a corporation to behave ethically. For example, companies that demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior—by implementing ethical programs, complying with environmental regulations, and promptly investigating product complaints, for example—often receive more lenient treatment from government agencies and the courts. Additionally, investors may shy away from a corporation’s stock if the corporation is perceived to be socially irresponsible. Finally, unethical (and/or illegal) corporate behavior may result in government action, such as new laws imposing further requirements on corporate entities.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What might be some other deterrents to ethical behavior in the business context, besides those discussed in this Focus on Ethics feature? 2. Can you think of a situation in which a business firm may be acting ethically but not in a socially responsible manner? Explain. 3. Why are consumers and the public generally more concerned with ethical and socially responsible business behavior today than they were, say, fifty years ago? 4. Suppose that an automobile manufacturing company has to choose between two alternatives: contributing $1 million annually to the United Way or reinvesting the $1 million in the company. In terms of ethics and social responsibility, which is the better choice? 5. Have Internet chat rooms and online forums affected corporate decision makers’ willingness to consider the community and public interest when making choices? Are corporate decision makers more apt to make ethical choices in the cyber age? Explain.
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art of doing business today— and, indeed, part of everyday life—is the risk of being involved in a lawsuit.The list of circumstances in which businesspersons can be sued is long and varied.A customer who is injured by a security guard at a business establishment, for example, may attempt to sue the business owner, claiming that the security guard’s conduct was wrongful.Any time that one party’s allegedly wrongful conduct causes
injury to another, an action may arise under the law of torts (the word tort is French for “wrong”). Through tort law, society compensates those who have suffered injuries as a result of the wrongful conduct of others. Many of the lawsuits brought by or against business firms are based on the tort theories discussed in this chapter, which covers intentional torts, and the next chapter, which discusses unintentional torts. Intentional torts
The Basis of Tort Law Two notions serve as the basis of all torts: wrongs and compensation. Tort law is designed to compensate those who have suffered a loss or injury due to another person’s wrongful act. In a tort action, one person or group brings a lawsuit against another person or group to obtain compensation (monetary damages) or other relief for the harm suffered.
The Purpose of Tort Law The basic purpose of tort law is to provide remedies for the invasion of various protected interests. Society recognizes an interest in personal physical safety, and tort law provides remedies for acts that cause physical injury or that interfere with physical security and freedom of movement. Society recognizes an interest in protecting property,and tort law provides remedies for acts that cause destruction or damage to property. Society also recognizes an interest in protecting cer-
arise from intentional acts, whereas unintentional torts often result from carelessness (as when an employee at a store knocks over a display case, injuring a customer). In addition, this chapter discusses how tort law applies to wrongful actions in the online environment.Tort theories also come into play in the context of product liability (liability for defective products), which will be discussed in detail in Chapter 23.
tain intangible interests, such as personal privacy, family relations, reputation, and dignity, and tort law provides remedies for violation of these interests.
Damages Available in Tort Actions Because the purpose of tort law is to compensate the injured party for the damage suffered, you need to have an understanding of the types of damages that plaintiffs seek in tort actions.The high cost to society of sizable damages awards in tort cases has fueled the tort reform movement,which is discussed in this chapter’s Contemporary Legal Debates feature on pages 124 and 125. Compensatory Damages Compensatory damages are intended to compensate or reimburse a plaintiff for actual losses—to make the plaintiff whole and put her or him in the same position that she or he would have been had the tort not occurred. Compensatory damages awards are often broken down into special damages and general damages. Special damages compensate the plaintiff for quantifi-
able monetary losses, such as medical expenses, lost wages and benefits (now and in the future), extra costs, the loss of irreplaceable items, and the costs of repairing or replacing damaged property. General damages compensate individuals (not companies) for the nonmonetary aspects of the harm suffered,such as pain and suffering. A court might award general damages for physical or emotional pain and suffering, loss of companionship,loss of consortium (losing the emotional and physical benefits of a spousal relationship), disfigurement,loss of reputation,or loss or impairment of mental or physical capacity. Punitive Damages Occasionally, the courts may
also award punitive damages in tort cases to punish the wrongdoer and deter others from similar wrongdoing. Punitive damages are appropriate only when the defendant’s conduct was particularly egregious or reprehensible. Usually, this means that punitive damages are available mainly in intentional tort actions and only rarely in negligence lawsuits (negligence actions will be discussed in Chapter 7). They may be awarded,however, in suits involving gross negligence, which can be defined as an intentional failure to perform a manifest duty in reckless disregard of the consequences of such a failure for the life or property of another. Courts exercise great restraint in granting punitive damages to plaintiffs in tort actions because punitive damages are subject to the limitations imposed by the due process clause of the U.S. Constitution (discussed in Chapter 2). In State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Campbell,1 the United States Supreme Court held that to the extent an award of punitive damages is grossly excessive, it furthers no legitimate purpose and violates due process requirements.Although this case dealt with intentional torts (fraud and intentional infliction of emotional distress),the Court’s holding applies equally to punitive damages awards in gross negligence cases (as well as to product liability cases, which will be discussed in Chapter 23).
Intentional Torts against Persons An intentional tort, as the term implies, requires intent. The tortfeasor (the one committing the tort) must intend to commit an act, the consequences of 1. 538 U.S. 408, 123 S.Ct. 1513, 155 L.Ed.2d 585 (2003).
which interfere with the personal or business interests of another in a way not permitted by law. An evil or harmful motive is not required—in fact, the actor may even have a beneficial motive for committing what turns out to be a tortious act. In tort law, intent means only that the actor intended the consequences of his or her act or knew with substantial certainty that specific consequences would result from the act.The law generally assumes that individuals intend the normal consequences of their actions.Thus,forcefully pushing another—even if done in jest and without any evil motive—is an intentional tort (if injury results), because the object of a strong push can ordinarily be expected to be abruptly displaced. Intentional torts against persons include assault and battery,false imprisonment,infliction of emotional distress, defamation, invasion of privacy, appropriation, fraudulent misrepresentation, and torts related to misuse of litigation.We discuss these torts in the following subsections.
Assault and Battery Any intentional,unexcused act that creates in another person a reasonable apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact is an assault. Note that apprehension is not the same as fear. If a contact is such that a reasonable person would want to avoid it, and if there is a reasonable basis for believing that the contact will occur, then the plaintiff suffers apprehension whether or not she or he is afraid. The interest protected by tort law concerning assault is the freedom from having to expect harmful or offensive contact. The arousal of apprehension is enough to justify compensation. The completion of the act that caused the apprehension, if it results in harm to the plaintiff, is a battery, which is defined as an unexcused and harmful or offensive physical contact intentionally performed. For example, Ivan threatens Jean with a gun, then shoots her. The pointing of the gun at Jean is an assault; the firing of the gun (if the bullet hits Jean) is a battery. The interest protected by tort law concerning battery is the right to personal security and safety.The contact can be harmful, or it can be merely offensive (such as an unwelcome kiss).Physical injury need not occur. The contact can involve any part of the body or anything attached to it—for example, a hat or other item of clothing,a purse,or a chair or an automobile in which one is sitting.Whether the contact is offensive is
Tort Reform The question of whether our tort law system is in need of reform has aroused heated debate. While some argue that the current system imposes excessive costs on society, others contend that the system protects consumers from unsafe products and practices.
“End the Tort Tax and Frivolous Lawsuits,” Say the Critics Critics of the current tort law system contend that it encourages too many frivolous lawsuits, which clog the courts, and is unnecessarily costly. In particular, they say, damages awards are often excessive and bear little relationship to the actual damage suffered. Such large awards encourage plaintiffs to bring frivolous suits, hoping that they will “hit the jackpot.” Trial lawyers, in turn, are eager to bring the suits because they are paid on a contingency-fee basis, meaning that they receive a percentage of the damages awarded. The result, in the critics’ view, is a system that disproportionately rewards a few lucky plaintiffs while imposing enormous costs on business and society as a whole. They refer to the economic burden that the tort system imposes on society as the “tort tax.” According to one recent study, more than $300 billion per year is expended on tort litigation, including plaintiffs’ and defendants’ attorneys’ fees, damages awards, and other costs. Most of the costs are from class-action lawsuits involving product liability or medical malpractice.a (A class action is a a. Lawrence J. McQuillan, Hovannes Abramyan, and Anthony P. Archie, Jackpot Justice: The True Cost of America’s Tort System (San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute, 2007).
determined by the reasonable person standard.2 The contact can be made by the defendant or by some force the defendant sets in motion—for example, a rock thrown, food poisoned, or a stick swung. Compensation If the plaintiff shows that there
was contact, and the jury (or judge, if there is no jury) agrees that the contact was offensive,then the plaintiff 2. The reasonable person standard is an “objective”test of how a reasonable person would have acted under the same circumstances. See the subsection entitled “The Duty of Care and Its Breach” in Chapter 7.
lawsuit in which a single person or a small group of people represents the interests of a larger group.) Although even the critics would not contend that the tort tax encompasses the entire $300 billion, they believe that it includes a sizable portion of that amount. Furthermore, they say, the tax appears in other ways. Because physicians, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies are worried about medical malpractice suits, they have changed their behavior. Physicians, for example, engage in defensive medicine by ordering more tests than necessary. PricewaterhouseCoopers has calculated that the practice of defensive medicine increases health-care costs by more than $100 billion per year. To solve the problems they perceive, critics want to reduce both the number of tort cases brought each year and the amount of damages awards. They advocate the following tort reform measures: (1) limit the amount of punitive damages that can be awarded; (2) limit the amount of general noneconomic damages that can be awarded (for example, for pain and suffering); (3) limit the amount that attorneys can collect in contingency fees; and (4) to discourage the filing of meritless suits, require the losing party to pay both the plaintiff’s and the defendant’s expenses.
“The Current System Promotes Fairness and Safefy,” Say Their Opponents Others are not so sure that the current system needs such drastic reform. They say that the prospect of tort lawsuits encourages companies to produce safer products and deters them from putting dangerous products on the market. In the health-care industry,
has a right to compensation.There is no need to establish that the defendant acted out of malice.The underlying motive does not matter, only the intent to bring about the harmful or offensive contact to the plaintiff. In fact, proving a motive is never necessary. A plaintiff may be compensated for the emotional harm or loss of reputation resulting from a battery, as well as for physical harm. Defenses to Assault and Battery A defen-
dant who is sued for assault, battery, or both can raise any of the following legally recognized defenses:
the potential for medical malpractice suits has led to safer and more effective medical practices. Imposing limits on the amount of punitive and general noneconomic damages would be unfair, say the system’s defenders, and would reduce efficiency in our legal and economic system. After all, corporations conduct cost-benefit analyses when they decide how much safety to build into their products. Any limitation on potential damages would mean that corporations would have less incentive to build safer products. Indeed, Professor Stephen Teret of the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health says that tort litigation is an important tool for preventing injuries because it forces manufacturers to opt for more safety in their products rather than less.b Limiting contingency fees would also be unfair, say those in favor of the current system, because lowincome consumers who have been injured could not afford to pay an attorney to take a case on an hourly fee basis—and an attorney would not expend the time needed to pursue a case without the prospect of a large reward in the form of a contingency fee.
Tort Reform in Reality While the debate continues, the federal government and a number of states have begun to take some steps toward tort reform. At the federal level, the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA)c shifted
jurisdiction over large interstate tort and product liability class-action lawsuits from the state courts to the federal courts. The intent was to prevent plaintiffs’ attorneys from shopping around for a state court that might be predisposed to be sympathetic to their clients’ cause and to award large damages in classaction suits. At the state level, more than twenty states have placed caps ranging from $250,000 to $750,000 on noneconomic damages, especially in medical malpractice suits. More than thirty states have limited punitive damages, with some imposing outright bans. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
W H E R E D O Y O U S TA N D ? Large damages awards in tort litigation have to be paid by someone. If the defendant is insured, then insurance companies foot the bill. Ultimately, though, high insurance rates are passed on to consumers of goods and services in the United States. Consequently, tort reform that reduces the size and number of damages awards ultimately will mean lower costs of goods and services to consumers. The downside of these lower costs, though, might be higher risks of medical malpractice and dangerous products. Do you believe that this trade-off is real? Why or why not?
b. “Litigation Is an Important Tool for Injury and Gun Violence Prevention,” Johns Hopkins University Center for Gun Policy and Research, July 15, 2006. c. 28 U.S.C.A. Sections 1711–1715, 1453.
1. Consent. When a person consents to the act that is
4. Defense of property. Reasonable force may be used
allegedly tortious, there may be a complete or partial defense to liability. 2. Self-defense. An individual who is defending her or his life or physical well-being can claim self-defense. In a situation of either real or apparent danger,a person may normally use whatever force is reasonably necessary to prevent harmful contact (see Chapter 9 for a more detailed discussion of self-defense). 3. Defense of others. An individual can act in a reasonable manner to protect others who are in real or apparent danger.
in attempting to remove intruders from one’s home, although force that is likely to cause death or great bodily injury normally cannot be used just to protect property.
False Imprisonment False imprisonment is defined as the intentional confinement or restraint of another person’s activities without justification. It involves interference with the freedom to move without restriction.The confinement 125
can be accomplished through the use of physical barriers, physical restraint, or threats of physical force. Moral pressure does not constitute false imprisonment. Furthermore, it is essential that the person being restrained not agree to the restraint. Businesspersons often face suits for false imprisonment after they have attempted to confine a suspected shoplifter for questioning. Under the laws of most states, merchants may detain persons suspected of shoplifting and hold them for the police. Although laws vary from state to state, normally only a merchant’s security personnel—not salesclerks or other employees—have the right to detain suspects. Reasonable or probable cause must exist to believe that the person being detained has committed a theft. Additionally, most states require that any detention be conducted in a reasonable manner and for only a reasonable length of time. Tackling a customer suspected of theft in the parking lot would be considered unreasonable in many jurisdictions.
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress The tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress can be defined as an intentional act that amounts to extreme and outrageous conduct resulting in severe emotional distress to another. To be actionable (capable of serving as the ground for a lawsuit),the act must be extreme and outrageous to the point that it exceeds the bounds of decency accepted by society. For example, a prankster telephones a pregnant woman and says that her husband and two sons have just been killed in a horrible accident (although they have not). As a result,the woman suffers intense mental pain and has a miscarriage. In that situation, the woman would be able to sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress. Courts in most jurisdictions are wary of emotional distress claims and confine them to situations involving truly outrageous behavior.Acts that cause indignity or annoyance alone usually are not sufficient. Many times, however, repeated annoyances (such as those experienced by a person who is being stalked), coupled with threats, are enough. Note that when the outrageous conduct consists of speech about a public figure, the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech also limits emotional distress claims. For example, Hustler magazine once printed a fake advertisement that showed a picture of Reverend Jerry Falwell and described him as having
lost his virginity to his mother in an outhouse while he was drunk. Falwell sued the magazine for intentional infliction of emotional distress and won,but the United States Supreme Court overturned the decision. The Court held that creators of parodies of public figures are protected under the First Amendment from intentional infliction of emotional distress claims. (The Court used the same standards that apply to public figures in defamation lawsuits, discussed next.)3
Defamation As discussed in Chapter 4,the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment is not absolute. In interpreting the First Amendment, the courts must balance the vital guarantee of free speech against other pervasive and strong social interests, including society’s interest in preventing and redressing attacks on reputation. Defamation of character involves wrongfully hurting a person’s good reputation.The law imposes a general duty on all persons to refrain from making false, defamatory statements of fact about others. Breaching this duty in writing or other permanent form (such as an electronic recording) involves the tort of libel. Breaching this duty orally involves the tort of slander. The tort of defamation also arises when a false statement of fact is made about a person’s product, business, or legal ownership rights. Note that generally only false statements that represent something as a fact (such as “Vladik cheats on his taxes”) constitute defamation.Expressions of personal opinion (such as “Vladik is a jerk”) are protected by the First Amendment and normally cannot lead to tort liability. The Publication Requirement The basis of
the tort of defamation is the publication of a statement or statements that hold an individual up to contempt, ridicule, or hatred. Publication here means that the defamatory statements are communicated (either intentionally or accidentally) to persons other than the defamed party. If Thompson writes Andrews a private letter falsely accusing him of embezzling funds, the action does not constitute libel. If Peters falsely
3. Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46, 108 S.Ct. 876, 99 L.Ed.2d 41 (1988).For another example of how the courts protect parody, see Busch v.Viacom International, Inc., 477 F.Supp.2d 764 (N.D.Tex.2007),involving a fake endorsement of televangelist Pat Robertson’s diet shake.
states that Gordon is dishonest and incompetent when no one else is around, the action does not constitute slander. In neither case was the message communicated to a third party. The courts have generally held that even dictating a letter to a secretary constitutes publication,although the publication may be privileged (a concept that will be explained shortly). Moreover, if a third party overhears defamatory statements by chance, the courts usually hold that this also constitutes publication. Defamatory statements made via the Internet are actionable as well. Note also that any individual who repeats or republishes defamatory statements normally is liable even if that person reveals the source of the statements. Damages for Libel Once a defendant’s liability for libel is established, general damages are presumed as a matter of law. General damages are designed to compensate the plaintiff for nonspecific harms such as disgrace or dishonor in the eyes of the community, humiliation, injured reputation, and emotional distress—harms that are difficult to measure. In other words, to recover damages in a libel case, the plaintiff need not prove that he or she was actually injured in any way as a result of the libelous statement. Damages for Slander In contrast to cases alleg-
ing libel, in a case alleging slander, the plaintiff must prove special damages to establish the defendant’s liability. The plaintiff must show that the slanderous statement caused her or him to suffer actual economic or monetary losses. Unless this initial hurdle of proving special damages is overcome, a plaintiff alleging slander normally cannot go forward with the suit and recover any damages. This requirement is imposed in slander cases because oral statements have a temporary quality. In contrast, a libelous (written) statement has the quality of permanence, can be circulated widely, and usually results from some degree of deliberation on the part of the author. Exceptions to the burden of proving special damages in cases alleging slander are made for certain types of slanderous statements.If a false statement constitutes “slander per se,”no proof of special damages is required for it to be actionable. In most states, the following four types of utterances are considered to be slander per se: 1. A statement that another has a loathsome disease (historically, leprosy and sexually transmitted diseases, but now also including allegations of mental illness).
2. A statement that another has committed improprieties while engaging in a profession or trade. 3. A statement that another has committed or has been imprisoned for a serious crime. 4. A statement that a person (usually only an unmarried person and sometimes only a woman) is unchaste or has engaged in serious sexual misconduct. Defenses to Defamation Truth is normally an absolute defense against a defamation charge.In other words, if a defendant in a defamation case can prove that the allegedly defamatory statements of fact were true, normally no tort has been committed. Other defenses to defamation may exist if the speech is privileged or concerns a public figure.Note that the majority of defamation actions are filed in state courts, and state laws differ somewhat in the defenses they allow, such as privilege (discussed next).
Privileged Speech. In some circumstances,a person will not be liable for defamatory statements because she or he enjoys a privilege, or immunity.With respect to defamation, privileged communications are of two types: absolute and qualified.4 Only in judicial proceedings and certain government proceedings is an absolute privilege granted. For example, statements made by attorneys and judges in the courtroom during a trial are absolutely privileged. So are statements made by government officials during legislative debate, even if the legislators make such statements maliciously—that is, knowing them to be untrue. An absolute privilege is granted in these situations because judicial and government personnel deal with matters that are so much in the public interest that the parties involved should be able to speak out fully and freely and without restriction. In other situations, a person will not be liable for defamatory statements because he or she has a qualified, or conditional, privilege. An employer’s statements in written evaluations of employees are an example of a qualified privilege. Generally, if the statements are made in good faith and the publication is limited to those who have a legitimate interest in the communication, the statements fall within the area of qualified privilege. The concept of conditional privilege rests 4. Note that the term privileged communication in this context is not the same as privileged communication between a professional, such as an attorney, and his or her client.The latter type of privilege will be discussed in Chapter 51,in the context of the liability of professionals.
on the common law assumption that in some situations,the right to know or speak is equal in importance to the right not to be defamed. If a communication is conditionally privileged,to recover damages,the plaintiff must show that the privilege was abused. Public Figures. Public officials who exercise substantial governmental power and any persons in the public limelight are considered public figures. In general,public figures are considered “fair game,” and false and defamatory statements about them that are published in the press will not constitute defamation unless the statements are made with actual malice. To be made with actual malice, a statement must be made with either knowledge of its falsity or a reckless disregard of the truth.5 Statements made about public figures, especially when they are communicated via a public medium, are usually related to matters of general public interest; they refer to people who substantially affect all of us. Furthermore, public figures generally have some access to a public medium for answering disparaging falsehoods about themselves; private individuals do not.For these reasons,public figures have a greater burden of proof in defamation cases (they must prove actual malice) than do private individuals.
Invasion of Privacy A person has a right to solitude and freedom from prying public eyes—in other words, to privacy. As mentioned in Chapter 4, the courts have held that certain 5. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S.Ct. 710, 11 L.Ed.2d 686 (1964). As mentioned earlier, the First Amendment protects the creator of a parody from liability for defamation of a public figure.
C A S E 6.1
amendments to the U.S. Constitution imply a right to privacy. Some state constitutions explicitly provide for privacy rights, as do a number of federal and state statutes. Tort law also safeguards these rights through the tort of invasion of privacy.Four acts qualify as invasions of privacy:
1. Appropriation of identity. Under the common law, using a person’s name, picture, or other likeness for commercial purposes without permission is a tortious invasion of privacy. Most states today have also enacted statutes prohibiting appropriation (discussed further in the next subsection). 2. Intrusion into an individual’s affairs or seclusion. For example, invading someone’s home or searching someone’s personal computer without authorization is an invasion of privacy. This tort has been held to extend to eavesdropping by wiretap, unauthorized scanning of a bank account, compulsory blood testing, and window peeping. 3. False light. The publication of information that places a person in a false light is another category of invasion of privacy. This could be a story attributing to someone ideas not held or actions not taken by that person. (The publication of such a story could involve the tort of defamation as well.) 4. Public disclosure of private facts. This type of invasion of privacy occurs when a person publicly discloses private facts about an individual that an ordinary person would find objectionable or embarrassing. A newspaper account of a private citizen’s sex life or financial affairs could be an actionable invasion of privacy, even if the information revealed is true,because it is not of public concern. The following case included an allegation of an intrusion into an individual’s affairs or seclusion.
Anderson v. Mergenhagen Court of Appeals of Georgia, 2007. 283 Ga.App. 546, 642 S.E.2d 105.
• Background
and Facts After Dick and Karyn Anderson’s marriage collapsed and they divorced, Karyn harassed Dick’s new wife, Maureen, until Maureen obtained a warrant for Karyn’s arrest. According to Maureen, Karyn’s new boyfriend, Paul Mergenhagen, then began following Maureen. On more than a dozen occasions between mid-2003 and mid-2005, Paul took photos of, and made obscene gestures to, Maureen as she was driving in her car or walking with her children. Frightened and upset, Maureen called the police several times. Paul admitted that he had followed Maureen at least four times and had taken at least forty photos of her car. The security guard at the entrance to the Andersons’ subdivision corroborated Maureen’s account that Paul often lay in wait for her and that she was “visibly shaken and upset, almost to the point of tears,” at least once. Maureen filed a suit in a Georgia state court against Paul, alleging, among other things, invasion of privacy. The court issued a summary judgment in Paul’s favor on this charge. Maureen appealed to a state intermediate appellate court.
BARNES, Chief Judge.
* * * * * * * The right of privacy,or the right of the individual to be let alone,is a personal right * * * . It is the complement of the right to the immunity of one’s person. The individual has always been entitled to be protected in the exclusive use and enjoyment of that which is his own. The common law regarded his person and property as inviolate, and he has the absolute right to be let alone. The principle is fundamental, and essential in organized society, that every one, in exercising a personal right and in the use of his property, shall respect the rights and properties of others. * * * The right of privacy is embraced within the absolute rights of personal security and personal liberty,“to be let alone,” to live a life of seclusion or to be free of unwarranted interference by the public about matters [with] which the public is not necessarily concerned,or to be protected from any wrongful intrusion into an individual’s private life which would outrage or cause mental suffering, shame or humiliation to a person of ordinary sensibilities. [Emphasis added.] With regard to the tort of intrusion upon seclusion or solitude, which is the claim made here, * * * the “unreasonable intrusion”aspect involves a prying or intrusion, which would be offensive or objectionable to a reasonable person, into a person’s private concerns. * * * * * * * * * * Traditionally,watching or observing a person in a public place is not an intrusion upon one’s privacy. However, Georgia courts have held that surveillance of an individual on public thoroughfares, where such surveillance aims to frighten or torment a person, is an unreasonable intrusion upon a person’s privacy. In cases holding that public surveillance did not establish a privacy violation, we have found that the surveillance was reasonable in light of the situation. For example, reasonable surveillance of a residence from a public road to investigate a husband’s disability claim constituted no intrusion upon his wife’s seclusion or solitude, or into her private affairs. The surveillance of the husband at his house and on public roads also did not establish a privacy violation. Reasonable surveillance is recognized as a common method to obtain evidence to defend a lawsuit. It is only when such is conducted in a vicious or malicious manner not reasonably limited and designated to obtain information needed for the defense of a lawsuit or deliberately calculated to frighten or torment the plaintiff, that the courts will not countenance it. * * * In this case, [Maureen] Anderson alleges that her privacy was violated when [Paul] Mergenhagen followed her repeatedly in the car and took numerous photographs of her and her car.While * * * a driver may have no cause of action for mere observation or even for having her photograph taken, a relatively harmless activity can become tortious with repetition * * * . [R]epeatedly following a woman,who was pregnant for part of that time and was frequently alone or with her small children, photographing her at least 40 times, repeatedly causing her to become frightened and upset, to flee to her home, and to call the police seeking help, creates a jury question as to whether the defendant’s actions amounted to a course of hounding the plaintiff that intruded upon her privacy.
Decision and Remedy The state intermediate appellate court reversed the grant of summary judgment to Paul on Maureen’s invasion of privacy claim. The court remanded the case for trial on the issue of whether the defendant followed and photographed the plaintiff so frequently as to amount to an intrusion into her privacy.
What If the Facts Were Different? Suppose that Dick and Karyn had two children and Dick had been awarded custody of them. If Paul had been watching Maureen to determine her fitness to care for the children, would the result in this case have been different? Explain.
The Legal Environment Dimension To succeed on a claim of intrusion into an individual’s affairs or seclusion, should a plaintiff have to prove a physical intrusion? Why or why not? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Appropriation The use of another person’s name, likeness, or other identifying characteristic, without permission and for the benefit of the user, constitutes the tort of appropriation (sometimes referred to as the right of publicity). Under the law, normally an individual’s right to privacy includes the right to the exclusive use of his or her identity. For example, in one early case, Vanna White, the hostess of the popular Wheel of Fortune game show, brought a case against Samsung Electronics America,Inc.Without permission,Samsung had included in an advertisement a robotic image dressed in a wig, gown, and jewelry, in a setting that resembled the Wheel of Fortune set, in a stance for which White is famous.The court ruled in White’s favor, holding that the tort of appropriation does not require the use of a celebrity’s name or actual likeness. The court stated that Samsung’s robot ad left “little doubt” as to the identity of the celebrity that the ad was meant to depict.6 Degree of Likeness In recent cases, courts have reached different conclusions as to the degree of likeness that is required to impose liability for the tort of appropriation. In one case, a former professional hockey player, Anthony “Tony” Twist, who had a reputation for fighting, sued the publishers of the comic book Spawn, which included an evil character named Anthony Tony Twist Twistelli. The Missouri Supreme Court held that the use of Tony Twist’s name alone was sufficient proof of likeness to support a misappropriation claim.7 Ultimately, the hockey player was awarded $15 million in damages.8 In California,in contrast,Keirin Kirby,the lead singer in a 1990s funk band called Deee-Lite, lost her appropriation claim against the makers of the video game Space Channel 5. Although the video game’s character “Ulala” had some of Kirby’s distinctive traits—hot pink hair, short skirt, platform shoes, and dance moves— there were not enough similarities, according to the state appellate court, to constitute misappropriation.9
6. White v. Samsung Electronics America, Inc., 971 F.2d 1395 (9th Cir. 1992). 7. Doe v.TCI Cablevision, 110 S.W.3d 363 (Mo. 2003). 8. The amount of damages was appealed and subsequently affirmed. See Doe v. McFarlane, 207 S.W.3d 52 (Mo.App. 2006). 9. Kirby v.Sega of America,Inc., 144 Cal.App.4th 47,50 Cal.Rptr.3d 607 (2006).
Right of Publicity as a Property Right As mentioned, the common law tort of appropriation in many states has become known as the right of publicity.10 Rather than being aimed at protecting a person’s right to be left alone (privacy),this right aims to protect an individual’s pecuniary (financial) interest in the commercial exploitation of his or her identity. In other words, it gives public figures, celebrities, and entertainers a right to sue anyone who uses their images for commercial benefit without their permission. Cases involving the right of publicity generally turn on whether the use was commercial. For instance, if a television news program reports on a celebrity and shows an image of the person,the use likely would not be classified as commercial; in contrast, including the celebrity’s image on a poster without his or her permission would be a commercial use. Because the right of publicity is similar to a property right, most states have concluded that the right is inheritable and survives the death of the person who held the right. Normally, though, the person must provide for the passage of the right to another in her or his will. In 2007, for example, a court held that because Marilyn Monroe’s will did not specifically state a desire to pass the right to publicity to her heirs, the beneficiaries under her will did not have a right to prevent a company from marketing T-shirts and other merchandise using Monroe’s name, picture, and likeness.11
Fraudulent Misrepresentation A misrepresentation leads another to believe in a condition that is different from the condition that actually exists.This is often accomplished through a false or an incorrect statement. Although persons sometimes make misrepresentations accidentally because they are unaware of the existing facts,the tort of fraudulent misrepresentation, or fraud, involves intentional deceit for personal gain. The tort includes several elements:
1. A misrepresentation of material facts or conditions with knowledge that they are false or with reckless disregard for the truth. 2. An intent to induce another party to rely on the misrepresentation. 3. A justifiable reliance on the misrepresentation by the deceived party. 10. See, for example, California Civil Code Sections 3344 and 3344.1. 11. Shaw Family Archives, Ltd. v. CMG Worldwide, Inc., 486 F. Supp.2d 309 (S.D.N.Y. 2007), presented as Case 50.1.
4. Damages suffered as a result of that reliance. 5. A causal connection between the misrepresentation and the injury suffered. For fraud to occur, more than mere puffery, or seller’s talk, must be involved.Fraud exists only when a person represents as a fact something he or she knows is untrue. For example, it is fraud to claim that the roof of a building does not leak when one knows that it does. Facts are objectively ascertainable, whereas seller’s talk—such as “I am the best accountant in town”—is not, because the speaker is representing a subjective view. Normally, the tort of fraudulent misrepresentation occurs only when there is reliance on a statement of fact. Sometimes, however, reliance on a statement of opinion may involve the tort of fraudulent misrepresentation if the individual making the statement of opinion has superior knowledge of the subject matter. For example,when a lawyer makes a statement of opinion about the law in a state in which the lawyer is licensed to practice, a court would construe reliance on such a statement to be equivalent to reliance on a statement of fact.
Abusive or Frivolous Litigation Persons or businesses generally have a right to sue when they have been injured.In recent years,however, an increasing number of meritless lawsuits have been filed—sometimes simply to harass the defendant. Defending oneself in any legal proceeding can be costly, time consuming, and emotionally draining. Tort law recognizes that people have a right not to be sued without a legally just and proper reason. It therefore protects individuals from the misuse of litigation.Torts related to abusive litigation include malicious prosecution and abuse of process. If the party that initiated a lawsuit did so out of malice and without probable cause (a legitimate legal reason), and ended up losing that suit, the party can be sued for malicious prosecution. In some states, the plaintiff (who was the defendant in the first proceeding) must also prove injury other than the normal costs of litigation, such as lost profits. Abuse of process can apply to any person using a legal process against another in an improper manner or to accomplish a purpose for which the process was not designed. The key difference between the torts of abuse of process and malicious prosecution is the level of proof.Abuse of process does not require the plaintiff to prove malice or show that the defendant (who was previously
the plaintiff) lost in a prior legal proceeding.12 Abuse of process is also not limited to prior litigation. It can be based on the wrongful use of subpoenas, court orders to attach or seize real property,or other types of formal legal process.Concept Summary 6.1 on the next page reviews intentional torts against persons.
Business Torts Most torts can occur in any context, but a few torts, referred to as business torts, apply only to wrongful interferences with the business rights of others. Business torts generally fall into two categories—interference with a contractual relationship and interference with a business relationship.
Wrongful Interference with a Contractual Relationship The body of tort law relating to wrongful interference with a contractual relationship has increased greatly in recent years.A landmark case in this area involved an opera singer, Joanna Wagner, who was under contract to sing for a man named Lumley for a specified period of years. A man named Gye, who knew of this contract, nonetheless “enticed” Wagner to refuse to carry out the agreement,and Wagner began to sing for Gye. Gye’s action constituted a tort because it interfered with the contractual relationship between Wagner and Lumley. (Of course, Wagner’s refusal to carry out the agreement also entitled Lumley to sue Wagner for breach of contract.)13 Three elements are necessary for wrongful interference with a contractual relationship to occur:
1. A valid, enforceable contract must exist between two parties.
2. A third party must know that this contract exists. 3. This third party must intentionally induce a party to the contract to breach the contract. In principle,any lawful contract can be the basis for an action of this type.The contract could be between a firm and its employees or a firm and its customers. Sometimes, a competitor of a firm draws away one of the firm’s key employees. Only if the original employer 12. Bernhard-Thomas Building Systems, LLC v. Duncan, 918 A.2d 889 (Conn.App. 2007); and Hewitt v. Rice, 154 P. 3d 408 (Colo. 2007). 13. Lumley v. Gye, 118 Eng.Rep. 749 (1853).
Intentional Torts against Persons Name of Tort
Any unexcused and intentional act that causes another person to be apprehensive of immediate harm is an assault.An assault resulting in physical contact is battery.
An intentional confinement or restraint of another person’s movement without justification.
An intentional act that amounts to extreme and outrageous conduct resulting in severe emotional distress to another.
A false statement of fact, not made under privilege, that is communicated to a third person and that causes damage to a person’s reputation. For public figures, the plaintiff must also prove that the statement was made with actual malice.
Publishing or otherwise making known or using information relating to a person’s private life and affairs, with which the public has no legitimate concern, without that person’s permission or approval.
The use of another person’s name, likeness, or other identifying characteristic without permission and for the benefit of the user.
A false representation made by one party, through misstatement of facts or through conduct, with the intention of deceiving another and on which the other reasonably relies to his or her detriment. The filing of a lawsuit without legitimate grounds and with malice or the use of a legal process in an improper manner.
can show that the competitor knew of the contract’s existence, and intentionally induced the breach, can damages be recovered from the competitor.
Wrongful Interference with a Business Relationship Businesspersons devise countless schemes to attract customers,but they are prohibited from unreasonably interfering with another’s business in their attempts to gain a greater share of the market. There is a difference between competitive practices and predatory behavior—actions undertaken with the intention of unlawfully driving competitors completely out of the market. Attempting to attract customers in general is a legitimate business practice, whereas specifically targeting the customers of a competitor is more likely to be predatory. For example, the mall contains two athletic shoe stores: Joe’s and Sprint. Joe’s cannot station an employee at the entrance of Sprint to divert customers to Joe’s and tell them that Joe’s will beat Sprint’s prices. Doing this would constitute the tort of wrongful inter-
ference with a business relationship because it would interfere with a prospective (economic) advantage; such behavior is commonly considered to be an unfair trade practice. If this type of activity were permitted, Joe’s would reap the benefits of Sprint’s advertising. Although state laws vary on wrongful interference with a business relationship, generally a plaintiff must prove that the defendant used predatory methods to intentionally harm an established business relationship or prospective economic advantage. The plaintiff must also prove that the defendant’s interference caused the plaintiff to suffer economic harm.
Defenses to Wrongful Interference A person will not be liable for the tort of wrongful interference with a contractual or business relationship if it can be shown that the interference was justified, or permissible. Bona fide competitive behavior is a permissible interference even if it results in the breaking of a contract. For example, if Jerrod’s Meats advertises so effectively that it induces Sam’s Restaurant to break its con-
tract with Burke’s Meat Company, Burke’s Meat Company will be unable to recover against Jerrod’s Meats on a wrongful interference theory. After all, the public policy that favors free competition in advertising outweighs any possible instability that such competitive activity might cause in contractual relations. Although luring customers away from a competitor through aggressive marketing and advertising strategies obviously interferes with the competitor’s relationship with its customers,courts typically allow such activities in the spirit of competition.
Intentional Torts against Property Intentional torts against property include trespass to land,trespass to personal property,conversion,and disparagement of property. These torts are wrongful actions that interfere with individuals’ legally recognized rights with regard to their land or personal property.The law distinguishes real property from personal property (see Chapter 47). Real property is land and things permanently attached to the land. Personal property consists of all other items, which are basically movable. Thus, a house and lot are real property, whereas the furniture inside a house is personal property. Cash and securities are also personal property.
Trespass to Land The tort of trespass to land occurs any time a person, without permission, enters onto, above, or below the surface of land that is owned by another; causes anything to enter onto the land; or remains on the land or permits anything to remain on it. Actual harm to the land is not an essential element of this tort because the tort is designed to protect the right of an owner to exclusive possession. Common types of trespass to land include walking or driving on another’s land; shooting a gun over another’s land; throwing rocks at or spraying water on a building that belongs to someone else; building a dam across a river,thereby causing water to back up on someone else’s land; and constructing one’s building so that it extends onto an adjoining landowner’s property. Trespass Criteria, Rights, and Duties
Before a person can be a trespasser, the real property owner (or other person in actual and exclusive pos-
session of the property, such as a person who is leasing the property) must establish that person as a trespasser. For example, “posted” trespass signs expressly establish as a trespasser a person who ignores these signs and enters onto the property. Any person who enters onto another’s property to commit an illegal act (such as a thief entering a lumberyard at night to steal lumber) is established impliedly as a trespasser, without posted signs. At common law, a trespasser is liable for damages caused to the property and generally cannot hold the owner liable for injuries that the trespasser sustains on the premises. This common law rule is being abandoned in many jurisdictions,however,in favor of a “reasonable duty” rule that varies depending on the status of the parties. For example, a landowner may have a duty to post a notice that the property is patrolled by guard dogs. Also, under the “attractive nuisance” doctrine, a landowner may be held liable for injuries sustained by young children on the landowner’s property if the children were attracted to the premises by some object, such as a swimming pool or an abandoned building. Finally, an owner can remove a trespasser from the premises—or detain a trespasser on the premises for a reasonable time—through the use of reasonable force without being liable for assault, battery, or false imprisonment. Defenses
Trespass to land involves wrongful interference with another person’s real property rights.If it can be shown that the trespass was warranted, however, as when a trespasser enters to assist someone in danger, a defense exists. Another defense exists when the trespasser can show that he or she had a license to come onto the land. A licensee is one who is invited (or allowed to enter) onto the property of another for the licensee’s benefit.A person who enters another’s property to read an electric meter, for example, is a licensee.When you purchase a ticket to attend a movie or sporting event,you are licensed to go onto the property of another to view that movie or event. Note that licenses to enter onto another’s property are revocable by the property owner.If a property owner asks a meter reader to leave and the meter reader refuses to do so, the meter reader at that point becomes a trespasser.
Trespass to Personal Property Whenever any individual, without consent, takes or harms the personal property of another or otherwise interferes with the lawful owner’s possession and
enjoyment of personal property,trespass to personal property occurs.This tort may also be called trespass to chattels or trespass to personalty. In this context, harm means not only destruction of the property, but also anything that diminishes its value, condition, or quality. Trespass to personal property involves intentional meddling with a possessory interest (an interest arising from possession), including barring an owner’s access to personal property. If Kelly takes Ryan’s business law book as a practical joke and hides it so that Ryan is unable to find it for several days prior to the
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final examination, Kelly has engaged in a trespass to personal property. If it can be shown that trespass to personal property was warranted, then a complete defense exists. Most states, for example, allow automobile repair shops to hold a customer’s car (under what is called an artisan’s lien, discussed in Chapter 28) when the customer refuses to pay for repairs already completed.Trespass to personal property was one of the allegations in the following case., Inc. v. Verio, Inc. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, 2004. 356 F.3d 393.
LEVAL, Circuit Judge.
* * * * * * * [, Inc.] is one of over fifty companies serving as registrars for the issuance of domain names on the World Wide Web. As a registrar,Register issues domain names to persons and entities preparing to establish Web sites on the Internet.Web sites are identified and accessed by reference to their domain names. Register was appointed a registrar of domain names by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, known by the acronym “ICANN.” ICANN * * * administer[s] the Internet domain name system.To become a registrar of domain names, Register was required to enter into a standard form agreement with ICANN * * * . Applicants to register a domain name submit to the registrar contact information, including at a minimum, the applicant’s name, postal address, telephone number, and electronic mail address. The ICANN Agreement, referring to this registrant contact information under the rubric “WHOIS information,” requires the registrar * * * to preserve it, update it daily, and provide for free public access to it through the Internet * * * . * * * [T]he ICANN Agreement requires the registrar to permit use of its WHOIS data “for any lawful purposes except to * * * support the transmission of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail (spam) * * * .” * * * * * * * An entity making a WHOIS query through Register’s Internet site * * * would receive a reply furnishing the requested WHOIS information, captioned by a legend devised by Register, which stated, By submitting a WHOIS query, you agree that you will use this data only for lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this data to * * * support the transmission of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitation via e-mail. * * *
* * * * The defendant [Verio, Inc.] * * * is engaged in the business of selling a variety of Web site design, development and operation services. * * * To facilitate its pursuit of customers,Verio undertook to obtain daily updates of the WHOIS information relating to newly registered domain names. To achieve this,Verio devised an automated software program, or robot, which each day would submit multiple successive WHOIS queries * * * . Upon acquiring the WHOIS information of new registrants,Verio would send them marketing solicitations by e-mail,telemarketing and direct mail. * * * * * * * Register wrote to Verio demanding that it cease * * * .Verio * * * refused * * * . Register brought this suit [in a federal district court] on August 3, 2000 * * * . Register asserted, among other claims, that Verio was * * * trespassing on Register’s chattels [personal
property] in a manner likely to harm Register’s computer systems by the use of Verio’s automated robot software programs. On December 8, 2000, the district court entered a preliminary injunction. The injunction barred Verio from * * * [a]ccessing’s computers and computer networks * * * by software programs performing multiple, automated, successive queries * * * . * * * * Verio * * * attacks the grant of the preliminary injunction against its accessing Register’s computers by automated software programs performing multiple successive queries.This prong of the injunction was premised on Register’s claim of trespass to chattels.Verio contends the ruling was in error because Register failed to establish that Verio’s conduct resulted in harm to Register’s servers and because Verio’s robot access to the WHOIS database through Register was “not unauthorized.”We believe the district court’s findings were within the range of its permissible discretion. A trespass to a chattel may be committed by intentionally * * * using or intermeddling with a chattel in the possession of another, where the chattel is impaired as to its condition, quality, or value. [Emphasis added.] The district court found that Verio’s use of search robots, consisting of software programs performing multiple automated successive queries, consumed a significant portion of the capacity of Register’s computer systems.While Verio’s robots alone would not incapacitate Register’s systems, the court found that if Verio were permitted to continue to access Register’s computers through such robots, it was “highly probable”that other Internet service providers would devise similar programs to access Register’s data, and that the system would be overtaxed and would crash.We cannot say these findings were unreasonable. Nor is there merit to Verio’s contention that it cannot be engaged in trespass when Register had never instructed it not to use its robot programs. As the district court noted, Register’s complaint sufficiently advised Verio that its use of robots was not authorized and,according to Register’s contentions, would cause harm to Register’s systems. * * * * The ruling of the district court is hereby AFFIRMED * * * .
1. Why should the use of a robot, or “bot,” to initiate “multiple successive queries” have a different legal effect than typing and submitting queries manually? 2. Are there any circumstances under which the use of a bot to initiate “multiple successive queries” could be justified against claims of trespass to personal property? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Conversion Whenever a person wrongfully possesses or uses the personal property of another as if the property belonged to her or him,the tort of conversion occurs. Any act that deprives an owner of personal property of the use of that property without that owner’s permission and without just cause can be conversion. Often, when conversion occurs, a trespass to personal property also occurs because the original taking of the personal property from the owner was a trespass, and wrongfully retaining it is conversion. Conversion requires a more serious interference with the personal property than trespass, in terms of the duration and extensiveness of use.
Conversion is the civil side of crimes related to theft, but it is not limited to theft. Even when the rightful owner consented to the initial taking of the property so there was no theft or trespass,a failure to return the personal property may still be conversion. For example, Chen borrows Marik’s iPod to use while traveling home from school for the holidays. When Chen returns to school, Marik asks for his iPod back, but Chen says that he gave it to his little brother for Christmas. In this situation, Marik can sue Chen for conversion, and Chen will have to either return the iPod or pay damages equal to its value. Similarly, even if a person mistakenly believed that she or he was entitled to the goods,a tort of conversion
may still have occurred. In other words, good intentions are not a defense against conversion; in fact,conversion can be an entirely innocent act.Someone who buys stolen goods,for example,has committed the tort of conversion even if he or she did not know the goods were stolen. Note that even the taking of electronic records and data may form the basis of a common law conversion claim.14 So can the wrongful taking of a domain name or the misappropriation of a net loss that harms a company.15 Thus, the personal property need not be tangible (physical) property.
third person refrained from dealing with the plaintiff because of the improper publication but also that the plaintiff suffered damages because the third person refrained from dealing with him or her.The economic calculation of such damages—they are, after all, conjectural—is often extremely difficult. An improper publication may be both a slander of quality and a defamation of character. For example, a statement that disparages the quality of a product may also, by implication, disparage the character of a person who would sell such a product.
Disparagement of Property
Slander of Title When a publication falsely denies or casts doubt on another’s legal ownership of property, resulting in financial loss to the property’s owner, the tort of slander of title occurs. Usually, this is an intentional tort in which someone knowingly publishes an untrue statement about another’s ownership of certain property with the intent of discouraging a third person from dealing with the person slandered. For example, it would be difficult for a car dealer to attract customers after competitors published a notice that the dealer’s stock consisted of stolen autos. See Concept Summary 6.2 for a review of intentional torts against property.
Disparagement of property occurs when economically injurious falsehoods are made about another’s product or property rather than about another’s reputation (as in the tort of defamation). Disparagement of property is a general term for torts that can be more specifically referred to as slander of quality or slander of title. Slander of Quality Publishing false information
about another’s product,alleging it is not what its seller claims, constitutes the tort of slander of quality, or trade libel. The plaintiff must prove that actual damages proximately resulted from the slander of quality. In other words, the plaintiff must show not only that a 14. See Thyroff v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., 8 N.Y.3d 283, 864 N.E.2d 1272 (2007). 15. See Kremen v. Cohen, 325 F. 3d 1035 (9th Cir. 2003); and Fremont Indemnity Co. v. Fremont General Corp., 148 Cal.App.4th 97, 55 Cal.Rptr.3d 621 (2d Dist. 2007).
Cyber Torts Torts can also be committed in the online environment.Torts committed via the Internet are often called cyber torts. Over the years, the courts have had to
Intentional Torts against Property Name of Tort
The invasion of another’s real property without consent or privilege. Specific rights and duties apply once a person is expressly or impliedly established as a trespasser.
The intentional interference with an owner’s right to use, possess, or enjoy his or her personal property without the owner’s consent.
Any economically injurious falsehood that is made about another’s product or property; an inclusive term for the torts of slander of quality and slander of title.
The wrongful possession or use of another person’s personal property without just cause.
decide how to apply traditional tort law to torts committed in cyberspace. Consider, for example, issues of proof.How can it be proved that an online defamatory remark was “published” (which requires that a third party see or hear it)? How can the identity of the person who made the remark be discovered? Can an Internet service provider (ISP), such as America Online,Inc.(AOL),be forced to reveal the source of an anonymous comment? We explore some of these questions in this section, as well as some legal issues that have arisen with respect to bulk e-mail advertising.
Defamation Online Recall from the discussion of defamation earlier in this chapter that one who repeats or otherwise republishes a defamatory statement is subject to liability as if he or she had originally published it.Thus, publishers generally can be held liable for defamatory contents in the books and periodicals that they publish.Now consider online message forums.These forums allow anyone— customers, employees, or crackpots—to complain about a business firm’s personnel,policies,practices,or products. Regardless of whether the complaint is justified and whether it is true, it might have an impact on the firm’s business. One of the early questions in the online legal arena was whether the providers of such forums could be held liable, as publishers, for defamatory statements made in those forums.
by stating that “[n]o provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”16 In other words, Internet publishers are treated differently from publishers in print, television, and radio, and are not liable for publishing defamatory statements, provided that the material came from a third party. In a leading case on this issue, decided the year after the CDA was enacted,America Online, Inc. (AOL, now part of Time Warner,Inc.),was not held liable even though it failed to promptly remove defamatory messages of which it had been made aware. In upholding a district court’s ruling in AOL’s favor, a federal appellate court stated that the CDA “plainly immunizes computer service providers like AOL from liability for information that originates with third parties.” The court explained that the purpose of the statute is “to maintain the robust nature of Internet communication and, accordingly, to keep government interference in the medium to a minimum.”17 The courts have reached similar conclusions in subsequent cases, extending the CDA’s immunity to Web message boards, online auction houses, Internet dating services, and any business that provides e-mail and Web browsing services.18 In the following case, the court considered the scope of immunity that could be accorded to an online roommate-matching service under the CDA.
Immunity of Internet Service Providers
Newspapers, magazines, and television and radio stations may be held liable for defamatory remarks that they disseminate, even if those remarks are prepared or created by others. Prior to the passage of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996, the courts grappled on several occasions with the question of whether ISPs should be regarded as publishers and thus be held liable for defamatory messages made by users of their services. The CDA resolved the issue
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16. 47 U.S.C. Section 230. 17. Zeran v.America Online,Inc., 129 F.3d 327 (4th Cir.1997); cert. denied, 524 U.S. 937, 118 S.Ct. 2341, 141 L.Ed.2d 712 (1998). 18. See Universal Communications Systems, Inc. v. Lycos, Inc., 478 F.3d 413 (1st Cir. 2007); Barrett v. Rosenthal, 40 Cal.4th 33, 51 Cal.Rptr.3d 55 (2006); Delfino v. Agilent Technologies, Inc., 145 Cal.App. 4th 790, 52 Cal.Rptr.3d 376 (N.D.Cal. 2006); Noah v. AOL Time Warner, Inc., 261 F.Supp.2d 532 (E.D.Va. 2003); and Carafano v., Inc., 339 F.3d 1119 (9th Cir. 2003).
Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v., LLC United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, 2007. 489 F.3d 921.
• Background and Facts, LLC, operates an online roommate-matching Web site at The site helps individuals find roommates based on their descriptions of themselves and their roommate preferences. has approximately 150,000 active listings and receives about a million user views per day. To become members of Roommate, users respond to a series of online questions, choosing from answers in drop-down and select-a-box menus. Users disclose information about themselves and their roommate preferences based on age, gender, and other CASE CONTINUES
characteristics, as well as on whether children will live in the household. Members can create personal profiles, search lists of compatible roommates, and send “roommail” messages to other members. Roommate also e-mails newsletters to members seeking housing, listing compatible members who have places to rent. The Fair Housing Councils of San Fernando Valley and San Diego, California, filed a suit in a federal district court against Roommate, claiming that the defendant violated the Fair Housing Act (FHA) by asking for and distributing the information in its member profiles. The court held that the Communications Decency Act (CDA) barred this claim and dismissed it. The councils appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
KOZINSKI, Circuit Judge.
* * * * The touchstone of [the CDA] is that providers of interactive computer services are immune from liability for content created by third parties.The immunity applies to a defendant who is the “provider * * * of an interactive computer service” and is being sued “as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by” someone else. Reviewing courts have treated [this] immunity as quite robust. [Emphasis added.] The Councils do not dispute that Roommate is a provider of an interactive computer service. As such, Roommate is immune so long as it merely publishes information provided by its members. However, Roommate is not immune for publishing materials as to which it is an “information content provider.” [Under the CDA, a] content provider is “any person or entity that is responsible, in whole or in part, for the creation or development of information provided through the Internet.” In other words, if Roommate passively publishes information provided by others, the CDA protects it from liability that would otherwise attach under state or federal law as a result of such publication. But if it is responsible, in whole or in part, for creating or developing the information, it becomes a content provider and is not entitled to CDA immunity. * * * * * * * * * * Roommate is “responsible” for [the] questionnaires [that it requires users to fill out to register with the service] because it “creat[ed] or develop[ed]” the forms and answer choices. As a result, Roommate is a content provider of these questionnaires and does not qualify for CDA immunity for their publication. * * * * We now turn to the more difficult question of whether the CDA exempts Roommate from liability for publishing and distributing its members’ profiles,which it generates from their answers to the form questionnaires. * * * * * * * Roommate does more than merely publish information it solicits from its members. Roommate also channels the information based on members’answers to various questions,as well as the answers of other members.Thus, Roommate allows members to search only the profiles of members with compatible preferences. For example, a female room-seeker who is living with a child can only search profiles of room-providers who have indicated they are willing to live with women and children.Roommate also sends room-seekers e-mail notifications that exclude listings incompatible with their profiles.Thus, Roommate will not notify our female about room-providers who say they will not live with women or children. While Roommate provides a useful service, its search mechanism and e-mail notifications mean that it is neither a passive pass-through of information provided by others nor merely a facilitator of expression by individuals. By categorizing, channeling and limiting the distribution of users’ profiles, Roommate provides an additional layer of information that it is responsible at least in part for creating or developing.
Decision and Remedy The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit concluded that the CDA does not immunize Roommate for all of the content on its Web site and in its e-mail newsletters. The appellate court reversed the lower court’s summary judgment and remanded the case for “a determination of whether [Roommate’s] non-immune publication and distribution of information violates the FHA [Fair Housing Act].”
The Ethical Dimension Do Internet service providers (ISPs) have an ethical duty to advise their users if the information that the users provide for distribution through the ISPs might violate the law? Explain.
• The E-Commerce Dimension Should the courts continue to regard the CDA’s grant of immunity to ISPs as “quite robust”? Why or why not?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Piercing the Veil of Anonymity A threshold barrier to anyone who seeks to bring an action for online defamation is discovering the identity of the person who posted the defamatory message online. ISPs can disclose personal information about their customers only when ordered to do so by a court. Consequently, businesses and individuals often resort to filing lawsuits against “John Does”(John Doe is a fictitious name that is used when the name of the particular person is not known).Then, using the authority of the courts, they attempt to obtain from the ISPs the identities of the persons responsible for the messages. This strategy has worked in some cases,19 but not in others.20 Courts typically are reluctant to deter those who would potentially post messages on the Internet from exercising their First Amendment right to speak anonymously. After all, speaking anonymously is part of the nature of the Internet and helps to make it a useful forum for public discussion.
Spam Bulk, unsolicited e-mail (“junk” e-mail) sent to all of the users on a particular e-mailing list or all of the members of a newsgroup is often called spam.21 Typically, spam consists of product ads. Spam can waste user time and network bandwidth (the amount of data that can be transmitted within a certain time). It also imposes a burden on an ISP’s equipment as well as on an e-mail recipient’s computer system.22 Because of the problems associated with spam, the majority of states now have laws regulating its trans19. Does v. Hvide, 770 So.2d 1237 (Fla.App.3d 2000). 20. See, for example, Doe v. Cahill, 884 A.2d 451 (Del.Supr. 2005); and Dendrite International,Inc.v.Doe No.3, 342 N.J.Super.134,775 A.2d 756 (2001). 21. The term spam is said to come from a Monty Python song with the lyrics,“Spam spam spam spam, spam spam spam spam, lovely spam, wonderful spam.” Like these lyrics, spam online is often considered to be a repetition of worthless text. 22. For an early case in which a court found that spam constituted a trespass to personal property because of the burden on the ISP’s equipment, see CompuServe, Inc. v. Cyber Promotions, Inc., 962 F. Supp. 1015 (S.D. Ohio 1997).
mission. In 2003, the U.S. Congress also enacted a law to regulate the use of spam, although the volume of spam has actually increased since the law was enacted. Statutory Regulation of Spam In an attempt to combat spam, thirty-six states have enacted laws that prohibit or regulate its use. Many state laws regulating spam require the senders of e-mail ads to instruct the recipients on how they can “opt out”of further e-mail ads from the same sources. For instance, in some states an unsolicited e-mail ad must include a toll-free phone number or return e-mail address through which the recipient can contact the sender to request that no more ads be e-mailed. The most stringent state law is California’s antispam law, which went into effect on January 1,2004.That law follows the “optin” model favored by consumer groups and antispam advocates.In other words,the law prohibits any person or business from sending e-mail ads to or from any e-mail address in California unless the recipient has expressly agreed to receive e-mails from the sender. An exemption is made for e-mail sent to consumers with whom the advertiser has a “preexisting or current business relationship.” The Federal CAN-SPAM Act In 2003, Congress
enacted the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act, which took effect on January 1, 2004. The legislation applies to any “commercial electronic mail messages” that are sent to promote a commercial product or service. Significantly, the statute preempts state antispam laws except for those provisions in state laws that prohibit false and deceptive e-mailing practices. Generally, the act permits the use of unsolicited commercial e-mail but prohibits certain types of spamming activities, including the use of a false return address and the use of false, misleading, or deceptive information when sending e-mail. The statute also prohibits the use of “dictionary attacks”— sending messages to randomly generated e-mail addresses—and the “harvesting” of e-mail addresses
from Web sites through the use of specialized software. Notwithstanding the requirements of the federal act, the reality is that the problem of spam is
difficult to address because much of it is funneled through foreign servers.
Intentional Torts Two sisters, Darla and Irene, are partners in an import business located in a small town in Rhode Island. Irene is married to a well-known real estate developer and is campaigning to be the mayor of their town. Darla is in her mid-thirties and has never been married. Both sisters travel to other countries to purchase the goods they sell at their retail store. Irene buys Indonesian goods, and Darla buys goods from Africa. After a tsunami (tidal wave) destroys many of the cities in Indonesia to which Irene usually travels, she phones one of her contacts there and asks him to procure some items and ship them to her. He informs her that it will be impossible to buy these items now because the townspeople are being evacuated due to a water shortage. Irene is angry and tells the man that if he cannot purchase the goods, he should just take them without paying for them after the town has been evacuated. Darla overhears her sister’s instructions and is outraged. They have a falling-out, and Darla decides that she no longer wishes to be in business with her sister. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. Suppose that Darla tells several of her friends about Irene’s instructing the man to take goods without paying for them after the tsunami disaster. Under which intentional tort theory discussed in this chapter might Irene attempt to sue Darla? Would Irene’s suit be successful? Why or why not? 2. Now suppose that Irene wins the election and becomes the city’s mayor. Darla then writes a letter to the editor of the local newspaper disclosing Irene’s misconduct. What intentional tort might Irene accuse Darla of committing? What defenses could Darla assert? 3. If Irene accepts goods shipped from Indonesia that were wrongfully obtained, has she committed an intentional tort against property? Explain. 4. Suppose now that Irene, who is angry with her sister for disclosing her business improprieties, writes a letter to the editor falsely accusing Darla of having sexual relations with her neighbor’s thirteenyear-old son. For what intentional tort or torts could Darla sue Irene in this situation?
conversion 135
slander 126
cyber tort 136
slander of quality 136
defamation 126
slander of title 136
actionable 126
disparagement of property 136
spam 139
actual malice 128
fraudulent misrepresentation 130
tort 122
appropriation 130
intentional tort 123
tortfeasor 123
assault 123
libel 126
trade libel 136
battery 123
privilege 127
trespass to land 133
business tort 131
puffery 131
trespass to personal property 134
compensatory damages 122
punitive damages 123
6–1. Richard is an employee of the Dun Construction Corp.While delivering materials to a construction site, he carelessly backs Dun’s truck into a passenger vehicle driven by Green.This is Richard’s second accident in six months. When the company owner, Dun, learns of this latest accident, a heated discussion ensues, and Dun fires Richard. Dun is so angry that he immediately writes a letter to the union of which Richard is a member and to all other construction companies in the community, stating that Richard is the “worst driver in the city” and that “anyone who hires him is asking for legal liability.” Richard files a suit against Dun,alleging libel on the basis of the statements made in the letters. Discuss the results. 6–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Lothar owns a bakery. He has been trying to obtain a long-term contract with the owner of Martha’s Tea Salons for some time. Lothar starts a local advertising campaign on radio and television and in the newspaper. This advertising campaign is so persuasive that Martha decides to break the contract she has had with Harley’s Bakery so that she can patronize Lothar’s bakery. Is Lothar liable to Harley’s Bakery for the tort of wrongful interference with a contractual relationship? Is Martha liable for this tort? • For a sample answer to Question 6–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
6–3. Gerrit is a former employee of ABC Auto Repair Co. He enters ABC’s repair shop, claiming that the company owes him $800 in back wages. Gerrit argues with ABC’s general manager,Steward,and Steward orders him off the property. Gerrit refuses to leave, and Steward tells two mechanics to throw him off the property. Gerrit runs to his truck, but on the way, he grabs some tools valued at $800; then he drives away. Gerrit refuses to return the tools. (a) Discuss whether Gerrit has committed any torts. (b) If the mechanics had thrown Gerrit off the property, would ABC be guilty of assault and battery? Explain.
6–4. Bombardier Capital, Inc., provides financing to boat and recreational vehicle dealers.Bombardier’s credit policy requires dealers to forward immediately to Bombardier the proceeds of boat sales. When Howard Mulcahey, Bombardier’s vice president of sales and marketing, learned that dealers were not complying with this policy, he told Frank Chandler, Bombardier’s credit director,of his concern.Before Chandler could obtain the proceeds, Mulcahey falsely told Jacques Gingras, Bombardier’s president, that Chandler was, among other things, trying to hide the problem. On the basis of Mulcahey’s statements, Gingras fired Chandler and put Mulcahey in charge of the credit department. Under
what business tort theory discussed in this chapter might Chandler recover damages from Mulcahey? Explain.
6–5. Trespass to Property. America Online, Inc. (AOL), provides services to its customers or members, including the transmission of e-mail to and from other members and across the Internet. To become a member, a person must agree not to use AOL’s computers to send bulk, unsolicited, commercial e-mail (spam). AOL uses filters to block spam, but bulk e-mailers sometimes use other software to thwart the filters. National Health Care Discount, Inc. (NHCD), sells discount optical and dental service plans. To generate leads for NHCD’s products, sales representatives, who included AOL members, sent more than 300 million pieces of spam through AOL’s computer system. Each item cost AOL an estimated $0.00078 in equipment expenses.Some of the spam used false headers and other methods to hide the source.After receiving more than 150,000 complaints from its members, AOL asked NHCD to stop. When the spam continued, AOL filed a suit in a federal district court against NHCD, alleging, in part, trespass to chattels—an unlawful interference with another’s rights to possess personal property. AOL asked the court for a summary judgment on this claim. Did the spamming constitute trespass to chattels? Explain. [America Online, Inc. v. National Health Care Discount, Inc., 121 F. Supp.2d 1255 (N.D. Iowa 2000)] 6–6. Intentional Torts against Property. In 1994, Gary Kremen registered the domain name “” with Network Solutions, Inc., to the name of Kremen’s business, Online Classifieds. Later, Stephen Cohen sent Network Solutions a letter that he claimed to have received from Online Classifieds. It stated that “we have no objections to your use of the domain name and this letter shall serve as our authorization to the Internet registrar to transfer to your corporation.” Without contacting Kremen, Network Solutions transferred the name to Cohen,who subsequently turned into a lucrative business.Kremen filed a suit in a federal district court against Cohen and others, seeking the name and Cohen’s profits. The court ordered Cohen to return the name to Kremen and pay $65 million in damages. Cohen ignored the order and disappeared. Against what other parties might Kremen attempt to obtain relief? Under which theory of intentional torts against property might Kremen be able to file an action? What is the likely result, and why? [Kremen v. Cohen, 337 F. 3d 1024 (9th Cir. 2003)]
6–7. Invasion of Privacy. During the spring and summer of 1999, Edward and Geneva Irvine received numerous “hang-up”phone calls,including three calls in the middle of the night.With the help of their local phone company, the Irvines learned that many of the calls were from the telemarketing department of the Akron Beacon Journal in Akron, Ohio. The Beacon’s sales force was equipped
with an automatic dialing machine. During business hours, the dialer was used to maximize productivity by calling multiple phone numbers at once and connecting a call to a sales representative only after it was answered. After business hours, the Beacon programmed its dialer to dial a list of disconnected numbers to determine whether they had been reconnected. If the dialer detected a ring,it recorded the information and dropped the call.If the automated dialing system crashed,which it did frequently,it redialed the entire list.The Irvines filed a suit in an Ohio state court against the Beacon and others, alleging, among other things, an invasion of privacy. In whose favor should the court rule, and why? [Irvine v. Akron Beacon Journal, 147 Ohio App.3d 428, 770 N.E.2d 1105 (9 Dist. 2002)]
6–8. Defamation. Lydia Hagberg went to her bank, California Federal Bank, FSB, to cash a check made out to her by Smith Barney (SB), an investment services firm. Nolene Showalter, a bank employee, suspected that the check was counterfeit. Showalter called SB and was told that the check was not valid. As she phoned the police, Gary Wood, a bank security officer, contacted SB again and was informed that its earlier statement was “erroneous” and that the check was valid. Meanwhile, a police officer arrived, drew Hagberg away from the teller’s window, spread her legs, patted her down, and handcuffed her. The officer searched her purse, asked her whether she had any weapons or stolen property and whether she was driving a stolen vehicle, and arrested her. Hagberg filed a suit in a California state court against the bank and others, alleging, among other things, slander. Should the absolute privilege for communications made in judicial or other official proceedings apply to statements made when a citizen contacts the police to report suspected criminal activity? Why or why not? [Hagberg v. California Federal Bank, FSB, 32 Cal.4th 350, 81 P.3d 244, 7 Cal.Rptr.3d 803 (2004)] 6–9. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Between 1996 and 1998, Donna Swanson received several anonymous, handwritten letters that,among other things,accused her husband, Alan, of infidelity. In 1998, John Grisham, Jr., the author of The Firm and many other best-selling novels, received an anonymous letter that appeared to have been written by the same person. Grisham and the Swansons suspected Katherine Almy, who soon filed a suit in a Virginia state court against them, alleging, among other things, intentional infliction of emotional distress.According to Almy, Grisham intended to have her “really,really,suffer”for writing the letters, and the three devised a scheme to falsely
accuse her.They gave David Liebman,a handwriting analyst, samples of Almy’s handwriting. These included copies of confidential documents from her children’s files at St. Anne’s–Belfield School in Charlottesville, Virginia, where Alan taught and Grisham served on the board of directors. In Almy’s view, Grisham influenced Liebman to report that Almy might have written the letters and misrepresented this report as conclusive, which led the police to confront Almy. She claimed that she then suffered severe emotional distress and depression, causing “a complete disintegration of virtually every aspect of her life”and requiring her “to undergo extensive therapy.” In response, the defendants asked the court to dismiss the complaint for failure to state a claim. Should the court grant this request? Explain. [Almy v. Grisham, 273 Va. 68, 639 S.E.2d 182 (2007)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 6–9, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 6,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
6–10. A QUESTION OF ETHICS White Plains Coat & Apron Co. is a New York–based linen rental business.Cintas a nationwide business that rents similar products. White Plains had five-year exclusive contracts with some of its customers. As a result of Cintas’s soliciting of business, dozens of White Plains’customers breached their contracts and entered into rental agreements with Cintas. White Plains demanded that Cintas stop its solicitation of White Plains customers. Cintas refused.White Plains filed a suit in a federal district court against Cintas, alleging wrongful interference with existing contracts. Cintas argued that it had no knowledge of any contracts with White Plains and had not induced any breach.The court dismissed the suit,ruling that Cintas had a legitimate interest as a competitor to solicit business and make a profit. White Plains appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. [White Plains Coat & Apron Co. v. Cintas Corp., 8 N.Y.3d 422, 867 N.E.2d 381 (2007)] (a) What are the two important policy interests at odds in wrongful interference cases? When there is an existing contract, which of these interests should be accorded priority? (b) The U.S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit asked the New York Court of Appeals to answer a question: Is a general interest in soliciting business for profit a sufficient defense to a claim of wrongful interference with a contractual relationship? What do you think? Why?
For updated links to resources available on the Web, as well as a variety of other materials, visit this text’s Web site at You can find cases and articles on torts, including business torts, in the tort law library at the Internet Law Library’s Web site. Go to
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 6” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercise 6–1: Legal Perspective Online Defamation Internet Exercise 6–2: Management Perspective Legal and Illegal Uses of Spam
he intentional torts discussed in Chapter 6 all involve acts that the tortfeasor (the one committing the tort) intended to commit. In this chapter, we examine the tort of negligence, which involves acts that depart from a reasonable standard of care and therefore create an
unreasonable risk of harm to others. Negligence suits are probably the most prevalent type of lawsuits brought against businesses today. It is therefore essential that businesspersons understand their potential liability for negligent acts. In the concluding pages of this chapter,
we also look at another basis for liability in tort—strict liability. Under this tort doctrine, liability does not depend on the actor’s negligence or intent to harm, but on the breach of an absolute duty to make something safe.
To succeed in a negligence action,the plaintiff must prove each of the following:
Negligence In contrast to intentional torts, in torts involving negligence, the tortfeasor neither wishes to bring about the consequences of the act nor believes that they will occur. The actor’s conduct merely creates a risk of such consequences.If no risk is created,there is no negligence. Moreover, the risk must be foreseeable; that is,it must be such that a reasonable person engaging in the same activity would anticipate the risk and guard against it. In determining what is reasonable conduct, courts consider the nature of the possible harm. Creating a very slight risk of a dangerous explosion might be unreasonable, whereas creating a distinct possibility of someone’s burning his or her fingers on a stove might be reasonable. Many of the actions discussed in the chapter on intentional torts constitute negligence if the element of intent is missing (or cannot be proved). Suppose that Juarez walks up to Natsuyo and intentionally shoves her.Natsuyo falls and breaks her arm as a result. In this situation, Juarez has committed an intentional tort (battery). If Juarez carelessly bumps into Natsuyo, however, and she falls and breaks her arm as a result, Juarez’s action constitutes negligence. In either situation, Juarez has committed a tort. 144
1. That the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.
2. That the defendant breached that duty. 3. That the plaintiff suffered a legally recognizable injury.
4. That the defendant’s breach caused the plaintiff’s injury. We discuss here each of these four elements of negligence.
The Duty of Care and Its Breach Central to the tort of negligence is the concept of a duty of care. This concept arises from the notion that if we are to live in society with other people, some actions can be tolerated and some cannot, and some actions are reasonable and some are not. The basic principle underlying the duty of care is that people are free to act as they please so long as their actions do not infringe on the interests of others. When someone fails to comply with the duty to exercise reasonable care,a potentially tortious act may have been committed. Failure to live up to a standard of care may be an act (setting fire to a building) or an omission (neglecting to put out a campfire). It may be
a careless act or a carefully performed but nevertheless dangerous act that results in injury. Courts consider the nature of the act (whether it is outrageous or commonplace), the manner in which the act is performed (heedlessly versus cautiously), and the nature of the injury (whether it is serious or slight) in determining whether the duty of care has been breached. The Reasonable Person Standard Tort law
measures duty by the reasonable person standard. In determining whether a duty of care has been breached, for example, the courts ask how a reasonable person would have acted in the same circumstances. The reasonable person standard is said to be (though in an absolute sense it cannot be) objective.It is not necessarily how a particular person would act.It is society’s judgment of how an ordinarily prudent person should act. If the so-called reasonable person existed, he or she would be careful, conscientious, even tempered, and honest. That individuals are required to exercise a reasonable standard of care in their activities is a pervasive concept in business law, and many of the issues discussed in subsequent chapters of this text have to do with this duty. In negligence cases, the degree of care to be exercised varies,depending on the defendant’s occupation or profession, her or his relationship with the plaintiff, and other factors. Generally, whether an action constitutes a breach of the duty of care is determined on a case-by-case basis.The outcome depends on how the judge (or jury, if it is a jury trial) decides a reasonable person in the position of the defendant would act in the particular circumstances of the case. In the following subsections, we examine the degree of care typically expected of landowners and professionals. Duty of Landowners Landowners are expected
to exercise reasonable care to protect individuals coming onto their property from harm. In some jurisdictions, landowners may even have a duty to protect trespassers against certain risks. Landowners who rent or lease premises to tenants are expected to exercise reasonable care to ensure that the tenants and their
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guests are not harmed in common areas, such as stairways, entryways, and laundry rooms (see Chapter 48). Duty to Warn Business Invitees of Risks. Retailers and other firms that explicitly or implicitly invite persons to come onto their premises are usually charged with a duty to exercise reasonable care to protect these business invitees. For example, if you entered a supermarket, slipped on a wet floor, and sustained injuries as a result, the owner of the supermarket would be liable for damages if, when you slipped, there was no sign warning that the floor was wet. A court would hold that the business owner was negligent because the owner failed to exercise a reasonable degree of care in protecting the store’s customers against foreseeable risks about which the owner knew or should have known. That a patron might slip on the wet floor and be injured as a result was a foreseeable risk, and the owner should have taken care to avoid this risk or warn the customer of it.1 Obvious Risks Provide an Exception. Some risks, of course,are so obvious that an owner need not warn of them. For example, a business owner does not need to warn customers to open a door before attempting to walk through it. Other risks, however, even though they may seem obvious to a business owner, may not be so in the eyes of another, such as a child. For example, a hardware store owner may not think it is necessary to warn customers that, if climbed, a stepladder leaning against the back wall of the store could fall down and harm them. It is possible, though, that a child could tip the ladder over while climbing it and be hurt as a result. The issue in the following case was whether the obviousness of the existence of wet napkins on the floor of a nightclub obviated the owner’s duty to its customers to maintain the premises in a safe condition. 1. A business owner can warn of a risk in a number of ways; for example, to warn of a hole in the business’s parking lot, the owner could place a sign, traffic cone, sawhorse, board, or the like near the hole.
Izquierdo v. Gyroscope, Inc. District Court of Appeal of Florida, Fourth District, 2007. 946 So.2d 115.
Background and Facts Giorgio’s Grill in Hollywood, Florida, is a restaurant that becomes a nightclub after hours. At those times, traditionally, as Giorgio’s manager knew, the wait staff and customers CASE CONTINUES
threw paper napkins into the air as the music played. The napkins landed on the floor, but no one picked them up. If they became too deep, customers pushed them to the side. Because drinks were occasionally spilled, sometimes the napkins were wet. One night, Jane Izquierdo went to Giorgio’s to meet a friend. She had been to the club five or six times and knew of the napkin-throwing tradition. She had one drink and went to the restroom. On her return, she slipped and fell, breaking her leg. After surgery, she relied on a wheelchair for three months and continued to suffer pain. She filed a suit in a Florida state court against Gyroscope, Inc., the owner of Giorgio’s, alleging negligence. A jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant, and Izquierdo filed a motion for a new trial, which the court denied. She appealed to a state intermediate appellate court. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
WARNER, J. [Judge]
* * * * We conclude that the trial court abused its discretion in denying the motion for new trial as the verdict finding no negligence on the part of the defendant is contrary to the undisputed evidence in the case.The testimony regarding negligence from both Izquierdo and her fiancé was not conflicting nor was it impeached [contradicted]. More importantly, the manager of the restaurant admitted that permitting the wet napkins to remain on the floor was a hazardous condition. Although the defendant argued * * * that Izquierdo did not know how she fell, the circumstantial evidence included her testimony that she slipped, went down on a wet floor, and found napkins on her shoes.The inference that the wet napkins on the floor caused her fall clearly was the only reasonable inference which could be drawn from the facts presented. The defendant offered no contrary interpretation consistent with the facts proved. We are further persuaded that the evidence of the defendant’s negligence was clear and obvious by a reading of [Florida Statutes Section] 768.0710(1), which provides: The person or entity in possession or control of business premises owes a duty of reasonable care to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition for the safety of business invitees on the premises, which includes reasonable efforts to keep the premises free from transitory foreign objects or substances that might foreseeably give rise to loss, injury, or damage.
* * * [T]he existence of a foreign substance on the floor of business premises that causes a customer to fall and be injured is not a safe condition * * * .[A] business owner owes a duty to its invitees to make reasonable efforts to keep transitory foreign substances off the floor, which would include napkins. Failure to do so would be negligence. [Emphasis added.] Further, although Giorgio’s claimed that the napkin-throwing was known by Izquierdo and the existence of napkins on the floor was obvious, this would merely discharge the landowner’s duty to warn. It does not discharge the landowner’s duty to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition. * * * * * * * * * * [T]he record in the present case shows at least some negligence on the part of the defendant, even though a jury could find that Izquierdo was negligent herself. The jury’s verdict finding no negligence on the defendant’s part is contrary to the manifest [obvious] weight of the evidence, and the trial court abused its discretion in denying the motion for a new trial.
• Decision and Remedy The state intermediate appellate court reversed the lower court’s
decision, concluding that “the trial court abused its discretion” in denying Izquierdo’s motion. The appellate court remanded the case for a new trial.
What If the Facts Were Different? Should the result in this case have been different if, in all the years that the napkin-throwing tradition existed, no one had ever fallen on the napkins before Izquierdo? Why or why not?
• The Legal Environment Dimension Does a plaintiff’s knowledge of a dangerous con-
dition erase a defendant’s potential liability for negligently permitting the dangerous condition to exist? Explain.
Duty of Professionals If an individual has knowledge or skill superior to that of an ordinary person, the individual’s conduct must be consistent with that status. Professionals—including physicians, dentists, architects, engineers, accountants, and lawyers, among others—are required to have a standard minimum level of special knowledge and ability.Therefore, in determining what constitutes reasonable care in the case of professionals,the court takes their training and expertise into account. In other words, an accountant cannot defend against a lawsuit for negligence by stating,“But I was not familiar with that general principle of accounting.” If a professional violates his or her duty of care toward a client, the client may bring a suit against the professional, alleging malpractice, which is essentially professional negligence. For example, a patient might sue a physician for medical malpractice. A client might sue an attorney for legal malpractice. The liability of professionals will be examined in further detail in Chapter 51. No Duty to Rescue Although the law requires individuals to act reasonably and responsibly in their relations with one another, if a person fails to come to the aid of a stranger in peril, that person will not be considered negligent under tort law. For example, assume that you are walking down a city street and see a pedestrian about to step directly in front of an oncoming bus.You realize that the person has not seen the bus and is unaware of the danger. Do you have a legal duty to warn that individual? No. Although most people would probably concede that, in this situation, the observer has an ethical duty to warn the other, tort law does not impose a general duty to rescue others in peril.Duties may be imposed in regard to certain types of peril, however. For example, most states require a motorist involved in an automobile accident to stop and render aid. Failure to do so is both a tort and a crime.
The Injury Requirement and Damages To recover damages (receive compensation), the plaintiff in a tort lawsuit must prove that she or he suffered a legally recognizable injury. In other words, the plaintiff must have suffered some loss, harm, wrong, or invasion of a protected interest.This is true in lawsuits for intentional torts as well as lawsuits for negligence. Essentially,the purpose of tort law is to compensate for legally recognized harms and injuries resulting from
wrongful acts. If no harm or injury results from a given negligent action,there is nothing to compensate—and no tort exists. For example,if you carelessly bump into a passerby, who stumbles and falls as a result,you may be liable in tort if the passerby is injured in the fall. If the person is unharmed, however, there normally can be no suit for damages because no injury was suffered. Although the passerby might be angry and suffer emotional distress, few courts recognize negligently inflicted emotional distress as a tort unless it results in some physical disturbance or dysfunction. Compensatory damages are the norm in negligence cases. Occasionally, though, a court will award punitive damages if the defendant’s conduct was grossly negligent, meaning that the defendant intentionally failed to perform a duty with reckless disregard of the consequences to others.
Causation Another element necessary to the tort of negligence— and intentional torts as well—is causation. If a person breaches a duty of care and someone suffers injury,the wrongful activity must have caused the harm for a tort to have been committed. Causation in Fact and Proximate Cause
In deciding whether the requirement of causation is met, the court must address two questions:
1. Is there causation in fact? Did the injury occur because of the defendant’s act, or would it have occurred anyway? If an injury would not have occurred without the defendant’s act, then there is causation in fact. Causation in fact can usually be determined by use of the but for test:“but for” the wrongful act, the injury would not have occurred. This test determines whether there was an actual cause-and-effect relationship between the act and the injury suffered.In theory,causation in fact is limitless.One could claim,for example,that “but for”the creation of the world, a particular injury would not have occurred. Thus, as a practical matter, the law has to establish limits, and it does so through the concept of proximate cause. 2. Was the act the proximate, or legal, cause of the injury? Proximate cause, or legal cause, exists when the connection between an act and an injury is strong enough to justify imposing liability. Consider an example. Ackerman carelessly leaves a campfire burning.The fire not only burns down the
forest but also sets off an explosion in a nearby chemical plant that spills chemicals into a river, killing all the fish for a hundred miles downstream and ruining the economy of a tourist resort. Should Ackerman be liable to the resort owners? To the tourists whose vacations were ruined? These are questions of proximate cause that a court must decide. Both questions must be answered in the affirmative for liability in tort to arise. If a defendant’s action constitutes causation in fact but a court decides that the action is not the proximate cause of the plaintiff’s injury, the causation requirement has not been met—
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and the defendant normally will not be liable to the plaintiff. Foreseeability Questions of proximate cause are linked to the concept of foreseeability because it would be unfair to impose liability on a defendant unless the defendant’s actions created a foreseeable risk of injury. Probably the most cited case on the concept of foreseeability and proximate cause is the Palsgraf case.The question before the court was as follows: Does the defendant’s duty of care extend only to those who may be injured as a result of a foreseeable risk, or does it extend also to persons whose injuries could not reasonably be foreseen?
Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. Court of Appeals of New York, 1928. 248 N.Y. 339, 162 N.E. 99.
• Background and Facts The plaintiff, Helen Palsgraf, was waiting for a train on a station platform. A man carrying a package was rushing to catch a train that was moving away from a platform across the tracks from Palsgraf. As the man attempted to jump aboard the moving train, he seemed unsteady and about to fall. A railroad guard on the car reached forward to grab him, and another guard on the platform pushed him from behind to help him board the train. In the process, the man’s package, which (unknown to the railroad guards) contained fireworks, fell on the railroad tracks and exploded. There was nothing about the package to indicate its contents. The repercussions of the explosion caused scales at the other end of the train platform to fall on Palsgraf, causing injuries for which she sued the railroad company. At the trial, the jury found that the railroad guards had been negligent in their conduct. The railroad company appealed. The appellate court affirmed the trial court’s judgment, and the railroad company appealed to New York’s highest state court. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
CARDOZO, C.J. [Chief Justice]
* * * * The conduct of the defendant’s guard, if a wrong in its relation to the holder of the package, was not a wrong in its relation to the plaintiff, standing far away. Relatively to her it was not negligence at all. * * * * * * * * * * What the plaintiff must show is “a wrong” to herself; i.e., a violation of her own right, and not merely a wrong to someone else[.] * * * The risk reasonably to be perceived defines the duty to be obeyed[.] * * * Here,by concession,there was nothing in the situation to suggest to the most cautious mind that the parcel wrapped in newspaper would spread wreckage through the station. If the guard had thrown it down knowingly and willfully, he would not have threatened the plaintiff’s safety, so far as appearances could warn him. His conduct would not have involved, even then, an unreasonable probability of invasion of her bodily security. Liability can be no greater where the act is inadvertent. [Emphasis added.] * * * One who seeks redress at law does not make out a cause of action by showing without more that there has been damage to his person. If the harm was not willful, he must show that the act as to him had possibilities of danger so many and apparent as to entitle him to be protected against the doing of it though the harm was unintended.* * * The victim does not sue * * *
to vindicate an interest invaded in the person of another. * * * He sues for breach of a duty owing to himself. * * * [To rule otherwise] would entail liability for any and all consequences,however novel or extraordinary.
Decision and Remedy Palsgraf’s complaint was dismissed. The railroad had not been negligent toward her because injury to her was not foreseeable. Had the owner of the fireworks been harmed, and had he filed suit, there could well have been a different result.
• Impact of This Case on Today’s Law The Palsgraf case established foreseeability as the
test for proximate cause. Today, the courts continue to apply this test in determining proximate cause—and thus tort liability for injuries. Generally, if the victim of a harm or the consequences of a harm done are unforeseeable, there is no proximate cause.
International Considerations Differing Standards of Proximate Cause The concept of proximate cause is common among nations around the globe, but its application differs from country to country. French law uses the phrase “adequate cause.” An event breaks the chain of adequate cause if the event is both unforeseeable and irresistible. England has a “nearest cause” rule that attributes liability based on which event was nearest in time and space. Mexico bases proximate cause on the foreseeability of the harm but does not require that an event be reasonably foreseeable.
The Global Dimension What would be the advantages and disadvantages of a universal principle of proximate cause applied everywhere by all courts in all relevant cases? Discuss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Defenses to Negligence The basic defenses to liability in negligence cases are (1) assumption of risk,(2) superseding cause,and (3) contributory and comparative negligence. Additionally, defendants often defend against negligence claims by asserting that the plaintiffs failed to prove the existence of one or more of the required elements for negligence.
Assumption of Risk A plaintiff who voluntarily enters into a risky situation, knowing the risk involved, will not be allowed to recover. This is the defense of assumption of risk. The requirements of this defense are (1) knowledge of the risk and (2) voluntary assumption of the risk.This defense is frequently asserted when the plaintiff is injured during recreational activities that involve known risk, such as skiing and parachuting. The risk can be assumed by express agreement, or the assumption of risk can be implied by the plaintiff’s knowledge of the risk and subsequent conduct. For
example, a driver entering an automobile race knows there is a risk of being injured or killed in a crash.The driver has assumed the risk of injury. Of course, the plaintiff does not assume a risk different from or greater than the risk normally carried by the activity.In our example, the race driver assumes the risk of being injured in the race but not the risk that the banking in the curves of the racetrack will give way during the race because of a construction defect. Risks are not deemed to be assumed in situations involving emergencies. Neither are they assumed when a statute protects a class of people from harm and a member of the class is injured by the harm. For example, courts have generally held that an employee cannot assume the risk of an employer’s violation of safety statutes passed for the benefit of employees. In the following case,a ball kicked by a player practicing on a nearby field injured a man who was attending his son’s soccer tournament. The question before the court was whether a bystander who was not watching a soccer match at the time of injury had nevertheless assumed the risk of being struck by a wayward ball.
Sutton v. Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association, Inc.
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New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Third Department, 2004. 8 A.D.3d 855, 779 N.Y.S.2d 149.
SPAIN, J. [Justice]
* * * * While attending a soccer tournament in which his son was a participant, plaintiff D. James Sutton (hereinafter plaintiff) was struck by a soccer ball kicked by a 16-year-old boy practicing on one of the soccer fields between games.Thereafter,plaintiff and his wife * * * commenced this personal injury action [in a New York state court] against organizations and teams sponsoring and/or participating in the tournament, as well as the boy who kicked the ball, seeking to recover damages for injuries he sustained to his knee as a result of the accident. [The] Court granted summary judgment to all defendants, finding that plaintiff had assumed the risk of being struck by a soccer ball, and dismissed the complaint. * * * According to plaintiff, May 30, 1999 was a sunny, exceedingly hot day and his son, a member of defendant Latham Circle Soccer Club, was participating in a Highland Soccer Club Tournament at Maalyck Park in the Town of Glenville, Schenectady County [in New York]. Plaintiff attended as a spectator and had just finished watching his son’s second game of the day from one of the sidelines when he walked to the end of the field to a tent which had been erected by his son’s team some 30 to 40 yards behind the goal line in order to provide shade for the players while they were not engaged on the field. While walking past the field, plaintiff noticed six or seven players from defendant Guilderland Soccer Club on the field “hacking around” and warming up for the next game. Once under the tent, plaintiff was in the process of removing a sandwich from his son’s cooler when he was struck in the chest and knocked off his feet by a soccer ball kicked from the field by a Guilderland player, defendant Ian Goss. The first argument raised on appeal is that plaintiff was not a voluntary spectator of the soccer match at the point in time when he was injured; accordingly, plaintiffs argue, he cannot be found to have assumed the risk of injury. In support of this contention, plaintiffs point to the fact that a game was not in progress on the field and that, when injured, he was standing some 30 to 40 yards away from the field of play. We are unpersuaded. The doctrine of assumption of risk can apply not only to participants of sporting events,but to spectators and bystanders who are not actively engaged in watching the event at the time of their injury. Indeed, the spectator at a sporting event, no less than the participant, accepts the dangers that inhere in it so far as they are obvious and necessary, just as a fencer accepts the risk of a thrust by his antagonist or a spectator at a ball game the * * * chance of contact with the ball * * * . The timorous [nervous] may stay at home. Here, plaintiff admitted that he was at the tournament as a spectator and was aware that players were practicing on the field when he walked past them. Furthermore, although plaintiff’s son’s team had just finished a game, the tournament involved hundreds of players with teams playing at various times on at least five fields and plaintiff had been at the tournament all morning, surrounded by this activity. Under these circumstances, we find that plaintiff’s presence at the tournament rendered him a voluntary spectator to the soccer play in progress throughout the day. [Emphasis added.] Next, plaintiffs contend that the placement of the tent behind the goal line of one of the soccer fields enhanced the risk to spectators at the game, thereby undermining the argument that plaintiff assumed the risk of getting struck by a ball. Plaintiffs rely on evidence * * * that spectators at soccer games should, for their safety, observe the game from the sidelines and that standing behind the goal line increases the chance of being struck by a kicked ball.This Court has not previously had occasion to address directly the duty of care owed to spectators at a soccer match. Existing jurisprudence surrounding the duty owed to spectators at a baseball game, though not controlling given the differences in the games of baseball and soccer,is nonetheless helpful to our analysis. * * * Taking into consideration the independence of spectators who might want to watch a [baseball] game from an unprotected vantage point, and recognizing that even after the exercise of reasonable care, some risk of being struck by a ball will continue to exist, * * * the proprietor of a ball park need only provide screening for the area of the field behind home plate where the danger of being struck by a ball is the greatest. * * * [T]he municipal owner of a baseball
park which has provided adequate space for spectators to view the game from behind the backstop [does] not owe a duty to install screens or netting above a fence running along the first baseline to protect spectators walking in the area between the fence and bathrooms against the risk of being struck by foul balls. * * * Unlike baseball parks, outdoor soccer fields typically have no protective screening or fencing for spectators,presumably because the ball is larger and moves slower,enabling the spectator who observes a ball coming his or her way to avoid being struck. Indeed, plaintiffs do not suggest that, in the exercise of reasonable care,defendants had a duty to provide any protective measures along the sidelines. Instead, plaintiffs assert that defendants unreasonably enhanced the risk of injury to plaintiff by essentially inviting him to stand at the end of the field through their placement of the team tent.Although we agree that a factual question has been presented as to whether the risk of being struck by a soccer ball is enhanced when a spectator is standing behind the goal line, we find that question immaterial to the disposition of this action.There is no suggestion that there was not adequate room for the spectators to remain along the sidelines; in fact, plaintiff was seated along the sidelines prior to moving to the tent to get a sandwich.Accordingly, just as the owner of a baseball park is not responsible for the spectator who leaves his or her seat and walks through a potentially more hazardous zone to reach a bathroom or concession stand,thereby assuming the open and obvious risk of being hit by a ball,defendants here cannot be held responsible for the risk assumed by plaintiff when he,aware that players were active on the field,left the sidelines and stood in the tent positioned in the arguably more dangerous zone behind the goal line. [Emphasis added.] We also reject plaintiffs’ contention that the risk of being struck while some 40 yards away from a field upon which no formal game was in progress was not open and obvious. In the context of a sporting event, where the risks are fully comprehended or perfectly obvious, a participant will be deemed to have consented to such risk. As discussed, plaintiff had been in attendance for hours at a tournament where soccer games were almost continuously in progress and had actual knowledge that players were kicking the ball around on the field when he opted to move to the tent behind the goal line.Further,he was familiar with the game of soccer having admittedly been a frequent spectator of the game for over 14 years. Under these circumstances, we hold that plaintiff should have appreciated the risk of being hit by an errant [stray] soccer ball when he opted to enter the tent in the area behind the goal. [Emphasis added.] * * * * ORDERED that the order is affirmed * * * .
1. What is the basis underlying the defense of assumption of risk, and how does that basis support the court’s decision in the Sutton case? 2. Had the plaintiffs prevailed, how might the sites for soccer matches be different today? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Superseding Cause An unforeseeable intervening event may break the causal connection between a wrongful act and an injury to another. If so, the intervening event acts as a superseding cause—that is, it relieves a defendant of liability for injuries caused by the intervening event. For example, suppose that Derrick, while riding his bicycle, negligently hits Julie, who is walking on the sidewalk. As a result of the impact, Julie falls and fractures her hip. While she is waiting for help to arrive, a small aircraft crashes nearby and explodes, and some of the fiery debris hits her,causing her to sustain severe
burns.Derrick will be liable for the damages caused by Julie’s fractured hip, but normally he will not be liable for the injuries caused by the plane crash—because the risk of a plane crashing nearby and injuring Julie was not foreseeable.
Contributory and Comparative Negligence All individuals are expected to exercise a reasonable degree of care in looking out for themselves. In the past,under the common law doctrine of contributory negligence, a plaintiff who was also negligent (failed
to exercise a reasonable degree of care) could not recover anything from the defendant. Under this rule, no matter how insignificant the plaintiff’s negligence was relative to the defendant’s negligence, the plaintiff would be precluded from recovering any damages. Today, only a few jurisdictions still hold to this doctrine. In the majority of states, the doctrine of contributory negligence has been replaced by a comparative negligence standard. The comparative negligence standard enables both the plaintiff’s and the defendant’s negligence to be computed and the liability for damages distributed accordingly. Some jurisdictions have adopted a “pure” form of comparative negligence that allows the plaintiff to recover damages even if her or his fault is greater than that of the defendant. Many states’ comparative negligence statutes, however, contain a “50 percent” rule, under which the plaintiff recovers nothing if she or he was more than 50 percent at fault.Under this rule,a plaintiff who is 35 percent at fault could recover 65 percent of his or her damages, but a plaintiff who is 65 percent (over 50 percent) at fault could recover nothing.
Special Negligence Doctrines and Statutes A number of special doctrines and statutes relating to negligence are also important. We examine a few of them here.
Res Ipsa Loquitur Generally, in lawsuits involving negligence, the plaintiff has the burden of proving that the defendant was negligent. In certain situations, however, the courts may presume that negligence has occurred, in which case the burden of proof rests on the defendant—that is,the defendant must prove that he or she was not negligent. The presumption of the defendant’s negligence is known as the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur,2 which translates as “the facts speak for themselves.” This doctrine is applied only when the event creating the damage or injury is one that ordinarily does not occur in the absence of negligence. For example, suppose that a person undergoes abdominal surgery and following the surgery has nerve damage in her 2. Pronounced rihz ihp-suh low-kwuh-duhr.
spine near the area of the operation. In this situation, the person can sue the surgeon under a theory of res ipsa loquitur, because the injury would not have occurred in the absence of the surgeon’s negligence.3 For the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur to apply, the event must have been within the defendant’s power to control, and it must not have been due to any voluntary action or contribution on the part of the plaintiff.
Negligence Per Se Certain conduct, whether it consists of an action or a failure to act, may be treated as negligence per se (“in or of itself”). Negligence per se may occur if an individual violates a statute or an ordinance providing for a criminal penalty and that violation causes another to be injured. The injured person must prove (1) that the statute clearly sets out what standard of conduct is expected, when and where it is expected, and of whom it is expected; (2) that he or she is in the class intended to be protected by the statute; and (3) that the statute was designed to prevent the type of injury that he or she suffered.The standard of conduct required by the statute is the duty that the defendant owes to the plaintiff,and a violation of the statute is the breach of that duty. For example, a statute provides that anyone who operates a motor vehicle on a public highway and fails to give full time and attention to the operation of that vehicle is guilty of inattentive driving. After an accident involving two motor vehicles,one of the drivers is cited for and later found guilty of violating the inattentive driver statute. If the other driver was injured and subsequently files a lawsuit, a court could consider the violation of the statute to constitute negligence per se. The statute set forth a standard of attentive driving specifically to protect the safety of the traveling public.4
“Danger Invites Rescue” Doctrine Under the “danger invites rescue” doctrine, a person who is injured while going to someone else’s rescue can sue the person who caused the dangerous situation. The original wrongdoer is liable not only for the injuries to the person who was placed in danger, but also for injuries to an individual attempting a rescue. The idea is that the rescuer should not be held liable for any damages because he or she did not cause the 3. See, for example, Gubbins v. Hurson, 885 A.2d 269 (D.C. 2005). 4. See, for example, Wright v. Moore, 931 A.2d 405 (Del.Supr. 2007).
danger and because danger invites rescue. For example, Ludlam, while driving down a street, fails to see a stop sign because he is trying to end a squabble between his two young children in the car’s backseat. Salter, on the curb near the stop sign, realizes that Ludlam is about to hit a pedestrian walking across the street at the intersection. Salter runs into the street to push the pedestrian out of the way, and Ludlam’s vehicle hits Salter instead. Ludlam will be liable for Salter’s injury as the rescuer,as well as for any injuries the other pedestrian (or any bystanders) may have sustained.
Another category of torts is called strict liability, or liability without fault. Intentional torts and torts of negligence involve acts that depart from a reasonable standard of care and cause injuries. Under the doctrine of strict liability,a person who engages in certain activities can be held responsible for any harm that results to others even if the person used the utmost care.
Special Negligence Statutes
Development of Strict Liability
A number of states have enacted statutes prescribing duties and responsibilities in certain circumstances. For example, most states now have what are called Good Samaritan statutes.5 Under these statutes, persons who are aided voluntarily by others cannot turn around and sue the “Good Samaritans”for negligence. These laws were passed largely to protect physicians and other medical personnel who volunteer their services for free in emergency situations to those in need, such as individuals hurt in car accidents.6 Many states have also passed dram shop acts,7 under which a tavern owner or bartender may be held liable for injuries caused by a person who became intoxicated while drinking at the bar or who was already intoxicated when served by the bartender. Some states’ statutes also impose liability on social hosts (persons hosting parties) for injuries caused by guests who became intoxicated at the hosts’ homes. Under these statutes,it is unnecessary to prove that the tavern owner, bartender, or social host was negligent. Sometimes, the definition of a “social host” is broadly fashioned. For example, in a New York case, the court held that the father of a minor who hosted a “bringyour-own-keg” party could be held liable for injuries caused by an intoxicated guest.8
The modern concept of strict liability traces its origins, in part, to the 1868 English case of Rylands v. Fletcher.9 In the coal-mining area of Lancashire, England, the Rylands, who were mill owners, had constructed a reservoir on their land.Water from the reservoir broke through a filled-in shaft of an abandoned coal mine nearby and flooded the connecting passageways in an active coal mine owned by Fletcher. Fletcher sued the Rylands, and the court held that the defendants (the Rylands) were liable, even though the circumstances did not fit within existing tort liability theories. The court held that a “person who for his own purposes brings on his land and collects and keeps there anything likely to do mischief if it escapes prima facie [on initial examination] answerable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of its escape.” British courts liberally applied the doctrine that emerged from the Rylands v.Fletcher case.Initially,few U.S. courts accepted this doctrine, presumably because the courts were worried about its effect on the expansion of American business. Today, however, the doctrine of strict liability is the norm rather than the exception.
5. These laws derive their name from the Good Samaritan story in the Bible. In the story, a traveler who had been robbed and beaten lay along the roadside, ignored by those passing by. Eventually, a man from the region of Samaria (the “Good Samaritan”) stopped to render assistance to the injured person. 6. See, for example, the discussions of various state statutes in Chamley v. Khokha, 730 N.W.2d 864 (N.D. 2007), and Mueller v. McMillian Warner Insurance Co., 2006 WI 54, 290 Wis.2d 571, 714 N.W.2d 183 (2006). 7. Historically, a dram was a small unit of liquid, and spirits were sold in drams. Thus, a dram shop was a place where liquor was sold in drams. 8. Rust v. Reyer, 91 N.Y.2d 355, 693 N.E.2d 1074, 670 N.Y.S.2d 822 (1998).
Strict Liability
Abnormally Dangerous Activities Strict liability for damages proximately caused by an abnormally dangerous, or ultrahazardous, activity is one application of strict liability. Courts apply the doctrine of strict liability in these situations because of the extreme risk of the activity. Abnormally dangerous activities are those that involve a high risk of serious harm to persons or property that cannot be completely guarded against by the exercise of reasonable care—activities such as blasting or storing explosives. Even if blasting with dynamite is performed with all 9. 3 L.R.–E & I App. [Law Reports, English & Irish Appeal Cases] (H.L. [House of Lords] 1868).
reasonable care, there is still a risk of injury. Balancing that risk against the potential for harm, it seems reasonable to ask the person engaged in the activity to pay for injuries caused by that activity. Although there is no fault, there is still responsibility because of the dangerous nature of the undertaking.
Other Applications of Strict Liability Persons who keep wild animals are strictly liable for any harm inflicted by the animals.The basis for applying strict liability is that wild animals, should they escape from confinement, pose a serious risk of harm to persons in the vicinity. An owner of domestic animals (such as dogs, cats, cows, or sheep) may be strictly liable for harm caused by those animals if the owner knew, or should have known, that the animals were dangerous or had a propensity to harm others.
A significant application of strict liability is in the area of product liability—liability of manufacturers and sellers for harmful or defective products. Liability here is a matter of social policy and is based on two factors: (1) the manufacturing company can better bear the cost of injury because it can spread the cost throughout society by increasing prices of goods and services, and (2) the manufacturing company is making a profit from its activities and therefore should bear the cost of injury as an operating expense. We will discuss product liability in greater detail in Chapter 23. Strict liability is also applied in certain types of bailments (a bailment exists when goods are transferred temporarily into the care of another—see Chapter 47).
Negligence and Strict Liability Alaina Sweeney went to Ragged Mountain Ski Resort in New Hampshire with a friend. Alaina went snow tubing down a snow-tube run designed exclusively for snow tubers. There were no Ragged Mountain employees present in the snow-tube area to instruct Alaina on the proper use of a snow tube. On her fourth run down the trail, Alaina crossed over the center line between snow-tube lanes, collided with another snow tuber, and was injured. Alaina filed a negligence action against Ragged Mountain seeking compensation for the injuries that she sustained. Two years earlier, the New Hampshire state legislature had enacted a statute that prohibited a person who participates in the sport of skiing from suing a ski-area operator for injuries caused by the risks inherent in skiing. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. What defense will Ragged Mountain probably assert? 2. The central question in this case is whether the state statute establishing that skiers assume the risks inherent in the sport bars Alaina’s suit. What would your decision be on this issue? Why? 3. Suppose that the court concludes that the statute applies only to skiing and does not apply to snow tubing. Will Alaina’s lawsuit be successful? Explain. 4. Now suppose that the jury concludes that Alaina was partly at fault for the accident. Under what theory might her damages be reduced in proportion to the degree to which her actions contributed to the accident and her resulting injuries?
comparative negligence 152
negligence 144
contributory negligence 151
negligence per se 152
dram shop act 153
proximate cause 147
assumption of risk 149
duty of care 144
reasonable person standard 145
business invitee 145
Good Samaritan statute 153
res ipsa loquitur 152
causation in fact 147
malpractice 147
strict liability 153
7–1. Shannon’s physician gives her some pain medication and tells her not to drive after she takes it, as the medication induces drowsiness. In spite of the doctor’s warning, Shannon decides to drive to the store while on the medication. Owing to her lack of alertness, she fails to stop at a traffic light and crashes into another vehicle, causing a passenger in that vehicle to be injured. Is Shannon liable for the tort of negligence? Explain fully. 7–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Ruth carelessly parks her car on a steep hill,leaving the car in neutral and failing to engage the parking brake.The car rolls down the hill and knocks down an electric line. The sparks from the broken line ignite a grass fire.The fire spreads until it reaches a barn one mile away. The barn houses dynamite, and the burning barn explodes,causing part of the roof to fall on and injure Jim, a passing motorist.Which element of negligence is of the greatest concern here? What legal doctrine resolves this issue? Will Jim be able to recover damages from Ruth? • For a sample answer to Question 7–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
7–3. Danny and Marion Klein were injured when part of a fireworks display went astray and exploded near them. They sued Pyrodyne Corp.,the pyrotechnic company that was hired to set up and discharge the fireworks, alleging, among other things, that the company should be strictly liable for damages caused by the fireworks display. Will the court agree with the Kleins? What factors will the court consider in making its decision? Discuss fully. 7–4. Negligence Per Se. A North Carolina Department of Transportation regulation prohibits the placement of telephone booths within public rights-of-way. Despite this regulation, GTE South, Inc., placed a booth in the right-ofway near the intersection of Hillsborough and Sparger Roads in Durham County. A pedestrian, Laura Baldwin, was using the booth when an accident at the intersection caused a dump truck to cross the right-of-way and smash into the booth. Was Baldwin within the class of persons protected by the regulation? If so,did GTE’s placement of the booth constitute negligence per se? Explain. 7–5. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER New Hampshire International Speedway, Inc., owned the New Hampshire International Speedway, a racetrack next to Route 106 in Loudon, New Hampshire. In August 1998, on the weekend before the Winston Cup race, Speedway opened part of its parking facility to recreational vehicles (RVs). Speedway voluntarily positioned its employee Frederick Neergaard at the entrance to the parking area as a security guard and to direct traffic. Leslie Wheeler, who was planning to attend the race, drove an RV south on Route 106 toward Speedway. Meanwhile, Dennis Carignan was also driving
south on Route 106 on a motorcycle, on which Mary Carignan was a passenger. As Wheeler approached the parking area,he saw Neergaard signaling him to turn left, which he began to do. At the same time, Carignan attempted to pass the RV on its left side,and the two vehicles collided. Mary sustained an injury to her right knee, lacerations on her ankle, and a broken hip. She sued Speedway and others for negligence. Which element of negligence is at the center of this dispute? How is a court likely to rule in this case, and why? [Carignan v. New Hampshire International Speedway, Inc., 858 A.2d 536 (N.H. 2004)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 7–5, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 7,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
7–6. Negligence. In July 2004, Emellie Anderson hired Kenneth Whitten, a licensed building contractor, to construct a two-story addition to her home.The bottom floor was to be a garage and the second floor a home office.In August,the parties signed a second contract under which Whitten agreed to rebuild a deck and railing attached to the house and to further improve the office. A later inspection revealed gaps in the siding on the new garage, nails protruding from incomplete framing, improper support for a stairway to the office, and gaps in its plywood flooring. One post supporting the deck was cracked; another was too short. Concrete had not been poured underneath the old posts.A section of railing was missing, and what was installed was warped, with gaps at the joints. Anderson filed a suit in a Connecticut state court against Whitten, alleging that his work was “substandard, not to code, unsafe and not done in a [workmanlike] manner.” Anderson claimed that she would have to pay someone else to repair all of the work. Does Whitten’s “work” satisfy the requirements for a claim grounded in negligence? Should Anderson’s complaint be dismissed, or should she be awarded damages? Explain. [Anderson v.Whitten, 100 Conn.App. 730, 918 A.2d 1056 (2007)] 7–7. Defenses to Negligence. Neal Peterson’s entire family skied,and Peterson started skiing at the age of two.In 2000, at the age of eleven, Peterson was in his fourth year as a member of a ski race team. After a race one morning in February, Peterson continued to practice his skills through the afternoon.Coming down a slope very fast,at a point at which his skis were not touching the ground,Peterson collided with David Donahue. Donahue, a forty-three-year-old advanced skier, was skating (skiing slowly) across the slope toward the parking lot.Peterson and Donahue knew that falls or collisions and accidents and injuries were possible with skiing. Donahue saw Peterson “split seconds” before the impact,which knocked Donahue out of his skis and down the slope ten or twelve feet.When Donahue saw Peterson lying motionless nearby, he immediately sought help. To recover for his injuries, Peterson filed a suit in a
Minnesota state court against Donahue, alleging negligence. Based on these facts, which defense to a claim of negligence is Donahue most likely to assert? How is the court likely to apply that defense and rule on Peterson’s claim? Why? [Peterson ex rel. Peterson v. Donahue, 733 N.W.2d 790 (Minn.App. 2007)]
7–8. SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS Go to Case 7.3, Sutton v.Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association, Inc., 8 A.D.3d 855, 779 N.Y.S.2d 149 (3 Dept. 2004), on pages 150–151. Read the excerpt and answer the following questions. (a) Issue: The focus in this case was the application of the doctrine of assumption of risk to whom and in what circumstances? (b) Rule of Law: What are the requirements for an injured person to be held liable for his or her injury under the doctrine of assumption of risk? (c) Applying the Rule of Law: How did the court evaluate the facts in this case to assess liability under the doctrine of assumption of risk? (d) Conclusion: Among the parties involved in this case, who was held liable for the plaintiff’s injury and why?
7–9. A QUESTION OF ETHICS Donald and Gloria Bowden hosted a late afternoon cookout at their home in South Carolina, inviting mostly business acquaintances. Justin Parks, who was nineteen years old, attended the party. Alcoholic beverages were available to all of the guests,even those who, like Parks, were not minors but were underage. Parks consumed alcohol at the party and left with other guests. One of these guests detained Parks at the guest’s home to give Parks time to “sober up.” Parks then drove himself from this guest’s home and was killed in a one-car accident. At the time of his death, he had a blood alcohol content of 0.291
percent, which exceeded the state’s limit for driving a motor vehicle.Linda Marcum,Parks’s mother,filed a suit in a South Carolina state court against the Bowdens and others,alleging that they were negligent.[Marcum v.Bowden, 372 S.C. 452, 643 S.E.2d 85 (2007)] (a) Considering the principles discussed in this chapter, what are arguments in favor of,and opposed to,holding social hosts liable in this situation? Explain. (b) The states vary widely in assessing liability and imposing sanctions in the circumstances described in this problem. Broadly, in other words, justice is not equal for parents and other social hosts who serve alcoholic beverages to underage individuals.Why?
7–10. VIDEO QUESTION Go to this text’s Web site at academic., and select “Chapter 7.” Click on “Video Questions” and view the video titled Jaws. Then answer the following questions. (a) In the video,the mayor (Murray Hamilton) and a few other men try to persuade Chief Brody (Roy Scheider) not to close the town’s beaches. If Brody keeps the beaches open and a swimmer is injured or killed because he failed to warn swimmers about the potential shark danger,has Brody committed the tort of negligence? Explain. (b) Can Chief Brody be held liable for any injuries or deaths to swimmers under the doctrine of strict liability? Why or why not? (c) Suppose that Chief Brody goes against the mayor’s instructions and warns townspeople to stay off the beach. Nevertheless, several swimmers do not heed his warning and are injured as a result.What defense or defenses could Brody raise under these circumstances if he is sued for negligence?
You can find cases and articles on torts, including business torts, in the tort law library at the Internet Law Library’s Web site. Go to
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 7” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercise 7–1: Legal Perspective Negligence and the Titanic Internet Exercise 7–2: Management Perspective The Duty to Warn
ost people think of wealth in terms of houses, land, cars, stocks, and bonds.Wealth, however, also includes intellectual property, which consists of the products that result from intellectual, creative processes. Although it is an abstract term for an abstract concept, intellectual property is nonetheless wholly familiar to virtually everyone. Trademarks, service marks, copyrights, and patents are all forms of intellectual property. The book you are reading is copyrighted.The software you use, the movies you see, and the music you listen to are all forms of intellectual property. Exhibit 8–1 on page 160 offers a comprehensive summary of these forms of
intellectual property, as well as intellectual property that consists of trade secrets. In this chapter, we examine each of these forms in some detail. Intellectual property has taken on increasing significance globally as well as in the United States. Today, the value of the world’s intellectual property probably exceeds the value of physical property, such as machines and houses. For many U.S. companies, ownership rights in intangible intellectual property are more important to their prosperity than are their tangible assets.As you will read in this chapter, a pressing issue for businesspersons today is how to protect these valuable rights in the online world.
Trademarks and Related Property A trademark is a distinctive mark, motto, device, or implement that a manufacturer stamps,prints,or otherwise affixes to the goods it produces so that they can be identified on the market and their origins made known. In other words, a trademark is a source indicator. At common law, the person who used a symbol or
The need to protect creative works was voiced by the framers of the U.S. Constitution over two hundred years ago: Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution authorized Congress “[t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” Laws protecting patents, trademarks, and copyrights are explicitly designed to protect and reward inventive and artistic creativity. Although intellectual property law limits the economic freedom of some individuals, it does so to protect the freedom of others to enjoy the fruits of their labors—in the form of profits.
mark to identify a business or product was protected in the use of that trademark. Clearly, by using another’s trademark, a business could lead consumers to believe that its goods were made by the other business.The law seeks to avoid this kind of confusion. In this section, we examine various aspects of the law governing trademarks. In the following classic case concerning Coca-Cola, the defendants argued that the Coca-Cola trademark was entitled to no protection under the law because the term did not accurately represent the product. 157
C A S E 8.1
The Coca-Cola Co. v. The Koke Co. of America Supreme Court of the United States, 1920. 254 U.S. 143, 41 S.Ct. 113, 65 L.Ed. 189. a
Company Profile John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, invented a caramel-colored, carbonated soft drink in 1886. His bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, named the beverage Coca-Cola after two of the ingredients, coca leaves and kola nuts. Asa Candler bought the Coca-Cola Company (www. in 1891, and within seven years, he made the soft drink available in all of the United States, as well as in parts of Canada and Mexico. Candler continued to sell Coke aggressively and to open up new markets, reaching Europe before 1910. In doing so, however, he attracted numerous competitors, some of which tried to capitalize directly on the Coke name.
• Background
and Facts The Coca-Cola Company sought to enjoin (prevent) the Koke Company of America and other beverage companies from, among other things, using the word Koke for their products. The Koke Company of America and other beverage companies contended that the Coca-Cola trademark was a fraudulent representation and that Coca-Cola was therefore not entitled to any help from the courts. The Koke Company and the other defendants alleged that the Coca-Cola Company, by its use of the Coca-Cola name, represented that the beverage contained cocaine (from coca leaves), which it no longer did. The trial court granted the injunction against the Koke Company, but the appellate court reversed the lower court’s ruling. Coca-Cola then appealed to the United States Supreme Court. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
Mr. Justice HOLMES delivered the opinion of the Court.
* * * * * * * Before 1900 the beginning of [Coca-Cola’s] good will was more or less helped by the presence of cocaine,a drug that,like alcohol or caffeine or opium,may be described as a deadly poison or as a valuable [pharmaceutical item, depending on the speaker’s purposes]. The amount seems to have been very small,b but it may have been enough to begin a bad habit and after the Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906, if not earlier, long before this suit was brought, it was eliminated from the plaintiff’s compound. * * * * * * Since 1900 the sales have increased at a very great rate corresponding to a like increase in advertising.The name now characterizes a beverage to be had at almost any soda fountain. It means a single thing coming from a single source, and well known to the community. It hardly would be too much to say that the drink characterizes the name as much as the name the drink. In other words Coca-Cola probably means to most persons the plaintiff’s familiar product to be had everywhere rather than a compound of particular substances. * * * [B]efore this suit was brought the plaintiff had advertised to the public that it must not expect and would not find cocaine, and had eliminated everything tending to suggest cocaine effects except the name and the picture of [coca] leaves and nuts, which probably conveyed little or nothing to most who saw it.It appears to us that it would be going too far to deny the plaintiff relief against a palpable [readily evident] fraud because possibly here and there an ignorant person might call for the drink with the hope for incipient cocaine intoxication.The plaintiff’s position must be judged by the facts as they were when the suit was begun, not by the facts of a different condition and an earlier time. [Emphasis added.]
• Decision and Remedy The district court’s injunction was allowed to stand. The competing beverage companies were enjoined from calling their products Koke.
a. This is the “U.S. Supreme Court Opinions” page within the Web site of the “FindLaw Internet Legal Resources” database. This page provides several options for accessing an opinion. Because you know the citation for this case, you can go to the “Citation Search” box, type in the appropriate volume and page numbers for the United States Reports (“254” and “143,” respectively, for the Coca-Cola case), and click on “get it.” b. In reality, until 1903 the amount of active cocaine in each bottle of Coke was equivalent to one “line” of cocaine.
• Impact of This Case on Today’s Law In this early case, the United States Supreme Court
made it clear that trademarks and trade names (and nicknames for those marks and names, such as the nickname “Coke” for “Coca-Cola”) that are in common use receive protection under the common law. This holding is significant historically because it is the predecessor to the federal statute later passed to protect trademark rights—the Lanham Act of 1946, to be discussed next. In many ways, this act represented a codification of common law principles governing trademarks.
• What If the Facts Were Different? Suppose that Coca-Cola had been trying to make the
public believe that its product contained cocaine. Would the result in this case likely have been different? Why?
Statutory Protection of Trademarks Statutory protection of trademarks and related property is provided at the federal level by the Lanham Act of 1946.1 The Lanham Act was enacted, in part, to protect manufacturers from losing business to rival companies that used confusingly similar trademarks. The Lanham Act incorporates the common law of trademarks and provides remedies for owners of trademarks who wish to enforce their claims in federal court. Many states also have trademark statutes. Trademark Dilution In 1995,Congress amended the Lanham Act by passing the Federal Trademark Dilution Act,2 which extended the protection available to trademark owners by allowing them to bring a suit in federal court for trademark dilution. Until the passage of this amendment, federal trademark law prohibited only the unauthorized use of the same mark on competing—or on noncompeting but “related”—goods or services when such use would likely confuse consumers as to the origin of those goods and services. Trademark dilution laws protect “distinctive” or “famous” trademarks (such as Jergens, McDonald’s, Dell, and Apple) from certain unauthorized uses even when the use is on noncompeting goods or is unlikely to confuse. More than half of the states have also enacted trademark dilution laws. Use of a Similar Mark May Constitute Trademark Dilution A famous mark may be
diluted not only by the use of an identical mark but also by the use of a similar mark. In 2003, however, the United States Supreme Court ruled that to constitute dilution, the similar mark must reduce the value of the famous mark or lessen its ability to identify goods and 1. 15 U.S.C. Sections 1051–1128. 2. 15 U.S.C. Section 1125.
services. Therefore, lingerie maker Victoria’s Secret could not establish a dilution claim against a small adult store named “Victor’s Little Secret”because there was not enough evidence that Victoria’s Secret’s mark would be diminished in value. 3 A similar mark is more likely to lessen the value of a famous mark when the companies using the marks provide related goods or compete against each other in the same market.For example,a woman was operating a coffee shop under the name “Sambuck’s Coffeehouse” in Astoria, Oregon, even though she knew that “Starbucks” is one of the largest coffee chains in the nation.When Starbucks Corporation filed a dilution lawsuit, the federal court ruled that use of the “Sambuck’s” mark constituted trademark dilution because it created confusion for consumers. Not only was there a “high degree” of similarity between the marks, but also both companies provided coffeerelated services and marketed their services through “stand-alone”retail stores.Therefore,the use of the similar mark (Sambuck’s) reduced the value of the famous mark (Starbucks).4
Trademark Registration Trademarks may be registered with the state or with the federal government.To register for protection under federal trademark law, a person must file an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Washington,D.C.Under current law,a mark can be registered (1) if it is currently in commerce or (2) if the applicant intends to put it into commerce within six months. In special circumstances, the six-month period can be extended by thirty months, giving the applicant a total of three years from the date of notice of trademark 3. Moseley v.V Secret Catalogue, Inc., 537 U.S. 418, 123 S.Ct. 1115, 155 L.Ed.2d 1 (2003). 4. Starbucks Corp. v. Lundberg, 2005 WL 3183858 (D.Or. 2005).
Forms of Intellectual Property
Remedy for Infringement
How Acquired
A grant from the government that gives an inventor exclusive rights to an invention.
By filing a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and receiving its approval.
Twenty years from the date of the application; for design patents, fourteen years.
Monetary damages, including royalties and lost profits, plus attorneys’ fees. Damages may be tripled for intentional infringements.
The right of an author or originator of a literary or artistic work, or other production that falls within a specified category, to have the exclusive use of that work for a given period of time.
Automatic (once the work or creation is put in tangible form). Only the expression of an idea (and not the idea itself) can be protected by copyright.
For authors: the life of the author plus 70 years.
Actual damages plus profits received by the party who infringed or statutory damages under the Copyright Act, plus costs and attorneys’ fees in either situation.
Trademark (service mark and trade dress)
Any distinctive word, name, symbol, or device (image or appearance), or combination thereof, that an entity uses to distinguish its goods or services from those of others.The owner has the exclusive right to use that mark or trade dress.
1. At common law, ownership created by use of the mark. 2. Registration with the appropriate federal or state office gives notice and is permitted if the mark is currently in use or will be within the next six months.
Unlimited, as long as it is in use.To continue notice by registration, the owner must renew by filing between the fifth and sixth years, and thereafter, every ten years.
1. Injunction prohibiting the future use of the mark. 2. Actual damages plus profits received by the party who infringed (can be increased under the Lanham Act). 3. Destruction of articles that infringed. 4. Plus costs and attorneys’ fees.
Trade secret
Any information that a business possesses and that gives the business an advantage over competitors (including formulas, lists, patterns, plans, processes, and programs).
Through the originality and development of the information and processes that constitute the business secret and are unknown to others.
Unlimited, so long as not revealed to others. Once revealed to others, it is no longer a trade secret.
Monetary damages for misappropriation (the Uniform Trade Secrets Act also permits punitive damages if willful), plus costs and attorneys’ fees.
approval to make use of the mark and file the required use statement. Registration is postponed until the mark is actually used. Nonetheless, during this waiting period, any applicant can legally protect his or her trademark against a third party who previously has nei-
For publishers: 95 years after the date of publication or 120 years after creation.
ther used the mark nor filed an application for it. Registration is renewable between the fifth and sixth years after the initial registration and every ten years thereafter (every twenty years for those trademarks registered before 1990).
Trademark Infringement Registration of a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office gives notice on a nationwide basis that the trademark belongs exclusively to the registrant.The registrant is also allowed to use the symbol ® to indicate that the mark has been registered. Whenever that trademark is copied to a substantial degree or used in its entirety by another, intentionally or unintentionally, the trademark has been infringed (used without authorization). When a trademark has been infringed, the owner of the mark has a cause of action against the infringer. To sue for trademark infringement, a person need not have registered the trademark, but registration does furnish proof of the date of inception of the trademark’s use. A central objective of the Lanham Act is to reduce the likelihood that consumers will be confused by similar marks. For that reason, only those trademarks that are deemed sufficiently distinctive from all competing trademarks will be protected.
Distinctiveness of Mark A trademark must be sufficiently distinct to enable consumers to identify the manufacturer of the goods easily and to distinguish between those goods and competing products. Strong Marks Fanciful, arbitrary, or suggestive
trademarks are generally considered to be the most distinctive (strongest) trademarks.Marks that are fanciful, arbitrary, or suggestive are protected as inherently distinctive without demonstrating secondary meaning. These marks receive automatic protection because they serve to identify a particular product’s source, as opposed to describing the product itself. Fanciful trademarks include invented words, such as “Xerox” for one manufacturer’s copiers and “Kodak”
C A S E 8.2
for another company’s photographic products. Arbitrary trademarks are those that use common words in an uncommon way that is nondescriptive, such as “English Leather” used as a name for an aftershave lotion (and not for leather processed in England). Suggestive trademarks imply something about a product without describing the product directly. For example, the trademark “Dairy Queen”suggests an association between the products and milk, but it does not directly describe ice cream. Secondary Meaning Descriptive terms, geo-
graphic terms, and personal names are not inherently distinctive and do not receive protection under the law until they acquire a secondary meaning. A secondary meaning may arise when customers begin to associate a specific term or phrase (such as London Fog) with specific trademarked items (coats with “London Fog” labels). Whether a secondary meaning becomes attached to a term or name usually depends on how extensively the product is advertised,the market for the product, the number of sales, and other factors. Once a secondary meaning is attached to a term or name,a trademark is considered distinctive and is protected.The United States Supreme Court has held that even a color can qualify for trademark protection, once customers associate that color with the product.5 In 2006, a federal court held that trademark law protects the particular color schemes used by the sports teams of four state universities, including Ohio State University and Louisiana State University.6 At issue in the following case was whether a certain mark was suggestive or descriptive.
5. Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co., 514 U.S. 159, 115 S.Ct. 1300, 131 L.Ed.2d 248 (1995). 6. Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University v. Smack Apparel Co., 438 F.Supp.2d 653 (E.D.La.2006).
Menashe v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc. United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 2006. 409 F.Supp.2d 412.
Background and Facts In autumn 2002, Victoria’s Secret Stores, Inc., and its affiliated companies, including V Secret Catalogue, Inc., began to develop a panty collection to be named “SEXY LITTLE THINGS.” In spring 2004, Ronit Menashe, a publicist, and Audrey Quock, a fashion model and actress, began to plan a line of women’s underwear also called “SEXY LITTLE THINGS.” Menashe and Quock designed their line, negotiated for its manufacture, registered the domain name, and filed an intent-to-use (ITU) application with the U.S. Patent and CASE CONTINUES
Trademark Office (USPTO). In July, Victoria’s Secret’s collection appeared in its stores in Ohio, Michigan, and California, and, in less than three months, was prominently displayed in all its stores, in its catalogues, and on its Web site. By mid-November, more than 13 million units of the line had been sold, accounting for 4 percent of the company’s sales for the year. When the firm applied to register “SEXY LITTLE THINGS” with the USPTO, it learned of Menashe and Quock’s ITU application. The firm warned the pair that their use of the phrase constituted trademark infringement. Menashe and Quock filed a suit in a federal district court against V Secret Catalogue and others, asking the court to, among other things, declare “non-infringement of the trademark.” IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
BAER, District Judge.
* * * * Plaintiffs claim that Victoria’s Secret has no right of priority in the Mark because “SEXY LITTLE THINGS” for lingerie is a descriptive term that had not attained secondary meaning by the time Plaintiffs filed their ITU application. Consequently, Plaintiffs assert that they have priority based on * * * their ITU application on September 13, 2004.Victoria’s Secret counters that the Mark is suggestive and thus qualifies for trademark protection without proof of secondary meaning.Therefore,Victoria’s Secret has priority by virtue of its bona fide use of the Mark in commerce beginning July 28, 2004. * * * * To merit trademark protection, a mark must be capable of distinguishing the products it marks from those of others.* * * A descriptive term * * * conveys an immediate idea of the ingredients, qualities or characteristics of the goods. In contrast, a suggestive term requires imagination, thought and perception to reach a conclusion as to the nature of the goods. Suggestive marks are automatically protected because they are inherently distinctive, i.e., their intrinsic nature serves to identify a particular source of a product. Descriptive marks are not inherently distinctive and may only be protected on a showing of secondary meaning, i.e., that the purchasing public associates the mark with a particular source. [Emphasis added.] * * * [T]o distinguish suggestive from descriptive marks [a court considers] whether the purchaser must use some imagination to connect the mark to some characteristic of the product * * * and * * * whether the proposed use would deprive competitors of a way to describe their goods. * * * I find “SEXY LITTLE THINGS” to be suggestive. First, while the term describes the erotically stimulating quality of the trademarked lingerie, it also calls to mind the phrase “sexy little thing” popularly used to refer to attractive lithe young women. Hence, the Mark prompts the purchaser to mentally associate the lingerie with its targeted twenty- to thirty-year-old consumers. Courts have classified marks that both describe the product and evoke other associations as inherently distinctive. * * * [Also] it is hard to believe that Victoria’s Secret’s use of the Mark will deprive competitors of ways to describe their lingerie products. Indeed, Victoria’s Secret’s own descriptions of its lingerie in its catalogues and Web site illustrate that there are numerous ways to describe provocative underwear. [Emphasis added.] * * * * * * * Victoria’s Secret used “SEXY LITTLE THINGS” as a trademark in commerce beginning on July 28, 2004. Commencing on that date, the prominent use of the Mark in four stores * * * satisfies the “use in commerce” requirement * * * . Similarly,Victoria’s Secret’s prominent use of the Mark in its catalogues beginning on September 4, 2004, and on its Web site beginning on or about September 9, 2004, together with pictures and descriptions of the goods meets the * * * test * * * . I find that because Victoria’s Secret made bona fide trademark use of “SEXY LITTLE THINGS” in commerce before Plaintiffs filed their ITU application, and has continued to use that Mark in commerce,Victoria’s Secret has acquired priority in the Mark.
• Decision and Remedy The court ruled that Menashe and Quock were not entitled to a
judgment of “non-infringement” and dismissed their complaint. The court concluded that “SEXY LITTLE THINGS” was a suggestive mark and that Victoria’s Secret had used it in commerce before the plaintiffs filed their ITU application. For this reason, Victoria’s Secret had “priority in the Mark.”
• The E-Commerce Dimension Under the reasoning of the court in this case, would the
use of a purported trademark solely on a Web site satisfy the “use in commerce” requirement? Explain.
The Legal Environment Dimension Why is it important to allow a trademark’s assertive owners—in this case, the ITU applicants Menashe and Quock—to preemptively defend against the use of the mark by another party? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Generic Terms Generic terms that refer to an entire class of products, such as bicycle and computer, receive no protection, even if they acquire secondary meanings.A particularly thorny problem arises when a trademark acquires generic use. For example, aspirin and thermos were originally the names of trademarked products, but today the words are used generically. Other examples are escalator, trampoline, raisin bran, dry ice, lanolin, linoleum, nylon, and corn flakes. Note that a generic term will not be protected under trademark law even if the term has acquired a secondary meaning.In one case,for example,America Online, Inc. (AOL), sued AT&T Corporation, claiming that AT&T’s use of “You Have Mail” on its WorldNet Service infringed AOL’s trademark rights in the same phrase.The court ruled, however, that because each of the three words in the phrase was a generic term, the phrase as a whole was generic. Although the phrase had become widely associated with AOL’s e-mail notification service, and thus might have acquired a secondary meaning, this issue was of no significance in the case. The court stated that it would not consider whether the mark had acquired any secondary meaning because “generic marks with secondary meaning are still not entitled to protection.”7
Trade Dress The term trade dress refers to the image and overall appearance of a product. Trade dress is a broad concept and can include either all or part of the total image or overall impression created by a product or its packaging. For example, the distinctive decor, menu, layout, and style of service of a particular restaurant may be regarded as trade dress. Trade dress can also include the layout and appearance of a catalogue, the use of a lighthouse as part of the design of a golf hole, the fish shape of a cracker, or the G-shaped design of a Gucci watch.
7. America Online, Inc. v.AT&T Corp., 243 F.3d 812 (4th Cir. 2001).
Basically, trade dress is subject to the same protection as trademarks. In cases involving trade dress infringement, as in trademark infringement cases, a major consideration is whether consumers are likely to be confused by the allegedly infringing use.
Service, Certification, and Collective Marks A service mark is essentially a trademark that is used to distinguish the services (rather than the products) of one person or company from those of another. For example, each airline has a particular mark or symbol associated with its name. Titles and character names used in radio and television are frequently registered as service marks. Other marks protected by law include certification marks and collective marks. A certification mark is used by one or more persons, other than the owner, to certify the region, materials, mode of manufacture, quality, or other characteristic of specific goods or services.When used by members of a cooperative,association, or other organization, it is referred to as a collective mark. Examples of certification marks are the phrases “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” and “UL Tested.” Collective marks appear at the ends of motion picture credits to indicate the various associations and organizations that participated in the making of the films.The union marks found on the tags of certain products are also collective marks.
Counterfeit Goods Counterfeit goods copy or otherwise imitate trademarked goods but are not genuine.The importation of goods that bear a counterfeit (fake) trademark poses a growing problem for U.S.businesses,consumers,and law enforcement. In addition to having negative financial effects on legitimate businesses, sales of certain counterfeit goods, such as pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements, can present serious public health risks. It is estimated that nearly 7 percent of the goods
imported into the United States from abroad are counterfeit. Stop Counterfeiting in Manufactured Goods Act In 2006, Congress enacted the Stop
Counterfeiting in Manufactured Goods Act8 (SCMGA) to combat the growing problem of counterfeit goods. The act makes it a crime to intentionally traffic in or attempt to traffic in counterfeit goods or services, or to knowingly use a counterfeit mark on or in connection with goods or services.Prior to this act,the law did not prohibit the creation or shipment of counterfeit labels that were not attached to any product.9 Therefore, counterfeiters would make labels and packaging bearing another’s trademark, ship the labels to another location, and then affix them to an inferior product to deceive buyers. The SCMGA has closed this loophole by making it a crime to knowingly traffic in or attempt to traffic in counterfeit labels, stickers, packaging, and the like, regardless of whether the item is attached to any goods. Penalties for Counterfeiting Persons found
guilty of violating the SCMGA may be fined up to $2 million or imprisoned for up to ten years (or more if they are repeat offenders). If a court finds that the statute was violated, it must order the defendant to forfeit the counterfeit products (which are then destroyed), as well as any property used in the commission of the crime. The defendant must also pay restitution to the trademark holder or victim in an amount equal to the victim’s actual loss. For example, in one case the defendant pleaded guilty to conspiring with others to import cigarette-rolling papers from Mexico that were falsely marked as “Zig-Zags” and sell them in the United States. The court sentenced the defendant to prison and ordered him to pay $566,267 in restitution. On appeal, the court affirmed the prison sentence but reversed the restitution because the amount exceeded the amount of actual loss suffered by the legitimate sellers of Zig-Zag rolling papers.10
Trade Names Trademarks apply to products. The term trade name is used to indicate part or all of a business’s name, whether the business is a sole proprietorship,a partner8. Pub.L.No.109-181 (2006),which amended 18 U.S.C. Sections 2318–2320. 9. See, for example, United States v. Giles, 213 F. 3d 1247 (10th Cir. 2000). 10. For a case discussing the appropriate measure of restitution, see United States v. Beydoun, 469 F. 3d 102 (5th Cir. 2006).
ship, or a corporation. Generally, a trade name is directly related to a business and its goodwill. A trade name may be protected as a trademark if the trade name is also the name of the company’s trademarked product—for example, Coca-Cola. Unless also used as a trademark or service mark, a trade name cannot be registered with the federal government. Trade names are protected under the common law, but only if they are unusual or fancifully used. The word Safeway, for example, was sufficiently fanciful to obtain protection as a trade name for a grocery chain.11
Cyber Marks In cyberspace, trademarks are sometimes referred to as cyber marks. We turn now to a discussion of various trademark issues that are unique to cyberspace, such as domain names and cybersquatting, and how new laws and the courts are addressing these issues.
Domain Names Conflicts over rights to domain names first emerged as e-commerce expanded on a worldwide scale and have reemerged in the last ten years. By using the same, or a similar, domain name, parties have attempted to profit from the goodwill of a competitor, sell pornography, offer for sale another party’s domain name, and otherwise infringe on others’ trademarks.A domain name is the core part of an Internet address—for example, “” It includes at least two parts. Every domain name ends with a generic top level domain (TLD), which is the part of the name to the right of the period. The TLD typically indicates the type of entity that operates the site. For example, com is an abbreviation for commercial, and edu is short for education. Although originally there were only six possible TLDs,several more generic TLDs are now available, some of which are not restricted to a particular type of entity (see Exhibit 8–2 for a list of generic TLDs and their uses). The second level domain (SLD),which is the part of the name to the left of the period, is chosen by the business entity or individual registering the domain name. Competition among firms with similar names and products for SLDs has caused numerous disputes over domain name rights.The Internet Corporation for 11. Safeway Stores v. Suburban Foods, 130 F.Supp. 249 (E.D.Va. 1955).
EXHIBIT 8–2 .aero .asia .biz .cat .com .coop .edu .gov .info .int .jobs .mil .mobi .museum .name .net .org .pro .tel .travel
Existing Generic Top Level Domain Names
Reserved for members of the air-transportation industry. Restricted to the Pan-Asia and Asia Pacific community. For businesses. Reserved for the Catalan linguistic and cultural community. Originally intended for commercial organizations, but is now unrestricted in the United States. Restricted to cooperative associations. For postsecondary educational establishments. Reserved for government agencies in the United States. For informational sites, but is unrestricted. Reserved for international organizations established by treaty. Reserved for human resource managers. For the U.S. military. Reserved for consumers and providers of mobile products and services. Reserved for museums. Reserved for individuals and families. Originally intended for network infrastructures, but is now unrestricted. Originally intended for noncommercial organizations, but is now unrestricted. Restricted to certain credentialed professionals. For business services involving connections between a telephone network and the Internet. Reserved for the travel industry.
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a nonprofit corporation, oversees the distribution of domain names.ICANN also facilitates the settlement of domain name disputes and operates an online arbitration system. In recent years, however, ICANN has been criticized for failing to keep up with the sheer volume of complaints involving domain names and accusations of cybersquatting. Cybersquatting occurs when a person registers a domain name that is the same as, or confusingly similar to, the trademark of another and then offers to sell the domain name back to the trademark owner.
Anticybersquatting Legislation During the 1990s, cybersquatting led to so much litigation that Congress passed the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 199912 (ACPA), which amended the Lanham Act—the federal law protecting trademarks discussed earlier. The ACPA makes it illegal for a person to “register, traffic in, or use” a domain name (1) if the name is identical or confusingly similar to the trademark of another and (2) if the one registering, trafficking in, or using the domain name has a “bad faith intent” to profit from that trademark.
12. 15 U.S.C. Section 1129.
The act does not define what constitutes bad faith. Instead, it lists several factors that courts can consider in deciding whether bad faith exists. For example, courts focus on the trademark rights of the other person and whether the alleged cybersquatter intended to divert consumers in a way that could harm the goodwill represented by the trademark. Courts also consider whether the alleged cybersquatter offered to transfer or sell the domain name to the trademark owner, or intended to use the domain name to offer goods and services. The Ongoing Problem of Cybersquatting
The ACPA was intended to stamp out cybersquatting, but it continues to present a problem for businesses today, largely because, as mentioned, more TLDs are available and many more companies are registering domain names. Indeed, domain name registrars have proliferated. These companies charge a fee to businesses and individuals to register new names and to renew annual registrations (often through automated software). Many of these companies also buy and sell expired domain names. Although all domain name registrars are supposed to relay information about these transactions to ICANN and the other companies that keep a master list of domain names, this does not always occur. The speed at which domain names
change hands and the difficulty in tracking mass automated registrations have created an environment where cybersquatting can flourish. Cybersquatters have also developed new tactics, such as typosquatting, or registering a name that is a misspelling of a popular brand,such as or many Internet users are not perfect typists, Web pages using these misspelled names get a lot of traffic. More traffic generally means increased profit (advertisers often pay Web sites based on the number of unique visits, or hits), which in turn provides incentive for more cybersquatters.Also, if the misspelling is significant, the trademark owner may have difficulty proving that the name is identical or confusingly similar to the trademark of another, as the ACPA requires. Cybersquatting is costly for businesses, which must attempt to register all variations of a name to protect their domain name rights from would-be cybersquatters.Large corporations may have to register thousands of domain names across the globe just to protect their basic brands and trademarks.
with the inserted words. Using this same technique, one site may appropriate the key words of other sites with more frequent hits so that the appropriating site will appear in the same search engine results as the more popular sites. Using another’s trademark in a meta tag without the owner’s permission,however,normally constitutes trademark infringement. Some uses of another’s trademark as a meta tag may be permissible if the use is reasonably necessary and does not suggest that the owner authorized or sponsored the use. For example,Terri Welles, a former model who had been “Playmate of the Year” in Playboy magazine, established a Web site that used the terms Playboy and Playmate as meta tags. Playboy Enterprises, Inc. (PEI), which publishes Playboy, filed a suit seeking to prevent Welles from using these meta tags. The court determined that Welles’s use of PEI’s meta tags to direct users to her Web site was permissible because it did not suggest sponsorship and there were no descriptive substitutes for the terms Playboy and Playmate.13
Dilution in the Online World Applicability of the ACPA and Sanctions under the Act The ACPA applies to all domain
name registrations. Successful plaintiffs in suits brought under the act can collect actual damages and profits, or they can elect to receive statutory damages ranging from $1,000 to $100,000. Although some companies have been successful suing under the ACPA, there are roadblocks to succeeding in such lawsuits. Some domain name registrars offer privacy services that hide the true owners of Web sites, making it difficult for trademark owners to identify cybersquatters. Thus, before a trademark owner can bring a suit, he or she has to ask the court for a subpoena to discover the identity of the owner of the infringing Web site. Because of the high costs of court proceedings, discovery, and even arbitration, many disputes over cybersquatting are settled out of court. Some companies have found that simply purchasing the domain name from the cybersquatter is the least expensive solution.
Meta Tags Search engines compile their results by looking through a Web site’s key-word field. Meta tags, or key words, may be inserted into this field to increase the likelihood that a site will be included in search engine results, even though the site may have nothing to do
As discussed earlier, trademark dilution occurs when a trademark is used, without authorization, in a way that diminishes the distinctive quality of the mark. Unlike trademark infringement, a claim of dilution does not require proof that consumers are likely to be confused by a connection between the unauthorized use and the mark. For this reason, the products involved need not be similar. In the first case alleging dilution on the Web, a court precluded the use of “”as the URL for an adult site.The successful lawsuit was brought by the company that manufactures the “Candyland” children’s game and owns the “Candyland” mark.14
Licensing One way to make use of another’s trademark or other form of intellectual property, while avoiding litigation, is to obtain a license to do so.A license in this context is essentially an agreement, or contract, permitting the use of a trademark,copyright,patent,or trade secret for certain purposes. The party that owns the intellectual 13. Playboy Enterprises, Inc. v.Welles, 279 F.3d 796 (9th Cir. 2002). See also Rhino Sports, Inc. v. Sport Court, Inc., ___ F.Supp.2d ___ (D.Ariz. 2007). 14. Hasbro, Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd., 1996 WL 84853 (W.D.Wash. 1996).
property rights and issues the license is the licensor, and the party obtaining the license is the licensee. A licensor might, for example, allow the licensee to use the trademark as part of its company name, or as part of its domain name,but not otherwise use the mark on any products or services. Often, selling a license to an infringer is an inexpensive solution to the problem, at least when compared with the costs associated with litigation. Note, however, that under modern law a licensor of trademarks has a duty to maintain some form of control over the nature and quality of goods or services sold under the mark. If the license does not include any provisions to protect the quality of goods or services provided under the trademark, then the courts may conclude that the licensor has abandoned the trademark and lost her or his trademark rights.15 To avoid such problems, licensing agreements normally include detailed provisions that protect the trademark owners’ rights.
Patents A patent is a grant from the government that gives an inventor the right to exclude others from making, using, and selling an invention for a period of twenty years from the date of filing the application for a patent. Patents for designs, as opposed to inventions, are given for a fourteen-year period. The applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that the invention, discovery, process, or design is novel, useful, and not obvious in light of current technology. In contrast to patent law in many other countries,in the United States the first person to invent a product or process gets the patent rights rather than the first person to file for a patent on that product or process. Because it can be difficult to prove who invented an item first,however,the first person to file an application is often deemed the first to invent (unless the inventor has detailed prior research notes or other evidence). An inventor can publish the invention or offer it for sale prior to filing a patent application but must apply 15. This is referred to as a naked license, and a trademark owner who fails to exercise adequate control over the mark is estopped, or prevented, from asserting his or her rights. See, for example, Barcamerica International USA Trust v.Tyfield Importers, Inc., 289 F.3d 589 (9th Cir. 2002); and Exxon Corp. v. Oxxford Clothes, Inc., 109 F.3d 1070 (5th Cir. 1997).
for a patent within one year of doing so or forfeit the patent rights. The period of patent protection begins on the date the patent application is filed, rather than when the patent is issued, which may sometimes be years later. After the patent period ends (either fourteen or twenty years later), the product or process enters the public domain, and anyone can make, sell, or use the invention without paying the patent holder.
Searchable Patent Databases A significant development relating to patents is the availability online of the world’s patent databases.The Web site of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (see the Law on the Web section at the end of this chapter for its URL) provides searchable databases covering U.S. patents granted since 1976. The Web site of the European Patent Office (its URL is also in the Law on the Web section) provides online access to 50 million patent documents in more than seventy nations through a searchable network of databases.Businesses use these searchable databases in many ways.Because patents are valuable assets, businesses may need to perform patent searches to list or inventory their assets.Patent searches may also be conducted to study trends and patterns in a specific technology or to gather information about competitors in the industry. In addition, a business might search patent databases to develop a business strategy in a particular market or to evaluate a job applicant’s contributions to a technology. Although online databases are accessible to anyone, businesspersons might consider hiring a specialist to perform advanced patent searches.
What Is Patentable? Under federal law,“[w]hoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter,or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”16 Thus,to be patentable,the item must be novel and not obvious. In sum, almost anything is patentable, except (1) the laws of nature,17 (2) natural phenomena, and 16. 35 U.S.C. 101. 17. Note that in 2006, several justices of the United States Supreme Court indicated that they believed a process to diagnose vitamin deficiencies should not be patentable, because allowing a patent would improperly give a monopoly over a scientific relationship, or law of nature. Nevertheless, the majority of the Supreme Court allowed the patent to stand. Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings v. Metabolite Laboratories, Inc., 548 U.S. 124, 126 S.Ct. 2921, 165 L.Ed.2d 399 (2006).
(3) abstract ideas (including algorithms18 ).Even artistic methods, certain works of art, and the structure of storylines are patentable, provided that they are novel 18. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure, formula, or set of instructions for accomplishing a specific task—such as the set of rules used by a search engine to rank the listings contained within its index in response to a particular query.
C A S E 8.3
and not obvious. Plants that are reproduced asexually (by means other than from seed), such as hybrid or genetically engineered plants, are patentable in the United States, as are genetically engineered (or cloned) microorganisms and animals. In the following case, the focus was on the application of the test for proving whether a patent claim is “obvious.”
KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc. Supreme Court of the United States, 2007. __ U.S. __ , 127 S.Ct. 1727, 167 L.Ed.2d 705.
Justice KENNEDY delivered the opinion of the Court.
Teleflex Incorporated * * * sued KSR International Company [in a federal district court] for patent infringement. The patent at issue is entitled “Adjustable Pedal Assembly With Electronic Throttle Control.” The patentee is Steven J. Engelgau, and the patent is referred to as “the Engelgau patent.” Teleflex holds the exclusive license to the patent. Claim 4 of the Engelgau patent describes a mechanism for combining an electronic sensor with an adjustable automobile pedal so the pedal’s position can be transmitted to a computer that controls the throttle in the vehicle’s engine. [KSR designed a pedal assembly for General Motors Corporation (GMC) to use in its Chevrolet and GMC light trucks.] When Teleflex accused KSR of infringing the Engelgau patent * * * ,KSR countered that claim 4 was invalid * * * because its subject matter was obvious. * * * * Seeking to resolve the question of obviousness with * * * uniformity and consistency, [the courts have] employed an approach referred to by the parties as the “teaching,suggestion,or motivation” test (TSM test), under which a patent claim is only proved obvious if some motivation or suggestion to combine the prior art teachings can be found in the prior art, the nature of the problem, or the knowledge of a person having ordinary skill in the art. KSR challenges that test, or at least its application in this case. * * * * * * * * * * Important for this case are two adjustable pedals disclosed in [other patents]. The Asano patent reveals a support structure that houses the pedal so that even when the pedal location is adjusted relative to the driver, one of the pedal’s pivot points stays fixed. * * * The Redding patent reveals a different, sliding mechanism where both the pedal and the pivot point are adjusted. [Also important for this case are two] patents involving electronic pedal sensors for computercontrolled throttles. These inventions * * * taught that it was preferable to detect the pedal’s position in the pedal assembly, not in the engine. The [Smith] patent disclosed a pedal with an electronic sensor on a pivot point in the pedal assembly. * * * * * * * * * * The [Rixon patent] discloses an adjustable pedal assembly with an electronic sensor for detecting the pedal’s position. * * * * * * * The District Court granted summary judgment in KSR’s favor. * * * * * * * * * * [T]he court compared the teachings of the prior art to the claims of Engelgau.It found “little difference.” [The] Asano [patent] taught everything contained in claim 4 except the use of a sensor to detect the pedal’s position and transmit it to the computer controlling the throttle. That additional aspect was revealed in sources such as * * * sensors [previously] used by Chevrolet. * * * The District Court [also] held KSR had satisfied the [TSM] test.It reasoned (1) the state of the industry would lead inevitably to combinations of electronic sensors and adjustable pedals, (2) Rixon provided the basis for these developments, and (3) Smith taught a solution to the wire chafing problems in Rixon,namely locating the sensor on the fixed structure of the pedal.* * *
* * * * * * * [The U.S.] Court of Appeals [for the Federal Circuit] reversed.It ruled the District Court had not been strict enough in applying the [TSM] test, having failed to make “finding[s] as to the specific understanding or principle within the knowledge of a skilled artisan that would have motivated one with no knowledge of [the] invention * * * to attach an electronic control to the support bracket of the Asano assembly.” * * * Here, the Court of Appeals found, the Asano pedal was designed to solve the “constant ratio problem”—that is,to ensure that the force required to depress the pedal is the same no matter how the pedal is adjusted—whereas Engelgau sought to provide a simpler, smaller, cheaper adjustable electronic pedal. As for Rixon, the court explained, that pedal suffered from the problem of wire chafing but was not designed to solve it. In the court’s view Rixon did not teach anything helpful to Engelgau’s purpose. Smith, in turn, did not relate to adjustable pedals and did not “necessarily go to the issue of motivation to attach the electronic control on the support bracket of the pedal assembly.” * * * * * * * We begin by rejecting the rigid approach of the Court of Appeals. Throughout this Court’s engagement with the question of obviousness, our cases have set forth an expansive and flexible approach inconsistent with the way the Court of Appeals applied its TSM test here. * * * * * * For over a half century, the Court has held that a patent for a combination which only unites old elements with no change in their respective functions * * * obviously withdraws what is already known into the field of its monopoly and diminishes the resources available to skillful [persons]. * * * [Emphasis added.] * * * * * * * [I]f a technique has been used to improve one device, and a person of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that it would improve similar devices in the same way, using the technique is obvious unless its actual application is beyond his or her skill. * * * * * * * The first error of the Court of Appeals in this case was to * * * [hold] that courts and patent examiners should look only to the problem the patentee was trying to solve. * * * The second error of the Court of Appeals lay in its assumption that a person of ordinary skill attempting to solve a problem will be led only to those elements of prior art designed to solve the same problem. * * * * * * * When we apply the standards we have explained to the instant facts, claim 4 must be found obvious. * * * [W]e see little difference between the teachings of Asano and Smith and the adjustable electronic pedal disclosed in claim 4 of the Engelgau patent.A person having ordinary skill in the art could have combined Asano with a pedal position sensor in a fashion encompassed by claim 4, and would have seen the benefits of doing so. * * * * * * * The judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed, and the case remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
1. If a person of ordinary skill can implement a predictable variation of another’s patented invention, does the Court’s opinion indicate that the item is likely not to be patentable? 2. Based on the Court’s reasoning, what other factors should be considered when determining the obviousness of a patent? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Patents for Software At one time,it was difficult
for developers and manufacturers of software to obtain patent protection because many software products simply automate procedures that can be per-
formed manually. In other words, it was thought that computer programs did not meet the “novel” and “not obvious” requirements previously mentioned.Also, the basis for software is often a mathematical equation or
formula, which is not patentable. In 1981, however, the United States Supreme Court held that it is possible to obtain a patent for a process that incorporates a computer program—providing, of course, that the process itself is patentable.19 Subsequently, many patents have been issued for software-related inventions. Patents for Business Processes In 1998, in
a landmark case, State Street Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, Inc.,20 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled that business processes were patentable. After this decision, numerous technology firms applied for business process patents. Walker Digital applied for a business process patent for its “Dutch auction” system, which allowed consumers to make offers for airline tickets on the Internet and led to the creation of obtained a business process patent for its “one-click”ordering system,a method of processing credit-card orders securely. Indeed, since the State Street decision, the number of Internet-related patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has increased dramatically.
Patent Infringement If a firm makes,uses,or sells another’s patented design, product,or process without the patent owner’s permission, the tort of patent infringement occurs. Patent infringement may arise even though the patent owner has not put the patented product into commerce. Patent infringement may also occur even though not all features or parts of a product are identical to those used in the patented invention, provided that the features are equivalent. (With respect to a patented process, however, all steps or their equivalent must be copied for infringement to exist.) Note that,as a general rule,under no patent infringement occurs when a patented product is made and sold in another country. In 2007, this issue came before the United States Supreme Court in a patent infringement case that AT&T Corporation had brought against Microsoft Corporation. AT&T holds a patent on a device used to digitally encode, compress, and process recorded speech. Microsoft’s Windows operating system, as Microsoft admitted, incorporated software code that infringed on AT&T’s patent. The only ques-
19. Diamond v. Diehr, 450 U.S. 175, 101 S.Ct. 1048, 67 L.Ed.2d 155 (1981). 20. 149 F. 3d 1368 (Fed.Cir. 1998).
tion before the Supreme Court was whether Microsoft’s liability extended to computers made in another country. The Court held that it did not. Microsoft was liable only for infringement in the United States and not for the Windows-based computers sold in foreign locations. The Court reasoned that Microsoft had not “supplied” the software for the computers but had only electronically transmitted a master copy, which the foreign manufacturers then copied and loaded onto the computers.21
Remedies for Patent Infringement If a patent is infringed, the patent holder may sue for relief in federal court. The patent holder can seek an injunction against the infringer and can also request damages for royalties and lost profits. In some cases, the court may grant the winning party reimbursement for attorneys’ fees and costs. If the court determines that the infringement was willful, the court can triple the amount of damages awarded (treble damages). In the past, permanent injunctions were routinely granted to prevent future infringement. In 2006, however,the United States Supreme Court ruled that patent holders are not automatically entitled to a permanent injunction against future infringing activities—the courts have discretion to decide whether equity requires it. According to the Supreme Court, a patent holder must prove that it has suffered irreparable injury and that the public interest would not be disserved by a permanent injunction.22 This decision gives courts discretion to decide what is equitable in the circumstances and allows them to consider what is in the public interest rather than just the interests of the parties.For example,in the first case applying this rule, a court found that although Microsoft had infringed on the patent of a small software company, the latter was not entitled to an injunction. According to the court, the small company was not irreparably harmed and could be adequately compensated by damages. Also, the public might suffer negative effects from an injunction because the infringement involved part of Microsoft’s widely used Office suite software.23
21. Microsoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp., ___ U.S. ___, 127 S.Ct. 1746, 167 L.Ed.2d 737 (2007). 22. eBay, Inc. v. MercExchange, LLC, 547 U.S. 388, 126 S.Ct. 1837, 164 L.Ed.2d 641 (2006). 23. Z4 Technologies, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 434 F.Supp.2d 437 (E.D.Tex. 2006).
1. Literary works (including newspaper and magazine
Copyrights A copyright is an intangible property right granted by federal statute to the author or originator of a literary or artistic production of a specified type. Today, copyrights are governed by the Copyright Act of 1976,24 as amended.Works created after January 1,1978,are automatically given statutory copyright protection for the life of the author plus 70 years. For copyrights owned by publishing houses, the copyright expires 95 years from the date of publication or 120 years from the date of creation, whichever is first. For works by more than one author, the copyright expires 70 years after the death of the last surviving author. These time periods reflect the extensions of the length of copyright protection enacted by Congress in the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998.25 Critics challenged this act as overstepping the bounds of Congress’s power and violating the constitutional requirement that copyrights endure for only a limited time.In 2003,however,the United States Supreme Court upheld the act in Eldred v.Ashcroft.26 This holding obviously favored copyright holders by preventing copyrighted works from the 1920s and 1930s from losing protection and falling into the public domain for an additional two decades. Copyrights can be registered with the U.S.Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. A copyright owner no longer needs to place the symbol © or the term Copr. or Copyright on the work to have the work protected against infringement. Chances are that if somebody created it, somebody owns it.
What Is Protected Expression? Works that are copyrightable include books, records, films, artworks, architectural plans, menus, music videos,product packaging,and computer software.To be protected, a work must be “fixed in a durable medium” from which it can be perceived, reproduced, or communicated. Protection is automatic. Registration is not required. To obtain protection under the Copyright Act, a work must be original and fall into one of the following categories:
24. 17 U.S.C. Sections 101 et seq. 25. 17 U.S.C. Section 302. 26. 537 U.S. 186, 123 S.Ct. 769, 154 L.Ed.2d 683 (2003).
2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
articles, computer and training manuals, catalogues, brochures, and print advertisements). Musical works and accompanying words (including advertising jingles). Dramatic works and accompanying music. Pantomimes and choreographic works (including ballets and other forms of dance). Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works (including cartoons, maps, posters, statues, and even stuffed animals). Motion pictures and other audiovisual works (including multimedia works). Sound recordings. Architectural works.
Section 102 Exclusions Section 102 of the
Copyright Act specifically excludes copyright protection for any “idea,procedure,process,system,method of operation,concept,principle,or discovery,regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied.” Note that it is not possible to copyright an idea. The underlying ideas embodied in a work may be freely used by others. What is copyrightable is the particular way in which an idea is expressed.Whenever an idea and an expression are inseparable, the expression cannot be copyrighted. Generally, anything that is not an original expression will not qualify for copyright protection. Facts widely known to the public are not copyrightable. Page numbers are not copyrightable because they follow a sequence known to everyone. Mathematical calculations are not copyrightable. Compilations of Facts Unlike ideas,compilations of facts are copyrightable. Under Section 103 of the Copyright Act a compilation is “a work formed by the collection and assembling of preexisting materials or data that are selected,coordinated,or arranged in such a way that the resulting work as a whole constitutes an original work of authorship.” The key requirement in the copyrightability of a compilation is originality. If the facts are selected, coordinated, or arranged in an original way, they can qualify for copyright protection. Therefore, the white pages of a telephone directory do not qualify for copyright protection because the facts (names, addresses, and telephone numbers) are listed in alphabetical order rather than being selected, coordinated, or arranged in an original way.27 The Yellow Pages of a telephone directory, in contrast, can qualify 27. Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co., 499 U.S. 340, 111 S.Ct. 1282, 113 L.Ed.2d 358 (1991).
for copyright protection.28 Similarly, a compilation of information about yachts listed for sale may qualify for copyright protection.29
Copyright Infringement Whenever the form or expression of an idea is copied, an infringement of copyright has occurred.The reproduction does not have to be exactly the same as the original, nor does it have to reproduce the original in its entirety. If a substantial part of the original is reproduced, the copyright has been infringed. Damages for Copyright Infringement
Those who infringe copyrights may be liable for damages or criminal penalties. These range from actual damages or statutory damages, imposed at the court’s discretion, to criminal proceedings for willful violations. Actual damages are based on the harm caused to the copyright holder by the infringement, while statutory damages, not to exceed $150,000, are provided for under the Copyright Act. Criminal proceedings may result in fines and/or imprisonment. The “Fair Use” Exception An exception to lia-
bility for copyright infringement is made under the “fair use” doctrine. In certain circumstances, a person or organization can reproduce copyrighted material without paying royalties (fees paid to the copyright holder for the privilege of reproducing the copyrighted material). Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides as follows: [T]he fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by [Section 106 of the Copyright Act], for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship,or research,is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include– (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. 28. Bellsouth Advertising & Publishing Corp. v. Donnelley Information Publishing, Inc., 999 F.2d 1436 (11th Cir. 1993). 29. BUC International Corp. v. International Yacht Council, Ltd., 489 F. 3d 1129 (11th Cir. 2007).
Because these guidelines are very broad,the courts determine whether a particular use is fair on a case-bycase basis. Thus, anyone reproducing copyrighted material may still be committing a violation. In determining whether a use is fair, courts have often considered the fourth factor to be the most important.
Copyright Protection for Software In 1980, Congress passed the Computer Software Copyright Act, which amended the Copyright Act of 1976 to include computer programs in the list of creative works protected by federal copyright law.30 The 1980 statute, which classifies computer programs as “literary works,” defines a computer program as a “set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result.” The unique nature of computer programs,however, has created problems for the courts in applying and interpreting the 1980 act. Generally, the courts have held that copyright protection extends not only to those parts of a computer program that can be read by humans, such as the “high-level” language of a source code, but also to the binary-language object code, which is readable only by the computer.31 Additionally, such elements as the overall structure, sequence, and organization of a program have been deemed copyrightable, but generally not the “look and feel” of computer programs.32 The “look and feel” of computer programs refers to their general appearance, command structure, video images, menus, windows, and other screen displays.
Copyrights in Digital Information Copyright law is probably the most important form of intellectual property protection on the Internet.This is because much of the material on the Internet consists of works of authorship (including multimedia presentations,software,and database information),which are 30. Pub. L. No. 96-517 (1980), amending 17 U.S.C. Sections 101, 117. 31. See Stern Electronics, Inc. v. Kaufman, 669 F. 2d 852 (2d Cir. 1982); and Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corp., 714 F. 2d 1240 (3d Cir. 1983). 32. Whelan Associates, Inc. v. Jaslow Dental Laboratory, Inc., 797 F. 2d 1222 (3d Cir. 1986).
the traditional focus of copyright law. Copyright law is also important because the nature of the Internet requires that data be “copied”to be transferred online. Traditionally, many of the controversies arising in this area of the law have involved copies.
The Copyright Act of 1976 When Congress drafted the principal U.S. law governing copyrights, the Copyright Act of 1976, cyberspace did not exist for most of us. At that time, the primary threat to copyright owners was from persons making unauthorized tangible copies of works. Because of the nature of cyberspace, however, one of the early controversies was determining at what point an intangible, electronic “copy” of a work has been made. The courts have held that loading a file or program into a computer’s random access memory, or RAM, constitutes the making of a “copy” for purposes of copyright law.33 RAM is a portion of a computer’s memory into which a file, for example, is loaded so that it can be accessed. Thus, a copyright is infringed when a party downloads software into RAM without owning the software or otherwise having a right to download it.34 Today, technology has vastly increased the potential for copyright infringement. For a discussion of whether search engines that use thumbnail images of copyrighted materials are liable for infringement, see this chapter’s Insight into E-Commerce feature on pages 174 and 175.
Further Developments in Copyright Law In the last fifteen years, Congress has enacted legislation designed specifically to protect copyright holders in a digital age. Particularly significant are the No Electronic Theft Act of 199735 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.36 The No Electronic Theft Act Prior to 1997,
criminal penalties could be imposed under copyright law only if unauthorized copies were exchanged for financial gain.Yet much piracy of copyrighted materi33. MAI Systems Corp. v. Peak Computer, Inc., 991 F. 2d 511 (9th Cir. 1993). 34. DSC Communications Corp. v. Pulse Communications, Inc., 170 F. 3d 1354 (Fed.Cir. 1999). 35. Pub. L. No. 105-147 (1997). Codified at 17 U.S.C. Sections 101, 506; 18 U.S.C. Sections 2311, 2319, 2319A, 2320; and 28 U.S.C. Sections 994 and 1498. 36. 17 U.S.C. Sections 512, 1201–1205, 1301–1332; and 28 U.S.C. Section 4001.
als was “altruistic” in nature; that is, unauthorized copies were made and distributed not for financial gain but simply for reasons of generosity—to share the copies with others.To combat altruistic piracy and for other reasons,Congress passed the No Electronic Theft (NET) Act of 1997. NET extended criminal liability for the piracy of copyrighted materials to persons who exchange unauthorized copies of copyrighted works, such as software, even though they realize no profit from the exchange.The act also altered the traditional “fair use” doctrine by imposing penalties on those who make unauthorized electronic copies of books, magazines, movies, or music for personal use.The criminal penalties for violating the act are relatively severe; they include fines as high as $250,000 and incarceration for up to five years. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 The passage of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998 gave significant protection to owners of copyrights in digital information.37 Among other things,the act established civil and criminal penalties for anyone who circumvents (bypasses, or gets around—by using a special decryption program, for example) encryption software or other technological antipiracy protection. Also prohibited are the manufacture, import, sale, and distribution of devices or services for circumvention. The DMCA provides for exceptions to fit the needs of libraries, scientists, universities, and others. In general, the law does not restrict the “fair use” of circumvention methods for educational and other noncommercial purposes. For example, circumvention is allowed to test computer security, to conduct encryption research,to protect personal privacy,and to enable parents to monitor their children’s use of the Internet. The exceptions are to be reconsidered every three years. The DMCA also limits the liability of Internet service providers (ISPs). Under the act, an ISP is not liable for any copyright infringement by its customer unless the ISP is aware of the subscriber’s violation. An ISP may be held liable only if it fails to take action to shut the subscriber down after learning of the violation.A copyright holder must act promptly, however, by pursuing a claim in court, or the subscriber has the right to be restored to online access. 37. This act implemented the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty of 1996, which will be discussed later in this chapter.
Search Engines versus Copyright Owners Since their humble beginnings more than a decade ago, search engines have become ubiquitous in the e-commerce world. Every day millions of consumers use search engines to locate various products on the Web. A major legal question arises, however, when the results of a search include copyrighted intellectual property, such as books, downloadable software, movies and other videos, and images. Can the owner of the search engine that returned these results be held liable for copyright infringement?
The Betamax Doctrine The basic rule that has governed issues relating to the application of new technology for uses that might include copyright infringement was set out more than two decades ago by the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case Sony Corporation of America v. Universal City Studios.a The case involved the then new technology of the videocassette recorder (VCR), which was available in two formats—VHS and Betamax. Owners of copyrighted television programs, concerned that VCR owners were using the equipment to copy TV programs, brought a suit against a VCR manufacturer, claiming that it was liable for its customers’ copyright infringement. The Supreme Court, however, in what became known as the
Just as VCRs and file-sharing technology raised new issues of copyright infringement, so does today’s search engine technology. In response to a search
a. 464 U.S. 417, 104 S.Ct. 774, 78 L.Ed.2d 574 (1984).
b. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 545 U.S. 913, 125 S.Ct. 2764, 162 L.Ed.2d 781 (2005).
MP3 and File-Sharing Technology Soon after the Internet became popular, a few enterprising programmers created software to compress large data files, particularly those associated with music.The reduced file sizes make transmitting music over the Internet feasible. The most widely known compression and decompression system is MP3, which enables music fans to download songs or entire CDs onto their computers or onto portable listening devices, such as Rio or iPod. The MP3 system also made it possible for music fans to access other music fans’ files by engaging in file-sharing via the Internet. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking File-sharing via the Internet is accomplished through what is called peer-to-peer (P2P) networking. The concept is simple. Rather than going through a central Web server, 174
Betamax doctrine, held that the manufacturer was not liable for creating a technology that certain customers might use for copyright infringing purposes, as long as that technology was capable of substantial noninfringing uses. Legal scholars believe that the Betamax doctrine has allowed for the development of many other technologies that are capable of both infringing and noninfringing uses—including CD-ROM burners, DVRs, TiVo, Apple’s iPod, and even the personal computer. As discussed later in the text, twenty years after the Sony case, organizations and companies in the music and film industry brought a copyright infringement suit against Grokster, Morpheus, and KaZaA, the makers of file-sharing software that allowed millions of individuals to copy copyrighted music. In that case, the Supreme Court did find that there was ample evidence that the software makers had taken steps to promote copyright infringement, but significantly the Court did not overturn the Betamax doctrine. The Court did not specify what steps are necessary to impose liability on the provider of a technology, however.b
Does Providing Thumbnail Images Violate Copyright Law?
P2P uses numerous personal computers (PCs) that are connected to the Internet. Files stored on one PC can be accessed by others who are members of the same network. Sometimes this is called a distributed network because parts of the network are distributed all over the country or the world.File-sharing offers an unlimited number of uses for distributed networks.For example, thousands of researchers allow their home computers’ computing power to be simultaneously accessed through file-sharing software so that very large mathematical problems can be solved quickly. Additionally, persons scattered throughout the country or the world can work together on the same project by using file-sharing programs. Sharing Stored Music Files When file-sharing
is used to download others’ stored music files, copy-
request, numerous search engines show thumbnail images of books, album covers, and copyrighted photographs. Arriba Soft Corporation (now, for example, operated a search engine that displayed its results in the form of thumbnail pictures. It obtained its database of photographs by copying images from other Web sites. When professional photographer Leslie Kelly discovered that his copyrighted photographs were part of Arriba’s database, he brought a suit for copyright infringement. Arriba prevailed, as the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that its thumbnails were a fair use under the Copyright Act.c A recent innovation enables search engines to search specifically for images. Google Image Search, for example, stores thumbnail images of its search results on Google’s servers. The thumbnail images are reduced, lower-resolution versions of full-size images stored on third party computers. In 2005, Perfect 10, a men’s magazine that features highresolution photographs of topless and nude women, brought a suit to enjoin Google from caching and displaying its photographs as thumbnails. Perfect 10 argued that because Google “created the audience” for its sites and indexes, Google should be liable for whatever infringements occurred on those sites. The magazine also contended that Google had directly infringed Perfect 10’s copyrights by in-line linking and framing images published on other sites. (The case was combined with a similar suit brought against for its A9 search engine.) Once again, c. Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corporation, 336 F.3d 811 (9th Cir. 2003).
right issues arise. Recording artists and their labels stand to lose large amounts of royalties and revenues if relatively few CDs are purchased and then made available on distributed networks, from which everyone can get them for free. The issue of file-sharing infringement has been the subject of an ongoing debate for some time. For example, in the highly publicized case of A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,38 several firms in the recording industry sued Napster, Inc., the owner of the then popular Napster Web site. The Napster site provided registered users with free software that enabled them to transfer exact copies of the contents of MP3 files from one computer to another via the Internet. Napster also maintained centralized search indices so 38. 239 F. 3d 1004 (9th Cir. 2001).
however, as in its Arriba decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the thumbnails constituted a fair use. Pointing out the public benefit that search engines provide, the court said that until Perfect 10 gave Google specific URLs for infringing images, Google had no duty to act and could not be held liable. The court further held that Google could not “supervise or control” the third party Web sites linked to its search results.d In sum, the court refused to hold the creators of image search technology liable for users’ infringement because the technology is capable of both infringing and noninfringing uses—just as the Betamax doctrine protected VCR manufacturers from liability for user’s infringement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRITICAL THINKING INSIGHT INTO TECHNOLOGY What has changed in the world of technology since the Betamax doctrine was enunciated? Does the fact that more and more intellectual property is being digitized and made available online alter the reasoning underlying the Betamax doctrine? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
d. Perfect 10, Inc. v., Inc., 487 F.3d 701 (9th Cir. 2007).
that users could locate specific titles or artists’ recordings on the computers of other members. The firms argued that Napster should be liable for contributory and vicarious39 (indirect) copyright infringement because it assisted others in obtaining copies of copyrighted music without the copyright owners’ permission. The federal district court agreed, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed,holding Napster liable for violating copyright laws. The court reasoned that Napster was liable for its users’ infringement because the technology that Napster had used
39. Vicarious (indirect) liability exists when one person is subject to liability for another’s actions. A common example occurs in the employment context, when an employer is held vicariously liable by third parties for torts committed by employees in the course of their employment.
was centralized and gave it “the ability to locate infringing material listed on its search indices and the right to terminate users’ access to the system.” After the Napster decision, the recording industry filed and won numerous lawsuits against companies that distribute online file-sharing software. The courts held these companies liable based on two theories: contributory infringement, which applies if the company had reason to know about a user’s infringement and failed to stop it, and vicarious liability, which exists if the company was able to control the users’ activities and stood to benefit financially from their infringement. The Evolution of File-Sharing Technologies In the wake of the Napster decision, other com-
panies developed new technologies that allow P2P network users to share stored music files, without paying a fee, more quickly and efficiently than ever. Software such as Morpheus, KaZaA, and LimeWire, for example, provides users with an interface that is similar to a Web browser.40 Companies need not locate songs for users on other members’computers. Instead, the software automatically annotates files with descriptive information so that the music can easily be categorized and cross-referenced (by artist and title, for instance).When a user performs a search, the software is able to locate a list of peers that have the file available for downloading. Also, to expedite the P2P transfer, the software distributes the download task over the entire list of peers simultaneously. By downloading even one file, the user becomes a point of distribution for that file, which is then automatically shared with others on the network. Because the file-sharing software was decentralized and did not use search indices, the companies had no ability to supervise or control which music (or other media files) their users exchanged. In addition, it was difficult for courts to apply the traditional doc40. Note that in 2005, KaZaA entered a settlement agreement with four major music companies that had alleged copyright infringement. KaZaA agreed to offer only legitimate, fee-based music downloads in the future.
C A S E 8.4
trines of contributory and vicarious liability to these new technologies. The Supreme Court’s Grokster Decision
In 2005, the United States Supreme Court expanded the liability of file-sharing companies in its decision in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.41 In that case, organizations in the music and film industry (the plaintiffs) sued several companies that distribute file-sharing software used in P2P networks, including Grokster, Ltd., and StreamCast Networks, Inc. (the defendants).The plaintiffs claimed that the defendants were contributorily and vicariously liable for the infringement of their end users. The Supreme Court held that “one who distributes a device [software] with the object of promoting its use to infringe the copyright,as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties.” Although the Supreme Court did not specify what kind of affirmative steps are necessary to establish liability,it did note that there was ample evidence that the defendants had acted with the intent to cause copyright violations. (Grokster, Ltd., later settled this dispute out of court and stopped distributing its software.) Essentially, this means that file-sharing companies that have taken affirmative steps to promote copyright infringement can be held secondarily liable for millions of infringing acts that their users commit daily. Because the Court did not define exactly what is necessary to impose liability, however, a substantial amount of legal uncertainty remains concerning this issue. Although some file-sharing companies have been shut down, illegal file-sharing—and lawsuits against file-sharing companies and the individuals who use them—has continued in the years since this decision. In the following case,six recording companies filed a suit against an individual user, charging her with copyright infringement for downloading eight songs without the owners’ consent. 41. 545 U.S. 913, 125 S.Ct. 2764, 162 L.Ed.2d 781 (2005).
Sony BMG Music Entertainment v. Villarreal United States District Court, Middle District of Georgia, Macon Division, 2007. __ F.Supp.2d __.
• Background and Facts Sony BMG Music Entertainment, UMG Recordings, Inc., Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Virgin Records America, Inc., Capitol Records, Inc., and BMG Music are the copyright owners or licensees of rights to certain sound recordings. In September 2006, these companies filed a suit in a federal district court against Sharon Villarreal, alleging copyright infringement. The plaintiffs com-
plained that Villarreal “has, without the permission or consent of Plaintiffs, used (and continues to use) an online media distribution system to download Plaintiffs’ copyrighted recordings, to distribute the copyrighted recordings to the public, and/or to make the copyrighted recordings available for distribution to others.” The plaintiffs claimed that Villarreal had downloaded and distributed, or made available for distribution, eight of their recordings, including “Goodbye Earl” by the Dixie Chicks, “I Got a Girl” by Lou Bega, “A Long December” by the Counting Crows, “Black Balloon” by the Goo Goo Dolls, “Like a Virgin” by Madonna, “Steal My Kisses” by Ben Harper, “Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2” by Pink Floyd, and “I Might Get Over You” by Kenny Chesney. Villarreal was notified of the complaint but did not respond. The plaintiffs asked the court to enter a default judgment in their favor, to award damages and costs, and to issue an injunction against Villarreal. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
C. ASHLEY ROYAL, United States District Judge.
* * * * * * * A defendant’s default does not itself warrant the court entering a default judgment. Rather, there must be a sufficient basis in the pleadings for the judgment entered * * * . The defendant is not held to admit facts that are not well-pleaded or to admit conclusions of law. Simply put, a default should not be treated as an absolute confession of the defendant of his liability and of the plaintiff’s right to recover. * * * [Emphasis added.] * * * Plaintiffs plainly allege that Defendant has, without the permission or consent of Plaintiffs,used an online media distribution system to download Plaintiffs’ copyrighted recordings, to distribute the copyrighted recordings to the public, and/or to make the copyrighted recordings available for distribution to others.These allegations do state a claim for copyright infringement. And,of course,by her default in this case,Defendant has admitted these allegations as true.This Court therefore finds that Plaintiffs have sufficiently stated claims for relief under the Copyright Act and that, by defaulting, Defendant has admitted her liability for such violations. * * * * * * Relief shall be granted as follows: * * * * * * * The damages provision of the Copyright Act * * * provides that statutory damages may be recovered for “all infringements involved in the action, with respect to any one work, for which any one infringer is liable individually * * * in a sum not less than $750 or more than $30,000 as the court considers just.” Thus, * * * the copyright owner * * * is entitled to recover, at least, $750 for each act of infringement. * * * [T]o affix the measure of damages, the Court need only sum the number of separate, individual works which were the subject of a defendant’s infringing activities. * * * Plaintiffs show that eight (8) of their copyrighted recordings were downloaded and distributed (or made available for distribution) by Defendant. * * * Applying the statutory formula for calculating damages in this case, this Court will simply multiply the minimum $750.00 statutory penalty by eight (8), the number of works infringed upon. Having done so, this Court agrees that an award of compensatory damages in the amount of $6,000.00 is appropriate. * * * * * * * [T]he Copyright Act [also] provide[s] that a district court may, in its discretion, allow a copyright owner to recover full costs. * * * Plaintiffs have incurred costs in this case in the amount of $490.00. Having considered the matter, this Court agrees that an award of $490.00 in costs is reasonable. * * * * Finally, Plaintiffs move this Court for entry of a permanent injunction barring Defendant from directly or indirectly infringing on Plaintiffs’ copyrights, whether now in existence or later created. Plaintiffs further request that the Court require Defendant to destroy all copies of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted recordings that Defendant has downloaded or has transferred onto any physical medium or device in Defendant’s possession, custody, or control.Again, the Copyright Act provides for such relief to be granted. * * * * * * Here, having considered the copyright infringements at issue, this Court finds that Defendant’s past and current conduct has and will, unless enjoined, cause Plaintiffs irreparable CASE CONTINUES
injury that cannot be fully compensated or measured in money. Moreover, in light of Defendant’s admitted infringement in this case, the need to protect Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works, and the public interest in upholding copyright protection, the Court further finds that an injunction barring Defendant from infringing upon all of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted recordings, and not just those eight recordings listed herein, is appropriate. For the same reasons, and because Plaintiffs will continually create new works, which may be vulnerable to similar infringement and would require future litigation, the Court finds that the injunction entered in this case should likewise cover works created in the future. [Emphasis added.]
Decision and Remedy “Having considered Plaintiffs’ well-pleaded allegations in this case, the Court does find a sufficient basis in the Complaint for a judgment to be entered in Plaintiffs’ favor for violations of the Copyright Act.” The court also ruled that the copyright owners and licensees were entitled to the relief that they sought—damages of $750 for each of the eight infringed works, $490 for the costs of filing the suit, and an injunction to order the destruction of all copies of the infringed works and to bar Villarreal’s future infringement.
• The Legal Environment Dimension What interest does the public have in upholding copyright law and granting the sort of relief that was awarded in this case? Explain.
The E - Commerce Dimension When rights such as those in this case become more valuable as a result of new technology, should the law be changed to redistribute the economic benefit of those rights? Why or why not? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trade Secrets The law of trade secrets protects some business processes and information that are not, or cannot be, patented,copyrighted,or trademarked against appropriation by competitors. Trade secrets include customer lists, plans, research and development, pricing information, marketing methods, production techniques, and generally anything that makes an individual company unique and that would have value to a competitor. Unlike copyright and trademark protection, protection of trade secrets extends both to ideas and to their expression.(For this reason,and because a trade secret involves no registration or filing requirements, trade secret protection may be well suited for software.) Of course, the secret formula, method, or other information must be disclosed to some persons,particularly to key employees.Businesses generally attempt to protect their trade secrets by having all employees who use the process or information agree in their contracts, or in confidentiality agreements, never to divulge it.
State and Federal Law on Trade Secrets Under Section 757 of the Restatement of Torts, “One who discloses or uses another’s trade secret, without a privilege to do so,is liable to the other if (1) he [or she] discovered the secret by improper means, or (2) his [or her] disclosure or use constitutes a breach of con-
fidence reposed in him [or her] by the other in disclosing the secret to him [or her].” The theft of confidential business data by industrial espionage, as when a business taps into a competitor’s computer,is a theft of trade secrets without any contractual violation and is actionable in itself. Until thirty years ago,virtually all law with respect to trade secrets was common law. In an effort to reduce the unpredictability of the common law in this area, a model act, the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, was presented to the states for adoption in 1979. Parts of the act have been adopted in more than thirty states. Typically, a state that has adopted parts of the act has adopted only those parts that encompass its own existing common law.Additionally,in 1996 Congress passed the Economic Espionage Act,42 which made the theft of trade secrets a federal crime. We will examine the provisions and significance of this act in Chapter 9, in the context of crimes related to business.
Trade Secrets in Cyberspace New computer technology is undercutting a business firm’s ability to protect its confidential information, including trade secrets.43 For example, a dishonest 42. 18 U.S.C. Sections 1831–1839. 43. Note that in at least one case, a court has held that customers’ e-mail addresses may constitute trade secrets. See T-N-T Motorsports, Inc. v. Hennessey Motorsports, Inc., 965 S.W.2d 18 (Tex.App.—Hous. [1 Dist.] 1998); rehearing overruled (1998); petition dismissed (1998).
employee could e-mail trade secrets in a company’s computer to a competitor or a future employer. If e-mail is not an option, the employee might walk out with the information on a flash pen drive.
International Protection for Intellectual Property For many years, the United States has been a party to various international agreements relating to intellectual property rights. For example, the Paris Convention of 1883, to which about 170 countries are signatory, allows parties in one country to file for patent and trademark protection in any of the other member countries. Other international agreements in this area include the Berne Convention, the TRIPS agreement, and the Madrid Protocol.
The Berne Convention Under the Berne Convention (an international copyright agreement) of 1886, as amended, if an American writes a book, every country that has signed the convention must recognize the American author’s copyright in the book.Also, if a citizen of a country that has not signed the convention first publishes a book in one of the 170 countries that have signed, all other countries that have signed the convention must recognize that author’s copyright. Copyright notice is not needed to gain protection under the Berne Convention for works published after March 1, 1989. The laws of many countries,as well as international laws, are being updated to reflect changes in technology and the expansion of the Internet. Copyright holders and other owners of intellectual property generally agree that changes in the law are needed to stop the increasing international piracy of their property. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty of 1996, a special agreement under the Berne Convention, attempts to update international law governing copyright protection to include more safeguards against copyright infringement via the Internet.The United States signed the WIPO treaty in 1996 and implemented its terms in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, which was discussed earlier in this chapter. The Berne Convention and other international agreements have given some protection to intellectual property on a global level. Another significant worldwide agreement to increase such protection is the
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement—or, more simply, the TRIPS agreement.
The TRIPS Agreement Representatives from more than one hundred nations signed the TRIPS agreement in 1994. It was one of several documents that were annexed to the agreement that created the World Trade Organization, or WTO, in 1995.The TRIPS agreement established,for the first time, standards for the international protection of intellectual property rights,including patents,trademarks,and copyrights for movies,computer programs,books,and music. The TRIPS agreement provides that each member country must include in its domestic laws broad intellectual property rights and effective remedies (including civil and criminal penalties) for violations of those rights. Members Cannot Discriminate against Foreign Intellectual Property Owners
Generally,the TRIPS agreement forbids member nations from discriminating against foreign owners of intellectual property rights (in the administration,regulation,or adjudication of such rights). In other words, a member nation cannot give its own nationals (citizens) favorable treatment without offering the same treatment to nationals of all member countries.For instance,if a U.S. software manufacturer brings a suit for the infringement of intellectual property rights under a member nation’s national laws, the U.S. manufacturer is entitled to receive the same treatment as a domestic manufacturer. Each member nation must also ensure that legal procedures are available for parties who wish to bring actions for infringement of intellectual property rights. Additionally, a related document established a mechanism for settling disputes among member nations. Covers All Types of Intellectual Property
Particular provisions of the TRIPS agreement relate to patent, trademark, and copyright protection for intellectual property. The agreement specifically provides copyright protection for computer programs by stating that compilations of data, databases, and other materials are “intellectual creations” and are to be protected as copyrightable works.Other provisions relate to trade secrets and the rental of computer programs and cinematographic works.
The Madrid Protocol In the past, one of the difficulties in protecting U.S. trademarks internationally was the time and expense involved in applying for trademark registration in
foreign countries. The filing fees and procedures for trademark registration vary significantly among individual countries.The Madrid Protocol,which President George W. Bush signed into law in 2003, may help to resolve these problems. The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty that has been signed by seventythree countries. Under its provisions, a U.S. company wishing to register its trademark abroad can submit a single application and designate other member countries in which the U.S. company would like to register
its mark. The treaty is designed to reduce the costs of international trademark protection by more than 60 percent, according to proponents. Although the Madrid Protocol may simplify and reduce the cost of trademark registration in foreign countries, it remains to be seen whether it will provide significant benefits to trademark owners. Even assuming that the registration process will be easier, there is still the issue of whether member countries will enforce the law and protect the mark.
Intellectual Property and Internet Law Two computer science majors, Trent and Xavier, have an idea for a new video game, which they propose to call “Hallowed.” They form a business and begin developing their idea. Several months later, Trent and Xavier run into a problem with their design and consult with a friend, Brad, who is an expert in designing computer source codes. After the software is completed but before Hallowed is marketed, a video game called “Halo 2” is released for both the Xbox and Game Cube systems. Halo 2 uses source codes similar to those of Hallowed and imitates Hallowed’s overall look and feel, although not all the features are alike. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. Would the name “Hallowed” receive protection as a trademark or as trade dress? 2. If Trent and Xavier had obtained a business process patent on Hallowed, would the release of Halo 2 infringe on their patent? Why or why not? 3. Based only on the facts described above, could Trent and Xavier sue the makers of Halo 2 for copyright infringement? Why or why not? 4. Suppose that Trent and Xavier discover that Brad took the idea of Hallowed and sold it to the company that produced Halo 2. Which type of intellectual property issue does this raise?
cybersquatting 165 dilution 159
peer-to-peer (P2P) networking 174
distributed network 174
service mark 163
certification mark 163
domain name 164
trade dress 163
collective mark 163
intellectual property 157
trade name 164
copyright 171
meta tag 166
trade secret 178
cyber mark 164
patent 167
trademark 157
8–1. Professor Wise is teaching a summer seminar in business torts at State University. Several times during the course, he makes copies of relevant sections from business law texts and distributes them to his students. Wise does not realize that the daughter of one of the textbook authors is a member of his seminar. She tells her father about Wise’s copying activities, which have taken place without her father’s or his publisher’s permission.Her father sues Wise for copyright infringement.Wise claims protection under the fair use doctrine.Who will prevail? Explain. 8–2. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER In which of the following situations would a court likely hold Ursula liable for copyright infringement? (a) Ursula goes to the library and photocopies ten pages from a scholarly journal relating to a topic on which she is writing a term paper. (b) Ursula makes blouses,dresses,and other clothes and sells them in her small shop. She advertises some of the outfits as Guest items, hoping that customers might mistakenly assume that they were made by Guess, the well-known clothing manufacturer. (c) Ursula teaches Latin American history at a small university.She has a VCR and frequently tapes television programs relating to Latin America. She then takes the videos to her classroom so that her students can watch them. • For a sample answer to Question 8–2, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
8–3. Domain Name Disputes. In 1999, Steve and Pierce Thumann and their father,Fred,created Spider Webs,Ltd., a partnership, to, according to Steve, “develop Internet address names.” Spider Webs registered nearly two thousand Internet domain names at an average cost of $70 each, including the names of cities, the names of buildings, names related to a business or trade (such as airconditioning or plumbing), and the names of famous companies. It offered many of the names for sale on its Web site and through Spider Webs registered the domain name “ERNESTANDJULIOGALLO.COM” in Spider Webs’ name.E.& J.Gallo Winery filed a suit against Spider Webs, alleging, in part, violations of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA). Gallo asked the court for, among other things, statutory damages. Gallo also sought to have the domain name at issue transferred to Gallo. During the suit, Spider Webs published anticorporate articles and negative opinions about Gallo, as well as discussions of the suit and of the risks associated with alcohol use, at the URL ERNESTANDJULIOGALLO.COM. Should the court rule in
Gallo’s favor? Why or why not? [E. & J. Gallo Winery v. Spider Webs, Ltd., 129 F.Supp.2d 1033 (S.D.Tex. 2001)]
8–4. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Gateway, Inc., sells computers, computer products, computer peripherals, and computer accessories throughout the world. By 1988, Gateway had begun its first national advertising campaign using blackand-white cows and black-and-white cow spots. By 1991, black-and-white cows and spots had become Gateway’s symbol. The next year, Gateway registered a black-andwhite cow-spots design in association with computers and computer peripherals as its trademark. Companion Products, Inc. (CPI), sells stuffed animals trademarked as “Stretch Pets.” Stretch Pets have an animal’s head and an elastic body that can wrap around the edges of computer monitors, computer cases, or televisions. CPI produces sixteen Stretch Pets, including a polar bear, a moose, several dogs, and a penguin. One of CPI’s topselling products is a black-and-white cow that CPI identifies as “Cody Cow,” which was first sold in 1999. Gateway filed a suit in a federal district court against CPI, alleging trade dress infringement and related claims.What is trade dress? What is the major factor in cases involving trade dress infringement? Does that factor exist in this case? Explain. [Gateway, Inc. v. Companion Products, Inc., 384 F.3d 503 (8th Cir. 2004)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 8–4, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 8,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
8–5. Patent Infringement. As a cattle rancher in Nebraska, Gerald Gohl used handheld searchlights to find and help calving animals (animals giving birth) in harsh blizzard conditions. Gohl thought that it would be more helpful to have a portable searchlight mounted on the outside of a vehicle and remotely controlled. He and Al Gebhardt developed and patented practical applications of this idea—the Golight and the wireless, remotecontrolled Radio Ray, which could rotate 360 degrees—and formed Golight, Inc., to make and market these products. In 1997, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., began selling a portable, wireless, remote-controlled searchlight that was identical to the Radio Ray except for a stop piece that prevented the light from rotating more than 351 degrees. Golight sent Wal-Mart a letter claiming that its device infringed Golight’s patent. Wal-Mart sold its remaining inventory of the devices and stopped carrying the product. Golight filed a suit in a federal district court against Wal-Mart, alleging patent infringement. How should the court rule? Explain. [Golight, Inc. v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 355 F.3d 1327 (Fed.Cir. 2004)]
8–6. Copyright Infringement. Bridgeport Music, Inc., is in the business of publishing music and exploiting musical composition copyrights. Westbound Records, Inc., is in the business of recording and distributing sound recordings. Bridgeport and Westbound own the composition and recording copyrights to “Get Off Your Ass and Jam”by George Clinton, Jr., and the Funkadelics. The recording “Get Off”opens with a three-note solo guitar riff that lasts four seconds. The rap song “100 Miles and Runnin” contains a two-second sample from the guitar solo,at a lower pitch, looped and extended to sixteen beats, in five places in the song, with each looped segment lasting about seven seconds. “100 Miles” was included in the sound track of the movie I Got the Hook Up, which was distributed by No Limit Films.Bridgeport,Westbound,and others filed a suit in a federal district court against No Limit and others, alleging copyright infringement. Does a musician commit copyright infringement when he or she copies any part—even as little as two seconds—of a copyrighted sound recording without the permission of the copyright’s owner? If so, how can an artist legally incorporate a riff from another’s work in his or her own recording? Discuss. [Bridgeport Music, Inc. v. Dimension Films, 410 F.3d 792 (6th Cir. 2005)] 8–7. Trade Secrets. offers Internet-based analyses of investment opportunities to investors.Richard Green is the company’s president. One of’s competitors is StreetAccount, LLC (limited liability company), whose owners include Gregory Jones and Cynthia Dietzmann. Jones worked for for six years until he quit in March 2003 and was a member of its board of directors until April 2003. Dietzmann worked for for seven years until she quit in March 2003. As employees, Jones and Dietzmann had access to confidential business data. For instance, Dietzmann developed a list of contacts through which obtained market information to display online.When Dietzmann quit, however, she did not return all of the contact information to the company. and Green filed a suit in a federal district court against Jones, Dietzmann, and StreetAccount, alleging that they appropriated these data and other “trade secrets” to form a competing business. What are trade secrets? Why are they protected? Under what circumstances is a party liable at common law for their appropriation? How should these principles apply in this case? [ v. Jones, 2006 WY 16, 126 P.3d 928 (2006)]
8–8. Trademarks. In 1969, Jack Masquelier, a professor of pharmacology, discovered a chemical antioxidant made from the bark of a French pine tree. The substance supposedly assists in nutritional distribution and blood circulation. Horphag Research, Ltd., began to sell the product under the name Pycnogenol, which Horphag registered as a trademark in 1993. Pycnogenol became one of the fifteen best-selling herbal supplements in the United States. In 1999, through the Web site, Larry Garcia began to sell
Masquelier’s Original OPCs, a supplement derived from grape pits. Claiming that this product was the “true Pycnogenol,” Garcia used the mark as a meta tag and a generic term, attributing the results of research on Horphag’s product to Masquelier’s and altering quotations from scientific literature to substitute the name of Masquelier’s product for Horphag’s. Customers who purchased Garcia’s product contacted Horphag about it, only to learn that they had not bought Horphag’s product. Others called Horphag to ask whether Garcia “was selling . . . real Pycnogenol.” Horphag filed a suit in a federal district court against Garcia, alleging, among other things, that he was diluting Horphag’s mark.What is trademark dilution? Did it occur here? Explain.[Horphag Research, Ltd. v. Garcia, 475 F.3d 1029 (9th Cir. 2007)]
8–9. A QUESTION OF ETHICS Custom Copies, Inc., in Gainesville, Florida, is a copy shop that, on request, reproduces and distributes,for profit,material published and owned by others. One of the copy shop’s primary activities is the preparation and sale of coursepacks, which contain compilations of readings for college courses. For a particular coursepack, a teacher selects the readings and delivers a syllabus to the copy shop, which obtains the materials from a library, copies them,and then binds and sells the copies.Blackwell Publishing, Inc., in Malden, Massachusetts, publishes books and journals in medicine and other fields and owns the copyrights to these publications.Blackwell and others filed a suit in a federal district court against Custom Copies, alleging copyright infringement for its “routine and systematic reproduction of materials from plaintiffs’ publications, without seeking permission,” to compile coursepacks for classes at the University of Florida.The plaintiffs asked the court to issue an injunction and award them damages, as well the profit from the infringement.The defendant filed a motion to dismiss the complaint. [Blackwell Publishing, Inc. v. Custom Copies, Inc., ___ F. Supp.2d ___ (N.D.Fla. 2006)] (a) Custom Copies argued in part that it did not “distribute”the coursepacks.Does a copy shop violate copyright law if it only copies materials for coursepacks? Does the copying fall under the “fair use”exception? Should the court grant the defendant’s motion? Why or why not? (b) What is the potential impact of creating and selling copies of a book or journal without the permission of, and the payment of royalties or a fee to, the copyright owner? Explain.
8–10. VIDEO QUESTION Go to this text’s Web site at academic. and select “Chapter 8.” Click on “Video Questions”and view the video titled The Jerk. Then answer the following questions.
(a) In the video, Navin (Steve Martin) creates a special handle for Mr. Fox’s (Bill Macy’s) glasses. Can Navin obtain a patent or a copyright protecting his invention? Explain your answer. (b) Suppose that after Navin legally protects his idea, Fox steals it and decides to develop it for himself, without Navin’s permission. Has Fox committed infringement? If so, what kind—trademark, patent, or copyright?
(c) Suppose that after Navin legally protects his idea, he realizes he doesn’t have the funds to mass-produce the glasses’ special handle. Navin therefore agrees to allow Fox to manufacture the product. Has Navin granted Fox a license? Explain. (d) Assume that Navin is able to manufacture his invention.What might Navin do to ensure that his product is identifiable and can be distinguished from other products on the market?
For updated links to resources available on the Web, as well as a variety of other materials, visit this text’s Web site at An excellent overview of the laws governing various forms of intellectual property is available at FindLaw’s Web site. Go to You can find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about patents, trademarks, and copyrights—and links to registration forms, statutes, international patent and trademark offices, and numerous other resources—at the Web site of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Go to To perform patent searches and to access information on the patenting process, go to You can also access the European Patent Office’s Web site at For information on copyrights, go to the U.S. Copyright Office at www.copyright/gov You can find extensive information on copyright law—including United States Supreme Court decisions in this area and the texts of the Berne Convention and other international treaties on copyright issues—at the Web site of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University’s School of Law. Go to
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 8” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercise 8–1: Legal Perspective Unwarranted Legal Threats Internet Exercise 8–2: Management Perspective Protecting Intellectual Property across Borders Internet Exercise 8–3: Technological Perspective File-Sharing
he law imposes various sanctions in attempting to ensure that individuals engaging in business in our society can compete and flourish.These sanctions include those imposed by civil law, such as damages for various types of tortious conduct (discussed in Chapters 6 and 7); damages for breach of contract (to be discussed in Chapter 18); and the equitable remedies discussed in Chapters 1 and 18.Additional
sanctions are imposed under criminal law. Indeed, many statutes regulating business provide for criminal as well as civil penalties. Therefore, criminal law joins civil law as an important element in the legal environment of business. In this chapter, after explaining some essential differences between criminal law and civil law, we look at how crimes are classified and at the elements that must be present for criminal
Civil Law and Criminal Law Recall from Chapter 1 that civil law pertains to the duties that exist between persons or between persons and their governments. Criminal law, in contrast, has to do with crime. A crime can be defined as a wrong against society proclaimed in a statute and punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment—or, in some cases, death.As mentioned in Chapter 1, because crimes are offenses against society as a whole, they are prosecuted by a public official, such as a district attorney (D.A.) or an attorney general (A.G.),not by the victims. Once a crime has been reported, the D.A. typically has the discretion to decide whether to file criminal charges and also determines to what extent to pursue the prosecution or carry out additional investigation.
Major Differences between Civil Law and Criminal Law Because the state has extensive resources at its disposal when prosecuting criminal cases, there are numerous procedural safeguards to protect the rights 184
liability to exist.We then examine the various categories of crimes, the defenses that can be raised to avoid criminal liability, and the rules of criminal procedure.We conclude the chapter with a discussion of crimes that occur in cyberspace, which are often referred to as cyber crime. Generally, cyber crime refers more to the way in which particular crimes are committed than to a new category of crimes.
of defendants. We look here at one of these safeguards—the higher burden of proof that applies in a criminal case—as well as the harsher sanctions for criminal acts compared with civil wrongs. Exhibit 9–1 summarizes these and other key differences between civil law and criminal law. Burden of Proof In a civil case, the plaintiff usu-
ally must prove his or her case by a preponderance of the evidence. Under this standard, the plaintiff must convince the court that based on the evidence presented by both parties, it is more likely than not that the plaintiff’s allegation is true. In a criminal case, in contrast, the state must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. If the jury views the evidence in the case as reasonably permitting either a guilty or a not guilty verdict,then the jury’s verdict must be not guilty. In other words, the government (prosecutor) must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant has committed every essential element of the offense with which she or he is charged. If the jurors are not convinced of the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, they must find the defendant not guilty. Note also that in a criminal
Key Differences between Civil Law and Criminal Law
Civil Law
Criminal Law
Party who brings suit
Person who suffered harm
The state
Wrongful act
Causing harm to a person or to a person’s property
Violating a statute that prohibits some type of activity
Burden of proof
Preponderance of the evidence
Beyond a reasonable doubt
Three-fourths majority (typically)
Damages to compensate for the harm or a decree to achieve an equitable result
Punishment (fine, imprisonment, or death)
case, the jury’s verdict normally must be unanimous— agreed to by all members of the jury—to convict the defendant. (In a civil trial by jury, in contrast, typically only three-fourths of the jurors need to agree.)
wrongful act can result in both a civil (tort) action and a criminal action against the wrongdoer.
Classification of Crimes
Criminal Sanctions The sanctions imposed on
criminal wrongdoers are also harsher than those that are applied in civil cases. Remember from Chapters 6 and 7 that the purpose of tort law is to enable a person harmed by the wrongful act of another to obtain compensation from the wrongdoer, rather than to punish the wrongdoer. In contrast, criminal sanctions are designed to punish those who commit crimes and to deter others from committing similar acts in the future. Criminal sanctions include fines as well as the much harsher penalty of the loss of one’s liberty by incarceration in a jail or prison. Most criminal sanctions also involve probation and sometimes require performance of community service,completion of an educational or treatment program, or payment of restitution. The harshest criminal sanction is, of course, the death penalty.
Civil Liability for Criminal Acts Some torts, such as assault and battery, provide a basis for a criminal prosecution as well as a civil action in tort. For example, suppose that Jonas is walking down the street, minding his own business, when a person attacks him. In the ensuing struggle, the attacker stabs Jonas several times, seriously injuring him. A police officer restrains and arrests the wrongdoer. In this situation, the attacker may be subject both to criminal prosecution by the state and to a tort lawsuit brought by Jonas to obtain compensation for his injuries. Exhibit 9–2 on the next page illustrates how the same
Depending on their degree of seriousness, crimes are classified as felonies or misdemeanors.
Felonies Felonies are serious crimes punishable by death or by imprisonment in a federal or state penitentiary for one year or longer.1 The Model Penal Code2 provides for four degrees of felony:
1. Capital offenses, for which the maximum penalty is death.
2. First degree felonies, punishable by a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
3. Second degree felonies, punishable by a maximum of ten years’ imprisonment.
4. Third degree felonies, punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment. Although criminal laws vary from state to state, some general rules apply when grading crimes by 1. Some states, such as North Carolina, consider felonies to be punishable by incarceration for at least two years. 2. The American Law Institute issued the Official Draft of the Model Penal Code in 1962.The Model Penal Code contains four parts: (1) general provisions, (2) definitions of special crimes, (3) provisions concerning treatment and corrections, and (4) provisions on the organization of corrections. The Model Penal Code is not a uniform code, however. Because of our federal structure of government, each state has developed its own set of laws governing criminal acts.Thus,types of crimes and prescribed punishments may differ from one jurisdiction to another.
Civil ( Tort) Lawsuit and Criminal Prosecution for the Same Act A person attacks Jonas as he is walking down the street.
degree. For example, most jurisdictions punish a burglary that involves a forced entry into a home at night more harshly than a burglary that takes place during the day and involves a nonresidential building or structure. A homicide—the taking of another’s life—is classified according to the degree of intent involved. For example, first degree murder requires that the homicide be premeditated and deliberate,as opposed to a spontaneous act of violence.When no premeditation or deliberation is present but the offender acts with malice aforethought (that is, with wanton disregard for the consequences of his or her actions for the victim), the homicide is classified as second degree murder. A homicide that is committed without malice toward the victim is known as manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter occurs when the intent to kill may be present, as in a crime committed in the heat of passion, but malice is lacking. A homicide is classified as involuntary manslaughter when it results from an act of negligence (such as when a drunk driver causes the death of another person) and there is no intent to kill.
Misdemeanors and Petty Offenses Under federal law as well as under the law of most states, any crime that is not a felony is considered a misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes
punishable by a fine or by incarceration for up to one year. Disorderly conduct and trespass are common misdemeanors. In most jurisdictions, petty offenses are considered to be a subset of misdemeanors. Petty offenses are minor violations, such as disturbing the peace and violations of building codes. Even for petty offenses, however, a guilty party can be put in jail for a few days, fined, or both, depending on state law. Whether a crime is a felony or a misdemeanor can determine in which court the case is tried and,in some states, whether the defendant has a right to a jury trial. Many states have several classes of misdemeanors. For example, in Illinois, misdemeanors are either Class A (confinement for up to a year),Class B (not more than six months), or Class C (not more than thirty days).
Criminal Liability Two elements must exist for a person to be convicted of a crime: (1) the performance of a prohibited act and (2) a specified state of mind, or intent, on the part of the actor. Additionally, to establish criminal liability, there must be a concurrence between the act and the intent. In other words, these two elements must occur together.
For example, suppose that a woman intends to kill her husband by poisoning him. On the day she plans to do so, she is driving her husband home from work and swerves to avoid hitting a cat crossing the road.As a result,the car crashes into a tree,killing her husband. Even though she had planned to murder her husband, the woman would not be guilty of murder in this situation because the two elements did not occur together. The woman had not intended to kill her husband by driving the car into a tree.
involves the mental state in which the defendant deviates from the standard of care that a reasonable person would use under the same circumstances. The defendant is accused of taking an unjustified, substantial, and foreseeable risk that resulted in harm. Under the Model Penal Code, a defendant is negligent even if she or he was not actually aware of the risk but should have been aware of it.5 A defendant is criminally reckless if he or she consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk.
The Criminal Act
Corporate Criminal Liability
Every criminal statute prohibits certain behavior. Most crimes require an act of commission—that is, a person must do something in order to be accused of a crime. In criminal law, a prohibited act is referred to as the actus reus,3 or guilty act. In some instances,an act of omission can be a crime, but only when a person has a legal duty to perform the omitted act,such as filing a tax return.For example,in 2005 the federal government criminally prosecuted a former winner of the reality TV show Survivor for failing to report more than $1 million in winnings. The guilty act requirement is based on one of the premises of criminal law—that a person should be punished for harm done to society. For a crime to exist, the guilty act must cause some harm to a person or to property. Thinking about killing someone or about stealing a car may be morally wrong, but the thoughts do no harm until they are translated into action. Of course, a person can be punished for attempting murder or robbery, but normally only if substantial steps toward the criminal objective have been taken.
As will be discussed in Chapter 38, a corporation is a legal entity created under the laws of a state. At one time, it was thought that a corporation could not incur criminal liability because, although a corporation is a legal person, it can act only through its agents (corporate directors, officers, and employees). Therefore, the corporate entity itself could not “intend” to commit a crime.Over time,this view has changed.Obviously,corporations cannot be imprisoned,but they can be fined or denied certain legal privileges (such as a license).
State of Mind A wrongful mental state (mens rea)4 is also typically required to establish criminal liability. The required mental state, or intent, is indicated in the applicable statute or law. Murder, for example, involves the guilty act of killing another human being,and the guilty mental state is the desire,or intent,to take another’s life.For theft, the guilty act is the taking of another person’s property,and the mental state involves both the awareness that the property belongs to another and the desire to deprive the owner of it. A guilty mental state can be attributed to acts of negligence or recklessness as well.Criminal negligence 3. Pronounced ak-tuhs ray-uhs. 4. Pronounced mehns ray-uh.
Liability of the Corporate Entity Today, cor-
porations are normally liable for the crimes committed by their agents and employees within the course and scope of their employment.6 For such criminal liability to be imposed, the prosecutor normally must show that the corporation could have prevented the act or that there was authorized consent to, or knowledge of, the act by persons in supervisory positions within the corporation. In addition, corporations can be criminally liable for failing to perform specific duties imposed by law (such as duties under environmental laws or securities laws). Liability of Corporate Officers and Directors Corporate directors and officers are per-
sonally liable for the crimes they commit, regardless of whether the crimes were committed for their private benefit or on the corporation’s behalf. Additionally, corporate directors and officers may be held liable for the actions of employees under their supervision. Under the responsible corporate officer doctrine, a court may impose criminal liability on a corporate officer regardless of whether he or she participated in, directed, or even knew about a given criminal violation. 5. Model Penal Code Section 2.02(2)(d). 6. See Model Penal Code Section 2.07.
Types of Crimes Numerous actions are designated as criminal. Federal, state, and local laws provide for the classification and punishment of hundreds of thousands of different criminal acts. Generally, though, criminal acts can be grouped into five broad categories: violent crime (crimes against persons), property crime, public order crime, white-collar crime, and organized crime. Cyber crime—which consists of crimes committed in cyberspace with the use of computers—is, as mentioned earlier in this chapter, less a category of crime than a new way to commit crime. We will examine cyber crime later in this chapter.
Violent Crime Certain crimes are called violent crimes, or crimes against persons, because they cause others to suffer harm or death. Murder is a violent crime. So is sexual assault, or rape. Assault and battery, which were discussed in Chapter 6 in the context of tort law, are also classified as violent crimes. Robbery—defined as the taking of money,personal property, or any other article of value from a person by means of force or fear—is also a violent crime.Typically, states have more severe penalties for aggravated robbery—robbery with the use of a deadly weapon. Each of these violent crimes is further classified by degree, depending on the circumstances surrounding the criminal act. These circumstances include the intent of the person committing the crime, whether a weapon was used, and (for crimes other than murder) the level of pain and suffering experienced by the victim.
Property Crime The most common type of criminal activity is property crime, or those crimes in which the goal of the offender is some form of economic gain or the damaging of property. Robbery is a form of property crime,as well as a violent crime, because the offender seeks to gain the property of another.We look here at a number of other crimes that fall within the general category of property crime. Burglary Traditionally, burglary was defined as
breaking and entering the dwelling of another at night with the intent to commit a felony. Originally, the defi-
nition was aimed at protecting an individual’s home and its occupants. Most state statutes have eliminated some of the requirements found in the common law definition. The time of day at which the breaking and entering occurs, for example, is usually immaterial. State statutes frequently omit the element of breaking, and some states do not require that the building be a dwelling.When a deadly weapon is used in a burglary, the perpetrator can be charged with aggravated burglary and punished more severely. Larceny Under the common law, the crime of larceny involved the unlawful taking and carrying away of someone else’s personal property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of possession. Put simply, larceny is stealing or theft. Whereas robbery involves force or fear, larceny does not. Therefore, picking pockets is larceny, not robbery. Similarly, taking company products and supplies home for personal use, if one is not authorized to do so, is larceny. (Note that a person who commits larceny generally can also be sued under tort law because the act of taking possession of another’s property involves a trespass to personal property.) Most states have expanded the definition of property that is subject to larceny statutes. Stealing computer programs may constitute larceny even though the “property” consists of magnetic impulses. Stealing computer time may also be considered larceny. So, too, may the theft of natural gas or Internet and television cable service. Trade secrets can be subject to larceny statutes. The common law distinguishes between grand and petit larceny depending on the value of the property taken. Many states have abolished this distinction, but in those that have not, grand larceny (or theft of an item worth above a certain amount) is a felony and petit larceny is a misdemeanor. Arson The willful and malicious burning of a build-
ing (and, in some states, personal property) owned by another is the crime of arson. At common law, arson applied only to burning down another person’s house. The law was designed to protect human life. Today, arson statutes have been extended to cover the destruction of any building, regardless of ownership, by fire or explosion. Every state has a special statute that covers the act of burning a building for the purpose of collecting insurance. If Shaw owns an insured apartment building that is falling apart and sets fire to it himself or pays
someone else to do so, he is guilty not only of arson but also of defrauding the insurer, which is an attempted larceny. Of course, the insurer need not pay the claim when insurance fraud is proved. Receiving Stolen Goods It is a crime to receive stolen goods. The recipient of such goods need not know the true identity of the owner or the thief. All that is necessary is that the recipient knows or should know that the goods are stolen, which implies an intent to deprive the owner of those goods. Forgery The fraudulent making or altering of any writing (including electronic records) in a way that changes the legal rights and liabilities of another is forgery. If, without authorization, Severson signs Bennett’s name to the back of a check made out to Bennett, Severson is committing forgery. Forgery also includes changing trademarks, falsifying public records, counterfeiting, and altering a legal document. Obtaining Goods by False Pretenses It is a criminal act to obtain goods by false pretenses, such as buying groceries with a check knowing that one has insufficient funds to cover it. Using another’s credit-card number to obtain goods is another example of obtaining goods by false pretenses. Statutes dealing with such illegal activities vary widely from state to state.
Public Order Crime Historically, societies have always outlawed activities that are considered contrary to public values and morals. Today, the most common public order crimes include public drunkenness, prostitution, gambling, and illegal drug use. These crimes are sometimes referred to as victimless crimes because they normally harm only the offender. From a broader perspective, however, they are deemed detrimental to society as a whole because they may create an environment that gives rise to property and violent crimes.
White-Collar Crime Crimes occurring in the business context are popularly referred to as white-collar crimes. Although there is no official definition of white-collar crime, the term is commonly used to mean an illegal act or series of acts committed by an individual or business entity using some nonviolent means to obtain a personal or business advantage. Usually, this kind of crime takes place
in the course of a legitimate business occupation. Corporate crimes fall into this category. Certain property crimes, such as larceny and forgery, may also be white-collar crimes if they occur within the business context. The crimes discussed next normally occur only in the business environment. When a person entrusted with another person’s property or funds fraudulently appropriates that property or those funds, embezzlement occurs. Typically, embezzlement is carried out by an employee who steals funds. Banks are particularly prone to this problem,but embezzlement can occur in any firm. In a number of businesses, corporate officers or accountants have fraudulently converted funds for their own benefit and then “jimmied” the books to cover up their crime. Embezzlement is not larceny because the wrongdoer does not physically take the property from the possession of another, and it is not robbery because no force or fear is used. It does not matter whether the accused takes the funds from the victim or from a third person. If the financial officer of a large corporation pockets a certain number of checks from third parties that were given to her to deposit into the corporate account, she is embezzling. Frequently, an embezzler takes a relatively small amount at one time but does so repeatedly over a long period.This might be done by underreporting income or deposits and embezzling the remaining amount, for example, or by creating fictitious persons or accounts and writing checks to them from the corporate account. Practically speaking, an embezzler who returns what has been taken may not be prosecuted because the owner is unwilling to take the time to make a complaint, cooperate with the state’s investigative efforts, and appear in court. Also, the owner may not want the crime to become public knowledge. Nevertheless, the intent to return the embezzled property is not a defense to the crime of embezzlement.
Mail and Wire Fraud One of the most potent
weapons against white-collar criminals is the Mail Fraud Act of 1990.7 Under this act, it is a federal crime to use the mails to defraud the public.Illegal use of the mails must involve (1) mailing or causing someone else to mail a writing—something written, printed, or photocopied—for the purpose of executing a scheme to defraud and (2) contemplating or organizing a 7. 18 U.S.C. Sections 1341–1342.
scheme to defraud by false pretenses. If, for example, Johnson advertises by mail the sale of a cure for cancer that he knows to be fraudulent because it has no medical validity, he can be prosecuted for fraudulent use of the mails. Federal law also makes it a crime (wire fraud) to use wire, radio, or television transmissions to defraud.8
8. 18 U.S.C. Section 1343.
C A S E 9.1
Violators may be fined up to $1,000,imprisoned for up to twenty years, or both. If the violation affects a financial institution, the violator may be fined up to $1 million, imprisoned for up to thirty years, or both. The following case involved charges of mail fraud stemming from the use of telemarketing to solicit funds that were misrepresented as going to support charities. The question for the court was whether the prosecution could offer proof of the telemarketers’ commission rate when no one had lied about it.
United States v. Lyons United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, 2007. 472 F.3d 1055.
• Background and Facts In 1994, in California, Gabriel Sanchez formed the First Church of Life
(FCL), which had no congregation, services, or place of worship. Timothy Lyons, Sanchez’s friend, formed a fund-raising company called North American Acquisitions (NAA). Through FCL, Sanchez and Lyons set up six charities—AIDS Research Association, Children’s Assistance Foundation, Cops and Sheriffs of America, Handicapped Youth Services, U.S. Firefighters, and U.S. Veterans League. NAA hired telemarketers to solicit donations on the charities’ behalf. Over time, more than $6 million was raised, of which less than $5,000 was actually spent on charitable causes. The telemarketers kept 80 percent of the donated funds as commissions, and NAA took 10 percent. Most of the rest of the funds went to Sanchez, who spent it on himself. In 2002, Lyons and Sanchez were charged in a federal district court with mail fraud and other crimes. Throughout the trial, the prosecution referred to the high commissions paid to the telemarketers. The defendants were convicted, and each was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. They asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to overturn their convictions, asserting that the prosecution had used the high cost of fund-raising as evidence of fraud even though the defendants had not lied about the cost. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
McKEOWN, Circuit Judge.
* * * * Rare is the person who relishes getting calls from those great patrons of the telephone, telemarketers.Yet many charities, especially small, obscure or unpopular ones, could not fund their operations without telemarketers. Some professional telemarketers take the lion’s share of solicited donations, sometimes requiring and receiving commission rates of up to 85%. Most donors would probably be shocked or surprised to learn that most of their contributions were going to for-profit telemarketers instead of charitable activities. But * * * under the First Amendment, the bare failure to disclose these high costs to donors cannot, by itself, support a fraud conviction. Evidence of high fundraising costs may, nonetheless, support a fraud prosecution when nondisclosure is accompanied by intentionally misleading statements designed to deceive the listener. [Emphasis added.] * * * Timothy Lyons and Gabriel Sanchez challenge their convictions for mail fraud and money laundering on the basis that they never lied, and never asked the telemarketers in their employ to lie, about the fact that around 80% of donations to their charities were earmarked for telemarketing commissions. Lyons and Sanchez did, however, misrepresent to donors how they spent contributions net of telemarketer commissions. Their undoing was not that the commissions were large but that their charitable web was a scam. Donors were told their contributions went to specific charitable activities when, in reality, almost no money did. * * *
* * * * * * * [A] rule in criminal prosecutions for fraud involving telemarketing [is that] the bare failure to disclose the high cost of fundraising directly to potential donors does not suffice to establish fraud.That is, the mere fact that a telemarketer keeps 85% of contributions it solicits cannot be the basis of a fraud conviction, and neither can the fact that a telemarketer fails to volunteer this information to would-be donors. * * * * * * [But] when nondisclosure is accompanied by intentionally misleading statements designed to deceive the listener, the high cost of fundraising may be introduced as evidence of fraud in a criminal case. * * * [T]he State may vigorously enforce its antifraud laws to prohibit professional fundraisers from obtaining money on false pretenses or by making false statements. [Emphasis added.] * * * Lyons and Sanchez urge that unless the government could show that they lied to donors about how much the telemarketers would receive, the government was barred from introducing evidence of the high commissions paid to telemarketers. * * * * * * * [T]he government both alleged in its indictment and offered evidence at trial of specific misrepresentations and omissions [that Lyons and Sanchez] made regarding the use of donated funds. Specifically, the government’s evidence underscored the fact that virtually none of the money that ended up in the bank accounts of the six FCL charities went to any charitable activities at all, let alone the specific charitable activities mentioned in the telemarketers’ calls or promotional pamphlets. * * * * * * [A]dmission of evidence regarding the fundraising costs was essential to understanding the overall scheme and the shell game of the multiple charities. The government did not violate Lyons’ or Sanchez’s * * * rights by introducing evidence that third-party telemarketers received 80% of funds donated to the various FCL charities because the government had also shown that Lyons and Sanchez, through their respective organizations, had made fraudulent misrepresentations regarding disposition of the charitable funds.
Decision and Remedy The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the convictions. Evidence of the commissions paid to the telemarketers could be introduced even though no one lied to the would-be donors about the commissions. The defendants’ “undoing was not that the commissions were large but that their charitable web was a scam.”
• The Ethical Dimension It may have been legal in this case, but was it ethical for the prosecution to repeatedly emphasize the size of the telemarketers’ commissions? Why or why not?
The Legal Environment Dimension In what circumstance would the prosecution be prevented from introducing evidence of high fund-raising costs? Why? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bribery The crime of bribery involves offering to give something of value to a person in an attempt to influence that person, who is usually, but not always, a public official,to act in a way that serves a private interest. Three types of bribery are considered crimes: bribery of public officials, commercial bribery, and bribery of foreign officials. As an element of the crime of bribery, intent must be present and proved. The bribe itself can be anything the recipient considers to be valuable. Realize that the crime of bribery occurs when the bribe is offered—it is not required that the bribe be accepted. Accepting a bribe is a separate crime.
Commercial bribery involves corrupt dealings between private persons or businesses. Typically, people make commercial bribes to obtain proprietary information, cover up an inferior product, or secure new business. Industrial espionage sometimes involves commercial bribes. For example, a person in one firm may offer an employee in a competing firm some type of payoff in exchange for trade secrets or pricing schedules. So-called kickbacks, or payoffs for special favors or services, are a form of commercial bribery in some situations. Bribing foreign officials to obtain favorable business contracts is a crime.This crime was discussed in
detail in Chapter 5, along with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, which was passed to curb the use of bribery by U.S. businesspersons in securing foreign contracts. Bankruptcy Fraud Federal bankruptcy law (see Chapter 30) allows individuals and businesses to be relieved of oppressive debt through bankruptcy proceedings. Numerous white-collar crimes may be committed during the many phases of a bankruptcy action. A creditor, for example, may file a false claim against the debtor,which is a crime. Also,a debtor may fraudulently transfer assets to favored parties before or after the petition for bankruptcy is filed.For instance, a company-owned automobile may be “sold” at a bargain price to a trusted friend or relative.Closely related to the crime of fraudulent transfer of property is the crime of fraudulent concealment of property, such as the hiding of gold coins. Insider Trading An individual who obtains
“inside information”about the plans of a publicly listed corporation can often make stock-trading profits by purchasing or selling corporate securities based on this information. Insider trading is a violation of securities law and will be considered more fully in Chapter 41. Basically, securities law prohibits a person who possesses inside information and has a duty not to disclose it to outsiders from trading on that information. He or she may not profit from the purchase or sale of securities based on inside information until the information is made available to the public.
and automobiles, and any property used in the commission of the violation, such as computers and other electronic devices, is subject to criminal forfeiture— meaning that the government can take the property. A theft of trade secrets conducted via the Internet, for example, could result in the forfeiture of every computer or other device used to commit or facilitate the violation as well as any assets gained.
Organized Crime White-collar crime takes place within the confines of the legitimate business world.Organized crime,in contrast, operates illegitimately by, among other things, providing illegal goods and services. Traditionally, the preferred markets for organized crime have been gambling, prostitution, illegal narcotics, and loan sharking (lending funds at higher-than-legal interest rates), along with more recent ventures into counterfeiting and credit-card scams. Money Laundering The profits from organized
crime and illegal activities amount to billions of dollars a year, particularly the profits from illegal drug transactions and, to a lesser extent, from racketeering, prostitution, and gambling. Under federal law, banks, savings and loan associations,and other financial institutions are required to report currency transactions involving more than $10,000. Consequently, those who engage in illegal activities face difficulties in depositing their cash profits from illegal transactions. As an alternative to storing cash from illegal transactions in a safe-deposit box, wrongdoers and racketeers have invented ways to launder “dirty” money to make it “clean.” This money laundering is done through legitimate businesses. For example, suppose that Harris, a successful drug dealer, becomes a partner with a restaurateur. Little by little, the restaurant shows increasing profits. As a partner in the restaurant, Harris is able to report the “profits” of the restaurant as legitimate income on which he pays federal and state taxes.He can then spend those funds without worrying that his lifestyle may exceed the level possible with his reported income.
The Theft of Trade Secrets As discussed in Chapter 8, trade secrets constitute a form of intellectual property that for many businesses can be extremely valuable. The Economic Espionage Act of 19969 makes the theft of trade secrets a federal crime. The act also makes it a federal crime to buy or possess another person’s trade secrets, knowing that the trade secrets were stolen or otherwise acquired without the owner’s authorization. Violations of the act can result in steep penalties. The act provides that an individual who violates the act can be imprisoned for up to ten years and fined up to $500,000. If a corporation or other organization violates the act, it can be fined up to $5 million. Additionally, the law provides that any property acquired as a result of the violation, such as airplanes
RICO In 1970, in an effort to curb the entry of organized crime into the legitimate business world,Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) as part of the Organized Crime Control Act.10 The statute makes it a federal
9. 18 U.S.C. Sections 1831–1839.
10. 18 U.S.C. Sections 1961–1968.
crime to (1) use income obtained from racketeering activity to purchase any interest in an enterprise, (2) acquire or maintain an interest in an enterprise through racketeering activity, (3) conduct or participate in the affairs of an enterprise through racketeering activity, or (4) conspire to do any of the preceding activities. The broad language of RICO has allowed it to be applied in cases that have little or nothing to do with organized crime. In fact, today the statute is used to attack white-collar crimes more often than organized crime. In addition, RICO creates civil as well as criminal liability. Criminal Provisions RICO incorporates by reference twenty-six separate types of federal crimes and nine types of state felonies—including many businessrelated crimes, such as bribery, embezzlement, forgery, mail and wire fraud, and securities fraud.11 For purposes of RICO, a “pattern of racketeering activity” requires a person to commit at least two of these offenses. Any individual who is found guilty is subject to a fine of up to $25,000 per violation, imprisonment for up to twenty years, or both.Additionally, the statute provides that those who violate RICO may be required to forfeit (give up) any assets, in the form of property or cash, that were acquired as a result of the illegal activity or that were “involved in”or an “instrumentality of” the activity. Civil Liability In the event of a RICO violation,the government can seek civil penalties, including the divestiture of a defendant’s interest in a business (called forfeiture) or the dissolution of the business. Moreover,in some cases,the statute allows private individuals to sue violators and potentially recover three times their actual losses (treble damages), plus attorneys’ fees,for business injuries caused by a violation of the statute. This is perhaps the most controversial aspect of RICO and one that continues to cause debate in the nation’s federal courts. The prospect of receiving treble damages in civil RICO lawsuits has given plaintiffs financial incentive to pursue businesses and employers for violations. For example, Mohawk Industries, Inc., one of the largest carpeting manufacturers in the United States,was sued 11. See 18 U.S.C.Section 1961(1)(A).The crimes listed in this section include murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery,extortion,money laundering,securities fraud,counterfeiting, dealing in obscene matter, dealing in controlled substances (illegal drugs), and a number of others.
by a group of its employees for RICO violations. The employees claimed Mohawk conspired with recruiting agencies to hire and harbor illegal immigrants in an effort to keep labor costs low. The employees argued that Mohawk’s pattern of illegal hiring expanded Mohawk’s hourly workforce and resulted in lower wages for the plaintiffs. Mohawk filed a motion to dismiss, arguing that its conduct had not violated RICO. In 2006, however, a federal appellate court ruled that the plaintiffs had presented sufficient evidence of racketeering activity and remanded the case for a trial.12 (See Concept Summary 9.1 on page 194 for a review of the different types of crimes.)
Defenses to Criminal Liability In certain circumstances, the law may allow a person to be excused from criminal liability because she or he lacks the required mental state. Criminal defendants may also be relieved of criminal liability if they can show that their criminal actions were justified, given the circumstances. Among the most important defenses to criminal liability are infancy, intoxication, insanity, mistake, consent, duress, justifiable use of force, necessity, entrapment, and the statute of limitations.Additionally, in some cases defendants are given immunity from prosecution and thus are relieved, at least in part, of criminal liability for their actions. We look next at each of these defenses. Note that procedural violations (such as obtaining evidence without a valid search warrant) may also operate as defenses. Evidence obtained in violation of a defendant’s constitutional rights may not be admitted in court. If the evidence is suppressed, then there may be no basis for prosecuting the defendant.
Infancy The term infant, as used in the law,refers to any person who has not yet reached the age of majority (see Chapter 13). At common law,children under the age of seven could not commit a crime, and it was presumed that children between the ages of seven and fourteen were incapable of committing crimes because of their 12. Williams v. Mohawk Industries, Inc., 465 F.3d 1277 (11th Cir. 2006); cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 127 S.Ct. 1381, 167 L.Ed.2d 174 (2007). For another example, see Trollinger v. Tyson Foods, Inc., 2007 WL 1574275 (E.D.Tenn. 2007).
Types of Crimes Crime Category
Definition and Examples
1. Definition—Crime that causes others to suffer harm or death. 2. Examples—Murder, assault and battery, sexual assault (rape), and robbery.
1. Definition—Crime in which the goal of the offender is some form of economic gain or the damaging of property; the most common form of crime. 2. Examples—Burglary, larceny, arson, receiving stolen goods, forgery, and obtaining goods by false pretenses.
1. Definition—Crime that is contrary to public values and morals. 2. Examples—Public drunkenness, prostitution, gambling, and illegal drug use.
1. Definition—An illegal act or series of acts committed by an individual or business entity using some nonviolent means to obtain a personal or business advantage; usually committed in the course of a legitimate occupation. 2. Examples—Embezzlement, mail and wire fraud, bribery, bankruptcy fraud, insider trading, and the theft of trade secrets.
1. Definition—A form of crime conducted by groups operating illegitimately to satisfy the public’s demand for illegal goods and services (such as gambling and illegal narcotics). 2. Money laundering—The establishment of legitimate enterprises through which “dirty” money (obtained through criminal activities, such as illegal drug trafficking) can be “laundered” (made to appear to be legitimate income). 3. RICO—The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) of 1970 makes it a federal crime to (a) use income obtained from racketeering activity to purchase any interest in an enterprise, (b) acquire or maintain an interest in an enterprise through racketeering activity, (c) conduct or participate in the affairs of an enterprise through racketeering activity, or (d) conspire to do any of the preceding activities. RICO provides for both civil and criminal liability.
incapacity to appreciate right and wrong. Today, most state courts no longer presume that children are incapable of criminal conduct,but may evaluate the particular child’s state of mind. In all states, certain courts handle cases involving children who allegedly have violated the law.Courts that handle juvenile cases may also have jurisdiction over additional matters. In most states,a child may be treated as an adult and tried in a regular court if she or he is above a certain age (usually fourteen) and is charged with a felony, such as rape or murder.
physically forced to ingest or inject an intoxicating substance or is unaware that such a substance contains drugs or alcohol. Involuntary intoxication is a defense to a crime if its effect was to make a person incapable of understanding that the act committed was wrong or incapable of obeying the law.Voluntary intoxication is rarely a defense, but it may be effective in cases in which the defendant was so extremely intoxicated as to negate the state of mind that a crime requires.
Insanity Intoxication The law recognizes two types of intoxication, whether from drugs or from alcohol: involuntary and voluntary. Involuntary intoxication occurs when a person either is
Just as a child may be incapable of the state of mind required to commit a crime,so also may a person who suffers from a mental illness. Thus, insanity may be a defense to a criminal charge.The courts have had dif-
ficulty deciding what the test for legal insanity should be, however, and psychiatrists as well as lawyers are critical of the tests used. Almost all federal courts and some states use the relatively liberal standard set forth in the Model Penal Code: A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct as a result of mental disease or defect he or she lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the wrongfulness of his [or her] conduct or to conform his [or her] conduct to the requirements of the law.
Some states use the M’Naghten test,13 under which a criminal defendant is not responsible if, at the time of the offense, he or she did not know the nature and quality of the act or did not know that the act was wrong. Other states use the irresistible-impulse test. A person operating under an irresistible impulse may know an act is wrong but cannot refrain from doing it. Under any of these tests, proving insanity is extremely difficult. For this reason, the insanity defense is rarely used and usually is not successful.
Mistake Everyone has heard the saying “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” Ordinarily, ignorance of the law or a mistaken idea about what the law requires is not a valid defense. In some states, however, that rule has been modified. People who claim that they honestly did not know that they were breaking a law may have a valid defense if (1) the law was not published or reasonably made known to the public or (2) the people relied on an official statement of the law that was erroneous. A mistake of fact, as opposed to a mistake of law, operates as a defense if it negates the mental state necessary to commit a crime. If, for example, Oliver Wheaton mistakenly walks off with Julie Tyson’s briefcase because he thinks it is his, there is no theft.Theft requires knowledge that the property belongs to another. (If Wheaton’s act causes Tyson to incur damages, however,Wheaton may be subject to liability for trespass to personal property or conversion, torts that were discussed in Chapter 6.)
tim consents or not. Consent may serve as a defense, however, in certain situations when it negates an element of the alleged criminal offense. Because crimes against property, such as burglary and larceny, usually require that the defendant intended to take someone else’s property, the fact that the owner gave the defendant permission to take it will operate as a defense. Consent or forgiveness given after a crime has been committed is never a defense, although it can affect the likelihood of prosecution.
Duress Duress exists when the wrongful threat of one person induces another person to perform an act that he or she would not otherwise have performed.In such a situation, duress is said to negate the mental state necessary to commit a crime because the defendant was forced or compelled to commit the act. Duress can be used as a defense to most crimes except murder. Duress excuses a crime only when another’s unlawful threat of serious bodily injury or death reasonably causes the defendant to do a criminal act. In addition, there must have been no opportunity for the defendant to escape or avoid the threatened danger.14 Essentially, to successfully assert duress as a defense, the defendant must reasonably believe in the immediate danger, and the jury (or judge) must conclude that the defendant’s belief was reasonable.
Justifiable Use of Force
What if a victim consents to a crime or even encourages the person intending a criminal act to commit it? Consent is not a defense to most crimes.The law forbids murder,prostitution,and drug use whether the vic-
Probably the best-known defense to criminal liability is self-defense. Other situations, however, also justify the use of force: the defense of one’s dwelling, the defense of other property, and the prevention of a crime. In all of these situations, it is important to distinguish between deadly and nondeadly force. Deadly force is likely to result in death or serious bodily harm. Nondeadly force is force that reasonably appears necessary to prevent the imminent use of criminal force. Generally speaking, people can use the amount of nondeadly force that seems necessary to protect themselves, their dwellings, or other property, or to prevent the commission of a crime. Deadly force can be used in self-defense only when the defender reasonably believes that imminent death or grievous bodily harm will otherwise result and has no other means of escaping or avoiding the situation. Deadly force normally
13. A rule derived from M’Naghten’s Case,8 Eng.Rep.718 (1843).
14. See,for example, State v.Heinemann, 282 Conn.281,920 A.2d 278 (2007).
Stand-Your-Ground Laws Traditionally, the justifiable use of force, or self-defense, doctrine required prosecutors to distinguish between deadly and nondeadly force. In general, state laws have allowed individuals to use the amount of nondeadly force that is necessary to protect themselves, their dwellings, or other property, or to prevent the commission of a crime.
The Duty-to-Retreat Doctrine In the past, most states allowed deadly force to be used in selfdefense only if the individual reasonably believed that imminent death or bodily harm would otherwise result. Additionally, the attacker had to be using unlawful force, and the defender had to have no other possible response or alternative way out of the lifethreatening situation.a Today, many states, particularly in the Northeast, still have “duty-to-retreat” laws on a. State v. Sandoval, 342 Or. 506, 156 P.3d 60 (2007).
their statute books. Under these laws, when a person’s home is invaded or an assailant approaches, the person is required to retreat unless her or his life is in danger. Juries have sometimes been reluctant to apply the duty-to-retreat doctrine, however. In a famous case in the 1980s, Bernard Goetz shot and injured four young men who asked him for money while he was riding the subway in New York City. The jury found that Goetz had reasonably believed that he was in danger of being physically attacked.b
Stand-Your-Ground Legislation on the Increase Whereas the duty-to-retreat doctrine attempts to reduce the likelihood that deadly—or even nondeadly—force will
b. People v. Goetz, 506 N.Y.S.2d 18, 497 N.E.2d 41 (1986). See also People v. Douglas, 29 A.D.3d 47, 809 N.Y.S.2d 36 (2006); and State v. Augustin, 101 Haw. 127, 63 P.3d 1097 (2002).
can be used to defend a dwelling only if the unlawful entry is violent and the person believes deadly force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. In some jurisdictions, however, deadly force can also be used if the person believes it is necessary to prevent the commission of a felony in the dwelling. Many states are expanding the situations in which the use of deadly force can be justified—see this chapter’s Emerging Trends feature for a discussion of this trend.
be used in defense of one’s person or home, today several states are taking a very different approach and expanding the occasions when deadly force can be used in self-defense. Because such laws allow or even encourage the defender to stay and use force, they are known as “standyour-ground” laws. On October 1, 2005, for example, Florida enacted a statute that allows the use of deadly force to prevent the commission of a “forcible felony,” including not only murder but also such crimes as robbery, carjacking, and sexual battery.c The law applies to both homes and vehicles. Under this statute, Floridians may use deadly force without having to prove that they feared for their safety. In other words, a Florida resident now has the right to shoot an intruder in his or her home or a would-be carjacker even if there is no physical threat to the owner’s safety. The law prohibits the arrest, detention, or prosecution of c. Florida Statutes Section 776.012.
one case a convicted felon was threatened by an acquaintance with a gun. The felon grabbed the gun and fled the scene, but subsequently he was arrested under a statute that prohibits convicted felons from possessing firearms. In this situation, the necessity defense succeeded because the defendant’s crime avoided a “greater evil.”16
Sometimes,criminal defendants can be relieved of liability by showing that a criminal act was necessary to prevent an even greater harm. According to the Model Penal Code, the defense of necessity is justifiable if “the harm or evil sought to be avoided by such conduct is greater than that sought to be prevented by the law defining the offense charged.”15 For example, in
Entrapment is a defense designed to prevent police officers or other government agents from enticing persons to commit crimes in order to later prosecute them for criminal acts. In the typical entrapment case, an undercover agent suggests that a crime be committed and somehow pressures or induces an individual to commit it. The agent then arrests the individual for the crime. For entrapment to be considered a defense, both the suggestion and the inducement must take
15. Model Penal Code Section 3.02.
16. United States v. Paolello, 951 F.2d 537 (3d Cir. 1991).
individuals covered by the law and also prohibits civil suits against them. Since the Florida statute was enacted, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming have passed or are considering passing similar laws. Utah already had a “stand-your-ground” law.d Louisiana’s statute, which mimics the Florida statute, was passed after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. In Louisiana, there is now a presumption of innocence for anyone who uses deadly force when threatened with violence in his or her home, car, or place of business. Although the media sometimes describe stand-your-ground laws as “new,” these statutes are actually based on a centuries-old precedent. d. Utah Code Ann. 76-2-402 and 76-2-407.
The laws are a throwback to the “castle” doctrine, which was derived from English common law in the 1700s, when a person’s home was considered to be his or her castle.e
I M P L I C AT I O N S F O R THE BUSINESSPERSON 1. States that have enacted standyour-ground laws often include places of business as well as homes and vehicles. Consequently, businesspersons in those states can be less concerned about the duty-to-retreat doctrine.
2. “A person’s home is his or her castle.” Does this traditional saying justify the use of deadly force against an intruder under all circumstances? Why or why not?
R E L E VA N T W E B S I T E S To locate information on the Web concerning the issues discussed in this feature, go to this text’s Web site at, select “Chapter 9,” and click on “Emerging Trends.”
2. Presumably, business liability insurance will eventually be less costly in stand-your-ground states.
F O R C R I T I C A L A N A LY S I S 1. Those who oppose stand-yourground laws argue that they encourage vigilantism and preemptive shootings. Do you agree? Explain. e. One reference to the castle doctrine can be found in William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, Book 4, Chapter 16.
place. The defense is not intended to prevent law enforcement agents from setting a trap for an unwary criminal; rather, the intent is to prevent them from pushing the individual into it. The crucial issue is whether the person who committed a crime was predisposed to commit the illegal act or did so because the agent induced it.
Statute of Limitations With some exceptions, such as the crime of murder, statutes of limitations apply to crimes just as they do to civil wrongs.In other words,the state must initiate criminal prosecution within a certain number of years. If a criminal action is brought after the statutory time period has expired, the accused person can raise the statute of limitations as a defense. The running of the time period in a statute of limitations may be tolled— that is, suspended or stopped temporarily—if the defendant is a minor or is not in the jurisdiction.When the defendant reaches the age of majority or returns to
the jurisdiction, the statute revives—that is, its time period begins to run or to run again.
Immunity At times,the state may wish to obtain information from a person accused of a crime. Accused persons are understandably reluctant to give information if it will be used to prosecute them,and they cannot be forced to do so. The privilege against self-incrimination is guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which reads, in part,“nor shall [any person] be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” In cases in which the state wishes to obtain information from a person accused of a crime, the state can grant immunity from prosecution or agree to prosecute for a less serious offense in exchange for the information.Once immunity is given, the person now has an absolute privilege against selfincrimination and therefore can no longer refuse to testify on Fifth Amendment grounds. 197
Often, a grant of immunity from prosecution for a serious crime is part of the plea bargaining between the defending and prosecuting attorneys.The defendant may be convicted of a lesser offense, while the state uses the defendant’s testimony to prosecute accomplices for serious crimes carrying heavy penalties.
Criminal Procedures Criminal law brings the force of the state, with all of its resources, to bear against the individual. Criminal procedures are designed to protect the constitutional rights of individuals and to prevent the arbitrary use of power on the part of the government. The U.S. Constitution provides specific safeguards for those accused of crimes. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that most of these safeguards apply not only in federal court but also in state courts by virtue of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.These protections include the following:
1. The Fourth Amendment protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.
2. The Fourth Amendment requirement that no warrant for a search or an arrest be issued without probable cause. 3. The Fifth Amendment requirement that no one be deprived of “life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” 4. The Fifth Amendment prohibition against double jeopardy (trying someone twice for the same criminal offense).17 17. The prohibition against double jeopardy means that once a criminal defendant is found not guilty of a particular crime, the government may not reindict the person and retry him or her for the same crime. The prohibition does not preclude a civil suit’s being brought against the same person by the crime victim to recover damages. For example, a person found not guilty of assault and battery in a criminal case may be sued by the victim
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5. The Fifth Amendment requirement that no person be required to be a witness against (incriminate) himself or herself. 6. The Sixth Amendment guarantees of a speedy trial, a trial by jury,a public trial,the right to confront witnesses, and the right to a lawyer at various stages in some proceedings. 7. The Eighth Amendment prohibitions against excessive bail and fines and cruel and unusual punishment.
The Exclusionary Rule Under what is known as the exclusionary rule, all evidence obtained in violation of the constitutional rights spelled out in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments generally is not admissible at trial. All evidence derived from the illegally obtained evidence is known as the “fruit of the poisonous tree,” and such evidence normally must also be excluded from the trial proceedings. For example, if a confession is obtained after an illegal arrest,the arrest is the “poisonous tree,” and the confession,if “tainted”by the arrest,is the “fruit.” As you will read shortly,under the Miranda rule,suspects must be advised of certain constitutional rights when they are arrested. For example, the Sixth Amendment right to counsel is one of the rights of which a suspect must be advised when she or he is arrested.In many cases,a statement that a criminal suspect makes in the absence of counsel is not admissible at trial unless the suspect has knowingly and voluntarily waived this right. In the following case, the United States Supreme Court considered at what point a suspect’s right to counsel is triggered during criminal proceedings. in a civil tort case for damages.Additionally, a state’s prosecution of a crime will not prevent a separate federal prosecution of the same crime, and vice versa. For example, a defendant found not guilty of violating a state law can be tried in federal court for the same act, if the act is also defined as a crime under federal law.
Fellers v. United States Supreme Court of the United States, 2004. 540 U.S. 519, 124 S.Ct. 1019, 157 L.Ed.2d 1016.
Justice O’CONNOR delivered the opinion of the Court.
* * * * On February 24, 2000, after a grand jury indicted petitioner [John J. Fellers] for conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine, Lincoln Police Sergeant Michael Garnett and Lancaster County Deputy Sheriff Jeff Bliemeister went to petitioner’s home in Lincoln, Nebraska, to arrest him. The
officers knocked on petitioner’s door and, when petitioner answered, identified themselves and asked if they could come in. Petitioner invited the officers into his living room. The officers advised petitioner they had come to discuss his involvement in methamphetamine distribution.They informed petitioner that they had a federal warrant for his arrest and that a grand jury had indicted him for conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine.The officers told petitioner that the indictment referred to his involvement with certain individuals,four of whom they named. Petitioner then told the officers that he knew the four people and had used methamphetamine during his association with them. After spending about 15 minutes in petitioner’s home, the officers transported petitioner to the Lancaster County jail.There, the officers advised petitioner for the first time of his [right to counsel under the Sixth Amendment]. Petitioner and the two officers signed a * * * waiver form, and petitioner then reiterated the inculpatory [incriminating] statements he had made earlier, admitted to having associated with other individuals implicated in the charged conspiracy, and admitted to having loaned money to one of them even though he suspected that she was involved in drug transactions. Before trial, petitioner moved to suppress the inculpatory statements he made at his home and at the county jail. * * * The District Court suppressed the “unwarned” statements petitioner made at his house but admitted petitioner’s jailhouse statements * * * ,concluding petitioner had knowingly and voluntarily waived his * * * rights before making the statements. Following a jury trial at which petitioner’s jailhouse statements were admitted into evidence, petitioner was convicted of conspiring to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine. Petitioner appealed, arguing that his jailhouse statements should have been suppressed as fruits of the statements obtained at his home in violation of the Sixth Amendment. The [U.S.] Court of Appeals [for the Eighth Circuit] affirmed. * * * [T]he Court of Appeals stated:“ * * * [T]he officers did not interrogate [the petitioner] at his home.” * * * [Fellers appealed to the United States Supreme Court.] * * * * The Sixth Amendment right to counsel is triggered at or after the time that judicial proceedings have been initiated * * * whether by way of formal charge, preliminary hearing, indictment, information, or arraignment. We have held that an accused is denied the basic protections of the Sixth Amendment when there is used against him at his trial evidence of his own incriminating words, which federal agents * * * deliberately elicited from him after he had been indicted and in the absence of his counsel. [Emphasis added.] We have consistently applied the deliberate-elicitation standard in * * * Sixth Amendment cases * * * . [Emphasis added.] The Court of Appeals erred in holding that the absence of an “interrogation” foreclosed petitioner’s claim that the jailhouse statements should have been suppressed as fruits of the statements taken from petitioner [Fellers] at his home.First,there is no question that the officers in this case deliberately elicited information from petitioner. Indeed, the officers, upon arriving at petitioner’s house, informed him that their purpose in coming was to discuss his involvement in the distribution of methamphetamine and his association with certain charged co-conspirators. Because the ensuing discussion took place after petitioner had been indicted, outside the presence of counsel, and in the absence of any waiver of petitioner’s Sixth Amendment rights, the Court of Appeals erred in holding that the officers’ actions did not violate the Sixth Amendment standards * * * . Second,because of its erroneous determination that petitioner was not questioned in violation of Sixth Amendment standards, the Court of Appeals improperly conducted its “fruits” analysis * * * . Specifically, it * * * [held] that the admissibility of the jailhouse statements turns solely on whether the statements were knowingly and voluntarily made.The Court of Appeals did not reach the question whether the Sixth Amendment requires suppression of petitioner’s jailhouse statements on the ground that they were the fruits of previous questioning conducted in violation of the Sixth Amendment deliberate-elicitation standard.We have not had occasion to decide whether [such statements should be excluded from trial] when a suspect makes incriminating CASE CONTINUES
statements after a knowing and voluntary waiver of his right to counsel notwithstanding earlier police questioning in violation of Sixth Amendment standards.We therefore remand to the Court of Appeals to address this issue in the first instance. Accordingly,the judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed,and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. It is so ordered.
1. Why did Fellers argue on appeal that his “jailhouse statements” should have been excluded from his trial? 2. Should Fellers’s “jailhouse statements” have been excluded from his trial? Why or why not? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Purpose of the Exclusionary Rule The purpose of the exclusionary rule is to deter police from conducting warrantless searches and from engaging in other misconduct. The rule is sometimes criticized because it can lead to injustice. Many a defendant has “gotten off on a technicality”because law enforcement personnel failed to observe procedural requirements based on the above-mentioned constitutional amendments. Even though a defendant may be obviously guilty,if the evidence of that guilt was obtained improperly (without a valid search warrant, for example), it cannot be used against the defendant in court. Exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule Over
the last several decades, the United States Supreme Court has diminished the scope of the exclusionary rule by creating some exceptions to its applicability. For example,if illegally obtained evidence would have been discovered “inevitably” and obtained by the police using lawful means,the evidence will be admissible at trial.18 The Court has also created a “good faith” exception to the exclusionary rule.19 Under this excep18. Nix v. Williams, 467 U.S. 431, 104 S.Ct. 2501, 81 L.Ed.2d 377 (1984). 19. Massachusetts v. Sheppard, 468 U.S. 981, 104 S.Ct. 3424, 82 L.Ed.2d 737 (1984).
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tion, if the police officer who used a technically incorrect search warrant form to obtain evidence was acting in good faith, the evidence will be admissible. Additionally, the courts can exercise a certain amount of discretion in determining whether evidence has been obtained improperly—a possibility that somewhat balances the scales.
The Miranda Rule In regard to criminal procedure, one of the questions many courts faced in the 1950s and 1960s was not whether suspects had constitutional rights—that was not in doubt—but how and when those rights could be exercised. Could the right to be silent (under the Fifth Amendment’s prohibition against self-incrimination) be exercised during pretrial interrogation proceedings or only during the trial? Were confessions obtained from suspects admissible in court if the suspects had not been advised of their right to remain silent and other constitutional rights? To clarify these issues, the United States Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in 1966 in Miranda v. Arizona, which we present here. Today, the procedural rights required by the Court in this case are familiar to virtually every American.
Miranda v. Arizona Supreme Court of the United States, 1966. 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602, 16 L.Ed.2d 694.
Background and Facts On March 13, 1963, Ernesto Miranda was arrested at his home for the kidnapping and rape of an eighteen-year-old woman. Miranda was taken to a Phoenix, Arizona, police station and questioned by two officers. Two hours later, the officers emerged from the interrogation room with a written confession signed by Miranda. A paragraph at the top of the confession stated that the confession had been made voluntarily, without threats or promises of immunity, and “with full knowledge of
my legal rights, understanding any statement I make may be used against me.” Miranda was at no time advised that he had a right to remain silent and a right to have a lawyer present. The confession was admitted into evidence at the trial, and Miranda was convicted and sentenced to prison for twenty to thirty years. Miranda appealed the decision, claiming that he had not been informed of his constitutional rights. The Supreme Court of Arizona held that Miranda’s constitutional rights had not been violated and affirmed his conviction. The Miranda case was subsequently reviewed by the United States Supreme Court. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
Mr. Chief Justice WARREN delivered the opinion of the Court.
The cases before us raise questions which go to the roots of our concepts of American criminal jurisprudence; the restraints society must observe consistent with the Federal Constitution in prosecuting individuals for crime. * * * * * * * At the outset,if a person in custody is to be subjected to interrogation,he must first be informed in clear and unequivocal terms that he has the right to remain silent. * * * * * * * The warning of the right to remain silent must be accompanied by the explanation that anything said can and will be used against the individual in court.This warning is needed in order to make him aware not only of the privilege, but also of the consequences of forgoing it. * * * [Emphasis added.] The circumstances surrounding in-custody interrogation can operate very quickly to overbear the will of one merely made aware of his privilege by his interrogators.Therefore the right to have counsel present at the interrogation is indispensable to the protection of the Fifth Amendment privilege under the system we delineate today. * * * * In order fully to apprise a person interrogated of the extent of his rights under this system then, it is necessary to warn him not only that he has the right to consult with an attorney, but also that if he is indigent [without funds] a lawyer will be appointed to represent him. * * * The warning of a right to counsel would be hollow if not couched in terms that would convey to the indigent—the person most often subjected to interrogation—the knowledge that he too has a right to have counsel present.
• Decision and Remedy The Supreme Court held that Miranda could not be convicted of the
crime on the basis of his confession because his confession was inadmissible as evidence. For any statement made by a defendant to be admissible, the defendant must be informed of certain constitutional rights prior to police interrogation. If the accused waives his or her rights to remain silent and to have counsel present, the government must demonstrate that the waiver was made knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently.
• Impact of This Case on Today’s Law Police officers routinely advise suspects of their
“Miranda rights” on arrest. When Ernesto Miranda himself was later murdered, the suspected murderer was “read his Miranda rights.” Despite significant criticisms and later attempts to overrule the Miranda decision through legislation, the requirements stated in this case continue to provide the benchmark by which criminal procedures are judged today.
• International Considerations The Right to Remain Silent in Great Britain The right
to remain silent has long been a legal hallmark in Great Britain as well as in the United States. In 1994, however, the British Parliament passed an act that provides that a criminal defendant’s silence may be interpreted as evidence of the defendant’s guilt. British police officers are now required, when making an arrest, to inform the suspect, “You do not have to say anything. But if you do not mention now something which you later use in your defense, the court may decide that your failure to mention it now strengthens the case against you. A record will be made of everything you say, and it may be given in evidence if you are brought to trial.”
Congress’s Response to the Miranda Ruling The Supreme Court’s Miranda decision was
controversial, and two years later Congress attempted to overrule it by enacting Section 3501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.20 Essentially, Section 3501 reinstated the rule that had been in effect for 180 years before Miranda—namely, that statements by defendants can be used against them as long as the statements are made voluntarily. The U.S. Department of Justice immediately refused to enforce Section 3501,however. Although the U.S.Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit attempted to enforce the provision in 1999,the United States Supreme Court reversed its decision in 2000.The Supreme Court held that the Miranda rights enunciated by the Court in the 1966 case were constitutionally based and thus could not be overruled by a legislative act.21 Exceptions to the Miranda Rule As part of a continuing attempt to balance the rights of accused persons against the rights of society, the Supreme Court has made a number of exceptions to the Miranda ruling. For example, the Court has recognized a “public safety” exception, holding that certain statements—such as statements concerning the location of a weapon—are admissible even if the defendant was not given Miranda warnings.22 The Court has also clarified that, in certain circumstances, a defendant’s confession need not be excluded as evidence even if the police failed to inform the defendant of his or her Miranda rights.23 If other, legally obtained evidence admitted at trial is strong enough to justify the conviction without the confession, then the fact that the confession was obtained illegally can, in effect, be ignored.24 The Supreme Court has also ruled that a suspect must unequivocally and assertively request to exercise her or his right to counsel in order to stop police questioning. Saying, “Maybe I should talk to a lawyer” during an interrogation after being taken into custody
20. 42 U.S.C. Section 3789d. 21. Dickerson v. United States, 530 U.S. 428, 120 S.Ct. 2326, 147 L.Ed.2d 405 (2000). 22. New York v.Quarles, 467 U.S.649,104 S.Ct.2626,81 L.Ed.2d 550 (1984). 23. Moran v. Burbine, 475 U.S. 412, 106 S.Ct. 1135, 89 L.Ed.2d 410 (1986). 24. Arizona v.Fulminante, 499 U.S.279,111 S.Ct.1246,113 L.Ed.2d 302 (1991).
is not enough. The Court held that police officers are not required to decipher the suspect’s intentions in such situations.25
Criminal Process As mentioned earlier in this chapter, a criminal prosecution differs significantly from a civil case in several respects. These differences reflect the desire to safeguard the rights of the individual against the state. Exhibit 9–3 summarizes the major steps in processing a criminal case. We now discuss three phases of the criminal process—arrest, indictment or information, and trial—in more detail. Arrest Before a warrant for arrest can be issued,
there must be probable cause for believing that the individual in question has committed a crime. As discussed in Chapter 4, probable cause can be defined as a substantial likelihood that the person has committed or is about to commit a crime. Note that probable cause involves a likelihood, not just a possibility. Arrests can be made without a warrant if there is no time to get one,but the action of the arresting officer is still judged by the standard of probable cause. Indictment or Information Individuals must
be formally charged with having committed specific crimes before they can be brought to trial. If issued by a grand jury, such a charge is called an indictment.26 A grand jury does not determine the guilt or innocence of an accused party; rather,its function is to hear the state’s evidence and to determine whether a reasonable basis (probable cause) exists for believing that a crime has been committed and that a trial ought to be held. Usually, grand juries are called in cases involving serious crimes, such as murder. For lesser crimes, an individual may be formally charged with a crime by an information, or criminal complaint. An information will be issued by a government prosecutor if the prosecutor determines that there is sufficient evidence to justify bringing the individual to trial. Trial At a criminal trial,the accused person does not
have to prove anything; the entire burden of proof is on 25. Davis v. United States, 512 U.S. 452, 114 S.Ct. 2350, 129 L.Ed.2d 362 (1994). 26. Pronounced in-dyte-ment.
Major Procedural Steps in a Criminal Case
ARREST Police officer takes suspect into custody. Most arrests are made without a warrant. After the arrest, the officer searches the suspect, who is then taken to the police station.
BOOKING At the police station, the suspect is searched again, photographed, fingerprinted, and allowed at least one telephone call. After the booking, charges are reviewed, and if they are not dropped, a complaint is filed and a magistrate (judge) reviews the case for probable cause.
INITIAL APPEARANCE The defendant appears before the judge, who informs the defendant of the charges and of his or her rights. If the defendant requests a lawyer and cannot afford one, a lawyer is appointed. The judge sets bail (conditions under which a suspect can obtain release pending disposition of the case).
GRAND JURY A grand jury determines if there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime. The federal government and about half of the states require grand jury indictments for at least some felonies.
PRELIMINARY HEARING In a court proceeding, a prosecutor presents evidence, and the judge determines if there is probable cause to hold the defendant over for trial.
INDICTMENT An indictment is a written document issued by the grand jury to formally charge the defendant with a crime.
INFORMATION An information is a formal criminal charge, or criminal complaint, made by the prosecutor.
ARRAIGNMENT The defendant is brought before the court, informed of the charges, and asked to enter a plea.
PLEA BARGAIN A plea bargain is a prosecutor’s promise to make concessions (or promise to seek concessions) in return for a defendant’s guilty plea. Concessions may include a reduced charge or a lesser sentence.
GUILTY PLEA In many jurisdictions, most cases that reach the arraignment stage do not go to trial but are resolved by a guilty plea, often as a result of a plea bargain. The judge sets the case for sentencing.
TRIAL Trials can be either jury trials or bench trials. (In a bench trial, there is no jury, and the judge decides questions of fact as well as questions of law.) If the verdict is guilt y,” the judge sets a date for the sentencing. Everyone convicted of a crime has the right to an appeal.
the prosecutor (the state). As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, the burden of proof is higher in a criminal case than in a civil case. The prosecution must show that, based on all the evidence, the defendant’s guilt is established beyond a reasonable doubt.If there is reasonable doubt as to whether a criminal defendant did, in fact, commit the crime with which she or he has been charged, then the verdict must be “not guilty.” Note that giving a verdict of “not guilty” is not the same as stating that the defendant is innocent; it merely means that not enough evidence was properly presented to the court to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Courts have complex rules about what types of evidence may be presented and how the evidence may be brought out in criminal cases, especially in jury trials. These rules are designed to ensure that evidence presented at trials is relevant, reliable, and not prejudicial toward the defendant.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines In 1984, Congress passed the Sentencing Reform Act. This act created the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which was charged with the task of standardizing sentences for federal crimes.The commission’s guidelines, which became effective in 1987,established a range of possible penalties for each federal crime and required the judge to select a sentence from within that range. In other words, the guidelines originally established a mandatory system because judges were not allowed to deviate from the specified sentencing range.Some federal judges felt uneasy about imposing the long prison sentences required by the guidelines on certain criminal defendants, particularly first-time offenders and those convicted in illegal substances cases involving small quantities of drugs.27 Shift Away from Mandatory Sentencing
In 2005,the Supreme Court held that certain provisions of the federal sentencing guidelines were unconstitutional.28 The case involved Freddie Booker, who was arrested with 92.5 grams of crack cocaine in his possession. Booker admitted to police that he had sold an additional 566 grams of crack cocaine, but he was never charged with, or tried for, possessing this additional quantity. Nevertheless, under the federal sen27. See, for example, United States v.Angelos, 347 F.Supp.2d 1227 (D. Utah 2004). 28. United States v. Booker, 543 U.S. 220, 125 S.Ct. 738, 160 L.Ed.2d 621 (2005).
tencing guidelines the judge was required to sentence Booker to twenty-two years in prison. Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled that this sentence was unconstitutional because a jury did not find beyond a reasonable doubt that Booker had possessed the additional 566 grams of crack. Essentially, the Supreme Court’s ruling changed the federal sentencing guidelines from mandatory to advisory. Depending on the circumstances of the case, a federal trial judge may now depart from the guidelines if she or he believes that it is reasonable to do so. Increased Penalties for Certain Criminal Violations It is important for businesspersons to
understand that the sentencing guidelines still exist and provide for enhanced punishment for certain types of crimes. The U.S. Sentencing Commission recommends stiff sentences for many white-collar crimes, including mail and wire fraud, commercial bribery and kickbacks, and money laundering. Enhanced penalties are also suggested for violations of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (discussed in Chapter 5).29 In addition,the commission recommends increased penalties for criminal violations of employment laws (see Chapters 33 and 34), securities laws (see Chapter 41), and antitrust laws (see Chapter 46). The guidelines set forth a number of factors that judges should take into consideration when imposing a sentence for a specified crime.These factors include the defendant company’s history of past violations, management’s cooperation with federal investigators, and the extent to which the firm has undertaken specific programs and procedures to prevent criminal activities by its employees.
Cyber Crime Some years ago,the American Bar Association defined computer crime as any act that is directed against computers and computer parts,that uses computers as instruments of crime, or that involves computers and constitutes abuse. Today, because much of the crime committed with the use of computers occurs in cyberspace, many computer crimes fall under the broad label of cyber crime. Here we look at several types of 29. As required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the U.S. Sentencing Commission revised its guidelines in 2003 to impose stiffer penalties for corporate securities fraud—see Chapter 41.
activity that constitute cyber crimes against persons or property. Other cyber crimes will be discussed in later chapters as they relate to particular topics, such as banking or consumer law.
Cyber Theft In cyberspace, thieves are not subject to the physical limitations of the “real” world. A thief can steal data stored in a networked computer with Internet access from anywhere on the globe. Only the speed of the connection and the thief’s computer equipment limit the quantity of data that can be stolen. Financial Crimes Computer networks also provide opportunities for employees to commit crimes that can involve serious economic losses.For example, employees of a company’s accounting department can transfer funds among accounts with little effort and often with less risk than would be involved in transactions evidenced by paperwork. Generally, the dependence of businesses on computer operations has left firms vulnerable to sabotage, fraud,embezzlement,and the theft of proprietary data, such as trade secrets or other intellectual property. As noted in Chapter 8, the piracy of intellectual property via the Internet is one of the most serious legal challenges facing lawmakers and the courts today. Identity Theft A form of cyber theft that has become particularly troublesome in recent years is identity theft. Identity theft occurs when the wrongdoer steals a form of identification—such as a name, date of birth, and Social Security number—and uses the information to access the victim’s financial resources. This crime existed to a certain extent before the widespread use of the Internet. Thieves would “steal” calling-card numbers by watching people using public telephones, or they would rifle through garbage to find bank account or credit-card numbers. The identity thieves would then use the calling-card or credit-card numbers or would withdraw funds from the victims’ accounts. The Internet, however, has turned identity theft into perhaps the fastest-growing financial crime in the United States. The Internet provides those who steal information offline with an easy medium for using items such as stolen credit-card numbers while remaining protected by anonymity. Three federal statutes deal specifically with identity theft. The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence
Act of 199830 made identity theft a federal crime and directed the U.S. Sentencing Commission to incorporate the crime into its sentencing guidelines. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 200331 gives victims of identity theft certain rights in working with creditors and credit bureaus to remove negative information from their credit reports. This act will be discussed in detail in Chapter 44 in the context of consumer law.The Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act of 200432 authorized more severe penalties in aggravated cases in which the identity theft was committed in connection with the thief’s employment or with other serious crimes (such as terrorism or firearms or immigration offenses).
Hacking Persons who use one computer to break into another are sometimes referred to as hackers. Hackers who break into computers without authorization often commit cyber theft. Sometimes, however, their principal aim is to prove how smart they are by gaining access to others’ password-protected computers and causing random data errors or making toll telephone calls for free.33 Cyberterrorism Hackers who, rather than trying to gain attention, strive to remain undetected so that they can exploit computers for a serious impact are called cyberterrorists. Just as “real” terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center towers and a portion of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, cyberterrorists might explode “logic bombs” to shut down central computers. Such activities obviously can pose a danger to national security. The Threat to Business Activities Any busi-
ness may be targeted by cyberterrorists as well as hackers. The goals of a hacking operation might include a wholesale theft of data, such as a merchant’s customer files, or the monitoring of a computer to discover a business firm’s plans and transactions. A cyberterrorist might also want to insert false codes or data. For example, the processing control system of a food manufacturer could be changed to alter the 30. 18 U.S.C. Section 1028. 31. 15 U.S.C. Sections 1681 et seq. 32. 18 U.S.C. Section 1028A. 33. The total cost of crime on the Internet is estimated to be several billion dollars annually, but two-thirds of that total is said to consist of unpaid-for toll calls.
levels of ingredients so that consumers of the food would become ill. A cyberterrorist attack on a major financial institution, such as the New York Stock Exchange or a large bank, could leave securities or money markets in flux and seriously affect the daily lives of millions of citizens. Similarly, any prolonged disruption of computer, cable, satellite, or telecommunications systems due to the actions of expert hackers would have serious repercussions on business operations—and national security—on a global level. Computer viruses are another tool that can be used by cyberterrorists to cripple communications networks.
Spam As discussed in Chapter 6, spamming has become a major problem for businesses. A few states, such as Maryland and Virginia, have passed laws that make spamming a crime.34 Under the Virginia statute, it is a crime against property to use a computer or computer network “with the intent to falsify or forge electronic mail transmission information or other routing information in any manner.” Attempting to send spam to more than 2,500 recipients in a twenty-four-hour period is a felony.The Virginia law also includes provisions authorizing the forfeiture of assets obtained through an illegal spamming operation.The Maryland law is similar in that it prohibits spamming that falsely identifies the sender, the routing information, or the subject. Under the Maryland law, however, the number of spam messages required to convict a person of the offense is much lower. Sending only ten illegal messages in twenty-four hours violates the statute, and the more spam sent, the more severe the punishment will be, up to a maximum of ten years in prison and a $25,000 fine. In 2006, a Virginia appellate court upheld the first felony conviction for criminal spamming in the United States against Jeremy Jaynes, who until his arrest was the eighth most prolific spammer in the world. Jaynes, a resident of North Carolina, had sent more than ten thousand junk messages a day using sixteen Internet connections and a number of aliases (such as Gaven Stubberfield). Because he had sent some of the messages through servers in Virginia, the court found that Virginia had jurisdiction over Jaynes. He was con-
34. See, for example, Maryland Code, Criminal Law, Section 3-805.1, and Virginia Code Ann. Sections 18.2–152.3:1.
victed of three counts of felony spamming and sentenced to nine years in prison.
Prosecuting Cyber Crime The “location” of cyber crime (cyberspace) has raised new issues in the investigation of crimes and the prosecution of offenders. A threshold issue is, of course, jurisdiction. A person who commits an act against a business in California, where the act is a cyber crime, might never have set foot in California but might instead reside in New York, or even in Canada, where the act may not be a crime. If the crime was committed via e-mail, the question arises as to whether the e-mail would constitute sufficient “minimum contacts” (see Chapter 2) for the victim’s state to exercise jurisdiction over the perpetrator. Identifying the wrongdoer can also be difficult. Cyber criminals do not leave physical traces, such as fingerprints or DNA samples, as evidence of their crimes.Even electronic “footprints”can be hard to find and follow. For example, e-mail may be sent through a remailer, an online service that guarantees that a message cannot be traced to its source. For these reasons, laws written to protect physical property often are difficult to apply in cyberspace. Nonetheless, governments at both the state and the federal level have taken significant steps toward controlling cyber crime,both by applying existing criminal statutes and by enacting new laws that specifically address wrongs committed in cyberspace.
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Perhaps the most significant federal statute specifically addressing cyber crime is the Counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 (commonly known as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, or CFAA). 35 Among other things, this act provides that a person who accesses a computer online, without authority, to obtain classified, restricted, or protected data (or attempts to do so) is subject to criminal prosecution. Such data could include financial and credit records,medical records,legal files,military and national security files, and other confidential information in government or private computers. The crime has two elements: accessing a computer without authority and taking the data.
35. 18 U.S.C. Section 1030.
This theft is a felony if it is committed for a commercial purpose or for private financial gain,or if the value of the stolen data (or computer time) exceeds $5,000. Penalties include fines and imprisonment for up to
twenty years. A victim of computer theft can also bring a civil suit against the violator to obtain damages, an injunction, and other relief.
Criminal Law and Cyber Crime Edward Hanousek worked for Pacific & Arctic Railway and Navigation Company (P&A) as a roadmaster of the White Pass & Yukon Railroad in Alaska. Hanousek was responsible “for every detail of the safe and efficient maintenance and construction of track, structures and marine facilities of the entire railroad,” including special projects. One project was a rock quarry, known as “6-mile,” above the Skagway River. Next to the quarry, and just beneath the surface, ran a high-pressure oil pipeline owned by Pacific & Arctic Pipeline, Inc., P&A’s sister company. When the quarry’s backhoe operator punctured the pipeline, an estimated 1,000 to 5,000 gallons of oil were discharged into the river. Hanousek was charged with negligently discharging a harmful quantity of oil into a navigable water of the United States in violation of the criminal provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions. 1. Did Hanousek have the required mental state (mens rea) to be convicted of a crime? Why or why not? 2. Which theory discussed in the chapter would enable a court to hold Hanousek criminally liable for violating the statute regardless of whether he participated in, directed, or even knew about the specific violation? 3. Could the quarry’s backhoe operator who punctured the pipeline also be charged with a crime in this situation? Explain. 4. Suppose that at trial, Hanousek argued that he could not be convicted because he was not aware of the requirements of the CWA. Would this defense be successful? Why or why not?
double jeopardy 198
larceny 188
duress 195
mens rea 187
embezzlement 189
misdemeanor 186
actus reus 187
entrapment 196
money laundering 192
arson 188
exclusionary rule 198
necessity 196
beyond a reasonable doubt 184
felony 185
petty offense 186
burglary 188
forgery 189
plea bargaining 198
computer crime 204
grand jury 202
robbery 188
consent 195
hacker 205
self-defense 195
crime 184
identity theft 205
white-collar crime 189
cyber crime 204
indictment 202
cyberterrorist 205
information 202
9–1. The following situations are similar (in all of them,Juanita’s laptop computer is stolen), yet three different crimes are described. Identify the three crimes, noting the differences among them. (a) While passing Juanita’s house one night, Sarah sees a laptop computer left unattended on Juanita’s lawn. Sarah takes the laptop, carries it home, and tells everyone she owns it. (b) While passing Juanita’s house one night, Sarah sees Juanita outside with a laptop computer. Holding Juanita at gunpoint, Sarah forces her to give up the computer. Then Sarah runs away with it. (c) While passing Juanita’s house one night, Sarah sees a laptop computer on a desk inside. Sarah breaks the front-door lock, enters, and leaves with the computer.
9–2. Which, if any, of the following crimes necessarily involves illegal activity on the part of more than one person? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Bribery. Forgery. Embezzlement. Larceny. Receiving stolen property.
9–3. QUESTION WITH SAMPLE ANSWER Armington,while robbing a drugstore,shot and seriously injured a drugstore clerk, Jennings. Subsequently, in a criminal trial, Armington was convicted of armed robbery and assault and battery. Jennings later brought a civil tort suit against Armington for damages.Armington contended that he could not be tried again for the same crime, as that would constitute double jeopardy, which is prohibited by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. Is Armington correct? Explain. • For a sample answer to Question 9–3, go to Appendix I at the end of this text.
9–4. Rafael stops Laura on a busy street and offers to sell her an expensive wristwatch for a fraction of its value. After some questioning by Laura, Rafael admits that the watch is stolen property, although he says he was not the thief. Laura pays for and receives the wristwatch. Has Laura committed any crime? Has Rafael? Explain. 9–5. Theft of Trade Secrets. Four Pillars Enterprise Co. is a Taiwanese company owned by Pin Yen Yang. Avery Dennison, Inc., a U.S. corporation, is one of Four Pillars’ chief competitors in the manufacture of adhesives. In 1989,Victor Lee, an Avery employee, met Yang and Yang’s daughter Hwei Chen. They agreed to pay Lee $25,000 a year to serve as a consultant to Four Pillars. Over the next
eight years,Lee supplied the Yangs with confidential Avery reports, including information that Four Pillars used to make a new adhesive that had been developed by Avery. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confronted Lee, and he agreed to cooperate in an operation to catch the Yangs.When Lee next met the Yangs,he showed them documents provided by the FBI. The documents bore “confidential” stamps, and Lee said that they were Avery’s confidential property.The FBI arrested the Yangs with the documents in their possession.The Yangs and Four Pillars were charged with, among other crimes, the attempted theft of trade secrets.The defendants argued in part that it was impossible for them to have committed this crime because the documents were not actually trade secrets. Should the court acquit them? Why or why not? [United States v.Yang, 281 F.3d 534 (6th Cir. 2002)]
9–6. CASE PROBLEM WITH SAMPLE ANSWER The Sixth Amendment secures to a defendant who faces possible imprisonment the right to counsel at all critical stages of the criminal process, including the arraignment and the trial. In 1996, Felipe Tovar, a twenty-one-year-old college student, was arrested in Ames, Iowa, for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol (OWI).Tovar was informed of his right to apply for court-appointed counsel and waived it. At his arraignment, he pleaded guilty. Six weeks later, he appeared for sentencing, again waived his right to counsel, and was sentenced to two days’ imprisonment. In 1998, Tovar was convicted of OWI again, and in 2000, he was charged with OWI for a third time. In Iowa, a third OWI offense is a felony. Tovar asked the court not to use his first OWI conviction to enhance the third OWI charge. He argued that his 1996 waiver of counsel was not “intelligent” because the court did not make him aware of “the dangers and disadvantages of self-representation.” What determines whether a person’s choice in any situation is “intelligent”? What should determine whether a defendant’s waiver of counsel is “intelligent” at critical stages of a criminal proceeding? [Iowa v.Tovar, 541 U.S. 77, 124 S.Ct. 1379, 158 L.Ed.2d 209 (2004)] • To view a sample answer for Problem 9–6, go to this book’s Web site at academic., select “Chapter 9,” and click on “Case Problem with Sample Answer.”
9–7. Larceny. In February 2001, a homeowner hired Jimmy Smith, a contractor claiming to employ a crew of thirty workers, to build a garage. The homeowner paid Smith $7,950 and agreed to make additional payments as needed to complete the project, up to $15,900. Smith promised to start the next day and finish within eight weeks. Nearly a month passed with no work, while Smith lied to the homeowner that materials were on “back
order.” During a second month, footings were created for the foundation,and a subcontractor poured the concrete slab, but Smith did not return the homeowner’s phone calls. After eight weeks, the homeowner confronted Smith, who promised to complete the job, worked on the site that day until lunch, and never returned. Three months later, the homeowner again confronted Smith, who promised to “pay [him] off”later that day but did not do so. In March 2002, the state of Georgia filed criminal charges against Smith. While his trial was pending, he promised to pay the homeowner “next week” but again failed to refund any of the funds paid. The value of the labor performed before Smith abandoned the project was between $800 and $1,000, the value of the materials was $367, and the subcontractor was paid $2,270. Did Smith commit larceny? Explain. [Smith v. State of Georgia, 592 S.E.2d 871 (Ga.App. 2004)]
9–8. Trial. Robert Michels met Allison Formal through an online dating Web site in 2002. Michels represented himself as the retired chief executive officer of a large company that he had sold for millions of dollars. In January 2003, Michels proposed that he and Formal create a limited liability company (a special form of business organization discussed in Chapter 37)—Formal Properties Trust, LLC—to “channel their investments in real estate.” Formal agreed to contribute $100,000 to the company and wrote two $50,000 checks to “Michels and Associates, LLC.” Six months later, Michels told Formal that their LLC had been formed in Delaware. Later, Formal asked Michels about her investments. He responded evasively, and she demanded that an independent accountant review the firm’s records. Michels refused. Formal contacted the police. Michels was charged in a Virginia state court with obtaining money by false pretenses. The Delaware secretary of state verified, in two certified documents, that “Formal Properties Trust, L.L.C.” and “Michels and Associates, L.L.C.” did not exist in Delaware.Did the admission of the Delaware secretary of state’s certified documents at Michels’s trial violate his rights under the Sixth Amendment? Why or why not? [Michels v. Commonwealth of Virginia, 47 Va.App. 461, 624 S.E.2d 675 (2006)] 9–9. White-Collar Crime. Helm Instruction Co. in Maumee, Ohio, makes custom electrical control systems. Helm hired Patrick Walsh in September 1998 to work as comptroller. Walsh soon developed a close relationship with Richard Wilhelm, Helm’s president, who granted Walsh’s request to hire Shari Price as Walsh’s assistant. Wilhelm was not aware that Walsh and Price were engaged in an extramarital affair.Over the next five years, Walsh and Price spent more than $200,000 of Helm’s money on themselves. Among other things, Walsh drew unauthorized checks on Helm’s accounts to pay his personal credit cards and issued to Price and himself unauthorized salary increases, overtime payments, and tuition reimbursement payments, altering Helm’s records to hide the payments. After an investigation, Helm officials
confronted Walsh. He denied the affair with Price, claimed that his unauthorized use of Helm’s funds was an “interest-free loan,” and argued that it was less of a burden on the company to pay his credit cards than to give him the salary increases to which he felt he was entitled. Did Walsh commit a crime? If so, what crime did he commit? Discuss.[State v.Walsh, __ Ohio App.3d __,__ N.E.2d __ (6 Dist. 2007)]
9–10. A QUESTION OF ETHICS A troublesome issue concerning the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination is the extent to which law enforcement officers may use trickery during an interrogation to induce a suspect to incriminate himself or herself. For example, in one case two officers questioned Charles McFarland,who was incarcerated in a state prison, about his connection to a handgun that had been used to shoot two other officers. McFarland was advised of his rights but was not asked whether he was willing to waive those rights. Instead, to induce McFarland to speak, the officers deceived him into believing that “[n]obody is going to give you charges.” McFarland made incriminating admissions and was indicted for possessing a handgun as a convicted felon. [United States v. McFarland, 424 F. Supp.2d 427 (N.D.N.Y. 2006)] (a) Review Case 9.3, Miranda v. Arizona, on pages 200 and 201 in this chapter. Should McFarland’s statements be suppressed—that is, not be treated as admissible evidence at trial—because he was not asked whether he was willing to waive his rights prior to making his self-incriminating statements? Does Miranda apply to McFarland’s situation? (b) Do you think that it is fair for the police to resort to trickery and deception to bring those who have committed crimes to justice? Why or why not? What rights or public policies must be balanced in deciding this issue?
9–11. VIDEO QUESTION Go to this text’s Web site at academic. and select “Chapter 9.” Click on “Video Questions” and view the video titled Casino. Then answer the following questions. (a) In the video, a casino manager, Ace (Robert DeNiro), discusses how politicians “won their ‘comp life’ when they got elected.” “Comps”are the free gifts that casinos give to high-stakes gamblers to keep their business.If an elected official accepts comps,is he or she committing a crime? If so, what type of crime? Explain your answers. (b) Assume that Ace committed a crime by giving politicians comps. Can the casino,Tangiers Corp., be held liable for that crime? Why or why not? How could a court punish the corporation?
(c) Suppose that the Federal Bureau of Investigation wants to search the premises of Tangiers for evidence of criminal activity. If casino management
refuses to consent to the search, what constitutional safeguards and criminal procedures, if any, protect Tangiers?
For updated links to resources available on the Web, as well as a variety of other materials, visit this text’s Web site at The Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice offers an impressive collection of statistics on crime at the following Web site: For summaries of famous criminal cases and documents relating to these trials, go to Court TV’s Web site at Many state criminal codes are now online.To find your state’s code, go to the following home page and select “States” under the link to “Cases & Codes”: You can learn about some of the constitutional questions raised by various criminal laws and procedures by going to the Web site of the American Civil Liberties Union at The following Web site, which is maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice, offers information ranging from the various types of cyber crime to a description of how computers and the Internet are being used to prosecute cyber crime:
Legal Research Exercises on the Web Go to, the Web site that accompanies this text. Select “Chapter 9” and click on “Internet Exercises.” There you will find the following Internet research exercises that you can perform to learn more about the topics covered in this chapter. Internet Exercise 9–1: Legal Perspective Revisiting Miranda Internet Exercise 9–2: Management Perspective Hackers Internet Exercise 9–3: International Perspective Fighting Cyber Crime Worldwide
Ethical and legal concepts are often closely intertwined. This is because the common law, as it evolved in England and then in America, reflects society’s values and customs. This connection between law and ethics is clearly evident in the area of tort law, which provides remedies for harms caused by actions that society has deemed wrongful. Criminal law is also rooted in common law concepts of right and wrong behavior, although common law concepts governing criminal acts are now expressed in, or replaced by, federal, state, and local criminal statutes. The number of torts and crimes has continued to expand as new ways to commit wrongs have been discovered. The laws governing torts, crimes, and intellectual property—the areas of law covered in this unit—constitute an important part of the legal environment of business. In each of these areas, new legal (and ethical) challenges have emerged as a result of developments in technology. Today, we are witnessing some of the challenges posed by the use of new communications networks, particularly the Internet. In this Focus on Ethics feature, we look at the ethical dimensions of selected topics discussed in the preceding chapters, including some issues that are unique to the cyber age.
Privacy Rights in an Online World Privacy rights are protected under constitutional law, tort law, and various federal and state statutes. How to protect privacy rights in the online world, though, has been a recurring problem over the past ten years. One difficulty is that individuals today often are not even aware that information about their personal lives and preferences is being collected by Internet companies and other online users. Nor do they know how that information will be used. “Cookies” installed in computers may allow users’ Web movements to be tracked. Google now offers a Gmail service that automatically scans and saves information about its users. Persons who purchase goods from online merchants or auctions inevitably must reveal some personal information, often including their credit-card numbers.
The Increased Value of Personal Information One of the major concerns of consumers in recent years has been the increasing value of personal information for online marketers, who are willing to
pay a high price to those who collect and sell them such information. Because of these concerns—and the possibility of lawsuits based on privacy laws— businesses marketing goods online need to exercise care. Today, many online businesses create and post on their Web sites a privacy policy disclosing how any information obtained from their customers will be used.
The Duty of Care and Personal Information Selling data can bolster a company’s profits, which may satisfy the firm’s duty to its owners, but when the information is personal, its sale may violate an ethical or legal duty. In what circumstances might a party who sells information about someone else have a duty to that other party with respect to the sale of the information? The courts have found that private investigators owe a duty not to disclose private information about a person without a legitimate reason. In one case, for example, a man contacted an Internetbased investigation and information service and requested information about Amy Boyer. The man provided his name, address, and phone number and paid the fee online using his credit card. In return, the company provided him with Boyer’s home address, birth date, Social Security number, and work address. The man then drove to Boyer’s workplace and fatally shot her. The police subsequently discovered that the man maintained a Web site where he referred to stalking and killing Boyer. Boyer’s mother filed a suit against the online information service for disclosing her daughter’s private information without investigating the reason for the request. The state supreme court found that because the threats of stalking and identity theft were sufficiently foreseeable, the company had a duty to exercise reasonable care in disclosing a third person’s personal information to a client.1 In another case, a man hired a licensed private investigator to follow his ex-girlfriend. The woman complained to the police that the investigator was stalking her, and criminal charges were filed against the investigator. The court concluded that the private detective had a duty to exercise reasonable care in disclosing the woman’s personal information to the client (her former boyfriend). Because the private detective refused to testify as 1. Remsburg v. Docusearch, Inc., 149 N.H. 148, 816 A.2d 1001 (2003).
to why he was hired to follow the woman, the court found that the investigator’s conduct was not for a legitimate purpose.2
Privacy Rights in the Workplace Another area of concern today is the extent to which employees’ privacy rights should be protected in the workplace. Traditionally, employees have been afforded a certain “zone of privacy” in the workplace. For example, the courts have concluded that employees have a reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to personal items contained in their desks or in their lockers. Should this zone of privacy extend to personal e-mail sent via the employer’s computer system? This question and others relating to employee privacy rights in today’s cyber age will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 33, in the context of employment law.
Should Civil Liberties Be Sacrificed to Control Crime and Terrorist Activities in the Cyber Age? In an era when criminal conspirators and terrorists use the Internet to communicate and even to recruit new members, an issue that has come to the forefront is whether it is possible to control many types of crime and terrorist activities without sacrificing some civil liberties. Governments in certain countries, such as Russia, have succeeded in controlling online criminal communications to some extent by monitoring the e-mail and other electronic transmissions of users of specific Internet service providers. In the United States, however, any government attempt to monitor Internet use to detect criminal conspiracies or terrorist activities does not sit well with the American people. The traditional attitude has been that civil liberties must be safeguarded to the greatest extent feasible. After the terrorist attacks in September 2001, Congress enacted legislation—including the USA Patriot Act mentioned in Chapter 4—that gave law enforcement personnel more authority to conduct electronic surveillance, such as monitoring Web sites and e-mail exchanges. For a time, it seemed that the terrorist attacks might have made Americans more willing to trade off some of their civil liberties for greater national security. Today, though, many complain that this legislation has 2. Miller v. Blackden, 154 N.H. 448, 913 A.2d 742 (2006).
gone too far in curbing traditional civil liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. As terrorists find more ways of using the Internet for their purposes, determining the degree to which individuals should sacrifice personal freedoms in exchange for greater protection will likely become even more difficult.
Global Companies and Censorship Issues—Google China Doing business on a global level can sometimes involve serious ethical challenges. Consider the ethical firestorm that erupted when Google, Inc., decided to market “Google China.” This version of Google’s widely used search engine was especially tailored to the Chinese government’s censorship requirements. To date, the Chinese government has maintained strict control over the flow of information in that country. The government’s goal is to stop the flow of what it considers to be “harmful information.” Web sites that offer pornography, criticism of the government, or information on sensitive topics, such as the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, are censored—that is, they cannot be accessed by Web users. Government agencies enforce the censorship and encourage citizens to inform on one another. Thousands of Web sites are shut down each year, and the sites’ operators are subject to potential imprisonment. Google’s code of conduct opens with the company’s informal motto: “Don’t be evil.” Yet critics question whether Google is following this motto. Human rights groups have come out strongly against Google’s decision, maintaining that the company is seeking profits in a lucrative marketplace at the expense of assisting the Chinese Communist Party in suppressing free speech. In February 2006, Tom Lantos, the only Holocaust survivor serving in Congress, stated that the “sickening collaboration” of Google and three other Web companies (Cisco Systems, Microsoft Corporation, and Yahoo!, Inc.) with the Chinese government was “decapitating the voice of dissidents” in that nation.3
Google’s Response Google defends its actions by pointing out that its Chinese search engine at least lets users know which sites are being censored. Google China 3. As quoted in Tom Ziller, Jr., “Web Firms Questioned on Dealings in China,” The New York Times, February 16, 2006.
includes the links to censored sites, but when a user tries to access a link, the program states that it is not accessible. Google claims that its approach is essentially the “lesser of two evils”: if U.S. companies did not cooperate with the Chinese government, Chinese residents would have less user-friendly Internet access. Moreover, Google asserts that providing Internet access, even if censored, is a step toward more open access in the future because technology is, in itself, a revolutionary force.
The Chinese Government’s Defense The Chinese government insists that in restricting access to certain Web sites, it is merely following the lead of other national governments, which also impose controls on information access. As an example, it cites France, which bans access to any Web sites selling or portraying Nazi paraphernalia. The United States itself prohibits the dissemination of certain types of materials, such as child pornography, over the Internet. Furthermore, the U.S. government monitors Web sites and e-mail communications to protect against terrorist threats. How, ask Chinese officials, can other nations point their fingers at China for engaging in a common international practice?
Do Gun Makers Have a Duty to Warn? One of the issues facing today’s courts is how tort law principles apply to harms caused by guns. Across the nation, many plaintiffs have filed negligence actions against gun manufacturers, claiming that gun makers have a duty to warn users of their products of the dangers associated with gun use. Would it be fair to impose such a requirement on gun manufacturers? Some say no, because such dangers are “open and obvious.” (Recall from Chapter 7 that, generally, there is no duty to warn of open and obvious dangers.) Others contend that warnings could prevent numerous gun accidents. State courts addressing this issue have generally ruled that manufacturers have no duty to warn users of the obvious risks associated with gun use. For example, New York’s highest court has held that a gun manufacturer’s duty of care does not extend to those who are injured by the illegal use of handguns.4 Some courts, however, have held that
4. Hamilton v. Beretta U.S.A. Corp., 96 N.Y.2d 222, 750 N.E.2d 1055, 727 N.Y.S.2d 7 (2001).
gun makers whose marketing or sales practices cause a large influx of guns into the illegal secondary market could be liable under a public nuisance theory.5
Trademark Protection versus Free Speech Rights Another legal issue involving questions of fairness pits the rights of trademark owners against the right to free speech. The issue—so-called cybergriping—is unique to the cyber age. Cybergripers are individuals who complain in cyberspace about corporate products, services, or activities. For a trademark owner, the issue becomes particularly thorny when cybergriping sites add the word sucks or stinks or some other disparaging term to the trademark owner’s domain name. These sites, sometimes referred to collectively as “sucks” sites, are established solely for the purpose of criticizing the products or services sold by the trademark owner. A number of companies have sued the owners of such sites for trademark infringement in the hope that a court or an arbitrating panel will order the site owner to cease using the domain name. To date, however, companies have had little success pursuing this alternative. In one case, for example, Bally Total Fitness Holding Corporation sued Andrew Faber, who had established a “Bally sucks” site for the purpose of criticizing Bally’s health clubs and business practices. Bally claimed that Faber had infringed on its trademark. The court did not agree, holding that the “speech”—consumer commentary— on Faber’s Web site was protected by the First Amendment. In short, Bally could not look to trademark law for a remedy against cyber critics.6 The courts have been reluctant to hold that the use of a business’s domain name in a “sucks” site infringes on the trademark owner’s rights. After all, one of the primary reasons trademarks are protected under U.S. law is to prevent customers from becoming confused about the origin of the goods for sale—and a cybergriping site certainly does not create such confusion. Furthermore, U.S. courts give extensive protection to free speech
5. City of New York v. Beretta U.S.A. Corp., 401 F.Supp.2d 244 (E.D.N.Y. 2005); City of New York v. Beretta U.S.A. Corp., 315 F.Supp.2d 256 (E.D.N.Y. 2004); Johnson v. Bryco Arms, 304 F.Supp.2d 383 (E.D.N.Y. 2004); City of Gary ex rel. King v. Smith & Wesson Corp., 801 N.E.2d 1222 (Ind. 2003); and Ileto v. Glock, Inc., 349 F.3d 1191 (9th Cir. 2003). 6. Bally Total Fitness Holding Corp. v. Faber, 29 F.Supp.2d 1161 (C.D.Cal. 1998).
rights, including the right to express opinions about companies and their products.7 Nevertheless, when a site’s domain name is confusingly similar to a competitor’s trade name and the site is used to disparage that competitor, a court may allow a lawsuit for infringement or for cybersquatting.8
Trade Secrets versus Free Speech Rights Another ongoing issue with ethical dimensions is the point at which free speech rights come into conflict with the right of copyright holders to protect their property by using encryption technology. This issue came before the California Supreme Court in the case of DVD Copy Control Association v. Bunner.9 Trade associations in the movie industry (the plaintiffs) sued an Internet Web site operator (the defendant) who had posted the code of a computer program that cracked technology used to encrypt DVDs. This posed a significant threat to the plaintiffs because, by using the code-cracking software, users would be able to duplicate the copyrighted movies stored on the DVDs. In their suit, the plaintiffs claimed that the defendant had misappropriated trade secrets. The defendant argued that software programs designed to break encryption programs were a form of constitutionally protected speech. When the case reached the California Supreme Court, the court held that although the First Amendment applies to computer code, computer code is not a form of “pure speech” and the courts can therefore protect it to a lesser extent. The court reinstated the trial court’s order that enjoined (prevented) the defendant from continuing to post the code. 7. Many businesses have concluded that although they cannot control what people say about them, they can make it more difficult for it to be said. Today, businesses commonly register such insulting domain names before the cybergripers themselves can register them. 8. See, for example, Sunlight Saunas, Inc. v. Sundance Sauna, Inc., 427 F.Supp.2d 1032 (D.Kan. 2006). 9. 31 Cal.4th 864, 75 P.3d 1, 4 Cal.Rptr.3d 69 (2003). But see also O’Grady v. Superior Court, 139 Cal.App.4th 1423, 44 Cal.Rptr.3d 72 (2006), in which a state appellate court distinguished the situation from the Bunner case and held that Apple Computer could prevent an online publisher from disclosing confidential information about the company’s impending product.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Some observers maintain that privacy rights are quickly becoming a thing of the past. In your opinion, is it possible to protect privacy rights in today’s online world? 2. Many argue that the federal government should not be allowed to monitor the Internet activities and e-mail exchanges of its citizens without obtaining a warrant. Yet others maintain that in some situations, when time is of the essence, such monitoring may be necessary to keep Americans safe from terrorism. Where should the line be drawn between justifiable and unjustifiable governmental interference with American citizens’ civil liberties? 3. Do companies, such as Google, that do business on a global level have an ethical duty to foreign citizens not to suppress free speech, or is it acceptable to censor the information that they provide in other nations at the request of a foreign government? 4. In your opinion, should gun manufacturers have a duty to warn gun users of the dangers of using guns? Would such a warning be effective in preventing gun-related accidents? 5. Generally, do you believe that the law has struck a fair balance between the rights of intellectual property owners and the rights of the public?
he noted legal scholar Roscoe Pound once said that “[t]he social order rests upon the stability and predictability of conduct, of which keeping promises is a large item.”1 Contract law deals with, among other things, the formation and keeping of promises. A promise is a person’s assurance that the person will or will not do something. Like other types of law, contract law reflects our social values,
interests, and expectations at a given point in time. It shows, for example, to what extent our society allows people to make promises or commitments that are legally binding. It distinguishes between promises that create only moral obligations (such as a promise to take a friend to lunch) and promises that are legally binding (such as a promise to pay for merchandise purchased). Contract law also demonstrates which excuses our society accepts 1. R. Pound, Jurisprudence, Vol. 3 (St. Paul, for breaking certain types of Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1959), p. 162. promises. In addition, it indicates
An Overview of Contract Law Before we look at the numerous rules that courts use to determine whether a particular promise will be enforced, it is necessary to understand some fundamental concepts of contract law. In this section, we describe the sources and general function of contract law. We also provide the definition of a contract and introduce the objective theory of contracts.
Sources of Contract Law The common law governs all contracts except when it has been modified or replaced by statutory law, such as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC),2 or by 2. See Chapters 1 and 20 for further discussions of the significance and coverage of the UCC. The UCC is presented in Appendix C at the end of this book.
which promises are considered to be contrary to public policy— against the interests of society as a whole—and therefore legally invalid.When the person making a promise is a child or is mentally incompetent, for example, a question will arise as to whether the promise should be enforced. Resolving such questions is the essence of contract law.
administrative agency regulations.Contracts relating to services, real estate, employment, and insurance, for example, generally are governed by the common law of contracts. Contracts for the sale and lease of goods, however, are governed by the UCC—to the extent that the UCC has modified general contract law. The relationship between general contract law and the law governing sales and leases of goods will be explored in detail in Chapter 20. In the discussion of general contract law that follows, we indicate in footnotes the areas in which the UCC has significantly altered common law contract principles.
The Function of Contract Law The law encourages competent parties to form contracts for lawful objectives. Indeed, no aspect of modern life is entirely free of contractual relationships. Even ordinary consumers in their daily activities
acquire rights and obligations based on contract law. You acquire rights and obligations, for example, when you purchase a DVD or when you borrow funds to buy a house. Contract law is designed to provide stability and predictability, as well as certainty, for both buyers and sellers in the marketplace. Contract law deals with,among other things,the formation and enforcement of agreements between parties (in Latin, pacta sunt servanda—“agreements shall be kept”). By supplying procedures for enforcing private contractual agreements, contract law provides an essential condition for the existence of a market economy. Without a legal framework of reasonably assured expectations within which to make long-run plans, businesspersons would be able to rely only on the good faith of others. Duty and good faith are usually sufficient to obtain compliance with a promise, but when price changes or adverse economic factors make compliance costly, these elements may not be enough. Contract law is necessary to ensure compliance with a promise or to entitle the innocent party to some form of relief.
Definition of a Contract A contract is “a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty.”3 Put simply, a contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties who agree to perform or to refrain from performing some act now or in the future. Generally, contract disputes arise when there is a promise of future performance. If the contractual promise is not fulfilled, the party who made it is subject to the sanctions of a court (see Chapter 18). That party may be required to pay damages for failing to perform the contractual promise; in limited instances, the party may be required to perform the promised act.
The Objective Theory of Contracts In determining whether a contract has been formed, the element of intent is of prime importance. In contract law, intent is determined by what is called the 3. Restatement (Second) of Contracts, Section 1. The Restatement of the Law of Contracts is a nonstatutory, authoritative exposition of the common law of contracts compiled by the American Law Institute in 1932. The Restatement, which is now in its second edition (a third edition is being drafted),will be referred to throughout the following chapters on contract law.
objective theory of contracts, not by the personal or subjective intent, or belief, of a party. The theory is that a party’s intention to enter into a legally binding agreement,or contract,is judged by outward,objective facts as interpreted by a reasonable person,rather than by the party’s own secret, subjective intentions. Objective facts include (1) what the party said when entering into the contract, (2) how the party acted or appeared (intent may be manifested by conduct as well as by oral or written words), and (3) the circumstances surrounding the transaction. We will look further at the objective theory of contracts in Chapter 11, in the context of contract formation.
Elements of a Contract The many topics that will be discussed in the following chapters on contract law require an understanding of the basic elements of a valid contract and the way in which a contract is created. The topics to be covered in this unit on contracts also require an understanding of the types of circumstances in which even legally valid contracts will not be enforced.
Requirements of a Valid Contract The following list briefly describes the four requirements that must be met before a valid contract exists. If any of these elements is lacking, no contract will have been formed. (Each requirement will be explained more fully in subsequent chapters.)
1. Agreement. An agreement to form a contract includes an offer and an acceptance. One party must offer to enter into a legal agreement, and another party must accept the terms of the offer. 2. Consideration. Any promises made by the parties to the contract must be supported by legally sufficient and bargained-for consideration (something of value received or promised, such as money, to convince a person to make a deal). 3. Contractual capacity. Both parties entering into the contract must have the contractual capacity to do so; the law must recognize them as possessing characteristics that qualify them as competent parties. 4. Legality. The contract’s purpose must be to accomplish some goal that is legal and not against public policy.
Defenses to the Enforceability of a Contract Even if all of the above-listed requirements are satisfied, a contract may be unenforceable if the following requirements are not met. These requirements typically are raised as defenses to the enforceability of an otherwise valid contract.
1. Genuineness of assent. The apparent consent of both parties must be genuine.For example,if a contract was formed as a result of fraud, undue influence, mistake, or duress, the contract may not be enforceable. 2. Form. The contract must be in whatever form the law requires; for example, some contracts must be in writing to be enforceable.
Types of Contracts There are many types of contracts. In this section, you will learn that contracts can be categorized based on legal distinctions as to formation, performance, and enforceability.
Contract Formation As you can see in Exhibit 10–1, three classifications, or categories, of contracts are based on how and when a contract is formed. We explain each of these types of contracts in the following subsections. Bilateral versus Unilateral Contracts
Every contract involves at least two parties. The offeror is the party making the offer. The offeree is
the party to whom the offer is made.Whether the contract is classified as bilateral or unilateral depends on what the offeree must do to accept the offer and bind the offeror to a contract. Bilateral Contracts. If the offeree can accept simply by promising to perform,the contract is a bilateral contract. Hence, a bilateral contract is a “promise for a promise.” No performance, such as payment of funds or delivery of goods, need take place for a bilateral contract to be formed. The contract comes into existence at the moment the promises are exchanged. For example, Javier offers to buy Ann’s digital camcorder for $200.Javier tells Ann that he will give her the funds for the camcorder next Friday, when he gets paid. Ann accepts Javier’s offer and promises to give him the camcorder when he pays her on Friday. Javier and Ann have formed a bilateral contract. Unilateral Contracts. If the offer is phrased so that the offeree can accept the offer only by completing the contract performance, the contract is a unilateral contract. Hence,a unilateral contract is a “promise for an act.” 4 In other words,the time of contract formation in a unilateral contract is not the moment when promises are exchanged but the moment when the contract is performed. A classic example of a unilateral contract is as follows: O’Malley says to Parker,“If you carry this package across the Brooklyn Bridge, I’ll give you $20.” 4. Clearly, a contract cannot be “one sided,” because, by definition, an agreement implies the existence of two or more parties. Therefore, the phrase unilateral contract, if read literally, is a contradiction in terms.As traditionally used in contract law,however, the phrase refers to the kind of contract that results when only one promise is being made (the promise made by the offeror in return for the offeree’s performance).
Classifications Based on Contract Formation CO N T R AC T F O R MAT I O N
BILATERAL A promise for a promise
FORMAL Requires a special form for creation
EXPRESS Formed by words
UNILATERAL A promise for an act
INFORMAL Requires no special form for creation
IMPLIED IN FACT Formed at least in part by the parties’ conduct
Only on Parker’s complete crossing with the package does she fully accept O’Malley’s offer to pay $20. If she chooses not to undertake the walk, there are no legal consequences. Contests,lotteries,and other competitions involving prizes are examples of offers to form unilateral contracts. If a person complies with the rules of the contest—such as by submitting the right lottery number at
the right place and time—a unilateral contract is formed, binding the organization offering the prize to a contract to perform as promised in the offer. Can a school’s, or an employer’s, letter of tentative acceptance to a prospective student, or a possible employee,qualify as a unilateral contract? That was the issue in the following case.
C A S E 10.1 Ardito v. City of Providence United States District Court, District of Rhode Island, 2003. 263 F.Supp.2d 358.
Background and Facts In 2001, the city of Providence, Rhode Island, decided to begin hiring police officers to fill vacancies in its police department. Because only individuals who had graduated from the Providence Police Academy were eligible, the city also decided to conduct two training sessions, the “60th and 61st Police Academies.” To be admitted, an applicant had to pass a series of tests and be deemed qualified by members of the department after an interview. The applicants judged most qualified were sent a letter informing them that they had been selected to attend the academy if they successfully completed a medical checkup and a psychological examination. The letter for the applicants to the 61st Academy, dated October 15, stated that it was “a conditional offer of employment.” Meanwhile, a new chief of police, Dean Esserman, decided to revise the selection process, which caused some of those who had received the letter to be rejected. Derek Ardito and thirteen other newly rejected applicants—who had all completed the examinations—filed a suit in a federal district court against the city, seeking a halt to the 61st Academy unless they were allowed to attend. They alleged that, among other things, the city was in breach of contract. IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE COURT
ERNEST C. TORRES, Chief District Judge.
* * * * * * * [T]he October 15 letter * * * is a classic example of an offer to enter into a unilateral contract. The October 15 letter expressly stated that it was a “conditional offer of employment” and the message that it conveyed was that the recipient would be admitted into the 61st Academy if he or she successfully completed the medical and psychological examinations, requirements that the city could not lawfully impose unless it was making a conditional offer of employment. [Emphasis added.] Moreover, the terms of that offer were perfectly consistent with what applicants had been told when they appeared [for their interviews]. At that time,[Police Major Dennis] Simoneau informed them that,if they “passed”the [interviews],they would be offered a place in the academy provided that they also passed medical and psychological examinations. The October 15 letter also was in marked contrast to notices sent to applicants by the city at earlier stages of the selection process. Those notices merely informed applicants that they had completed a step in the process and remained eligible to be considered for admission into the academy. Unlike the October 15 letter, the prior notices did not purport to extend a “conditional offer” of admission. The plaintiffs accepted the city’s offer of admission into the academy by satisfying the specified conditions. Each of the plaintiffs submitted to and passed lengthy and intrusive medical and psychological examinations. In addition, many of the plaintiffs, in reliance on the City’s offer, jeopardized their standing with their existing employers by notifying the employers of their anticipated departure, and some plaintiffs passed up opportunities for other employment. CASE CONTINUES
* * * * The city argues that there is no contract between the parties because the plaintiffs have no legally enforceable right to employment. The city correctly points out that, even if the plaintiffs graduate from the Academy and there are existing vacancies in the department, they would be required to serve a one-year probationary period during which they could be terminated without cause * * * .That argument misses the point.The contract that the plaintiffs seek to enforce is not a contract that they will be appointed as permanent Providence police officers; rather, it is a contract that they would be admitted to the Academy if they passed the medical and psychological examinations.
• Decision and Remedy The court issued an injunction to prohibit the city from conducting the 61st Police Academy unless the plaintiffs were included. The October 15 letter was a unilateral offer that the plaintiffs had accepted by passing the required medical and psychological examinations.
• What If the Facts Were Different? Suppose that the October 15 letter had used the
phrase “potential offer of employment” instead of using the word “conditional.” Would the court in this case still have considered the letter to be a unilateral contract? Why or why not?
• The Legal Environment Dimension Why did the court order the city to stop the 61st Police Academy unless the plaintiffs were included?
A Problem with Unilateral Contracts. A problem arises in unilateral contracts when the promisor (the one making the promise) attempts to revoke (cancel) the offer after the promisee (the one to whom the promise was made) has begun performance but before the act has been completed.The promisee can accept the offer only on full performance, and under traditional contract principles, an offer may be revoked at any time before the offer is accepted. The present-day view,however,is that an offer to form a unilateral contract becomes irrevocable—cannot be revoked—once performance has begun. Thus, even though the offer has not yet been accepted,the offeror is prohibited from revoking it for a reasonable time period. For instance, in the earlier example involving the Brooklyn Bridge, suppose that Parker is walking across the bridge and has only three yards to go when O’Malley calls out to her,“I revoke my offer.” Under traditional contract law, O’Malley’s revocation would terminate the offer. Under the modern view of unilateral contracts, however, O’Malley will not be able to revoke his offer because Parker has undertaken performance and walked all but three yards of the bridge. In these circumstances, Parker can finish crossing the bridge and bind O’Malley to the contract. Formal versus Informal Contracts Another
classification system divides contracts into formal con-
tracts and informal contracts. Formal contracts are contracts that require a special form or method of creation (formation) to be enforceable. Contracts under seal are a type of formal contract that involves a formalized writing with a special seal attached.5 In the past, the seals were often made of wax and impressed on the paper document.Today, the significance of the seal in contract law has lessened, though standardform contracts still sometimes include a place for a seal next to the signature lines. Letters of credit, which are frequently used in international sales contracts,are another type of formal contract. As will be discussed in Chapter 22, letters of credit are agreements to pay contingent on the purchaser’s receipt of invoices and bills of lading (documents evidencing receipt of, and title to, goods shipped). Informal contracts (also called simple contracts) include all other contracts.No special form is required (except for certain types of contracts that must be in writing), as the contracts are usually based on their substance rather than their form. Typically, businesspersons put their contracts in writing to ensure that there is some proof of a contract’s existence should problems arise. 5. The contract under seal has been almost entirely abolished under such provisions as UCC 2–203 (Section 2–203 of the Uniform Commercial Code). In sales of real estate, however, it is still common to use a seal (or an acceptable substitute).
Express versus Implied-in-Fact Contracts
2. The plaintiff expected to be paid for that service or
Contracts may also be categorized as express or implied by the conduct of the parties.We look here at the differences between these two types of contracts.
property, and the defendant knew or should have known that payment was expected. 3. The defendant had a chance to reject the services or property and did not.
Express Contracts. In an express contract, the terms of the agreement are fully and explicitly stated in words, oral or written.A signed lease for an apartment or a house is an express written contract.If a classmate calls you on the phone and agrees to buy your textbook from last semester for $45, an express oral contract has been made. Implied-in-Fact Contracts. A contract that is implied from the conduct of the parties is called an implied-in-fact contract or an implied contract. This type of contract differs from an express contract in that the conduct of the parties, rather than their words, creates and defines the terms of the contract.(Note that a contract may be a mixture of an express contract and an implied-in-fact contract. In other words, a contract may contain some express terms, while others are implied.) Requirements for Implied-in-Fact Contracts. For an implied-in-fact contract to arise, certain requirements must be met. Normally, if the following conditions exist, a court will hold that an implied contract was formed:
For example,suppose that you need an accountant to complete your tax return this year.You look through the Yellow Pages and find an accountant with an office in your neighborhood. You drop by the firm’s office, explain your problem to an accountant, and learn what fees will be charged. The next day you return and give her administrative assistant all the necessary information and documents, such as canceled checks and W-2 forms. You then walk out the door without saying anything expressly to the accountant. In this situation, you have entered into an implied-infact contract to pay the accountant the usual and reasonable fees for her services. The contract is implied by your conduct and by hers. She expects to be paid for completing your tax return, and by bringing in the records she will need to do the work, you have implied an intent to pay her. Disputes often arise between construction contractors and subcontractors. In the following case, the question was whether the subcontractor could receive extra compensation for work that was not listed in the parties’ express contract based on the existence of an implied-in-fact contract.
1. The plaintiff furnished some service or property.
C A S E 10.2 Gary Porter Construction v. Fox Construction, Inc. Court of Appeals of Utah, 2004. 2004 UT App. 354, 101 P.3d 371. a
• Background and Facts The University of Utah contracted with Fox Construction, Inc., to build
a women’s gymnastics training facility on the university’s campus. Fox subcontracted with Gary Porter Construction to do excavation and soil placement work, according to specific sections of the project’s plans (the “Included Sections”), for $146,740. Later, Fox asked Porter to do additional work that had not been included in the subcontract (the “Excluded Sections”). Porter did all of the work, but Fox refused to pay more than the amount of the subcontract, claiming that the added work had been mistakenly excluded from it. Porter filed a suit in a Utah state court against Fox, alleging, among other things, breach of an implied-in-fact contract. The court granted Porter’s motion for summary judgment. Fox appealed to a state intermediate appellate court.
a. In the “Court of Appeals” section, in the “By Date” row, click on “2004.” In the list that opens, scroll to the name of the case and click on it to access the opinion.The Utah State Courts, through their Administrative Office of the Courts, maintain this Web site. CASE CONTINUES
BILLINGS, Presiding Judge.
* * * * Porter argues that Fox owes additional compensation for work it did under the Excluded Sections based upon a contract implied in fact. To succeed on this claim, Porter must show that (1) Fox requested Porter to perform the work under the Excluded Sections, (2) Porter expected additional compensation from Fox for the work,and (3) Fox knew or should have known that Porter expected additional compensation.The facts provided by Porter satisfy all of these elements and are not properly controverted [opposed] by Fox. In its [motion for summary judgment] Porter set forth the following facts * * * : (1) Jeff Wood, Fox’s project manager, drafted the subcontract which contains only the Included Sections; (2) Fox repeatedly asked Porter to perform work outside the subcontract under the Excluded Sections; (3) Porter performed all work identified in the subcontract as well as the requested work under the Excluded Sections; (4) for months, Fox reviewed and paid * * * bills from Porter which identified the work performed, the costs of the work, and the specific section under which the work was done; (5) at times, Fox acknowledged that Porter was performing work outside the subcontract; and (6) the total cost of the work performed by Porter was $296,750.00, and the amount Fox paid Porter was $135,441.62, leaving a balance of $161,309.08. The additional facts submitted by Fox do not create a material dispute regarding any of the three elements required for Porter’s implied-in-fact contract claim. Fox does not dispute that it requested Porter to perform work under the Excluded Sections; and Fox provides no facts to dispute Porter’s claim that Porter expected additional compensation for the work under the Excluded Sections. However, Fox does attempt to dispute the third element [in the first paragraph above]—whether Fox knew or should have known that Porter expected additional compensation. * * * * * * * [Floyd Cox, Fox’s vice president, testified] that one Excluded Section,“section 2300, had been left out of the subcontract”; and Wood [testified] “that there was a section of specifications that was left out of the subcontract by mistake.” Neither statement creates a material dispute over whether the Excluded Sections are part of the subcontract because they do not explain how the mistakes occurred despite ordinary diligence on the part of Fox.Also, because Fox presents no evidence that Porter should have known about Fox’s mistake either when it entered into the subcontract or after performing, billing for, and being paid for work under the Excluded Sections, as a matter of law, Fox should have known that Porter expected additional compensation for its work under the Excluded Provisions. [Emphasis added.] The facts set forth [by Fox] do not create a material dispute regarding whether (1) Fox requested Porter to perform the work under the Excluded Sections, (2) Porter expected additional compensation from Fox for the work,and (3) Fox knew or should have known that Porter expected additional compensation.Also,Fox does not dispute the amounts provided by Porter regarding the value of the work for which it was uncompensated. Therefore, the trial court did not err when it granted Porter’s motion for summary judgment against Fox for $161,309.08.
• Decision and Remedy The state intermediate appellate court affirmed the lower court’s
summary judgment in favor of Porter. The appellate court concluded that Porter had met all of the requirements for establishing an implied-in-fact contract: Porter provided its services at Fox’s request, expecting to be paid, which Fox knew or should have known.
The Ethical Dimension Should a court accept without proof a party’s assertion that something was or was not done “by mistake”? Explain.
• The E-Commerce Dimension Would the outcome of this case have been different if the
parties had communicated via an e-mail system that limited the size of the documents that they could transmit to each other? Why or why not?
Contract Performance Contracts are also classified according to the degree to which they have been performed. A contract that has been fully performed on both sides is called an executed contract. A contract that has not been fully performed by the parties is called an executory contract. If one party has fully performed but the other has not, the contract is said to be executed on the one side and executory on the other, but the contract is still classified as executory. For example, assume that you agree to buy ten tons of coal from the Northern Coal Company. Further assume that Northern has delivered the coal to your steel mill, where it is now being burned. At this point, the contract is executed on the part of Northern and executory on your part.After you pay Northern for the coal, the contract will be executed on both sides.
Contract Enforceability A valid contract has the elements necessary to entitle at least one of the parties to enforce it in court. Those elements,as mentioned earlier,consist of (1) an agreement consisting of an offer and an acceptance of that offer, (2) supported by legally sufficient consideration,(3) made by parties who have the legal capacity to enter into the contract,and (4) made for a legal purpose. As you can see in Exhibit 10–2, valid contracts may be enforceable, voidable, or unenforceable. Additionally, a contract may be referred to as a void contract. We look next at the meaning of the terms
voidable, unenforceable, and void in relation to contract enforceability. Voidable Contracts A voidable contract is a valid contract but one that can be avoided at the option of one or both of the parties. The party having the option can elect either to avoid any duty to perform or to ratify (make valid) the contract. If the contract is avoided, both parties are released from it. If it is ratified,both parties must fully perform their respective legal obligations. As you will read in Chapter 13, contracts made by minors, insane persons, and intoxicated persons may be voidable. For example, contracts made by minors generally are voidable at the option of the minor (with certain exceptions). Additionally, contracts entered into under fraudulent conditions are voidable at the option of the defrauded party. Contracts entered into under legally defined duress or undue influence are also voidable (see Chapter 14). Unenforceable Contracts An unenforceable contract is one that cannot be enforced because of certain legal defenses against it.It is not unenforceable because a party failed to satisfy a legal requirement of the contract; rather, it is a valid contract rendered unenforceable by some statute or law. For example, certain contracts must be in writing (see Chapter 15), and if they are not,they will not be enforceable except in certain exceptional circumstances.
Enforceable, Voidable, Unenforceable, and Void Contracts ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT A valid contract that can be enforced because there are no legal defenses against it.
VALID CONTRACT A contract that has the necessary contractual elements: agreement, consideration, legal capacity of the parties, and legal purpose.
VOIDABLE CONTRACT A party has the option of avoiding or enforcing the contractual oblig